Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Tijuana, Baja California: State Policewoman Dalia Suzeth Espinoza Lopéz Is Executed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

State policewoman killed, her husband, also a member of the police force, left unharmed.

In the vehicle where the couple was traveling there was also a little girl who was also unharmed by the targeted attack.

On Calle Miel in the Cerro De Las Abejas subdivision, a female state police officer from the State Force for Citizen Security (FESC) (formerly PEP) was shot and killed. The officer, identified as Dalia Suzeth Espinoza López was killed. While Gaynor Mungia Jorge, also a state agent and the victim's partner, as well as a girl in the vehicle were unharmed.

According to preliminary information, the incident occurred at around 9:00 a.m., in the vicinity of Calle Mediterráneo and Miel, where witnesses said that the couple was taking their daughter to school. The girl was unharmed by this aggression.

A gray four-door compact car with California license plates closed in on them and shot at the woman and then fled.

A video in possession of the police shows the aggressor vehicle (Buick Dorado) parked one street away from the police officers' house. The video shows the moment in which it moves forward and then disappears from view. Moments later the shots are heard (6 in total) and immediately afterwards the cry of a woman who can be heard saying repeatedly "they killed him".

At the point, a gray Ford Focus vehicle was observed in the middle of the street. The assaulted state police officers were being transported in this vehicle. The policewoman was the driver of the car and due to the impacts she was left dead at the wheel.

Neighbors stated that they heard machine gun fire from several streets away.

The police response was immediate and medical attention was provided to the wounded man. Several streets were closed at the scene for the removal of evidence.

From this point, police officers went in search of a sedan, which minutes later, it was reported, was abandoned in the vicinity of Bulevar 2000.

Authorities confirmed that the deceased state policewoman was Dalia Suzeth Espinoza. The motive for the murder is unknown.

Officers investigating the facts commented that the intention of the aggression was directed exclusively against the FESC policewoman and not against her family.

Dalia Suzeth Espinoza López

Dalia Suzeth Espinoza López

Cerró De Las Abejas neighborhood 

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  1. It has to be a scary job to be part of police force in Mexico. Even more than a sicario. Women in Mexico are tough. Rip.

    1. State police in TJ are notoriously for being assholes the public hate them in TJ they harass everyone and anyone.

    2. If they stop posting online they aré police officers maybe that can help them stay alive a bit longer.

    3. I never had any issues with State Police in that area. I have been taxed by Municipal but that has been going on forever. I want to think the State police is heavily involved in working for cartel. They always encapuchados going to Rosarito via the Libre. That must be the contested area where anything goes.

  2. Why did people scream they killed him when it was the girl who was murdered?

    1. 7:32 - I didn’t hear anyone in the video say that.

    2. Maybe in the heat of the moment it came out wrong?

  3. FB groups saying it's over a 400 kilo cocaine theft by " pepos" aka POLICIA ESTATAL PREVENTIVA who has a lot of power inside Tijuana. I dare to say they are stronger than CDS IN MAN POWER -

    1. 7:51 - Was it an actual theft or was it a lawful seizure of drugs by the police ?

    2. Lawful seizure would be newsworthy while stealing will bring consequences. It's been said on here that Flaquito/Flash ganks merchandise from other traffickers, it wouldn't be surprising for him or others to use corrupt law enforcement to gaffle the drugs that way without getting into a shootout.

  4. why was the story before this one pulled down ?

  5. She never even looked at her surroundings....and why did it take her so long to move the car.....she was literally a sitting target.

    1. You know, sometimes it takes longer with child to get to move. Or it can be many things. Probably she couldn't help that situation to go faster.
      And for not being aware: I bet she had nothing to do with 'bad cop shit' and she was innocent. Those sicarios got lucky with this sitting duck situation.
      They just picked someone who they found from PEP.

      That's just so sad.

    2. She did look at her surrounding she even looked paranoid did pay attention. She probably new she messed up...gulp!

    3. I think she panicked and either froze , or maybe tried to give advice to her daughter ( maybe get on the floor and shield your head ). When I was younger and lived a very risky lifestyle, I got into an altercation with a couple gang members in the outside patio area of a real shady rundown strip club. Me and one of the guys got into a fist fight , and it just happened to be that he couldn’t hold his own, so his buddy started walking up behind me with a 22. revolver to shoot me in the back of the head. Well the friend who was with me happened to have my 38.special tucked in his waistband (thank goodness) , and when he seen the guy walking up behind me, as I’m beating up his friend, starts letting the 38. off at him. I didn’t have time to react to what was happening, but heard different caliber bullets whizzing behind me . So not knowing who was shooting at who , or if at me (I didn’t feel like turning around to access the situation- it happens in a split second ) I take off through the door to the club and make my way to the front parking lot, where I’m parked so me and my friend can get the out of there( we’re both considered career criminals according to the federal sentencing guidelines *mandatory 15 years for getting caught with just a bullet, at that point of how criminal convictions would go for me or him ) .
      While I’m starting my Explorer up and waiting for him to jump in , the guy who I was originally fist fighting with , pops up at the front bumper of the car parked directly to my left ( I’m in the drivers seat ) . I didn’t even have a moment to process anything before he kneels down on one knee and starts unloading with a 45. caliber. He had to squeezed off about 6 or 7 before my brain realized I was about to be shot to death if I didn’t do something quick . Luckily my buddy had reloaded the 38. and was about to get into the car ( so we could get the heck out of the there ) . My friend proceeded to run around the front of the passenger side of my car , firing shots at the guy . The guy retreats and the whole time , I don’t even know if I’ve been hit or if my friend has been hit ( it literally happens so fast ) . So we are getting shot at while we drive away , the whole time I’m driving with my head below the steering dashboard. Little did I know my friend had gotten shot twice with that other guys 22. caliber earlier ,out on the patio . So I do agree with things happening so quickly , by the time you see it starting to happen, your mind is thinking “ is this really happening “. Had that guy just walked up to my window instead of kneeling in front of the car parked next to me , he could of shot me point blank without missing a single time . And I didn’t have a gun on me that night so there’s nothing I would have been able to do to stop him . I am very thankful that I changed my lifestyle. I definitely don’t miss times like that

    4. 8:07
      Thanks for the life event.
      Where you a gangbanger?
      How much time did you get for having a bullet on you?
      What is hard to phantom, is the guy who you were first fighting, all of the sudden produces a 45 out of no where, when he had no weapon at all.

    5. @8:07 No to be honest I was never affiliated with gangs . Just a Hispanic male that grew up in a rougher neighborhood , and had the wrong mindset. I never got charged federally as a career criminal , but at the time that happened I was a 2 time weapon offender ( according to federal sentencing guidelines) . When you catch your third and are charged federally , you almost always will be offered a plea of 15 years ( or take your chances going against the Feds in courts, and get double or life ) I had already got convicted and sentenced to federal time in 07 , so the chances of the state picking up a gun charge instead of the Feds is very rare ( atleast in my state it is ). And I forgot to mention , the guy who was shooting at me with a 45. , most likely was parked next to me or a car over . He didn’t have it when we originally started fist fighting, so I’m sure he snatched it up from his car after the first shooting started . It wasn’t my intention intention to tell a drawn out story, I just wanted to explain a little about how things can happen in a split second .

    6. 2:13
      Now I get your story, he must have ran like a jack rabbit to his car, that I had missed that part. He was a sore loser, he wanted a fist fight, then a shootout, he and his buddy did not care if you got murdered, glad you're alive to tell da story.

    7. @8:07 I don’t know if you believe in God. But now would be a good opportunity to be grateful and to serve Him. His common grace permitted you to live. I would encourage you to surrender your will over to Him. He is sovereign and knows what is best for you. He will not steer you wrong. He took care of every detail of that night for you. Call out to Him to save you. You seem regretful over your past, that is your conscience bearing witness to your bad behavior. If you repent of your sins and trust in Jesus to save you, He will. Ask Him to save you. You could very well even die in your sleep tomorrow. You just never know. Your story is very encouraging and one to be remembered. Thank you for sharing, those details seem very vivid in your memory

  6. Bola de ratas y los ke faltan esolepasa por andarle robandoalaas 4 letras

  7. It was a Final Destination moment for her.
    In one of the pictures, she is wearing Blue shirt, with the numbers 87, a 1 showed up before 8..

  8. I posted in the past in this blog I lived in Tijuana my whole life I knew her she lived in la parte alta colonia libertar, she was rumored to work with the local family and they lived like it her husband was gun down was talk’s he arrested someone doing his job but belong to cjng rumors keep floating it was them just a few of those idiot’s causing trouble since La Familia cut the alliance with them for big balance that they owed and snitching

    1. Bud I knew her, we went to the same high school. We used to hang around.
      She had made it to the State Police academy, with top honors.
      I think she got killed, because she did not want to collude with, the cartel, so she got Plata o plomo.
      I will dearly miss her laughter.

  9. Gotta wonder why the guy with the phone was conveniently taking a video of it from start to finish. Does he just always record people getting into their cars for the hell of it or did he know this was going to happen?

    1. He is a YouTuber, sees anything uploads to socal media and we all get to see it uncensored.

  10. Prolly sucking off the wrong chapulin!

  11. The Pepos are rebranded, but this was 100% tied to drug thefts from within the state and federal police.

    They are stealing loads and reselling them to the other side

    TJ is very treacherous now

    1. Dr. J.
      I heard it's less expensive to get dental work done in Tijuana. Do you think it's safe to see the dentist? To pull a tooth out $40.00 in US $220.00

    2. very safe. treacherous for those en la vida

    3. Lurid tales of waking up from anesthesia in the T.J. dentist chair missing a kidney or other vital organ all UNTRUE!

    4. At @1.37-just go to Algodones, lots of dentists in 4 block radius and very safe

    5. No wonder people of the UK have bad teeth,dentistry is fuckin disgraceful there,more expensive,and harder to come by.Its a joke

  12. Everyone turning dyke in mexico as well ?

  13. Meanwhile President Biden was in Israel, pledging support to Israel and Palestine.
    $14 Billion to Isreal
    $10 Billion to Palestine in food aid.
    60 Billion to help Ukraine war.
    Will Congress say yes?
    I thought the government was going to be shut down for a few days.

    Our Tax dollars at work.

  14. State police is the most corrupted agency in Mexico. They are the middlemen for most kills for hire, they truly have power at the state level. Some officials are NOT corrupt though, there are some who truly uphold the law, you’ll know when you try to bride them… they don’t take it well lol

  15. The husband did it ! He had her killed because she was gonna leave him for another female, a truck driver. A true diesel Dyke.

  16. Poor lady she had a future.
    Thanks to the hoodlums, lowlifes that is gone.

  17. Many state cops are corrupt, omitted story


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