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Friday, October 6, 2023

With Banners In Sonora, 'Los Pelones' Join 'Los Chapitos' In The Fentanyl Ban

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from DIARIO DEL YAQUI.MX

The criminal cell placed a message in the municipality of Caborca to join the prohibition of the famous narcotic.

By: Redacción

As happened in recent days in the neighboring state of Sinaloa, this Thursday morning, October 5th, a banner with a message from the criminal cell 'Los Chapitos' appeared on a bridge in the municipality of Caborca.

It was during the early hours of Thursday morning that motorists driving under the bridge located on Quiroz and Mora streets in Caborca, noticed the presence of the banner with a message similar to the one that appeared recently in Sinaloa.


Regarding the content of the banner, it was noted that it contained a message in which the criminal cell 'Los Pelones', "joined" the ban on the sale of fentanyl recently introduced in Sinaloa by 'Los Chapitos'.

"ATTENTION We join the ban on the transfer, processing and sale and everything related to fentanyl and its modalities, from this moment is prohibited in Sonoyta and Caborca and whoever does not abide by the order will face the consequences. Att: Los Pelones," reads the banner.

It should be recalled that in recent days, the criminal cell 'Los Chapitos' placed banners in different municipalities of Sinaloa such as Ahome, Culiacán, Mazatlán, Guasave, Guamúchil and Rosario, in which they established the prohibition of the "transfer, processing and sale" of the addictive drug.


LaMakr3 on X published the following: " 📸 #Caborca, #Sonora

Los Pelones' armed wing of "Los Chapitos" banned from trafficking fentanyl in Sonora.

This morning a narco-banner was reportedly placed at 5:00 am on the international bridge, on Quiroz and Mora streets in Caborca, Sonora. 

The following can be read on the banner:

We join the prohibition of transfer, processing and sale and everything related to Fentanyl and its modalities from this moment is prohibited in Sonoyta and Caborca and whoever does not comply with the order must abide the consequences. 
Att: Los Pelones"-

This is related to the same prohibition of 'Los Chapitos' in the state of Sinaloa through narco-banners in the cities of Culiacan, Mazatlan, Guasave, Guamúchil, Rosario, among others. 

The same ban has triggered a wave of violence, executions and deprivations of liberty in the neighboring state." -@LaMaskr3 


  1. In my neighborhood if you get caught with fentanyl, your whole family will get disappeared.

    1. And someone answered you, that you live in the Philippines.

    2. 2:37 keep that cds garbage to yourself

    3. Just like in my neighborhood Beverly Hills.

    4. Thats some gheto shit. Better save up and move somewhere else

    5. Long live El Houdini

  2. Too little too late pendejos

  3. This is just a chapitos PR campaign to get the government heat of them . Saying this whit this banner being hung in caborca does that mean that the cds chapitos are gaining ground in caborca against the caborca cartel?

    1. They been had gained ground since durangito was out, you still have caborca cartel but CDS is very well settled in there

    2. No CDS Chapitos weak as fu@k

    3. 4:55 I had actually heared similar stories that chapitos had almost control of all the city now. Didn't take it seriously and thought it was just a bunch of cds fan rumbling on but by the looks of this manta they night be right

    4. 5:46 we all poke fun at CDS but they’re still one of the most powerful cartels in the world so yes they are very capable

    5. 7:31 specially Mayo with his cuban roots and contacts

  4. Pelones are getting on the bandwagon and kissing Chapitos ass.

    1. No people are scared of the USA not little chapitas. The fentanyl trade is about to get shut down due to fear of American justice not some fall down spoiled brats.

    2. @3:07 Los pelones son gente de los Chapos

  5. Wow they must be really intimidated if they are following American news and what the Americans are thinking. This country loves wars. And also using excuses to start certain conflicts. But unlike Moscow. This country tends to do it in such creative ways that others come to agree with the USA. Also the thing is that since we have the most advanced military in the world. And so many nations rely and know they can’t compete with this country. They go along with it.
    Also I’m sure this country makes deals with the other G5 countries and others involving money and weapons.
    So how would you say NO?
    Rubio NYC

  6. Who are Los Pelones, never heard of that group in Sonora?

    1. Lol memos used to me los números

  7. Say what you want but they do fear supermax

  8. That is the power of Los Chapitos ! Word on the street is that CJNG is preparing a video and narco mantas baning the sale of Fentanyl

    1. No thats the power of the American government chapitos just a bunch on girls who are scared.

    2. Or maybe they want to make Coke a cool drug again.

    3. 9:09 chapitos don't have a good name in Colombia apparently they like to steal loads.

  9. 3:31 everyone is tough till your are in a USA court room and the American government is trying to throw the book on you . Even Pablo Escobar was terrified to end up in an American prison

    1. So Mexican-American gangsters are the biggest Gangsters in the world. They aren’t scared of no us government shit even the government knows who runs the prisons and streets. The same way the US is afraid of China and Russia

    2. 4:02 I mean that's all they know so why would they be scared but I bet if any Mexican American was to get locked up abroad let's say Mexico they would be shitting their pants .

    3. 402 you think Mexican American prisoners like being locked up? They can't get busy with a woman or drink an ice cold Tecate. They can act tough all day long but we all know they don't want to be locked up like a wild dog.

  10. I thought MZ crew controls Sonoyta.

    1. Memos>Salazar> chapos

    2. Ok thanks for that, but then who controls puerto peñasco sonora?

    3. @10:50 AM.. Puerto Peñasco es de la Mayiza con la gente del Aguila y Chavo Felix

  11. Fentanyl kills 300 people a day in America. America has put the heat on.

  12. Capitis want to Ban Fentanyl Humm... a little to late, now ya have to pay the piper, since USA is flooded big time.

  13. In other cartels news a narco manta was put up in tecolatiche Jalisco claiming the state police is clearing the zone for CJNG to come in and also in Nueva Italia michoacan El comandante rino under migueladas got captured after a shootout

    1. 4:41:
      This is very interesting news. Teocal is the center of Mario Jr's operations. CJNG has been threatening Teocal for the last two years without a breakthrough. I'm not sure if we should take this as just another threat from CJNG or if Tecal will finally fall. Very interesting development. Thanks for sharing it here.

    2. 10:28 manta goes like this "mi Gente bonita de tecolatiche Les pedimos su solaridad por los recientes abusos de los negros en contra de nuestro pueblo.a todos los comerciantes Les pedimos de favor que nos Les vendan nada a los estatales ni un agua ni comida . Que sepan que nuestro pueblo esta unido. Y que aqui Nadien los queremos. Teocal Se respeta. Esta es nuestra casa y no podemos permitir mas abusos de estos delicuentes con placa "
      Seems like Mario is making a call for the pueblo to rise up. I feel like CDS is about to get quicked out of Jalisco

  14. I know it would only be a temporary solution, but why doesn't Mallinkrot (the real M30 maker) change the design of the pill. It won't stop the addiction but the drug gangs would would either have to drop the price or be stuck with a bunch of dirty30s. Just my opinion.

    1. @5:00 99% of people know the blues are fake, so changing the real ones will have no affect.

    2. Lol that’s not gonna make a difference at all today

    3. @sean I said the same thing here in BB months ago and everyone ridiculed me.

      I am surprised by the lack of response from big pharmaceutical companies in the US.

      I would be pissed if someone stole my logo stamp and used it to kill a million people. Shit, WTF.

      Talk about name brand distillation. The real pills should be changed to a different logo, color, shape and size to be different than the cartel fakes. Not 99% of the population knows what fake pills look like.

      ++ they make fake adderall, fake Xanax, fake opana, fake everything.

      Pfizer should sue the cartel or hire assassins and kill them.

    4. @225 — again, it would change nothing today… and who do these companies go after??

  15. El chapo isidro sigue operando a grande escala .. que rollo tendra el gallo alli en sinaloa

  16. Can we officialy start calling Los Chapitos Los Chaputitos?

    1. Weirdos always got something to say

    2. 6:04 and woman always got to try and defend their man

    3. @6:20 that was random

    4. 6:48 implying that 6:04 is a woman defending his men (los chaputitos) 😂

  17. In other news,mini Lic is out of prison

    1. Cool 6:16 we just need him to cool his jet a little longer. so when we catch the other Chapitos and he can inform on the rest. Then we can lock up a whole generation.

    2. Isn't Vicente out too?

    3. Yes and living under a new identity in the USA!!! Way to go Vincente for choosing the right path !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Caborca lo maneja el chavo Félix, no? Esposo de teresa z...

    1. 6:51 no Caborca es de los pelones de parte de los chapos.

  19. Look up John Kapoor. Isys He only got 5.5 years for fentanyl in our usa

  20. Very smart move... get in good Terms with the New Administration coming to office soon

  21. This is truly the only way to stop fent. But it's to late. There will always be someone out there ready to fill the void. Russia, and China will just take over the fent trade amd we are truly fucked.


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