Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Try Not To Levitate For Us Here

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Julian Mercado is singing his popular hit single 'La Tabla' while a bald man endures his hardship. A male in a baseball cap to his left is repeatedly striking him across his behind with his tabla aka board. 

Corporal punishment is something that is normally handed out against anyone who has committed an infraction of some sort where certain rules are to be respected. 

Although it’s an extreme penalty for anyone to pay. This antiquated model of educating citizens still exists throughout the world.

El Zac  Julian Mercado


  1. Man I'll take this over being decapitated or dismembered alive!

    1. Bet he only did a small crime, maybe meth consumer or something like that, depending of the crime is your punishment with those guys. From where I am mostly thieves or crack users get this kind of punishment, and I mean thieves who stole minimum. I know a malandro who stole the same cartel guns and money got chop to pieces family included.

    2. Que dice en la table? No me dolio. Oh no te dolio!!

    3. Back in the day the schools had this type of punishment from ping pong paddle to a thicker 1by2 stick and in jr high a tabla with holes like that one to smack your ass.

  2. I would rather not get either, cause it would of pissed me off and I would of taken his paddle and beat him with it I don't give a shi- who he is

    1. You would not do shit. You would take the beating then cry about it while your alone

    2. More likely cry about it to his friends after a few beers

    3. For real man its easy to talk but real life is different.. plus this guy probably a thief tweaker

  3. Dude started breakdancing, but took it like a champ

  4. jaja lo mas ironico es que la mayoria de los malandrines puro flacucho chaparro que no nacio con suerte de masculinidad. Tal vez una de las razones que se incorporan de malandrines solo asi pueden sentirse de valor, solo en grupito y armados son valientes por que fuera de eso no valen madre.

  5. Do tablazos really hurt that bad? The guy is hardly swinging. I remember being hit with belt as a child and honestly i think that would hurt more than a tablazo. I would have to do a test.

    1. I’d like to think the tabla hurts more because of the blunt force maybe? Also depends on what type of wood they use as well, some planks are more solid than others

    2. I counted 20 tablazos to the cheeks. The weight of the madera x the speed plus the surface area of the tabla hitting the same general area I'd say isn't a pleasant feeling. It's repeated blunt force. Try it with your significant other and let us know how it goes, ya si te o le gusta te va decir "tu me enseñaste"🏏😍🤣

    3. Man imagine the day or two after. Dudes ass has gotta be dark purple. I've bumped my hip /side ass hard before and got the gnarliesr bruises. I'm sure this a million times worse

    4. Yeah. The corporal punishment method is painful, and lingers for a while. The ass cheeks become mushy and the person can’t sit for weeks sometimes. It could also break the tailbone. The other part too is that it separates the skin layers and they burst. Bottom line… it hurts.

    5. 8:52
      IDK if one of those hemorrhoid donuts would help in this situation or not but it'd definitely be worth a try...if they even sell them there. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  6. This is what marucheros fear most. More than death other than the sloooow type. The humiliation. The weeks without being able to sit or lay comfortably. Recording is reserved for the lowest in the barrel. I'll say everyone that has lasted more than 3 months and isn't a Jr. has received this at least once. Many rather jump ship than endure this. I don't think any torture enduring technique lasts more than 5 proper tablazos. The correct way to administer this is bare ass, hands tied over your head, and some venting holes on the board. When done with a 2X4 you can feel the pelvis after 4 leñazos. Those guys eyes go blank and never walk the same.

    1. Yeah I think people really under estimate how gnarly this shit is. Going to the bathroom has got to be excruciating. I've seen the ones where the board had air holes and they are brutal

  7. Semper Fi michoacano getting the tablazos .

    1. Negative. Thats a Michoacano administering the tablazos to a sinaloa chapulin. Michoacanos dont get tablazos because theyre better trained and disciplined. Thats why everyone fears and respects Michoacanos.

      Semper Fi

  8. Great job sol.
    Thanks for the reads
    Rubio NYC
    Stay safe brother

    1. Playboy call me sometime this week. Take care bro. And you're welcome.

    2. Love is in the air"

    3. "Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us, building castles way on high, just the two of us, you and I"
      Bill Withers DEP

  9. I loved in Cartel Land they would kick the shit out of the KT they caught.they shouldve stepped it up a notch and broke their spines. Turned them into quadriplegic shopping carts. Too bad they turned crooked themselves. Kids might think twice when the baller cant move from the neck down

  10. I think all cartels should adopt this as their number 1 punishment don’t think that guy will ever do another crime again lol

  11. He did a dozen pullups while getting his but spanked. Multi tasking. Getting in better shape so next time they might not be able to catch him

  12. They should have made holes on the tabla to get more power. My cousin got the tabla and could not sit on his ass for a few weeks. Plus he got kicked on the nuts by every guy that was their.

  13. I remember I got kidnapped in Sonora in 2017 back when I was trafficking. It was over some stupid ass shit and I almost got killed, these mfs beat the fuck out me. I was handcuffed and they laid me on the floor, one mf standing on my ankles another mf stepping on my head and pulling my arms back from the hamdcuffs on my head. They must’ve hit me a solid 30-40 or 50 times. I stopped feeling after a while, and they kept going, I was running out of breath and was blacking out. I thought I was gonna die that day, then they finally stopped. Took me several months to heal, I wanted to kill this mf, eventually him and his bosses got riddles w fkn bullets and that problem took care of itself. Shit worked out for me, after I got arrested and off probation I was done w it all. Too many snitches, there is no loyalty. Puro pinche prepotente cagado que la juega, no tuvieran futuro si no estuvieran en la maña ni pedo yo también hice lo mismo. Pero ya ves como se acaba el cuento, muerto hecho mierda o en el bote de vacaciones 😂


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