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Monday, October 16, 2023

Semi-Trailer Seized In NL With More Than 500 "Narco-Supplies".

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LA JORNADA 

Police in Nuevo Leon detained a tractor-trailer carrying food supplies labeled "Cartel del Noreste". Photo taken from the social network X @GerardoPPmanes.

The driver of a tractor-trailer was detained in the border municipality of Anahuac, Nuevo Leon, after he was caught leaving a breach, transporting food supplies labeled with the acronym of the Northeast Cartel.

The State Public Security Secretary, Gerardo Palacios Pámanes, informed through his social networks, that the driver of the tractor-trailer was arrested, who said that he crossed from Nuevo Laredo to the municipality of Anáhuac through a breach and not by road.

The detainee revealed that the objective was to distribute the supplies among the inhabitants of the rancherías of this municipality and thus gain their sympathy, in order to prevent them from informing on the criminals.

Upon searching the vehicle, Fuerza Civil found boxes with various items such as flour, vegetable oil, toilet paper, beans, rice, soup, among other items corresponding to a pantry. Also, several doses of drugs were found.

In view of this situation, the subject, identified as César, 34 years old, was placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office, while his legal situation is being defined.

This support was intended to obtain the support of the villagers for the criminal group, which intended to distribute more than 500 "narcodespensas" in the north of the state, but they were intercepted by Fuerza Civil in Anahuac.

The packages, which contained at least 25 items, including food and cleaning supplies, were marked with the initials C.D.N, which correspond to the "Cartel del Noreste", a splinter group of the Zetas which has its main stronghold in Nuevo Laredo, according to police sources.

"Fuerza Civil detained the driver of a tractor-trailer that crossed from Nuevo Laredo to Anáhuac, Nuevo León, through a gap, transporting boxes of groceries labeled with the initials of a criminal group," the official explained.

"According to the detainee, the objective was to distribute them among ranchers to gain their sympathy, thus avoiding being denounced". The arrest was made on Donaciano E. Chavarría Street, between Iguana and Ignacio Zaragoza Avenue, in the center of Anáhuac.

Hours later, the state Security Secretariat detailed that in the truck there were 521 boxes, all with the initials C.D.N.

The grocery items would have a cost of approximately 600 pesos, if the average price in supermarkets of products such as rice, beans, flour, cookies and oatmeal, among others, is added.

In addition, 25 doses of crystal meth were found in the truck.




  1. Now, MX government is like Israel, blocking much needed humanitarian assistance to innocent civilians.

    1. Jajajaja No innocent people down there, not even your arab brothers want em

    2. Donde estan las sopa maruchanas?

  2. They make thousands of dollars and all they away are groceries what a bunch of cheap bastards.

    1. The box included 2,000 pesos

    2. Negative. A town that size they'll give 200, 500 TOPS no box if they're very desperate. After the seizure they'll say anything. Cops would've took the cash and left everything else.

  3. LOL "humanitarian" isn't this the same money they get from extortion, y el crobro de piso sube 100 pesos para siengente semana 🤣


  5. This publicity stunt has had me laughing. That someone that put this together is a cheap mf'r. They robbed a SiX shipment then got it took. Double the heat 🤣 They're resorting to this because they don't want to pay correctly so the cholos aren't robbing people. Those boxes are too big for that $250 despensa. It's better and safer to just give each household $500 and leaving them alone. But nooo, it hurts too much to see those billetitos leave their hand. Lo barato sale caro comandante. Pura bolsita de la más chiquita. Al menos hubieran llenado bien la cajita con más rollos 🤣

    1. 😂 looks like they robbed Oxxo and Chedraui.... That's what my essentials look like when I go shopping for my family.

    2. Def not Chedraui Select

    3. Word on the streets is a SiX truck got robbed for this. Chedraui has boujie options too but typically larger and less dusty. Mostly midtier store brands from LATAM. OXXO has small sized mostly premium and imports like Pop Tarts actual Hot Cheetos and 20oz Arizonas until last year. But now SiX, they got what you need to feed a family of 4 with $100. That Nesquik and Cheerios either past its Use By date or from a another robbing. Those Giro cookies on the bottom left get lost between OXXO racks but at SiX they're behind the counter. I've dined at these fine establishments countless times 😌

    4. 600 pesos a box roughly, say there was 525 boxes before the popo took a few, at $30 a box that’s $15.750. More or less

  6. Valen madre los cdn tacaños. Cuando el Señor Mencho manda despensas todo el pueblo amanece con mariachi banda cheve a lo cabron

    1. Jajajaja no mms wei Hansa Hasta hay videos que cjng Dando dispensas y son Las misma mmda jajajajajajaja t la mamaste

  7. "25" doses of meth I Love this term but its B.S what's 25 doses of meth in the USA the answer would be pathetic when I was doing for example lines they were dinner plate length no joke in the shower running water through my sinuses to clean out for the next round every time I here Doses and Mexico in the same article it's ludacris because in a country like Mexico a "Dose" Definitely is WHAT's Your FANTASY I smoked amounts of this crap that in America I'd get 10mor 20 years for probably the user amount is significantly higher in Mexico I never bought less than and ounce. If anyone can educate me on "DOSE" I'd love to know seems like Mexican LEO definitely missed the evidence collection and analyzation portion at the FARM IN LANGLEY

    1. A dose of meth in Mexico is usually less than a gram. Like .3-.6grams for $500 pesos if it has a cartoon Sombrero on the baggies

    2. No its 3000 an ounce in Ensenada Mexico From people who you won't die if you resell.

    3. .2 maybe .3 @10:18 chill out you should know what a dose is. Maybe where you’re from it’s different but down there people can only afford hits or doses 100 pesos Mexican is $5 American.

  8. On reddit they said that the boxes contained $2,000 pesos each


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