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Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Perils Of Being Labeled A Snitch

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A young man’s vital fluids are pouring out like an open faucet from the nape of his neck onto the ground. 

He is accused of allegedly being a snitch who ratted out the wrong individual for a bag of crystal meth. 

His betrayal comes with the consequences of having to pay with a barrage of bullets. 

The death dealer who towers above him fires away indiscriminately while rationalizing his reasons. 

Video translation is as follows:

Check this out compadre, here lies that fucking snitch. He ratted me out for a fucking bag of crystal meth. This is what happens to informants. Whoever snitches me out will always end up like this. You fucking dumbass. 

Mexico Codigo Rojo


  1. It's dangerous to even do drugs in Mexico, you can't even smoke a bowl of lemon drop crystal and watch porn in tranquility.

    1. Sounds like you have some experience lol meth and porn

    2. Lemon drop is non existent today…

    3. At 746. Uppers and porn go together.
      Rubio NYC

    4. So one of your arms is much more muscular than the other.

    5. 10:51
      Like any tennis player will tell you, it's all in the wrist..

    6. Here in Cali the 209 to be specific, is the capital of meth. For one, WE Never respect a meth user. We call it “Smoking the Queer juice” that shit makes them gay af.@5:00pm proves exactly why we don’t respect Tweekers. These sick fucks are the ones that rape and molest there own children…G.C.

    7. Im more talented than most of you guys exp I don’t dont drugs. I can watch porn, eat Cheetos and sing at same time.

    8. 12 38 the queer juice that true that meth would make straight guys blow bbc like a pro no joke

    9. 12:38 Your speaking from experience 😲

  2. Wow Sol. Thanks. I studied physiology. And I’ve never seen blood coming off someone like that. Holy shit.
    Hope you had a good day so far today. God bless ya.
    Rubio NYC

    1. Yo Rubio you from NY?

    2. You from NY Rubio?

    3. 653 and 654.
      Yessss I am. Right now the BX.
      But I dont really like it here. I want to go back to Miami. Or another state.

      Rubio NYC

    4. At 1047. Honestly no robbing. Ontop of that I’m a professional Muay Thai fighter. Although shit has gotten bad here. A few months ago was on the train. Has my fighting gear out hanging on my bag. Like 10 guys come to the train platform. Sorround me. Even my friend who I was going to train that night noticed. And I got ready for it. They saw that. And didn’t do shit. But honestly though a lot of people here carry 22s in the BX. So fighting is just a tool.

      Rubio NYC

    5. Hit my line Rubio, I do legal work in North NJ.

  3. Sounds like a Michoacán accent? Looks like a 14 year old kid. Rest his soul, if only he kept quiet. Maybe there are other way to punish the snitches. Especially if you're not even in prison for it.

    1. Yeah I’m also thinking he sounds like a Michoacáno

  4. Old video huh, still pretty crazy.

  5. No leak that flex tape can’t handle

  6. "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?"

  7. The dead guy is probably a CDS member. We know they like to "sing" 😏

  8. Im just gonna go by a hunch, im almost 100% sure tge snitch was from Sinaloa

  9. That’s just a fkking kid coward piece of shit. Y casi quería llorar el güey i can hear it in his voice.

    1. What you hear is his high pitch michoacano accent

    2. Naw bro I know michoacanos and this fool wanted to cry. Bien bravo matando niños y queriendo llorar por perder un puño de crystal. Pinché vato fracasado.

    3. Not high pitched (voz ladina), just a MF that snorted some drugs. Another young life violently ended by a low life imbécil. Las drogas son la pudrición y muerte. F that shit.

  10. Blood squirting out even before he gets the first shot...??

  11. They don’t call them CDSNITCHES SNITCHALOAs for nothing. But then again, maybe they’re in Michoacán, and snitches get stitches or in this case he got wasted . Hence, people aren’t really known to snitch in Michoacán

    1. Who the f thinks those all the snitching in michoacan it's michocanos lol 🤣

  12. Todo Cobarde tirandole ya en El Piso ya quiero ver tambien tu video igualito lo que estas haciendo pero en tu perro cuerpo Vato Cobardes creen que con tumbar al chavalo se te acaban los problemas a ver si tu Compadre te da por tu chiquillo por demostrar que eres otra Putilla del monton.

  13. Everyone is a Snitch ... If you have cops on the payroll your also a snitch. Because you are Exchanging information with them. And if you are selling out someone, giving up info on them. Your a Snitch... It's a World full of Rats

  14. Lol, fucking rat. Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

  15. Pinche vato cobarde . Ese pinche nino ocupaba unos tablasos . El pinche chamaco lloro hasta la muerte


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