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Saturday, November 4, 2023

13 Homicides, 7 Bodies Wrapped In Blankets, 8 Narco Messages In The Last Hours In Tijuana

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

From the late hours of Friday, November 3 until 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 4, Tijuana police responded to thirteen homicide reports. Nine of the victims were abandoned during the morning of Saturday and eight of them were left with a message on a poster addressed to other criminal groups in the city.

Chronologically, according to the State Attorney General's Office, this is how the events occurred: on Friday, November 3, the Tijuana General Hospital reported the death of a 52-year-old man, who was admitted due to gunshot wounds. Similarly, the Red Cross reported the death of a 42 year old woman, who was admitted by a unit of the institution due to injuries caused by a firearm.

At night, gunshots were reported in the Colonia Buena Vista Annexa del Rio. Upon arrival of the units, they found a dead man and a 50 year-old man injured. The deceased, approximately 25 years old, was in a dorsal decubitus position, with wounds in the cephalic region and back.

Early in the morning of November 4, a civilian reported seeing a person lying in the street in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, Playas de Tijuana district. Upon arrival of the units, they located a man of approximately 30 years of age, wrapped in a black and red blanket, in lateral decubitus position, deceased. The victim was bound by his lower extremities.

Four homicides were reported in the Otay area: one homicide was reported on the Aeropuerto highway; a double homicide was reported on Calzada Tecnológico in the Otay Indeco neighborhood and another near the Reforma fields. In Sanchez Taboada another two homicides were reported, both on Diaz Ordaz Boulevard and Camino Verde.

According to the Tijuana municipal police, this is how the events occurred chronologically:

At 00:20 hours, on Manuel M. Dieguez Street, in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, a body was located, bound by the feet and wrapped in a blanket, with a cardboard nailed to the back with a message.

At 5:05 a.m., on Escultores street, in the Reacomodo Sanchez Taboada neighborhood, a dead man was found wrapped in a carpet with a cardboard with a message.

At 5:25 a.m., on Cerrada Obreros Street, also in the Sanchez Taboada neighborhood, near the Oxxo Omega, a man was found dead with a message wrapped in a blanket.

At 5:30 a.m., on Popotla Street, in the Tomas Aquino neighborhood near the Reforma field, the body of a man with marks of violence and a cardboard with a message.

At 5:35 a.m. on Boulevard Díaz Ordaz, in Infonavit Lomas Verdes near the pedestrian bridge, human remains were found, specifically upper extremities with a cardboard over them.

At 6:10 a.m., in the Fermín Aguilera alley, in the Del Rio neighborhood, a body was found bound and wrapped in a blanket, and a threatening cardboard.

At 7:00 a.m., on Xicotencalt Street, in Camino Verde neighborhood, a man was found decapitated and wrapped in a blanket.

At 7:05 a.m., on Jaime Nuno street, in Tomás Aquino neighborhood, a dead person wrapped in a cloth and with a threatening cardboard.

And at 7:35 a.m., again on Boulevard Díaz Ordaz, colonia Pinos de Agüero, two backpacks with human remains and a threatening poster.

It is estimated that there are 13 victims, although it will be the State Attorney General's Office who will determine the genetic profiles of the victims and recognize the identity and quantify the DNA files.

Tijuana, Baja California 

Zeta Tijuana


  1. Damned and here I wanted to go see the Dentist 🦷, to get teeth work done, here in San Diego the Dentist charge an arm and a leg, if you don't have insurance.
    But now after reading homicides there in Tijuana, I can get kidnapped, beheaded. I am left to 🤔 ponder.

    1. Tranquilo, you're fine during the day and if you don't buy any jale.

    2. No pasa nada .. si no andas en el ruedo narco menudeo no pasa nada .. aqua ando en tj y alratillo vamos ir con las barbies al antro el alibraje a pistear botellas de clase

    3. 8:47
      Why would anyone want to cut your head off if you are a gringo civilian spending dollars helping the local economy , you know crooks have legitimate businesses to wash their money or as in investments??? People who die did something to deserve it. You guys are weird as if the narcos care about you... stay away from poeple in the game and dont run your mouth or ask dumb questions to people you dont know based off youtube or blogs.

    4. @ 10:31 hahha slang for clase azul tequila in California mainly at the nightclubs were we cash out 1200 a bottle like some idiots just to take home barbies . ... si soy gringo de ojos azules compa descanze en paz nacho coronel

    5. Are you that fucking cheap? lol

    6. Andan con todo mis compitas de nayarit, pura gente del viejo glambow.para.que.vayan y.digan

    7. Lol your fine during the day in Tijuana, but at night kiss 💋 your ass goodbye.

    8. Drama queen. Thousands of people cross the border every day and I haven’t heard of anyone kidnapped for ransom. Most people killed are involved on something illegal. Some innocent people killed are around those doings bad things.

    9. 6:16
      You need to take your head out of the sand.
      It happens quite often, beheadings kidnappings of course for money.
      This guy wanted to pay a coyote to smuggle him to USA, they took him to thier home, only to tie him up , in a cage made out of rebar, not for dogs or tigers, but for human beings. They wanted 6,000 dollars, the relatives in USA smelled a scam, they will pay 2,000 and 4,0000 when he is crossed over. They wanted all the money, they killed him, and you say nothing like that happens, give me a break.

    10. I see 616 is in denial, there has even been articles in BB regarding crimes and killings in Tijuana.

    11. I just went to TJ from San Diego to get dental work, went four times over three months, no issues at all

  2. So what did the messages say that were left on the body’s.

    1. This happened to me for eating tacos and not paying

    2. You don't need to go to TJ to eat tacos just look for a food truck in San Diego.

  3. Tijuana used to be safe but that was years ago.

    1. When has TJ ever been safe ? As far as I can remember TJ has always had a very high murder rate.

    2. I myself stopped going in 2008.
      After that it has become the wild wild West, where anything goes.

    3. I go to TJ once a month, i go eat and sometimes go to las pulgas and el container, todo tranquilo compas no sean viejas. Theres 2 churrascarias, all you can eat bomb ass steak for less than 20 bucks.

  4. Lo que hay que realizar que la frontera es la mas codiciada y la realidad reporteros tienen mucha culpa de lo que esta pasando en Tijuana tienen que tener mas responsabilidad lo que publican llo vivo en Tijuana nacido y creado conoci y conosco a muchos de los que andan en la movida no puédes evitarlo y no están acabos nomas que ahora son mas cómo empresa pero todavía pueden ser muy violenta cuando es necesario pero cuando publican que están acabos pues esto lo que pasa

  5. San Diego affordable housing comes with a few problems muder car theft police bribery on phony infractions and long delays going and coming into Mexico Linda💀🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽😹

    1. San Diego does not have affordable housing. Lol

  6. Cuando hay en cobijados es el C.A.F haciendo limpia de narcomenudista. Ya saben gente que en tijuana Arrellano rifan . “Oh pagan piso si no, plomo or tumba jale”
    Bajita la tenaza

  7. A woman I knew got killed last night in Playas de Tijuana. News said she was 65 but in reality she was around 70 years old. Milenio noticias said she was involved on drug trafficking but it’s not true. Her daughter is addicted to drugs and the daughter probably sold small amounts of drugs but not her. She was shot twice in the torso around 11 pm. I think Milenio ask neighbors about it and they said those things. No suspects yet. Sad.

    1. You have no ideas or clues as to why she was killed?

      No reason(s) at all as to why she was targeted?

      Sounds like maybe the daughter was targeted and they couldn’t they to get to her, so the mother was in the wrong place at the wrong time…

    2. Exactly Hermano they couldn’t get her and got the poor elderly lady rest in peace

    3. @3:23 am. I do not know why she was killed or why she was targeted but I have known her for years.She moved to Tijuana after losing her house in San Diego. She managed to buy two properties in Tijuana one next to the other. She will live in one property and will rent the other one. She will cross the border to clean houses in San Diego to make money, but Milenio said she was a drug dealer. She never used drugs or hang around that crowd. Her daughter on the other hand is a drug addict and hangs around that crowd and sells small amounts of drugs. Never the less. Her daughter is still on the house. It is odd because if the daughter was targeted she will be gone. Her daughter was supposedly at the store at 11 pm when her mom got killed. The daughter have said two different stories about the incident. It’s also been said the daughter was abusive of her mother. Stealing from her and punching her mom to take money and other things. But Milenio said she was a drug dealer. I myself suspect the daughter has something to do with that.

    4. Pablo I heard the rents have went up.
      How can people afford such rents?

    5. 1:52
      You trust everything.Melenio writes, .more likely I'll gotten information.

    6. Sounds like her drug addict daughter had her taken out so she can take the house most likely. Sorry to hear that, may she rest in peace.

    7. Was the lady's name Celia by any chance?

    8. @7:40pm. Yes. That’s the one.

  8. Siete De Copas is the place to hang and also maybe see some action

  9. I want to see a Donkey show in TJ.

  10. CAF vieja escuela would do encobijados. Back in the days. “Paga plaza o ay esta tus cobijas”

  11. “🎶 y más vale que nos cumpla, porque ayi están sus cobijas”🎶🎶 comando negro con los tucanes de tijuana.


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