Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Orders To Kill For A Mr. Guzman

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Musical sensation Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija aka Peso Pluma is singing his latest hit single El Gavilán II. The narco ballad narrates how myths are in abundance for a callous hit man. 

Moreover, for the assassin who likes to work, if the order is to kill, there’s never a reason to question the job. He prays to a devil that shadows him wherever he goes. 

And for those who misbehave in his world. They’re never given an opportunity to speak in defense. Orders to kill for a Mr. Guzman have to be carried out. 

Valparaiso, Zacatecas

La Mera Vrg 13  El Gavilán II

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  1. Not a fan but just goes to show how most people on here just type shit just for the fun of it and don't even know what they talking about. I been saying this for some time now . I was just in Zacatecas for the September independence parties and I'm closer to Jalisco than Durango and honestly without fanatism or biased towards a certain cartel but Zacatecas is probably like 70 80 % mz and 20 30 % CJNG. CJNG has been getting kicked out back to Jalisco and Nayarit by Los flechas

    1. Im from the north thats completely controlled by mz and you never hear of violence, robberies, extortion or people disappearing like when cjng & cdn enters areas in central south Zacatecas. Its a good thing government is starting to hit those last two mentioned in fresnillo & calera that ride around heating up the towns.

    2. Keep hanging on MZs nuts. I'm in Fresnillo and MZs are a plague charging piso to the tortillerias. The narcocorridos are full of shit. All these cartels are cancer.

    3. 4:35 i dont hang around them they keep their distance from the population, funny i have some friends from fresnillo & plateros that say otherwise. You know fresnillo is always in dispute they enter in small cells from cdn to cjng. the friz just captured some cjng sicarios there a couple days ago from chiapas, also from tabasco state and guerrero.

    4. I’m from the next town over from where you’re from and cjng is completely in control more than 70% of Zac belongs to them.

      You see how easy it is to dick ride your favorite cartel behind an anonymous account? None of you guys are even from there, Stop the dick riding already.

    5. Nigga MZ is well known to keep extortion on the low and even controlling the media you claim to not be a fan and you dick riding with your next sentence holy shit you gotta be trolling, dont ever star with im not a fan and then proceed to cheer lead xD

    6. 5:35 you can easily tell you don't know what you talking about . Talk about dick riding check yourself first. We aint prasing no cartel here just saying how it is in the part of Mexico we go to and have family in .

    7. 5:42 you are precisely those people that just comment to comment huh nothing helpful at all . Go to Zacatecas I'll show you a hell of a good time and take you to the best tacos around El Zacate

    8. Ok groupies, lets change a state, whats going on in Sonora? Who is doing all the kidnappings and killings? Cause CJNG is not in that state, all im saying is both cartels are the same shit, it all depends on who is in charge of the plaza, it dont matter what cartel, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!! CJNG AND CDS ARE THE SAME SHIT!!!! THEY ARE CRIMINALS!!! Do you even know what the word criminal means? But here you are cheering for one or another, por eso mi lindo mexico esta como esta, por pendejos como ustedes que apayon a uno o a otro, dont want to drag on but Mayo is Cuban 😂😂😂🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    9. @7:13 your not gonna win bro most of these clowns are nut huggers for you know who. If you were over there then you the real truth.

    10. 8:08 mentirosa 😂 😂 pagame la feria que te preste

    11. Lol, everyone above arguing over who has the biggest pair of low hangers.

    12. 5:35 & 5:42 nobody is d riding they’re just telling you what they personally experienced so don’t get your panties in a twist

    13. 8:58 don't really see arguing more like people from the area trying to explain how it is then like 2 trolls that you could clearly tell they don't have a clue what they are talking about . Oh and by the looks of it even la famous mentirosa 😂 made an appearance

    14. 4:13 Whenever I read someone say “I been saying this here for a long time” I immediately quit reading the comment. If your so smart go apply yourself to something more productive than supposedly repeating what you supposedly been writing.

    15. These guys think their dicks are so big when they dress up in their web gear and camo and shoot restrained victims; but they’re nothing but pussies without their weapons and tweaked out minds

    16. 8:08 depends what part of sonora you are talking about. Chapitos and Mayos are split up in sonora. the places that there is disputes is from caborca past san luis into mexicali. If you look at northern Sonora like Nogales and the borders east of it, they are very calm and people live in peace because no one is getting kidnapped or getting extorted. It seems any where los Chapitos and Salazar are is where there is conflict. get your facts right and actually talk if you live or have family that live where you mention cuz you sound pretty dumb generalizining that Sonora is fckd up everywhere. Long story short, if Chapitos/Salazar are involved, theres issues there.

    17. 9:55 you could have easily scrolled past instead of writing back and complaining about it .

    18. 10:01 exactly my point, have you ever been in a 100% controled plaza from CJNG?i have and everything is calmed too, my point been all it takes is a little comflict and everything goes down south, no matter the cartel, they all the same shit, o and mayo is of 100% cuban blood 😂 8:45 & 9:20 como te dijo un compa que anda por ahi sigue llorando mi llorona, aparte guey you have never lend me any money, i think you are more a mentirosa than the guy you are calling mentirosa 🤣 by the way Mayo is Cuban 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    19. Mayo being Cuban is why he’s protected by the CIA

    20. 08:08 when Mencho and Mayo get married in Russia, we will all rejoice. When one cartel controls Mexico the people will rejoice and smash piñatas full of gold coins.

      CJMZNG will bring peace to Mexico. No more guns, no more fetty, no more extortions, and all people will be allowed to sell meth rocks.


    21. 10:30 no wonder you ride CJNG dick your family is probably from Jalisco Nayarit or a part of michoacan. But like 11:51 said it mayo and mencho married in Russia so that would make menso cuban 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺
      Ps . Ya paga la feria que te prestaron mentirosa 😂😂. Ahora resulta que aparte de mentirosa ahora no pagas 😂😂😂

    22. Mentirosa 😂 😂 ya pagame la feria que me debes . Gracias raza por echarme la mano recordandole ala mentirosa 😂 😂 que me page mi feria .

    23. 6:41, 8:04 Mi jefe me inculco a no patear al guey que lla esta en el piso, lo que estas haciendo en mi mexico lindo le decimos patadas de ahogado, lla no tienes buenas argumentos y lo que haces es responder como un niño de kinder, lla no traes nada ni para que aeguirle.
      VIVA CUBA CHICO!!!! 🇨🇺🇨🇺 Mario Zambada es cubano aunque no quieran 😂
      Ps: lla te mande la feria con tu hermana que le di su merecido, si no te la entrega lla no es mi pedo, al rato que llegue tu mama por su vicio le voy a preguntar si si te la dieron para que lla dejes de chillar mi CHILLONA 😂 y que no se te olvide que Mario es Cubano 🇨🇺

    24. 9:58 te enojastes mentirosa 😂😂 dicen que la verdad duele. Ya paga la feria o si quieres te presto mas aqui ahi

    25. Quiere llorar la mentirosa 😂🤣 . Lo que no as entendido es que no es uno sino varios que te dicen la mentirosa 😂😂. Y si mentirosa El Mario es Cubano y arriba Cuba chico y esas cosas pero pues a mi en lo personal me vale el viejito. Pero nunca te acabes mentirosa como nos haces reir con tus inventos y descrubimientos.
      Ya pagale la feria al vato

    26. 10:53 😡🤬 ahora lla si me enoje!!! Como que tu hermana no te dio la feria? Orita que salga tu mama del baño le voy a pegar una buena regañada, le dije que se asegurara que tu hermana te pagara! No pueden dejar a mi Lloronsita sin su dinero🤬😡, o se me olvidava decir que Mario Zambada es de Cuba Chico!!! 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺 molesto estoy!

    27. 12:34 no Te acabes mentirosa 😂🤣. Si no tienes para pagar yo te presto nomas que a mi si me pagas 🤣🤣.

    28. 10:09 So could have you - but you didn’t 🤣

    29. @4.32. Of course you don't hear of violence like that, because you are in a safe zone. You think the victims of Sinaloan expansion feel as safe as you? Damn.

  2. Been hearing rumblings that chapitos where starting to go into Zacatecas. Might be some truth to it after this video

  3. Mz sicarios once again showing to be more merciful to the captured enemy with a more humane execution. Without having to prove anything by intimidation with over the top brutal killings like cjng sicarios are known to do on their captured rivals. En el zacate siguen firmes la gente del sombrero sin andar con tanto teatro, los tienen en los limites de jalisco alos delas 4.

    1. Yep, ya sean Michoacanos from LFM or CJNG, those sickfucks do love their gore. Pura gente safada or super tweaked out

    2. You must have not seen the video where the flechas set CJNG hitmen on fire or when they were hacking their bodies with a axe. MZ flechas are just as capable of brutality as CJNG

    3. 7:43 those were already dead in battle, not captured. Certain fighters in the mountains have done that but you dont see it in every video like cjng that by law they will be extra with their brutality

    4. 7:43 or when they making love to one of the CJNG guy 😉

    5. If you make sicario whoopi with your captives, it's best to hack 'em up into little pieces afterwards, otherwise the chatty Kathys will tell everyone, even if they promise not to, and the boys in your bataka will tease you and never let you live it down..

    6. @11:04 You live in a Country based on Democracy...And want to get rid of it and live Under Totalitarian Rule..? That makes you a dictionary definition of a Traitor to your country,and the principals it was founded on.. You're a Small minority and happily not a threat to anyone with your pea-shooter.. Get a Woman..

    7. @9.49 Lettuce dude. FFS Stop. You want to perfect your stand-up routine then go somewhere else, where the inspiration for your wit aren't people humiliated and terrified. The fuck is wrong with you? It's all you do- Provide an elegantly witty aside to peoples ultimate degradation.

  4. 4:29 El azteca el mudo y El 38 flechas are the cjng worst nightmare in Zacatecas

    1. La flecha presto.

    2. @542 forgot;


      All of durango in zacatecas.

    3. 12:40 forgot
      Los Caimanes
      Los Rusos
      Los Peña
      Los Chimales
      Los Salgeuiro
      Los Salazar


  6. Trucha ! Tomorrow there’s plans for attacks by muslins jihad

  7. Hamas leader calls for global jihad on Friday 13th October 👀

    1. Circle the wagons!
      Infidels beware, Hamas ain't just whistlin' Dixie this time..
      The wanna make Friday the 13th one unlucky day for their Jewish cousins worldwide..
      But they better move quickly, Israel has already introduced white phosphorus munitions into the mix, it'll burn right through your bones..

    2. Hamas is about to fuck it up for all you traffickers it's just a matter of time before they shut the borders down again ! Because of their religious beliefs . Lol
      Allah is not Akbar

    3. Heard a rumor the Reddit kids are going to lock up, their mom's basement door and limit Wifi usage so the terrorists do cut them up.

  8. Who is in control of Fresnillo? MZ or CJNG?

  9. What an atrocity exhibition. Not the execution video…the Comments section!!!

    Whether anyone realizes it or not, the cheerleading for one cartel or the other is because the option of NO CARTEL does not exist, and never will. No hope. Only bad and worse.

  10. Question ? A serious one ? How come most people from Michoacán and southern states have that feminine look to their faces. You know, higher cheeks, flatter noses, hardly any facial hair and are overall more petite than the other Mexicans.( example mencho, Abigail Valencia (I thought Abigail was a girls name but oh well), la fresa, el pez, Carlos Rosales, Nazario Moreno, etc etc). If these guys were young punks I’d understand being that everyone is metrosexual nowadays but these guys are all 40 plus. What’s in the water down there ?

    1. Serious question my AZZ you clown.

    2. No . I’m sure he’s being serious. I’ve noticed this as well. He’s also being respectful in how he asked his question, no need to call anyone a clown.


    3. @6:11 Mexicans love skinny jeans and have always their not into the baggy jeans shit that’s just an L.A ghettos thing

    4. 6:11 Mexicans like to look nice and iron they won’t wear baggy wrinkle clothes in Mexico

    5. 6:11 people with more indigonous trates look younger than others, they dont go bald when they are in their 20's thats why

    6. 6:11 but those Mexicans in the south of Mexico are more ruthless and will gut you with their bare hands , savages don’t let looks fool you

    7. Jeans are meant to be baggy to put in work and put stuff in your pockets. Skinny jeans defeat the purpose unless your a woman and want to show your curves. Period.

    8. 11:10 if you go to Mexico you will notice everyone wears slim jeans or skinny not baggy oversized clothes I mean even European wear slim jeans the world nobody wears baggy jeans 😂

    9. Only you dirty cholos from l.a Wear crappy baggy clothes

    10. 6:11 🤦‍♂️ and every single one of them are taller than El Chapo and his sons, who didn't lack any food when growing up to help them grow to their genetic potential, just education and morals. Nacho Coronel stood just over 5feet, don't cry cheerleaders, the mind isn't confined to the size of the cranium so don't sweat it if you, your father and grandfather are small dudes. If you consider the people from El Sur "petite" what are the individuals I mentioned, "miniscule"?
      Ines is also traditionally a female name, wonder what Ines Calderon thought of his name when he lived. Look him up plebe. Besides all that what's your fascination with looking at dudes facial features and whether they're hairy or not? Are you going to also bust out the measuring tape? Canelo or JCC Jr, who wore the pink panties while training in their living room? Which one of the two is a self made millionaire and the other a spoiled brat hijo de papi?

    11. Cáñelo is another one that looks feminine

    12. 6:11 here’s your answer: Low height-for-age is known as stunting. It is the result of chronic or recurrent undernutrition, usually associated with poor socioeconomic conditions, poor maternal health and nutrition, frequent illness, and/or inappropriate infant and young child feeding and care in early life

    13. 1:59 pretty sure chapo was malnourished as well that’s the reason he’s short, Guzmán was born in Sinaloa and raised in a poor farming family. He endured much physical abuse at the hands of his father, and he also entered the drug trade through his father, helping him grow marijuana for local dealers during his early adulthood.

    14. 3:01 Canelo: multi division champion boxer for over 10 years, self made multi millionaire but he absolutely has the physical body of the average beer chugging Mexicano right? I'm sure he stuffs cotton wads in his cheeks to make his jaw look more square and paints on his facial hair🤔🧐🤥

    15. 3:21 and his children? Why are they short if they didn't lack for food? Maybe it's their genetics. Short grandparents=shorts parents=short children and so forth.

    16. 6:17 maybe cause intead of eating healthy food they were getting high on coke, pinches chaputos de plano ni la cabezota les ayudo, if El raton had been a few inches shorter he would be consider a midget with that big ass head that does not match his body 😂

  11. Peso Pluma,El Enano,did you hear that shit

  12. Puro cartel grouppies in here ni que les dieran de tragar o les regalaran el vicio 😂


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