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Monday, October 9, 2023

San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León: 22 Drug Trafficking Cartels Operate Here

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mauricio Fernandez, PAN candidate for mayor of San Pedro, warns that up to 22 drug trafficking cartels operate in the municipality.

Video translation is as follows:

Mauricio Fernández: This isn’t a fight between two groups. It’s a fight between twenty. So now things are more complicated than before.

Perla Martínez: In San Pedro there are not only two cartels fighting for territory. There are more in the face of a disorder driven by the lack of coordination and federal support in the current administration. So says Mauricio Fernandez, the three-time mayor of this municipality and who promoted the much questioned Grupo Rudo to combat crime groups in the years from 2009 to 2012.

Mauricio Fernandez: There are a lot of people interested in participating and being in the plaza for what it represents economically and for many other reasons. So the issue is much more. This isn’t a fight between two cartels. It’s a fight between twenty of them. Things are much much more complicated than before. Why? Because they didn’t attend to the issue and now the issue is out of hand. Currently everyone wants to be in San Pedro and come to commit crime.

Perla Martinez: This week a report circulated by a company specializing in security identified a struggle between the Sinaloa Cartel and La Oficina, the Beltran Leyva's armed wing, as the main generators of violence in San Pedro. The Panista Mauricio Fernandez said that in a recent talk with a security specialist it was stated that in this municipality of San Pedro there are two cartels operating.

Mauricio Fernandez: It's not two as I had previously said. It’s actually twenty or twenty-two or whatever. But in that security meeting we had in the forum. There they presented twenty two criminal groups participating in San Pedro Garza Garcia.

Perla Martínez: Which groups specifically?

Mauricio Fernandez: Without a doubt Jalisco New Generation Cartel, Sinaloa Cartel, Beltran Leyva, there are many that with certainty are very strong national cartels. What’s happening is that now there are small cartels everywhere. And in San Pedro the reality is that many have been included. In other words, they have gotten into San Pedro. So, that's why I say this issue is very complicated.

Perla Martínez: For Mauricio, who is seeking to run for a fourth time for mayor of San Pedro, a strong hand is needed to keep order. At the moment this isn’t seen. Proof of this is that the closing hours of nightclubs are not being respected.

Mauricio Fernández: How bad could it be if the police couldn’t enter the nightclubs? Why do you think they control them? There are very obvious things happening here and you don't need to be a wise person to know this. Why don't the police close them down at 2 A.M. if they know that by law they must close them? Whose orders are the police following, or do they not give a fuck about the laws?

Perla Martinez: Mauricio as well as in the security report of a specialized company estimated that violence may increase in San Pedro if this isn’t addressed right away. 

Grupo Reforma


  1. We all know there's 23, the other one has him lined up in the pockets

    1. maybe its some CJNG ♣️ ish .. related to the 2011 arrest of Hernández Tarín.. sure CDG doesn’t really care… and their cease fire won’t last forever ..

  2. Went to Sibau in San Pedro Garza at like 12 AM and by a club afterward

    def. did not see the kind of halcones and narcomenuendo like in Los Cabos or TJ, or wherever

  3. Ya cualquier grupos pendejo se hace llamar cartel!

  4. LFM control most those cartels . the rest are norteñas yorones too small to matter.

    Semper Fi

    1. LFM don't control shit anymore pinche Semper alucin .. ya tas viejo cabron ya pongase las pilas hahaha @310pm Semper

    2. Conner ya tienes que saber que el michoacano le va dar hasta los últimos pelos. Se raja pura madre jaja.

    3. Pues yo he visto varios que se rajan .. aya en Houston mire como un
      salvatrucha le bajó los huevos a un michoacano hocicon

    4. Semper Fi is no longer on here these guys are just using his signature to get him trolled.

  5. I took a mean ass dump.

  6. We really need to stop identifying every criminal organization in Mexico as a cartel because it gets really confusing at times. Most of these criminal organizations are just small gangs that work for or under a cartel and are not a whole separate cartel.

    1. for real because there arent even 23 drug cartels

    2. 3:22 💯 correct. The definition of cartel would disqualify 5, 10, 20 or 22 operating in SPG.

    3. “Los Cartelitos”

    4. According to National Geographic Drugs Inc, all you need is two or more people to start your own drug cartel and place orders with Colombian drug gangs that deliver in bulk.

    5. Webster definition cartel: A cartel is an organization of a few independent producers for the purpose of improving the profitability of the firms involved. This usually involves some restriction of output, control of price, and allocation of market shares. Members of a cartel generally maintain their separate identities and financial independence while engaging in cooperative policies.

    6. Don’t know how many times I need to say this on this site - there are no “cartels” in Mexico. Unless of course you believe you can just choose your gender, well then, we can call ourselves whatever. But there are no cartels here.

  7. How can 22 cartels operate in a country that has really 2 cartels? The rest are just criminal organizations that dable in the drug business.

    1. You are very badly misinformed

    2. Cds and jalisco cartel. 2 cartels the other are factions and gangs.

  8. This guy knows what he’s talking about. People think that border cities or major metropolitan cities are only operated by the top cartels and that’s far from the truth. Every cartel group, as well as independent drug traffickers, operate in these places; especially Monterrey, Tijuana, Guadalajara, Ciudad de Mexico, Cancun etc.

    1. Yep all the real big cities have a few cartels operating there, its way easier to control a small city like Culiacan but even there they are back stabbing and killing each other

  9. So what’s the over/under on this guy making his next birthday? 🤷🏻‍♂️


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