Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Grupo Tercios Proclaim Words Of Doom

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A five man team of armed assassins are riding inside what’s believed to be a Chevrolet Beat hatchback. Their predilection for such a vehicle is just as weird to see as the religious iconography that hangs from the rear view mirror. 

The dangling cross serves as a soft reminder of peace in front of the two-faced enforcers. But whatever spiritual inclination that exists here appears to be nothing more than a facade. 

As a whole the common denominator between everyone present. Is that they will each pick and choose out of convenience when the ways of a deity should be practiced. Coincidentally, it just so happens to be the very thing that most of society does. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Where the fuck are you bitches cause we sure don’t see you guys. We’re out here without having to produce unedited videos online. This plaza belongs to us. We are the fucking absolute Grupo Tercios. Pay close attention to what we proclaim. The Zeta insignia is well entrenched within our shirts. 

Sicario #2: Come on out for that armed confrontation you sons of bitches. Just so you know we are the absolute mob for El 01.

Poza Rica, Veracruz

El Blog Bélico


  1. Man can't imagine how sad it would be being in that situation and no turning back

    1. Así es. No existe ningún orgullo

    2. La Realidad es cualquiera puede tener su equipo de fuerzas, solo es viajar a Veracruz y escoje atu Numero uno. Les advierto tendran mas chansas de sobrevivir teniendo experiensas militar, con solo 500$ les compras sus armas; wether those be 9mm or an SKS something cheap, anything can kill. Before you know it you'll get a call that they're in agua prieta/ Navajoa waiting on your orders. I gave him a purple heart 💜
      that's how El E1 got it done

    3. that is a good way to die in a packed car. smelling your pals farts

  2. What cartel is the strongest in Veracruz? I feel like it’s grupo sombra

    1. Z in south vera

    2. Supposedly it was CJNG . Atleast that was the case about a year or so ago. Alot of the zetas chapuliniaron and became CJNG. Don't know the current situation, if things have changed or not. Escorpiones got in the mix there as did gente nueva, so not sure what came of that if anything.

    3. @02:02 CDS control Veracruz.

  3. Sr. Sol, your prose waxed lyrical as a mofo in this piece..
    En serio, good job, Pulitzer prize committee taking notice!

    1. Yo Lagarto I like your comments. But what the fuck did you just say there? Pls put me on…..
      “Your prose waxed lyrical”. What the fuck does that mean? Lol

      Hope you’re well.
      Rubio nyc

    2. 7:30
      If goo-glay is to be believed, the word wax is derived from Olde English 'weaxan' meaning 'to grow'..
      So you grow lyrical when you start to describe something poetically..
      Ya gotta admit your dog Sol, especially when he's not on the verge of a nervous breakdown, can jot down some mean scribbling..
      Love your stuff, Rubio, no bullshit, would give my left nut to be able to tell it straight from the heart like you do..
      Winters coming, I'm very hip to NY winters, get your ass back down Florida way, portate bien and stay safe..

    3. Lagarto hope you’re good buddy. And thank you for the comment. I’m always looking to read what you put out. And I feel that you’re being just as real as me. Not a lot of people out there than can or will say how they truly feel. …..Always facades…..And to the other one, I’m Dominican lol.

      Rubio NYC

  4. Until they get surrounded by a much larger group…

  5. ZETAS are still making moves

  6. Imagine going to fight with that trophy, what a dumbass

  7. Way too crowded in there to be effective sitting ducks

    1. Same thing I was thinking. They're putting themselves at a disadvantage there.

  8. Are they actual Zetas? Or are they saying Zeta in reference to belonging to a group whose allegiance is Zambada?

    I'm just asking because alot of these younger, where probably in diapers when Zetas used to be the second most powerful cartel. Now with their fall, becoming CDN and most cells joining other cartels is easier for these younger kids to associate the word (or letter) Zeta as MZ than the cartel it once was

    1. Pretty dumb question if the Z belongs to el mayo

    2. Bro he mentioned Zeta,nothing to do with zambada,Zetas used to be deep in Veracruz until it all fragmented,used to be Zetas will be all over the place

  9. Is that 50-50 they jammin to?

  10. My hatred for cartels has no limot.if ever recruit foreign cattel killsers let me kbow.cia

  11. Fuckin bubble heads squeezed in a death trap,how the fuck they gonna do shit with long guns in there?
    Even with small arms it would be hard to move?


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