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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Tijuana, Baja California: National Guardsmen Double Time Away From Their Duties

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Reporter Angel Peña narrates on camera how National Guard unit # 333325 flees from the La Gloria neighborhood where a dead person was discovered. Everything was recorded in a live Facebook transmission.

Video translation is as follows:


Good evening, my friends and followers. We find ourselves here this evening. And like I was just telling you a few minutes ago we uploaded the discovery of a deceased person. There was talk of a headless person. However, this turned out to be totally false. What the fuck? What happened? Look at that. They didn’t give a fuck and now they’re just going to leave this dead person here. 

Hey are you seriously going to leave this body here? How are you just going to leave if you’re already here!?!?

Take a look at this people. They’re driving in reverse in order to get out of here and leave this body here. Personnel from the National Guard are leaving from this site. They’re leaving the area. We’re in an area…there’s no lighting here. But I’m letting everyone know that this matter can’t be left unattended…

Alerta Código Rojo


  1. Guardia national is the armed wing del mayo and they fighting the municipal police that's the armed wing de los Arellano and all the dead bodies are just lil drug pushers

    1. No period kid, you were not there 😭.

    2. 9:41 sounds about right.

    3. Jajaja que cómico

    4. i live in la gloria and its true state police with rana and aquiles guardia nacional mayo and municipal police aretes

    5. They are all gangs with a different flag

    6. pacificos from ecuador

  2. Who is the guy recording and following? Is he a police officer or citizen?

    1. The answer is in the first sentence bud. Lol.

    2. Youngsters jump to the video, then comment, without reading the article.
      What's wrong with kids nowadays, what happened to reading books in highschool? Dios Mio!

    3. 9:57 i know maestra, i try to read but always forget the period at the end 😢

    4. 9:57:
      I gave one of my great grandkids a book and he couldn't figure out how to turn it on.

  3. "If it it's open when the gnaw hits, it hurts!"

  4. Members of the National Guard aren't stupid. Maybe not brave, but definitely not stupid.
    Call out SEMAR or SEDENA.

    1. Y sobre todo que están amarrados de manos por derechos humanos y sin apoyo del presidente y bajo la lupa de la ley por su actuación.

  5. He's Carne asada now. These foos probably got called to a donut special...

    Definitely better than bagging a body for sure.

  6. dieron media vuelta porque vieron que fue jale profesional del Señor Mencho y no se les permite meterse en los asuntos del señor por su propia cuenta arriba las cuatro letras mas pesadas

    1. Le llamo el comandante a echarse unos tacos de carnitas y unas chelas.

  7. Who do you guys think invoke killing this politician? Anyone familiar what’s going in Ecuadorian politics? Very interesting why US is putting up money.

    1. Wrong story, bronie.

    2. Proof that even meth heads read this blog.

    3. I think that a lot of times someone will ask a question in the latest article so as to keep it fresh on everyone's mind

    4. 451 was up all night a certain drug, kept him up for days.

  8. On the Tijuana FB page they got a picture of scared motherfuckers walking around staring into their phones?What the fuck happened to people?

  9. Guardia truck full of farmboys or ranch hands from some southern state probably..
    Big-city Tijuana and it's bright lights, fast moving action, and constant political intrigue baffle even the hardened local veteranos, perhaps their comandante radio'd them to burn rubber outa there and scamper off to a less bellicose locale..
    None of 'em signed up for this, dealing with mutilated desarticulados, they figure why not let some lazy municipales stumble upon the scene and use up all their yellow tape trying to solve the curious case of the missing scumbag..

  10. Los de guardia nacional se la pasa haciéndose pendejos en aeropuerto de Tijuana.Dejan trabajar a los taxistas piratas que buscan a turistas pa chingarse en ellos .Se venden con esas ratas, ahora imagínate con malandros con más dinero.

    1. A Uber no le gusta esperar a que salga la policía municipal cuando la guardia nacional está cerca.


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