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Friday, October 6, 2023

US Judge Orders Garcia Luna to Turn $2.5 Million in Assets Over to the Mexican Government

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A Florida judge has ordered Genaro García Luna to return $2.5 million to the Mexican government, which President López Obrador described as an “advance payment” on the more than US $600 million that Mexico seeks to reclaim from the former federal security minister who was convicted earlier this year in the US for drug trafficking conspiracy charges due to his corruption with the Sinaloa and BLO cartels.

Judge Lisa Walsh gave García Luna 10 days to repay Mexico 44 million pesos (US $2,524,500), as part of a civil lawsuit over several Florida apartments he bought with his wife, Linda Cristina Pereyra, through their company Delta Integrator.

“Something is something,” considered President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He celebrated as good news that “a judge ruled in favor of the Mexican government in the complaint against Mr. Genaro García Luna and his wife for goods they purchased in Florida with money of illicit origin.”

Judge Walsh ordered the company to surrender US $1.97 million in assets from three liquidated properties, plus the proceeds from another apartment worth US $555,800, after finding that the defendants had defaulted by failing to attend the trial.

He said that since the money was obtained from acts of corruption committed in Mexico, the cost of three apartments purchased by García Luna and his wife in Florida could be returned within 10 days.

Although there is more money missing, he assured, “We are beginning to recover what was stolen, but something is something, it is $2,524,000 dollars equivalent to 44 million pesos. That is what the judge ruled in Florida, but the entire trial, which includes a claim of $600 million, is pending. This was already progress...”

In March, the Mexican Treasury’s Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) reported that the full amount claimed against García Luna is US $745.9 million – nearly 300 times the amount adjudicated so far.


  1. $2.5 mil? That's what a month or two from the Sinaloa cartel's bribes?

    1. Just because you get a million doesn’t mean it stays a million when you wash it.

  2. Lock him up we don't want his blood money

  3. I thought he is in prison already


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