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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Sinaloa Cartel Asks Jalisco Governor To "Let CJNG Fight" Alone

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from DOMINIO PÚBLICO 

In flyers that were distributed in Lagos de Moreno, they released a list of municipal police officers who are allegedly paid by the CJNG.

On Wednesday, alleged messages and flyers were circulated by the Sinaloa Cartel in the municipality of Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, in which they accuse municipal police of collusion with the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG).

In a handwritten document circulated today, the Sinaloa Cartel allegedly asks Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro to stop sending state police to Teocaltiche and Encarnacion de Diaz: "It is more than obvious that you want to clear the way for the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, let them fight on their own, we have been here for more than 20 years and they have never been able to fight us," reads the text.

In the same letter they threaten: "You think it wouldn't be easy for us to fuck up their six pickup trucks, if we can and we have fucked up more than 20 of the CJNG.

In another part of the letter appears a list of police officers from Lagos de Moreno to whom the CJNG allegedly pays a sum of 2,500 pesos, although it does not specify the frequency of this amount.

So far, the authorities have not commented on this information.

In the last part of the text, Governor Enrique Alfaro is warned that this is the "last call" and that "everyone should dedicate themselves to their own territories".






  1. I commend there use of diplomacy over violence.

  2. 006 ánimo sicarios!
    Rusos and ninis will become allies to fight a common enemy to with of the support the United States government, they have formal training with ex SAS and navy seals David goggins and jocks willink they received sniper training with sniper legend Chris Kyle and they also participated in a cameo in the American film “American sniper” together they will kill or be killed and will be deployed in the upcoming weeks!

    1. They also have Richard Simmons as special health advisor.

  3. Estos vatos tienen mejor diestra que ni los 🦇, UNOPES o U.M.E...pero en estar chillando!

  4. It that region it's common practice to send teams of six units (trucks) at a time for recon or interception patrols. The gang leader is telling the Governor that his gang is so wid id they can easily take out them six trucks of bois in blue (state police). That his gang is about dat lyfe and has taken out 20 trucks of cjng [at a time]. The way this part is written, the $2,500 bribes, combined with the overall flow of the letter indicates to me that it may really just be a total six trucks of estatales being used to run em out the hood. A strong indicator that the gov'men really clearing the path for cjng.

  5. Sinaloa is old school. If you read this article carefully they are trying the diplomatic route first to ensure less death. Sigh. How about Americans and other just stop doing drugs...imagine that as a solution. We need to bring back Nancy Regans "Just say No to drugs" campaign and that commercial with the fried egg. Any questions? No....that is your brain on drugs...completely freakin fried like an egg. Anyways....I have to agree. Police should not be aiding any drug cartel for any reason.musy be a woman in charge these days to be so dman diplomatic. Sounds a bit like Enedina if you ask me....but no one ever does....that should tell you something right there.

    1. this is so wrong! they are threatening the governor with death not trying to avoid violence! this is a standard desperate move - call out your enemies in the hope that someone else will deal with them. and people will never stop using drugs - so just decriminalise them and take the money out of it and that solves the problem without trying to force something on people that will never happen.

    2. Welcome rookie.
      You 🤔 think if the drugs were eliminated, everyone will live happily ever after, and the Cartel members become altar boys.
      You got a lot of BB reading to catch up.
      Do I need to mention, they generate money in other ways.... kidnapping, human trafficking, extortion, cargo theft, home sale fraud, organ trafficking.
      Ha do you see the big picture.

    3. Of course they do … however we all know thag their cash cow, their bread and butter, meat and potatoes aka main revenue is drug trafficking… you eliminate their revenue streams and weaken them financially

    4. 6:44 so the governments (local, state and federal) of México get to work instead of using excuses just as you are. Prohibition didn't work, people wanted their alcohol, it was legalized, regulated and taxed and the bootleggers lost that income. Criminality will always exist, law enforcement needs to do its job not put up pretexts for why they'll be ineffective.

    5. 9:19 you're so naive at how the government of curupt Mexico works.
      You think Cartels don't bribe government officials and no one is making excuses for them.
      Welcome to the club.

    6. 10:39 yeah I'm so naive. Let México keep doing the same shit expecting a different result. I'm sure the criminals will simply get tired of their criminal ways and will voluntarily reform themselves.

    7. Man just because I like to catch a buzz doesn’t mean it’s my fault the cartel are murderous trash. Bullshit. That’s like blaming the cartel if I get strung out on drugs. Which they are a large factor the drugs are over here in the first place , but it has nothing to do with my free will as a human being. Mexicans are worse than blacks when it comes to pointing the finger and shucking responsibility.

    8. They are going the diplomatic route.... Haha! Just blow them already.

    9. Humans been wanting and getting high especially Americans way before Mexican cartels came around war on drugs is a racket can’t knock the Mexican Narcos Hustle they’re just capitalizing. Legalize all drugs illegall or not drug use will never stop. Alcohols a damn drug and tobacco it’s legal shit artificial foods is filled with chemicals giving cancer and the masses have new health diseases

  6. Mario Gonzales wasn’t crying when they were protecting him. He was quiet as a mouse when the National Guard would fight his battles. Now that he has no support, he’s feeling the heat.

    1. Bouta get his shit pushed in real deep

    2. pues asi son todos cuando no tienen ese territorio. lo mismo lloraban los CJNG y si llega a cambiar la moneda despues los CJNG van andar llorando.

    3. He paid to be left alone in that town meaning no government helping his rivals, thats why cjng kept trying to enter for over 2 years with monsters. And would get demolished by the 50 cals on the roofs and drones with the xplosives. But maybe he ran out of cash to keep feeding to the greedy piggies that the cjng bought them at the end of this sunmer

    4. 1:44 😂😂😂😂 stop lying bra it was always the army who stoped the CJNG advance, than this fools came out and would brag about winning, now that its the other way around they are saying dont help them, shit its not even the army helping CJNG, its the feds, any strong cell from any cartel should give them a good run for their money, but the CDS are now hiding like rats 😂

  7. Wait but I thought that alfaro was on cds back pocket . Also didn't alfaro hate the cjng . Wasn't his wife and ex mistress for a top cjng guy ? Something seems odd unless cjng finally meet alfaros asking price

    1. Where did you get that from. As far as I know and remember Alfaro has pretty much always been in cahoots with CJNG. That's how Los Pájaros Sierra got pushed out and how they've been able to take out politicians, ex governors, kidnap soldiers, and kill cops without much heat on them. And that's why the army didn't share info about when they carry out operations there. The govonor nor local law enforcement were in the blind. They've said it themselves, local and state law enforcement is in cahoots with CJNG.

    2. Alfaro hates them. They must have upped the cash flow.

    3. 2:06 that was before, now to my knowledge what 4:56 is true, there's a post here in BB where they talk about it, and thats why Cholo, aguila, the left overs from the Coroneles and this Gonzales dude where still fighting CJNG in Jalisco, but the first two cells already got taken care of, now is just this Gonzales guy and by the looks of it he is done

  8. Lol whether it is true or not ... why would cds be crying over say 20 municipales haha why not just bring in m0re CDS soldiers and wipe em out lol sounds like CJNG after hella years taking over Altos region jalisco

    1. Well thats really the only region they need mencho already in yauhalica all the way up to jalos

  9. Mexican cartels are the most dangerous and ruthless criminal organization, makes Russian, yakuza and triad looks like a choir boys.

    1. Ok Sinaloa Karen!

    2. "Mexican cartels are the most dangerous and ruthless"
      Bro how many times you gonna keep flogging that shit ?

    3. @1:39 for real.. sounds like Semper Fi praising michoacan when no one else even cares where michocan is on the map 😆

  10. CDS full of crybabies como Chapo

  11. RIP for the victims of Hurricane Otis.

  12. CJNG is Not king .. it's a changing of the guard or The Administration is coming... Well see who the New Administration is backing

  13. The snitch cartel strikes again 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. The sinaloa cartel got the state, federal navy and marines against the beltranes and now are crying, 😺

  15. The Governor of Jalisco is in the back pocket of CJNG. He’s sold out the Altos area of Jalisco including the local government. There’s a rumor that the mayor from Teocaltiche hasn’t been seen in a while and that the Governor is involved.

  16. Sinaloa crying again " why are tlyall helping them and not us"...

  17. When is the purge coming.
    Sol is the man, he is the machine.

    Rubio NYC


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