Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 6, 2023

Mexican Navy Personnel In Coordination With The FGR, Locate And Dismantle Six Clandestine Laboratories In The State Of Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from Secretary of the Navy 

Secretaría de Marina : October 06, 2023 : Press Release

Six clandestine laboratories dismantled in Sinaloa.

Mexico City, October 6, 2023.- The Secretary of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, informs that in recent days, Naval personnel in coordination with the Attorney General's Office (FGR), located and neutralized six clandestine laboratories for the production of synthetic drugs, in four actions, in different towns of the State of Sinaloa.

In the first event, two laboratories were located and dismantled in the towns of "Las Habas and Los Mimbres", in the municipality of Cósala, with approximately 7,200 (seven thousand two hundred) kilograms of methamphetamine, 1,600 (one thousand six hundred) liters of essential chemicals, 725 (seven hundred twenty-five) kilograms of chemical precursors, eight reactors of different capacities, as well as diverse material for the production of this synthetic drug.


In a second action, two laboratories in the towns of "Las Trancas and El Capule", in the municipality of Cosala were destroyed and dismantled, with approximately 8,750 (eight thousand seven hundred and fifty) kilograms of methamphetamine, 11,650 (eleven thousand six hundred and fifty) liters of essential chemicals, 26,320 (twenty-six thousand three hundred and twenty) kilograms of chemical precursors, 18 reactors, 20 distillers, as well as diverse material for the elaboration of this drug.

In a third event, a laboratory was located and neutralized in the town of "Ibonía" in the municipality of Cósala, with approximately 2,200 (two thousand two hundred) kilograms of methamphetamine, six reactors, three distillers, as well as diverse material for the elaboration of synthetic drugs.

Finally, in a fourth action, a laboratory was located and dismantled in the town of "Agua Caliente de los Yuriar" in the municipality of San Ignacio, with approximately 2,500 (two thousand five hundred) kilograms of methamphetamine, 10,790 (ten thousand seven hundred and ninety) liters of essential chemicals, 3,350 (three thousand three hundred and fifty) kilograms of chemical precursors, seven reactors, nine distillers, as well as diverse material for the elaboration of synthetic drugs.

So far this year, a total of 143 clandestine laboratories have been located, dismantled and destroyed, as well as more than 276 tons of methamphetamines and more than 457 tons of chemical precursors, resulting in a loss of millions of dollars to organized crime.

With these actions, the Secretary of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, contributes to the joint efforts to combat criminal behavior, both in the establishment of clandestine laboratories and in the production of synthetic drugs in our country, thus weakening the production and distribution of drugs by criminal groups.

. -Army of Mexico, in  the Sea, in the Air, on Land-

-ooOoo -


  1. Some of the seizures where previously covered but I thought it was worth sharing the press release by LOS DEL ANCLA

    1. Averaging about two tons per seizure, these are very significant seizures. Taking out 276 tons of product is very difficult for any criminal organization to bear.

    2. 08:26 yeaup, that definitely interferes with the private parties. Damn. That's a lot of chemical dope.

  2. Con permiso de los Menores todo se puede 👏 Thank You Chapitos From a American 🇺🇲 no más fetanilo 👍

  3. Elections coming up next year in the US and Mexico what great throphy for Biden and AMLO having the Chapitos in US jails next year and claiming to have dismantled part of the CDS it’s a win win for both of them

  4. A chinga, no pues wow.
    El Cabron de Tamaulipas

    1. It's good to hear from you Cabron. I hope all is going well on your end.

    2. Ehi Detroit! Yes I’m fine, gracias amigo, but the guy you replied to wasn’t me, it was someone who stole my nickname. 🤣

      I have a fan, I guess…

      El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

  5. Lol bullshit it was meth only… why don’t they say what precursors they are??


  7. It’s alarming how many people are fleeing and crossing our border from all this in Sinaloa and other states never have I seen so many cartel people inside the states they are running from the lab unemployment and internal issues they get paranoid and run over here after all the hell they raised back in Mexico

    1. No period kid, your not on the right path, you adding a different scenario.
      It's imagtants, that are fleeing other latin countries, passing through Mexico to try to make it into the USA.

  8. Saludos alos Yuriar arriba San Agustin y ixpalino plebada

  9. Cosalá has a huge amount of drug labs , these were handed to the government

  10. How much does losing 1 ton of meth set a cartel back, around $2M?

    1. Nope. I'll say from 500-700k from chemicals to finished product.


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