Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 13, 2023

The 'Army' Of Los Chapitos: These Are The Cartels That Serve As Its Armed Wings

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RADIOFÓRMULA

The US government has identified at least four criminal organizations operating on behalf of Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán's sons in northern Mexico to date.


The criminal group known as Los Chapitos is richer, more powerful and bloodthirsty than the Sinaloa Cartel, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), however, the power they have achieved has also been achieved thanks to the involvement of other cartels.

The US government has identified at least four criminal organizations operating on behalf of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's sons in northern Mexico so far.

Los Ninis, Los Pelones, Los Cazadores, Los Salazar are the armed arms of the criminal organization led by Ivan Archivaldo and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, sons of "El Chapo".

According to DEA investigations, Los Ninis is the closest criminal group to Los Chapitos, which has been characterized by having among its ranks young men between 20 and 35 years of age with a violent profile.

The leaders of Los Ninis are Oscar Noé Medina González, alias "El Panu", Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, known in the criminal world as "El Nini", and Jorge Humberto Figueroa Benítez, who is known as "El 27".

US authorities are offering a US$3 million reward for information on the whereabouts of "El Nini" and US$4 million for information on the location of "El Panu".

The role of Los Ninis in the 2019 'Culiacanazo'. 

According to military reports obtained after the hacking of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) by the Guacamaya collective, Los Ninis confronted the Armed Forces in the failed operation known as "Culiacanazo" of 2019, which consisted of the first arrest and immediate release of Ovidio Guzmán López, the leader of Los Chapitos who was recently extradited to the United States after his second arrest in January of this year.

On the other hand, Los Salazar, founded by Adán Salazar Zamorano, alias "Don Adán", approximately in 2005, maintain a battle in Sonora with the La Plaza Cartel, linked to the Caborca Cartel, which was founded by Rafael Caro Quintero, and in Baja California with the Los Rusos cell, which works for Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, the top leader of the Sinaloa Cartel.

With respect to Los Pelones and Los Cazadores, both criminal groups have ensured that Los Chapitos maintain their power in Sonora, preventing the expansion of the Caborca Cartel in Sonora. According to local press reports, Los Pelones operate in the municipalities of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonoyta, Caborca and Pitiquito, while Los Cazadores operate in Altamar.


  1. To name a few

    Los Chimales, Cholo Vagos, Los Gavilanes, Los Duendes, Los Ranas, El Irving or Mando 18, Operativo Texas 01, Fuerzas Especiales Chuta,

    1. Los de la fea . Fuerzas especial avendaño

    2. All these lil wannabe gansters are propped by LFM to keep the heat off themselves. While these clowns run the circus Michoacanos quietly raking in that feria right under these norteñas inbred noses.

      Semper Fi

    3. Los Malos de Anaheim

    4. Lol Miss semperfi sounds like you have a thing for michoacanos its ok man its 2023

    5. Avendano are split between mayos and chapos

    6. If they raking up why they keep acting all hambrientos ???

    7. 7:44 isn't the older avendaños with mayo but the younger one with chapitos. I know for sure FEA is with Ivan

    8. @8:15

      Its Meños ppl are Feas that are chapos, and Chiquilins are Mayos

    9. @9:34

      Isn’t Meño with Mayo too? I think it’s the sons of them that run with Ivan. Granted I don’t live there so I could be wrong, it’s just what I’ve heard.

    10. Los cazares de mocorito y north California

    11. el chore y sus hermanos, los del rosario etc etc…yo esperaba una listona. nombró 2-3 😅

    12. Los Sicarios 006 faltan, aunque son poco culos cuando se trataba de madrasos.

    13. Does anyone remember this individual that went by the alias Pepe sierra or chepe sierra can't really remember which one . But he gained notoriety in the first culiacanazo. Wasn't he an ex militar specifically brought to oversee the Operation. Whatever happened to him any information on him?

    14. Semper Fi never stops hyping up michoacanos for more than what they are .. a bunch of avocado farmer extortionists, what a way to rake in money buddy

    15. Los Cabrera de Durango

    16. These guys look like the wack pack

    17. Gente de Gabito is another group isn’t? Pretty sure they’re in southern Sinaloa and Sonora right?

  2. What about Gente Nueva? Is Gente Nueva not with Chapitios anymore ?

    1. Gente Nueva is Salazars

    2. You just said the DEA is offering 3 million for Panu and 4 million for Nini but the wanted signs say 1 million for Panu and 3 million for Nini??? Wtf lol

    3. @8:05 there’s gente nueva de agua prieta, gente nueva Salazar and gente nueva de altar

    4. Paredes salguieros Reyes Chavez are other gente nueva groups too

  3. Chicken little .. bola de ratas

  4. Al fin de cuentas los que rifan son pura gente del Señor Mencho

  5. Was expecting some more information...

  6. Add to my previous comment: it’s time to stop viewing cartels as “people”: they are animals and should be treated as such. I’d be even in favour to use them for vivisection (instead of the animals theat are usually been used, which are hundreds of times more “humane”, compassionate and worthy than these bags of dog cum) even though i know that it will never happen, I will be content with “just” watching them dead and put in a shallow grave, as a US Marine of Mexican heritage my hands are itching,

  7. Se dice que en Juarez ya se ses volteo la chingada Empresa a el cartel de Juarez aka La Linea y a los Mexicles y se juntos con los Chapos. Jajaja
    Bola de pendejos los de la Linea por traicionar a los Aztecas.

    1. Since El Rayo from La Empresa got captured and the second in command from La Empresa got killed in a gas station in Juarez the betrayals from this gang began.
      I live in Juarez/El Paso. This is the word on the street. No link but the Truth. This is why La Linea pendejos are quiet on this one!

    2. About five years ago I was chilling between Casas Grandes and Janos. I can't say who was leading the area but it seemed like no one because it was really calm. Murmurs started mentioning that the New Juarez Cartel was taking over. I was chilling by this gas station trying to get a this thicc chick selling "doblados" and cheese. She had a phat heart shaped booty with a fucked up grill. Cool personality. Three old, beat up trucks pulled up at the OXXO across the road. She immediately jumped in my car. Said that was the new Juarez cats. I remember the green Chevy clear as day. It was 90's model. Chevy diehards call it OBS. The front wheels were Jeep. Two of the trucks had their initials in what appeared to be electrical tape. Two guys got out and came out with a 6 pack of Modelos (maybe XX, white 12oz cans) each. I took the chick to Juarez and left her at a momo while I crossed and came back. Smashed dozens of times. This trip is when I realized how fucked up Juárez has become. It use to be a tourist hotspot 24/7 partying. Now more than half of the structures between Universidad and the Americas bridge are ruins and El Señor de Los Cielos' son was riding around in some 90's trucks looking to make alliances. I'm 90% sure I seen the same trucks posted by this monument in CD Chihuahua. I deposited that chick $1,200 pesos to the name she gave me and never spoke or seen her again.
      I wouldn't doubt it a bit if anyone that once ran with Juárez now runs with chaps.
      Thank you all for your time 🙇

    3. Linea still runs Juarez no matter what they always have the last say

    4. Linea has been taking many unnecessary hits because they betrayed Aztecas first then got betrayed themselves.
      Por pendejos they don't run anything in full anymore.

    5. @12:39 you are wrong foo. La Linea sigue fuerte. They got full grip in ojinaga and Palomas janos. They got more power in juarez. Si la linea son pendejos, los dela gente nueva estan peor. Esos matan hasta sus propios familiares

  8. What’s the story of some guy or family having like 100$ mill and Ivan went and took it?

    1. That money was owed to his father

    2. 7:17 yeah kids most definitely not a billionaire. He also likes to steal from Colombians. Any ways the American want a Guzman family reunion so his times almost up.

    3. It’s so funny that he steals from the Colombians lol the way he fucks them over is hilarious

    4. He stold from colombians thinking he didnt need them cause he could make money on Fent, he burned his coke bridge and now dont know what to do, he has to start raising his taqueros and beer despensers cuota, chapitos defenetly fucked up big time

    5. 8:16 probably the dumbest player in the game imo.

    6. 7:28 100%, if it wasnt for his dad money and connections he wouldnt have lasted a month

    7. Iván an his brothers an flaco from the have been stealing from mz grupis in tj an sonora los For a Chile an colombians the word is they put gps trackers on the bundels or kilos an they take them down whit corrupt ministeriales that flaco has in tj or un the psports ese ivan conlos dispensarios de mota i tiraderos quetiene en culiacan con esso se mantiene i paga govierno ilas minas quetienen en el rosario de oro i plata i minerales ya la droga nodeja como antes aorita el negocio de ellos es el oro el guachicol ilos dispensarios de mota de culiacan i mazatlan ilos tiraderos ilas regalias quele assen cada mess los grupos independientes son millones de pesos diario suele dejan la coca noes negocio ya solo si es robado i gual el kristal

    8. 2:43 what? I thought he was the king of coke? 😂

  9. I can't wait until they capture El Nini and make him their bitch

    1. It’s too early to be Hoping and dreaming negative thoughts like that.

    2. Ninis going down like the guy in the Zetas that got sexually assault by the Gulf

    3. How is it possible he evades capture?

    4. 12:49 Heard that foo has one of those stealth fighter ufos.

  10. Lmfao el chicken little no mames. No exaggeration I would put an ass beating on that punk in my area you can't be called shit like that. Idk what the fuk is going on in sinaloa like el rato el chicken little el mama fierros.

  11. Los puñetazos están en Nogales. De La Chapiza.

  12. Nini looks like that dude who got bullied in school and is trying to redeem himself

    1. Put some respeck on chicken Littles name @11:06



    1. Word on the street is they gave chapitos tablazos. Chapitos got off easy, they survived.

    2. 1:49 El puro mayo le esta dando una recia Al menso

    3. STFU you little nut hugging slave.

    4. The King is dead, long live the King!

    5. Word on the streets is them chapis won't set foot outside their sinaloa zone. They'll never be seen in plazas outside sinaloa. This is seen as a weakness. Daddy use to make it a point to parade outside of sinaloa. Those outside bosses will begin to flip.

    6. Word in the streets is that mayo is Cuban 🇨🇺

    7. Word in the street is that mayo is whooping CJNG across 3 states and that chapitos are flexing their power across 3 sates with their bs PR campaign

    8. word in the streets 1:12 is a cds fan

    9. Word in the street is 1:12 is correct without fanatism

    10. Word in the streets is 5:14 is acting like a different guy but in reality is 1:12

    11. Word in the street is 12:13 might be alias La Mentirosa 😂

    12. Word in the street is 10:04 is La Llorona 🤣 Arriva cuba chico🇨🇺medallon

    13. Viva Argentina!
      Viva Perin!
      Viva Eva Peron!

    14. 1:14 mentirosa!! 😂😂 Por aca andas Nena ? Ya pagame lo que me debes . Y arriba Cuba chico !! . Sino tienes para pagar con toda confianza dime y te presto mas Mija

    15. 2:17 ahi mis hijos!!!! Sigue llorando mi Llorona 😂😂😂😂 eso no le quita que Mayo es cubano!! 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    16. 8:08 ahi nuestra mentirosa 😂 😂 como nos haces reir . Claro que si El mayo es Cubano estoy de acuerdo Contigo. Arriba Cuba chico. Ya paga la feria que le debes Al compa

    17. 8:36 ahi mis hijos cubanos!! Lla deja de llorar pues 😂 cuando dejer de llorar pago 🤣🤣🤣

    18. 9:45 no que ya avias pagado Nena . Ya ves no por nada la raza te puso la mentirosa 😂😂

    19. 10:22 ahi mis hijos cubanos! Sigue llorando mi llorona😂

  14. Thinking anyone who doesn't hang a banner like that isn't on the crew, or operates with way more independence

    that will give a good idea of their plazas

    nothing in Mexicali/Nogales, nothing in Hermosillo

    1. Mexicali is mz dominant. Nogales I've always known it to be calm but I rarely been near. Curious about Tecate though. Swarming with chapito followers last time I payed attention.

    2. Nogales de MZ, el gigio y el 20


    1. Y tambien arriba los Chapos. Pero de mis huevos!
      A estos nomas les dices un ves eso y se sientan.

  16. Could almost say I saw someone that looked like Alfredillo in downtown in Chicago. lt was many years back. If not him, his people are here

    1. I saw El Brad Pitt at the booty clappers convention back in 06’

    2. 5:30 there is a lot of donkey that look alike

  17. I doubt they will ever get Nini or let alone Panu. It’s known that Nini has gotten away or bribed his way out everytime. Ivan will raise hell

    1. 🤦‍♂️ if real druglords with much more power, money and connections have been arrested why wouldn't this new school individual get captured?

    2. 11:20 how old are you? CDS chapitos is getting dismantled. Nini will probably fall in the next month or so

    3. I’m typing this message from google translate I work for the marines early this year we ran up on el nini el 27 and the two corrales brothers having a secret meeting with only 10 sicarios with them so we identify and place all 14 men in handcuffs then my boss gets a call on his personal cell phone and was instructed to let the whole group go from what I gathered panu said Ya veo por qué Gavilán siempre nos está salvando el trasero. Debe haber sido un marine malo. we uncuffed them and my team each received 200,000 pesos each by a courier I felt disrespected but my boss told me take the $$ go help your family these guys are just traffickers who help the community so when we got back to base we had to lie on the incident report I hope no one on my team sees this comment but they wouldn’t know it’s me because more than 60 percent of my team wanted to turn them in and get the award for them but that’s the day I realized my boss is under their payroll

    4. Your story checks out because that ranch is Ivan’s ranch only used by him when hes in town but also has another ranch down the street as well

  18. What happened to Gente Nueva ? Split ?

  19. Aztecas and Chapitos working together


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