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on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 6, 2023

Special Surveillance Assigned To 'El Roy' Allegedly Involved In The Disappearance Of The Five Young Men In Lagos De Moreno: One Of The Most Wanted Members Of CJNG Cartel

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted PLANO INFORMATIVO INFORMACIÓN VERAZ Y CONFIABLE 

Reforma Agency | 05/10/2023 | 07:09

The man arrested for his alleged involvement in the disappearance of the five young men in Lagos de Moreno turned out to be one of the most wanted members of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) in Los Altos and therefore has special surveillance in prison.


He is Rogelio "M," alias "El Roy," who appears in the top ranks of the structure that operates in the Altos Norte and Altos Sur regions, according to the organizational chart that Guacamaya Leaks hacked from the Sedena in 2022, based on the hierarchical diagram of the criminal group.


The subject, according to sources from the Jalisco Prosecutor's Office, could be related to other cases of deprivation of liberty in Lagos de Moreno and its surroundings.


The Ministerial Police captured him on Thursday, September 28 on J. Jesus Lopez Alvarez Street, near the intersection of the Lagos de Moreno-San Juan de los Lagos Highway.


"El Roy" - slim, 1.80 meters tall and with Santa Muerte or Holy Death, Saint Death tattoos on his neck and arm - is being held in custody at the Regional Integral Justice Center, where he is under focused surveillance.


Authorities link him to crimes of disappearances, mainly in the case of Roberto, Jaime, Uriel, Dante and Diego, who have not been located.


Yesterday, the Prosecutor's Office announced the arrest of Celestino "M", also linked to the case of the five friends. The subject was identified as one of the participants and an arrest warrant was served on him.


Following the capture of "El Roy", the investigation has leaned towards the hypothesis that members of the CJNG were involved in the disappearance, registered on August 11, and not those of the Sinaloa Cartel.


At the farm where a video of the youths was recorded, the letters MZ -- associated with Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada -- were found painted on the walls, but the initials CJNG were also discovered, which appeared to have been erased.


In the search for the five boys, the Special Prosecutor's Office for Missing Persons has found the remains of at least seven people in Colonia Orillas del Agua.


The brothers Emanuel and Enhau "A", as well as Valentin "S", were arrested for these last cases. Celestino would also be related to these findings.





  1. Lagos de Moreno is a known CJNG plaza from the beginning I felt like CJNG committed this crime.

    At the moment it all points to CJNG I will keep sharing articles because it is important for all of us to know the true.

    Again though Lagos de moreno, san juan de los lagos, Tepatitlan are all CJNG plazas someone correct me if I am wrong

    1. i think its contested since at least one year. there are daily killings since a long time.

    2. When talking about plazas it's nearly impossible to be certain. Especially since some switch back and forth weekly depending on who's answering. Monte Escobedo for example. For more than a year it's been MZ. I know this. Many will say otherwise. Some weeks you can go into Huejucar wearing a cap with a Sombrero emblem. This until someone doesn't come back. The Tepetongo entrance has always been hot. Even with all the recent stuff in Teocaltiche there's still those saying that Sinaloa has no presence in Jalisco. Those places you ask about I'm only familiar with San Juan de los Lagos. Yes, it's supposed to be a Jalisco stronghold. All Los Altos is. But again, Teocaltiche, a Sinaloa stronghold, is nearby. I can't certify who done it. But I can assure you it's not difficult for either gang to travel within that whole region "undetected." I'm giving you the best, most neutral answer I can.

    3. I would say its a good bet CJNG did it but sure is fun saying CDs did and watching commenters freak out

    4. I thought they found those 5 kids bodies? was it not them that they found?

    5. 11:59 No. They don't find who they're looking for but do find more buried bodies so it's still "progress" Mexican style right?

    6. 7:13 😂😂😂 true i probably seen like 2 or 3 true CJNG cheerleaders but not go as hard as the 20 or so CDS cheerleaders, ive tryed to troll CJNG guys but its no fun, cause you dont get as many responds as you do when you say the CDS freak out, shit if this post said it was CDS who did it, it would of gotten 100's of comments deffending them like when the video first came out 😂 y no te acaves sinaloa!!! Porque lla no me voy a poder reir 😢

  2. Rogelio Marquez Montoy the alleged Lagos de Moreno plaza boss that was captured

  3. Sounds like another Z to me..

  4. Thanks Char.
    This is a pretty encouraging capture. It's looking like very capable police work.

  5. Cjng rats too quite on this one

    1. El Señor Mencho tiene puros gallos bajo su mando. Las ratas son las sinalocas. En Jalisco no hay ningún sinaloca vivo 💯🐓💯

  6. Pues la concubina de Rogelio Márquez Monroy jura y perjura que el es un hombre de bien y que sus hijitos sufren mucho bullying por los señalamientos.

  7. Pathetic part is who even knows who really did this. They say this guy…ok… the corruption dictates we must hard question this

  8. And why did this happen?

    1. Yeah article said the 5 dudes were his friends. Who wacks their friends unless someone else is setting up Roy.

  9. Char did you already hear about the manta put up in tecolatiche Jalisco by Mario Gonzalez jr asking the town boycot the presence of the authorities

    1. 10:35 little bitch is scare, now he asking the people for help? 🤣 no que muy verga pues, que le llame a sus soldados que siempre lo defienden

    2. 1:02 authorities stopped protecting him now . Cds about to get pushed out of Jalisco

    3. 1:02 jalisco is mencho's house, Mario getting kicked out the shed but he's refusing to leave.
      Eviction notice is up and he must leave !!

    4. When did they stop protecting him ?

    5. 5:50 i can tell you havent kept tabs on this little war but if i remember correctly since march of this year CJNG has been pushing HARD on teocaltiche, but every time they enter the military would respond, there were a few big gun battles, but it was always CJNG vs military, and of curse some Marios guys would take a few pictures after the battle and claimed they won ( i guess they did since the militaries were on their side) but now since about august it seems the tables have turned, now CJNG is paying some one (maybe even the militaries who use to back up Mario) more money, just hear me out if you were a military getting payed 10,000 by CDS to fight CJNG or getting payed 15,000 by CJNG to just get involved what brive would you get? I mean in one you are risking your live for 10,000 in the other brive you are getting payed more for staying at your tent and playing cards, what would you choose?

    6. 8:08 it was only a matter of time before It happened. I might be wrong this Is just my opinion but I feel like in a few years CJNG is just going to concentrate power in a few States like Jalisco Nayarit and so on. They have been getting pushed back in alot of their war fronts as of late

  10. Has a CJNG fan boy i apoligized to SINALOA fan boys we were wrong on these one CJNG did it period

    1. You are welcome to join us now, our only request is for you to be a snitch and believe our fake corridos 👯‍♀️👨‍🦯👨‍❤️‍👨

  11. Where is RR at on the diagram/chart? I don’t know much about them, just curious. Thanks

    1. At 1248. Yessss I was thinking the same thing.

      Rubio NYC

  12. I wonder if these guys where working with MZ cause it just doesn't make sense to me so much heat. It must of been a big fuck up then or the kids where involved in something. Useally the shot callers are smart enough to not bring that much heat to themselves

    1. Yup. If the youngsters were around in the plaza than some tablazos, doesn't seem like they were as most of them had hobbies or occupations and if they were causing trouble why not a quiet albeit brutal death? Those killings were meant to heat up the plaza and region.

    2. Teocaltiche is cds affiliated to pizza. The current boss there is son of someone that was close to Chapo. Names escape me. They been running a tight ship because they're surrounded. Since they been there this long I'm pretty sure Jalisco perpetrated that hit to help justify government intervention. The ones that haven't fled have nowhere to run now. Everyone without a Jalisco credential getting crossed up.

    3. Also, it's difficult to believe these innocent looking kids are innocent. They always have some connection. They're either halcones, chilling with halcones, or at some point seen alluding affiliation.

    4. 7:53 Mario González was the Jefe, MG Jr took over after he got out. SEDENA and GN have been protecting them whenever CJNG has tried to enter Teocaltiche. Heat up the region and get a shitload of Federal government in that area who can be corrupted through the already bought off contacts in those plazas. Just days ago some mantas were put in Teocaltiche by MG complaining about their former protectors, now they're corrupt and the pueblo should shun them.
      If NG did have those youngster butchered than the people who control that area have gone retarded. I still say CDS or their proxies did it. Maybe time will tell us.

    5. 8:39 Yeah but by then en Teo ya se los cargo. I feel a little pity for the little monsters there. How news gets filtered then believing what they want. Probably think they're at the verge of a historic battle.

    6. 1:40 MG Jr as terco as Marro/CSRDL

  13. let the people talk

  14. Haven't seen la Garra in a while. Funny how he's called Lupillo. By that look it's no doubt his homies in LA are missing him.

  15. I think about the leadership of CJNG in Zapotlanejo. Apparently there is a big trafficker under that banner there.

    I don't believe RR has been arrested so I don't understand why Sedena would show that?

    That 04 Cuco of Zona Metro GDL looks like a real fucking filthy piece of shit. Strikes me as the type with an excessive amount of pride over who he is. I hate those types of fucking monkeys in power. They are a handful in their plazas around downtown. Acting like owners of the world. One tried to exert his power over me once. If the devil had gave me a gun out there I would've put one between his eyes. There is no room in my world where I can stand in support of those types. Disgusting. Evil for evil is the way in that world.

    -Adn tapatio en Chicago

    1. Yeah I thought that looked like him. Maybe it's from the last time before he got promoted...


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