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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Texas Seizes Cartel Island In The Rio Grande In Risky First-Of-A-Kind Operation

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently decided in ordering his Texas military force and state police to retake “Fronton Island” by force and to hold it, come what may.

Center For Immigration Studies


  1. YES, Set up a special ops command post, bring in the tanks/Apache and take more land.

    1. 2:33 - They didn’t take anything. As far as I know, this island has always belong to America. This feels more like a propaganda video. Making it seem like the soldiers were going on some dangerous mission when in reality they probably already knew the island was vacant to begin with.

    2. Calm down napoleon

    3. 2:33 shut your weak ass up lol you can always tell who the keyboard warriors are

    4. Sounds like you’re butthurt they took that island. You can get that m855 too

    5. Wow what a publicity stunt. They are going to clear the vegetation. What about when it grows back again the way vegetation grows. They going to put grounds keepers ? Huh?

  2. this is what USA has the ability to do, scare off the cartels. They created these cartels they can also destroy them

    1. Anyone with a brain that lives in Texas knows its all a ticking time bomb until President Trump is elected president again. At that point it will be an all out spec8al forces attack on the cartel and it will be like watching men take out cartel little boys. Our special forces gave been tracking down and Killin terrorist for 20 years in Afganastan and Iraq,tracking the AL Quieda and getting rid of ISUS . Once given the orders they will unleash such a toll on the cartels it will be a shock and awe to the Mexican culture Trump hates the cartels and will.treat them as he did ISIS kill them all as brutally as possible watch. There time is very short.

    2. We could just shoot some Patriot missiles and take out the labs, quietly,” “No one would know it was us.” - Trump.
      Trump, a certified bonehead.

    3. Mr. T is not going to make it, he is in slot of hell of trouble.
      Owes Millions to the court's in falsifying paperwork.
      City of New York, don't want him doing business there.
      Then you have the intersection he created at the Capitol.
      Forget it his ass is grassed.
      He hates Hispanics, saying they are criminals and rapist.
      He is a sore loser, saying the election was rigged, he is the biggest jokester, I ever heard.

  3. How does this island belong to the US when it’s on the other side of the border? if you look at the Geo map, it is behind the US Mexico border.

    1. you are looking on the wrong island

  4. Lmao 🤣 y’all can’t stop this. Americans are junkies. They need their fix. Fix your in-house problems first. Always worried about other countries

    1. 02:54 it's the fucking beaners that are the hardest drug junkies, get your facts straight. They snort tons of cocaine domestically every year too.

      They also control the gang bangers with crystal meth, get em nice and addicted spun out and starving

    2. 11:47 - You do realize that Americans aren’t the only ones who speak and write in English, right? Also, Mexican illegals ( or Hispanics in general ) are not the ones constantly dying in the thousands due to overdosing on drugs. That position is taken by white non-Hispanic Americans :,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

    3. 11:54 - Actually, it’s white non Hispanic Americans that are the hardest junkies :,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

      And if we compare Mexico, America, and Canada’s drug related deaths, Mexico has the least amount of deaths from overdoses :

  5. “Federales” ??? Weren’t the Mexican “Federales” dissolved a long time ago and replaced with the National Guard ?

    1. 2:54 - Yes, the Federal police were dissolved back in 2019. The “Federales” don’t exist anymore.

  6. Wait, if Texas law enforcement already had cameras installed on the island, doesn’t that mean that they had already claimed the island as theirs ? If cartels were using that island as a weapons depot, then it sounds to me like that was a failure on the part of Texas law enforcement ?

  7. Meal-Team-Six is bored I see. "Since we cant capture actual criminals, lets capture an island."

  8. Cdn pretty much owns the southern border of Texas from Laredo west and cdg east of mier

  9. Lol, how you gonna fix my drug habit punks. Cartels will exist until we decide go fuck you Texas eat a fat dick. Stop selling guns to cartels

    1. It’s gangbangers and Mexicans that hold US Citizenship that cross them the guns

    2. 11:50 - It’s not just Hispanics. Many non Hispanics have been caught crossing guns into Mexico for the cartels as well.

    3. 2:16 I’m not hispanic I’m Mexican

    4. It offends me when they buch up other Hispanics as Mexicans

    5. You reddit kids in here go back to school. Mexicans fall into the category of Hispanic.

  10. Fronton Island is an island in Starr, Texas.

  11. Fronton is a census-designated place (CDP) in Starr County, Texas

  12. So they went a Texas island 🤷🏻‍♂️

  13. Sh!t is gonna get more militarized since the Hamas attack in Israel. So many 10+ millions came to America in the last 3 years. Hamas called for a world wide Jihad on October 13 👀

  14. From what I’ve read in the past, no one ever claimed the islands because the river flow would erode the islands to either side of the territory lines…

  15. I know one thing if they took over something that was part of Mexico I know dam well AMLO isn’t going to keep his mouth shut.

    1. 8:34 - Not just AMLO. Had this actually been an island that belonged to Mexico, I’m sure this would have been headlining news all over the world since this would literally have been an invasion and an occupation of Mexican territory. But since it seems that literally not a single news outlet in Mexico is even covering this, it feels like this was just some propaganda video from Greg Abbott. Just a bunch of U.S. soldiers going to a Texas island.

  16. Fronton was the chill spot for years. It wasn't unoccupied. There's nests all over for sniping ops and guarding supply mules. Many battles fought on and around the island. The ones that held it down hardest were Dual or US citizens because when too many gulfs or military came in you'd just go to the other side. Soldiers wouldn't set foot. Could've been a perfect party/rave island if there weren't so many damn gangs.

    1. And why they acting surprised? There were always sheriffs and cbp around. They'd stop anyone walking around with muddy shoes and try to trick you into answering questions as if "looking suspicious" was a crime and not subjective.

  17. Small step for texas, Texas has a huge border for cartels to choose a new location..
    Government really doesn't want drugs off the streets, they would lose BILLIONS if dollars a year

    1. I’m pretty sure most of the stuff is crossed through the line Texas has 11 cities with ports of entry

  18. Abbott half measures to save his skin. TX officials when interviewed seem to guard their words and appear to be too afraid to tell it like it is and always has been...a Fing invasion that requires overwhelming and rapid military force response and presence till the other side gets the message..
    Evacuate Fronton civilians to safety and Blitzkrieg the Fing island, mine , move to the next one.

  19. we used to make rafts and float over to those little islands on the river. there used to be more of them. it's hilarious they are calling it cartel island when its on our side of the river and right near the bridge. ain't nobody using that for anything illegal. A few Venezuela people played on it with their flag and now the feds want to put on a show.


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