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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

This Is How The Breakup Between Los Chapitos And El Mayo Zambada Began

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows: 

The Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most powerful criminal organizations operating in more than 40 countries, has split. It has fragmented into three groups according to a US Congressional Research Service report. According to the US congressional document dated 2020, one of the three factions into which the cartel was divided is led by Aureliano Guzman aka El Guano, brother of El Chapo Guzman. Another faction is led by Los Chapitos, El Chapo's sons. And the third is led by Ismael Zambada Garcia aka El Mayo Zambada.

In respect to the latter two and acording to several specialists and media experts on the subject. El Mayo and Los Chapitos had severed ties due to different circumstances. When El Chapo Guzmán was arrested for the third time, control of the Sinaloa Cartel was completely in the hands of El Mayo Zambada, his most important partner. However, over the years, El Chapo's sons Iván Archivaldo, Jesús Alfredo, Ovidio, and Joaquín became key players in the criminal organization. 

And now they share leadership with El Mayo Zambada, leading their own faction of the cartel, although according to several media outlets their relationship has been fractured for years. According to the Sinaloa news weekly Rio Doce, the friction between El Mayo Zambada and Los Chapitos began during the trial of El Chapo Guzman in New York in 2018. When El Mayo Zambada's brother and son Jesus and Vicente Zambada testified for the U.S. Attorney's Office. 

Following their statements against El Chapo they achieved a benefit in their sentences. Today, both are free. By 2019, the Sinaloa news weekly was already reporting a rift between El Mayo and Los Chapitos. The dispute, according to Rio Doce, would have arisen after the so-called Culiacanazo that led to the capture and subsequent capture of Ovidio Guzmán. That Thursday, when Ovidio was in the hands of the military, Los Chapitos asked Mayo Zambada for help. 

However, the response was negative and his men, according to the Sinaloa weekly newspaper, did not help rescue Ovidio Guzmán. El Mayo had not agreed to Ovidio's release but also refused to participate in the operation that pressured the government to free him, reported Rio Doce. Prior to the Culiacanozo, El Mayo Zambada was already looking to break away from Los Chapitos because of their impulsiveness, inexperience and tactical errors that put not only El Mayo Zambada but the organization in general at risk, reported Rio Doce. 

The bone of contention began in November 2019 when an armed criminal cell of eight cloned Sinaloa police trucks stormed the Agua Caliente district north of Culiacan. The area was then controlled by Juan José Ponce Félix aka El Ruso, El Mayo Zambada's chief operative. At the head of the armed criminal cell was Los Chapitos security chief Néstor Isidro Pérez aka El Nini who, according to Rio Doce, came to claim the territory. Various versions collected by Rio Doce state that during the discussion one of the hitmen said that they were an absolute mob for Ivan. And that they didn't give a fuck about Lord Mayo. 

This was an unforgivable blow. Hours or days later Los Mayos asked for the culprit but they refused to give him up. Within days a person turned up dead on one side and then a dead man from the other reported Rio Doce. After the incident, Chapo Guzman's sons demanded that the Mayos hand over El Ruso. But the response was a negative. The confrontation between Los Nini's and Los Rusos escalated with several armed attacks between the two criminal groups in the Agua Caliente and Tepuche areas. 

According to information disseminated by Infobae citing the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) after the extradition of El Chapo to the United States in 2017 along with El Mayo Zambada Jr. and Damasco Lopez Nunez aka El Licenciado. Los Chapitos continued with the tasks they were already carrying out before their father was arrested, the production and trafficking of methamphetamine and marijuana. But the subsequent focus on fentanyl made the differences between Los Chapitos and El Mayo increasingly evident. 

Finally, according to Infobae, the last opinion that would have caused Los Chapitos to no longer maintain a relationship with El Mayo Zambada, according to journalist Antonio Nieto, is that El Mayo Zambada was responsible for Ovidio Guzman's re-arrest on January 5, 2023. It is said that he decided to hand over El Raton as a warning to the other members of Los Chapitos. "Either they calm down or we’ll calm them down," reported Infobae. Los Chapitos and El Mayo Zambada are currently disputing control of several areas of Baja California and Sonora, key drug trafficking states.

Grillonautas 2


  1. Can you do one on how they fell in love?

    1. @1:40 well it started off when mayos were rapeing a cjng hit man and chapitos were wanking off to that video and called up mayos. They were like " ❤️ 😍 do that to us too!"

    2. Nice @borderlandbeat

      Look at the nonsense you dipshits allow >> @3:07

    3. 4:00 PM
      Ohh shut up haven't you got a sense of humor?Did wanking off upset your delicate sensibilities?This world and its people getting more phony and pussyfied by the minute

    4. It began when Ivan seduced Mayonnaise, but the minutiae of a narcos daily affairs is stronger than any midnight tryst. So, the split began.

    5. "Look at the nonsense you dipshits allow"
      This guy has lost his rag,his time of month is here,dont blame us,we didnt take it?

    6. 400 the comment you complained about has been confirmed and verified as accurate.

    7. It all happened at Brokeback Mountains in Sinaloa.

      Rubio NYC

    9. It all started when Chapotos were on their knees in PV, thats when Mayo felt in love with them, could not get that image off his head

    10. 8:23 my guy if you like guys just say it . It's 2023 about to be 2024 people are more accepting now

    11. 9:29 just saying how their love story started, whats wrong with that?

    12. Ese pedo enpezo en Monte Quebrado en Culiacan compa.

  2. The day cds fell out was when Chapo got extradited to the USA . This young cats don't respect their elders and don't really have no values or morals . Also didn't help out Vicente and his uncle testified against JGL

    1. You do realize it was all worked out with Chapo taking the fall don’t you ??? He took the fall, Mayo family gets less time, and chapo kids become bosses. If chapo had all this pull why was he so unprotected at both of his arrests??? Olvidio had 100’s of hitters on stand by in 2019, and even his 2nd arrest. Chapo 1/2 guys first arrest and what 8/10 on his last arrest.

    2. 2:07 on some podcast I can't remember who it was but it was basically someone like anabel Hernandez or someone like that but basically this person was saying that the real reason chapo was extradited to the USA was because chapo refused to kill amlo on behalf of peña nieto . That chapo was a thank you present for trump by pena nieto. And that chapo was always under the impression that he would either stay in Mexico or escape again eventually. If its true or not who knows

    3. Like Chapo had morals LMAO!!!!!!!

    4. 2:42 go visit him In adx and ask him

    5. 3:03
      Why? Ask him what?

    6. Look at the bullshit conspiracies people believe here?

    7. 14:23 ya salió un chilango

    8. Like ive said. Chapo was done for when he got extradited he was always gonna get life regardless. So Zambadas gaining their freedom from testifying didnt cause any problems or bad blood between them. Would've been the same thing if things were flipped

    9. 1059 you wrong. If you're loyal to CDS, you don't testify. They testified so bad blood now.

  3. Imfobae is making some bold statements about Mayo.

  4. This seems like speculation. Other than the Ninis vs Rusos, there is no concrete evidence of a rift between the 2 structures. Maybe they don’t see eye to eye, sure, but to say they’re now completely split seems far fetched.

    Mayo has been giving up people to stay on time since forever, so it should not be news to Chapitos. They’d be wise to fall in like with the old man or risk the same fate. Don’t think they’d be THAT impulsive to go against them.

    1. 202
      Exactly what i was thinking,it makes interesting reading etc,we know something went on,evidenced by the attempts on Ruso by Chapitos,but the rest?

    2. 202 how is that wise? Waiting to get snitched on

    3. 2:02
      Did you read the article? It literally tells you it's speculative, it says it's opinion.

    4. Please see Sun Tzus Art of War. You are mostvlikely correct.

  5. Turning over ovidio is at a minimum overstated

    he had a high high level task force from multiple agencies in the US on him for years. He also had spit in the military's face in Octover 2019, and as far as giivng up a location, seems like everyone knew where Ovidio was living. They shout it out in his corrido. He was known.

    Maybe MZ gave the go ahead to someone, through a third party, or whatever, but I'd say that's blind speculation, and it's not open war, it's just something that is managed on a month to month basis.

    Fentanyl, to the extent that Ivan doubled down, goes against the agreements that they have with government, not to make them (the mexican give look bad to the US.

    1. Good post everything you say makes sense,the only speculation here is we give to much credit as to the power and influence of Zambada ?

    2. J,

      Nowhere in the article does it state it's fact, it clearly says it is opinion regarding Ovidio's second capture.

    3. I think the word opinion is a translation thing on that context

    4. Mayos side is the one that worked the most fentanyl more then Chapos side its just that Chapitos have been all the news lately. They are going hard after them

    5. 10:43 I highly doubt MZ works with fent on the scale of the Chapitos. Fent trade is for dummy's and chaputos are top of the charts dumb af

    6. J,

      I looked at the original source in the original language (Spanish) and it says "according to" Antonio Nieto, Mayo decided to turn in Ovidio.

  6. Great work but to be precise the Sinaloa cartel didn't just "split" , it split AGAIN.

  7. Mayo should retire. Since the 70"s he been dealing, how much more money does he need? When he dies the money stays here. His age will slip him up soon.

    1. 2:48 the day he dies there is a high chance of cds becoming another cdg

    2. It’s not the money… it’s the power… and he likely wants that power to ensure the longevity and protection of his family.

    3. 6:53 after mayo dies what would stop Ivan to go after some of the zambadas as payback for testifying against their dad

    4. @932 — again having the power to provide lasting connections, resources, and security for the family..

    5. I dont understand why you all think the Zambadas testifying against Chapo has caused problems between them. Chapo was done for the moment he was extradited. If the Zambadas didnt testify that wouldnt have changed the life sentence he got. Might as well have someone benefit off the circumstances

    6. From what I have read, Mayo doesn't handle day to day operations anymore. Apparently that is left to Mayito Flaco.

    7. 12:53 I have heared that supposedly mayito flako actually has more "power" than ivan and is the opposite of Ivan . That he really doesn't like attention

    8. You don’t retire. There is not retirement. The moment you do in his business you get killed

  8. Chapo cried in front of DEA. I lost all respect for him then and threw away my 701 nuthugger gear.

    1. You reaching man he wasn’t crying his eyes were just wet because he couldn’t blink from all those face lifts he had done

    2. 401
      Lmao there is actually some truth to this

    3. Pues cuando estuvo en cefereso 9 siempre tuvo la presión alta y se quejaba de todo (la luz para dormir, mucho frío, dolores,etc)

    4. 4:01 he is even crying right now, he always crying about been tortured in Florence 😂

    5. 10:27 you must be guard at Florence or a you must have visted chapo to know that

    6. 4:29 Nope, he sent out a letter with his lawyer not to long ago where he was crying about not been treated fairly, about not having a gurd who speaks spanish, not been aboe to see the sun light and been mentally tortured 😂 you must not be keeping up with the narco news

    7. He cries himself to sleep every night.

    8. He have a 4inch wide window and locked up for 23+ hrs a day.

      Almost no human contact. It's torture by another name.
      Deserving or not is another issue.
      But even strong men complain under torture.

    9. 8:38 I assure you every prisoner in the world has complaints about something, that said he made his bed though now he has to lay in it

    10. 3::41 every prisoner? Thats a bald statement, a lot of them do their time like a champ and dont snitch, thats reality, plus how can you cry so much when in your corridos you brag about been harder than steel?

  9. I don't understand the bosses why do it to that degree I mean hence you mafe say 10m just quid and retire off the grid somewhere and live your life free. If you continue yes you'll be ultra rich but you can't spend it cos you'll be arrested or killed. To keep going is madness

    1. Or always hiding. What’s the point of being a boss if you’re hiding. And running from place to place. But then again some people
      Get off on that.
      Rubio NYC

    2. The lifestyle is addictive. Maybe like an exiting game that you want to keep playing.
      And f they quit, they become a "nobody". No more fear and respect.

      -Euro Gringo

    3. Mayo is under indictment in like 3 different jurisdictions in the US

      The US isn’t going to just drop it

      There is no retirement plan

      He likely is semi retired by now and does most coordinations through his son

    4. You cant do that. So you have to biuld conects over the years. And they dont want to deal with someone alce as time goes by,Again it takes time. For them to trust that new person and fully work. Regards to the money. No one person keeps the money from drugs. Its never like that. Idk why you guys think that way. So say you got a kilo of coke from colombia. You first.. have to pay what its worth. Then pay some one to get it over the border. Pay off border police. Then payto get it to the other border. Then pay some more to get it again over the border. If you have a big organization you have to pay the people working for you. Yes alcones and sicarios make the least amount of money out of a cartel because they number the most. There ar also people that secure houses. Transport. There are also investors that need to be payed the money they put in with profits. No one person sees the profit from a full load. Not any more anyways. Alot of people put in money for one load. That way if it gets busted no 1 person takes the loss. Thats how it is now days.

  10. Margarito Flores was in jail with francisco arrelano Felix. He said they became very good friends in there.

    1. Listen to the 50 cent podcast it just dropped yesterday

  11. no les conviene a ninguno de los dos se acaba uno o ambos y entran nuevos apellidos.

  12. Replies
    1. 4:49 can't even fully take out El flama out of Jalisco but we suppose to believe you? 🤡

    2. Oh shut the hell up

    3. Kings of killing kids. Glad youre proud. That means your mother failed at raising you.

    4. Ya no kidding
      Who the fuck starts cannibal camps for kids you sick fucks. You are HIGH AS FUCK and need to put the pipe down if you think that WISDOM aka goddess of the Underworld is going to allow the old guard who protects her to fall to you fucking losers

  13. El Señor del Sombrero Y Los Chapitos are cool, its some of their crews that are fighting each other . They dont care as long as they receive thier payments on time.
    Saludos al Patron Sicario #006

    1. Sicario 006 for president!

    2. 8:56 shit 6:01 is jot even 10% of what the real Sicario 006 is

    3. You're not Sicario #006, as He's Funny,unlike you.. Try making your own jokes.

  14. Its always a safe bet when a rich father hands his spoiled sons the keys they're going f it up. Rest easy fanboys.

  15. I’m not buying it… if it were “true” I’d still believe it was staged by them… so they can turn on/in a bunch of lower level subordinates for their freedom.

  16. Remember the letter from Mini Lic?

    He said that at least half of the cartel falls under Ivan, so this has to be bullshit.

  17. Chapitos working with la liñea el Cabeza de motor 350

  18. No one is listening to el chapitos orders to stop making fentanyl. The U.S. has a new congress. Armed troops will enter Mexico soon with orders to do whatever it takes to completely take down ALL cartels and all of their members. War, death and life imprisonment is eminent.

    1. Cant be stopped from one day to the next. People got stashes. Give it a month or two and we will see if people arent respecting the ban

    2. Isnt it already a month ago and prices didnt increase. If they stopped producing fent we should see an increase of the prices similar to the first few month of covid lockdowns.

    3. My friend is a user and he told me he wants to go to rehab because the pills are getting to expensive and you can barely find them anymore in Mesa arizona. I don't see why he would lie about that because I've been working to get him and his girlfriend help since we were bestfriends in high-school.

    4. 7:24 ask him if he feels any guilt for supporting these piece of shit cartels

  19. Ruso fell out of favor with mayo for chapitos mayo had him move to chicali to calm waters down in agua caliente but no friction between the families

    1. If that’s true what are they trying to kill him??? Lol

  20. And ruso actully did participate in the culicanzo you can hear him giving clearness to drop any helicopter who shoots at them

  21. I cant believe they're are fanboys so in denial they wont bring themselves to admit cds is split and the leaders are at war. Rest easy fanboys

    1. 4:09 exactly, the only reason there is not an all out war is cause all the factions are pussies, the real hard core cell in CDS was Beltranes, the rest are a bunch of Vjjs

  22. many refuse to accept. during chapos trial vicente zambada admitted he had a phone call with Mayo. under DEA supervision. he not only testified but he turned in a lot of people , families , cells that where not even know to the DEA. many of this information is under seal. mayos faction has offices of informants reporting rivals. His lawyers and higher ups. do the telling under his orders


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