Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Mexico And China Agree To Cooperate To Combat Fentanyl Trafficking

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

This approach highlights the importance of Mexico to combat illicit trafficking of precursor chemicals

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) informed that the governments of Mexico and China agreed to cooperate to combat trafficking in substances used to manufacture fentanyl at the first meeting of the Working Group on Precursor Chemicals.

A Mexican delegation visited China from Monday to Friday to meet with Xu Datong, vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security, as well as officials from the National Narcotics Control Commission, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

During the meeting, the governments proposed a draft of rules for the Mexico-China Working Group on Chemical Precursors.

"The two parties agreed on the importance of continuing to cooperate within the scope of their respective jurisdictions and powers to combat the illicit trafficking of narcotics and chemical precursors, taking into account that there have already been successful cases of joint work," said the SRE.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had revealed in May that he was seeking an agreement with China to exchange information on the illegal trafficking of fentanyl from Asia to the country and then to the United States.

On May 5, the president claimed to have proof of illegal fentanyl trafficking from China, something Beijing denied after a letter sent by the Mexican president to his counterpart, Xi Jinping, in April to ask for help in combating the drug.

López Obrador sent a second letter to the Chinese president after the Mexican Navy found, at the beginning of May, a shipment of more than 20 tons coming from the Chinese port of Qingdao that hid fentanyl and methamphetamines.

On the tour, the Mexican delegation visited the Precursor Chemicals Administration, the Chemical Registration Center of the Department of Emergency Management, a logistics supervision center and a narcotics research laboratory in Beijing.

"This working visit of officials and experts from different Mexican government agencies and institutions confirms Mexico's willingness to continue cooperating to combat the scourge of drugs that affects Mexican society and the international community," said the SRE.

The Mexican delegation was headed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and included officials from the Ministry of the Navy, the Attorney General's Office (FGR) and the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris).



  1. "it's hard to make predictions,
    especially about the future"
    .. Yogi Berra

    1. He who controls the past, controls the present.. and he who controls the present, controls the future. 🦉

    2. 7:48 and lets not forget picolo was more of a dad to Gohan than Goku

    3. 'I smoke one joint in the morning, I smoke one joint in the evening ".
      Bob Marley

    4. "People say I'm no good, and crazy as a loon,
      'cuz I get stoned in the mornin',
      I get drunk in the afternoon"
      .. Charlie Daniels Band

    5. "The pool's in but the patio ain't dry"
      -Keith Richards

    6. Their captions are deep, but their as shallow as a puddle.
      Te amo chivis

    7. You can never loose if you never quit

    8. "Animo Sicarios"
      - Sicario006

    9. If that's winning I'd rather lose.

    10. You can't lose if you don't enter to win (but you can't win).

    11. "King Kong ain't got shit on me" -Alonzo Harris

    12. The how the cookie crumbles.

    13. At a boy cowboy.

    14. See you later alligator.

    15. In a while, crocodile

    16. Gotta flee, you handsome bee.

    17. Dios no ahoraca nomas aprieta

    18. Al que madruga dios lo ayuda

    19. Lente oscuro marijuano seguro

    20. Al que no madruga, Dios lo ayuda.

    21. A la prima se le arima.

    22. "Bend over, rover let Sol take over."

      Don Pedro Cuervo

    23. "There's no Fentanyl being produced in Mexico, it comes from USA".


    24. Who’s ALMO? I am new here to BB and don’t yet know all the players

    25. 5:44
      I believe ALMO is a variation on "Elmo", the muppet character, which is a derogatory take on the president of the republic's name, Andreas Manuel Lopez Obrador, whose acronym spells AMLO..
      Follow the site, and hopefully, the pieces of the puzzle will eventually fall into place..

    26. 5:44
      ALMO has said some outlandish things, that I have found his speech writer does. Don't know why he read that one, when we all know Fentanyl is produced in drug labs in Mexico.

  2. I remember reading the article ALMO, had said to Ze Ping , to help stop the shipments of Fentanyl Precursor chemicals from coming out of China and Ze Ping flatly denied it.
    Bunch of Minterosos in politics.

  3. That's a fucking laugh. The government of a narco state and a bunch of commies committed to destroying the U.S. saying they will stop exporting poison.

    1. That's not the point. The point is they are lying their asses off.

    2. Drug addicts are in every country, but no-one is producing and marketing fentanyl as efficiently and deadly as China and Mexico.
      The cost isn't just the lives of foreign addicts, it's the very real violence inherent in every Mexican's daily life, which won't be changed by AMLO's hugs or some pissant dog and pony show put on by the Chinese for Mexican governments tourists.

    3. 10:01 nope cartels like CDs chapitos went out of they're way to flood the US with that garbage. But Ivan limping like a scarred girl now that ovidio snitching

    4. @0301 to say china and Mexico also market this shit is a stretch

    5. There are drug addicts in every country, but no country has 400
      Million people and more money than god and a wide open border right next to Mexico. And as for China it’s a great way a hurting your hated rival while not actually militarily engaging with the US because China has a lot of flash and shit but for all its people and weapons most are shit and their officers and generals have never fought a war in their life they have zero battle field knowledge.. the US would control the air in pretty short order and after that it’s pretty much over

  4. Marmelo's group is still pushing shit.

  5. Mexico being played by Beijing with this working group business. It’s all up to China clamp down on their end first and foremost.

    1. Yes but why should they? Its a good business for them and feeds many people, not talking about that none forces them to do drugs.

  6. Xi is going to help stopping the flow of precursor chemicals to Mexico? It’s like asking Jeffrey dahmer not to eat human meats. Lmao

    1. Your obviously dont remember covid 2:22 if China wants it will stop the sales in China.

  7. And China and Mexico formally concluded the agreement by dancing the La Cucuracha.

  8. This was really a business deal so mexico can get even more precursors to make their drugs


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