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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Breaking News & LIVE THREAD: Juan Carlos Pizano Ornelas El "CR", Tapalpa Plaza Chief And High Ranking Member Of The CJNG Cartel, Was Arrested In Jalisco.

Char and Enojon for Borderland Beat 


Tapalpa Plaza chief & CJNG operator "El CR" 

Fuerza Informativa Azteca states the following, "Juan Carlos "N", alias "CR", the CJNG's Tapalpa plaza chief, was arrested in Jalisco. 

He is accused of being the alleged mastermind of the murder of cavalry colonel José Isidro Grimaldo Muñoz."





W RADIO Gdl on X, " Intense police activity and fighting between SEDENA and organized crime in Tapalpa, Jalisco, air and land mobilization, speculation about possible attempt to capture a CJNG commander, operator in Sierra del Tigre and ZMG. Information in process."

Jalisco Governor official statement Enrique Alfaro on. X, "This morning, the federal government carried out an operation in #Tapalpa against organized crime through the use of the armed forces, in which it is presumed that a high-ranking criminal member was arrested.

As a reaction and preliminarily there were three road blockades, at km 34 of the highway to Ciudad Guzmán, in Zacoalco de Torres; km 24 of the Guadalajara-Colima Highway; and at the Atemajac de Brizuela crossroads, from Zapotlán el Grande to Guadalajara. All have been released.

Although it is a federal operation, the state authorities have been fully available to support in any way necessary, freeing roads and safeguarding the integrity of the population.

It is very important to stay informed through official channels."

W Radio Gdl on, " Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramirez confirms that there were three blockades of trucks set on fire on the highway to Colima and another at the intersection of Atemajac de Brizuela, due to the arrest of "El CR" of the CJNG in Tapalpa." Via @antonionerij



  1. Mexico cracking the whip lately with these arrests, will Mayo or Mencho fall.

    1. Who has Mayo lost?? More like Chapitos and CJNG are getting sloppy and getting arrested

    2. Who has Mayo lost? Are you serious? His kids, his brothers, Chapo and his crew, the overall cartel structure, Lupe Tapia and his son and the list is endless. If anything Mayo has lost the most since he's been active the longest. I'm sure he's "lost" so much at this point that it doesn't even faze him. He probably sees it as the cost of doing business.

    3. Chapo and Chapitos crew are not a Mayo crew. His kids are free now. No major players have been caught in the last few months that belong to Mayos crew. So explain to me AGAIN who they have lost "Mexico cracking the whip LATELY with these arrest"

    4. 1154 is a teenager who has no clue.

    5. @12:14 Dude, google Lupe Tapia. Big fucking fish working for El Mayo, what are you talking about?

    6. Besides Lupe Tapia , Mayos men are still operating. Checo , Chavo felix , Flaco , Meño … etc

    7. 222 sounds so desperate.

    8. 11:33 Mencho has already fallen, he has been dead. Where have you been.

    9. 2:39 I mean 2:22 does have a point

    10. 1:49 I swear you ain't smart. LUPE TAPIA was over 9 months ago! We are talking about recent. Learn to read and stop acting like a Mayo hater. What I'm trying to point out is that Mayo group are in bed with the President. Super weird they ain't getting hit and are taking over Zacatecas, Chiapas, Veracruz and other parts with no heavy arrests.

    11. 5:48'they had chiapas but CJNG took a big chunck from them, plus mayo is cuban so of curse he has good conects in the underground

    12. Don forget about Changuito Antrax


    13. 7:35 mayo been cuban is nothing but hearsay. Alot of people quote Vicentes book but don't say the chapter or paragraph

    14. 7:35 CJNG never had Chiapas, CDG gave them a foot hold in Chiapas. MAYO still controls Chiapas

    15. 7:35 Dam BOY!! If Mayo was Cuban just imagine what fire power he would get from Cuba. Nothing but Russian and Chinese fire power that would make the government look like shit.

  2. Double chin Fatso getting slow, catching you slipping, eating tacos.

    1. That tattoo is not flattering of his chin.

    2. @5.36. CR you mean? I think you are jealous. And mean. I think he looks very pretty.

  3. The government going hard after cjng after the killed soldiers . I thought the cjng chiefs where so tough and ready for battle . All the big chiefs in Jalisco are scattering because of the military. No cartel and no cartel boss is to powerful if the Mexico armed forces really want someone

    1. 11:54 todos Esos mugrosos del CJNG son de agua como cualquier otro narco mugroso

    2. Yeah that’s the thing once you kill their military members it’s a lot of heat on you.

  4. Me da muchísimo gusto que agarraron al marrano. Ya también está detenido desde hace tiempo su hermano. D.E.P. Coronel. Y que sea así con cada elemento de la tropa también. Para el descanso eterno de cada elemento desaparecido, torturado y asesinado. Amén

    1. Se le olvida que muchos del ejercito son los mismos que ellos

    2. Si pero también muchos no son así de corruptos.

  5. Well media can't say low ranking member of CJNG. I didn't know Tapalpa plaza chief was a major plaza.

    Don't mess with ALMO💪

    1. Did you not see what cartel did ? The military went into hunting mode after the cartel ambushed wrecked them and killed a few of the military guys

  6. If any kid on here is looking for an organization to cheer for . Cheer for the Mexican police and armed forces . See how the Mexican special forces just captured a CDS Lt. In culiacan their main heartland and now they went to Jalisco and got all their "war" bosses running around scared. Let's go Marines

    1. That’s right 🫡 hope they keep cleaning out against narco scum bags

    2. 12:36PM I agree with you 🤙
      You know what I wish we could do , that would make watching these narcos go down , so much more exciting… I wish we had enough people interested that we could play something similar to fantasy football, but it instead it would be geared towards narcos we pick to fall(arrest or death) . We could all fill out a spreadsheet of available picks on who we think will fall from one cartel to the next , and how they will go fall (death or arrest ) . I know Fanduel and DraftKings could bring the vision to life 😄 You think these narcos don’t see what their doing as one big game ? Well why can’t we also make it one big game too?🤷‍♂️😄 We can all chip in either $20/$50 or $100 on our fantasy pick spread , and one who is most accurate on the pick can take it all. Or we can also do 2nd and 3rd place winners too.😄 Can anyone else see how much fun this could possibly be? To be on here regularly , says that we have an interest in cartel related news . So why can’t we all find a way to make this a lot more interesting and exciting, that way more of us can celebrate a narco busted or killed ? I’m sure there’s a way those who would like to stay anonymous can . To me I see it like betting on sports . I think most of know how much more exciting it is to keep up with , if there’s money on it 😄 We’ll that’s just my 2 cents . If anyone thinks they can help make the vision work, let us know ,so we can make it happen. I’m 100% in . How about you fellas?

    3. As a black American who know what the word mayate means….. I’m very proud of the Mexican government for doing what’s necessary to protect their people. A USA Ally that is strong, makes the world and both countries better🇺🇸&🇲🇽

    4. 4:28 you trip me out kid . But go ahead according to you which are going to be the last 3 narcos standing? 🧐

    5. 4:28 go back to Reddit kiddo . Some of us have lost innocent family members to them human filths

    6. @6:19PM “ Some of us have lost innocent family members to them human filth”? So the millions of Americans who’ve family members died from fentanyl poisoning don’t count right ? Your saying it doesn’t count unless they were directly gunned down by a cartel member? The moment a person starts categorizing levels of murder as whether it qualifies or not , we are all behaving like “Reddit Kiddos “ aren’t we ?🤔😄
      I personally find fantasy football not interesting, otherwise maybe I’d play that. I do on the other hand, wake up everyday excited to see if another big narco got busted or killed . That’s just me though 🤷‍♂️ Either way I enjoy friendly wagers , whether it be a boxing/ UFC matches, card games , craps , and even unorthodox wagers that most might not the see the fun in. 🤷‍♂️

      @4:28 PM I guess it would easier to focus my top picks on a certain cartel , so I’ll focus on the Sinaloa cartel for now . Top 3 last standing :
      1. El Mayo (I’m sure that he probably would be in everyone’s pick 😄)
      2. Aureliano Guzmán Loera A.K.A El Guano
      3 . Joaquin Guzman Lopez( only reason I say him is because I think he’s more likely to fall in line and make peace with the Zambada faction ,realizing that without Mayos protection(agreement with the U.S)… he’s got no chance at any longevity in that life )
      I think Ivan will be the next Chapito to fall, especially after leaving Nini alive to spill his the beans about everything. If manhunt for the Chapitos continues with the new intensity it has been at recently , then I don’t see Ivan being making longer than 6 months tops (most likely a lot sooner )
      Anyone want to throw their top 3 picks out , go right ahead . Were all rooting for the same end result anyways aren’t we ?

    7. 8:22 look here kid as former addict most time your choices in life lead to addiction alot of times is not forced on people but develop over time . Meanwhile in Mexico you can be living your life legit and still get killed or forced recruited into a Cartel. Big difference between living in America and living in the USA. You are what is wrong with this site nothing but American kids bored at home playing the cartel expert. Go live in Mexico in hot zone you wouldn't even last a month but keep on thinking you know everything from your mom's house

    8. 8:22
      1 mayito flako
      2 Joaquin Guzman Lopez
      3 mayo Zambada
      . I feel like the CDS is going to outlast CJNG . CDS and federal government in Mexico and USA are always going to go hand and hand. CDS has outlasted CAF CDJ CDG Zetas CDM FM and countless other organizations. Dont get me wrong almost all those organizations are still around most they ain't no where near the level they where before going to war with the government oh sorry meant CDS

    9. @8:45PM I am not talking about the victims who willingly chose to buy fentanyl . I’m talking about the ones who chose , Xanax, coke, weed, etc…. but ended up getting fentanyl instead . I am a former addict myself , who willingly chose to search out such a dangerous drug, day in day out , knowing the risks .
      But the people who died because they were given something they did not ask for , that’s murder . You give someone who wants a Coca Cola.. Coca Cola with cyanide , is it not murder for giving them the cyanide that they didn’t ask for ? Murder is murder no matter how you try and separate it , because the end result is the same for the families. Go ask someone who’s lost their son or daughter, if they would feel better knowing their child was poisoned then got shot to death , and see what they say . My guess is that most will tell the hurt is the same .
      And I never said many parts of Mexico aren’t a horrible place to have to live , due to the violence and chaos. My argument doesn’t lie there . My argument is that poisoning someone is just as much murder as shooting them with a gun . If anything, my wanting to make it a “Fantasy Narcos Downfall®️😉” , is because I truly despise all the suffering they cause the good , hard working people of Mexico, and America . How can wanting to wager on the demise of narcos, make me insensitive to others ? Wanting and wishing for them to get arrested/ killed is ok, but wagering on who will go down first , or last , is where you draw the line ?😒😄
      Actually sir, I think you are what’s wrong with this site 😄🫡

    10. @8:56 Thanks for your reply.I like your pick 3 . Now that I think of it,I think your pick 3 is better than mine . I had forgot about Mayito Flaco . With him being Mayos son , I think he almost surely would be protected under the umbrella that El has built with the U.S and Mexican government. Mayo is like a lottery winner in the narco world . To never have had a pair of handcuffs slapped on him , in his entire career of drug dealing . Who else can say that ? I personally don’t know of anyone who’s been so lucky . I think your right about CDS outlasting other cartels( even if just the Zambada faction ) because how can El Mayo faction fall with the support of both governments? I know a lot cartels have support from the government in Mexico , but how many can say they got the support of the U.S as well, besides El Mayo? So you think if Mayo was to die , Mayito Flaco would take over with the support of the U.S? I see it as very likely that Mayo will pass the reigns over to someone blood related , most likely Mayito Flaco ,who understands how the game must be played , in order to stay in the U.S governments good graces . Well I know it might be years to find out who’s the last 3 standing ,so who is your pick on the next one to fall from the Chapitos ?

    11. 10:24 this is just chisme or hear say ..but supposedly Mayito Flaco is actually calling the shots for the Zambada faction already. Supposedly mayo has being grooming him to take over since Vicente got captured. They say he is his father's Shadow and has been for years. Also that he has more "power" than ivan and has his people with the best equipment.They say him and Joaquin are the opposite of their brothers.

    12. 10:24 regarding the chapitos question I sincerely believe its going depend alot of both of who is coming in both the USA and Mexico governments. Ivan is a big trophy for any American or Mexican politician. I feel that Ivan is going to get captured in a shootout and that Alfredo is getting killed in his arrest

    13. 9:50 on point. It's one thing to be an addict, but inexcusable to knowingly dispense them a lethal poison that they weren't looking for just because it makes more money so they can buy fancy shit for Instagram posts.

    14. 12:04 yea, some random guy said it here in BB so it must be true

    15. 8:49 go to Sinaloa to the territories control by MZ and you could see truth to it . Keep in mind this is all chisme but how a really popular Mexican saying goes " cuando el rio suena agua lleva"

    16. @12:04PM I can definitely see that to be the case . I’m sure those close to Mayo realize the reason why he’s lasted this long , and have taken mental notes on “what and what not to do”. Chapitos definitely didn’t take notes 😄. We all can definitely see the 2 different scenarios.that are playing out . I’m sure everyone one of the Chapitos have thought at one time or another “ fuck , I should have just listened to Mayos advice “. And at the same time I know Mayo has thought to himself “ I tried , but them dumbasses didn’t want to listen to my advice “ Now the hammer is dropping, and from the looks of it , will continue to keep dropping , until the Chapitos are either all arrested , or dead . My question, is who is Ivan going to tell on when he gets busted? The Chinese, that America most likely will never be able to prosecute, for fear of starting issues with China . I know El Mayo/ Mayito Flaco , most likely are keeping all their business in-house(faction wise),as quiet as possible, because they know anyone falling in the Chapitos faction would attempt to give intel on them, once arrested . So everyone is just sitting back, smiling , eating popcorn and watching the show unfold . I think once the Chapitos are gone , most of those who worked under them (hitmen, dealers , lieutenants etc) , will go ask Mayo/Mayito Flaco if their hiring 😄 Even though people get involved in that lifestyle, they all want to last as long as possible, and know, following leaders like the Chapitos , opposed to leaders of the Zambada faction , is just like picking a 3 legged horse in a Kentucky derby. Those are just my thoughts 🤷‍♂️

  7. Getting close to Menchos den

    1. maybe but the government is more concerned about Chapitos at the moment. Chapitos will fully be dismantled then they will go for CJNG

    2. True , they’re definitely close to MZ .. always have been

  8. I feel like they give the "plaza boss" position to anyone now, they get caught slacking in house slippers feeling to comfortable. 100 people in your power and can't even put up a fight, they talk big in there city but really ain't ready to die.

    1. @12:50 PM I agree . They never seem ready to die 😄 But the corridos musicians make about them , say so much the opposite that it’s almost comical 😄 “ The boss fought the entire Sedena military with a butter knife, and won(or some bullshit like that 🤦‍♂️😂)
      I still laugh to myself about the comment someone made recently saying the corridos be like” he took out 20 marines , with a 10 shot pistol” 🤣
      I bet the guys who really believe those comical corridos , really believe John Wick was based on a true story 🤦‍♂️😄

    2. On god they be killing me with all that exaggeration, like just add that you killed a whole convoy with a pistol and still had 3 bullets remaining 😂

    3. @3:05AM and did they forget to mention…. that the pistol they took out the whole convoy with , was only was BB Gun 🤦‍♂️😂

  9. I just seen videos of them wrecking some cjng sicarios with the mini from the helicopter got those foos running for there lives no que muy perrones pues.

    1. Everyone claims to be a bad ass till it’s time be a badass

    2. @2:25PM 💯% Facts . Kind of reminds of the quote from Mike Tyson
      “ Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”😱 🥊 😄
      It’s not hard killing and terrorizing unarmed innocent people if your 3 or 4 truckloads deep and everyone has guns . I wish they would just keep that same energy in a fair (or slightly not in their favor ) gunfight. We probably have a better chance at seeing a flying unicorn in person, than that ever happening .

  10. The sound and impact of the mini gun makes me hard.. The cockroaches running away like little girls.Oye who is that fatso Baron Harkonnen from DUNE getting a free ride in a C-130? The guy who had to put tattoos on feo gordo must have been super grossed out guey. El CR ?? Plaza chef of a huge bucket of mierda. AMF.

    1. @12:54PM I ain’t gonna lie I felt the same way. I slowed down the video , just to focus on the terror in their faces , as they ran like little girls 😄
      Their fucking hypocrites. It’s ok for them to outgun and outnumber innocent people, but yet when the roles are reversed, they say it’s fucked up the army had to use a mini gun 😄
      I swear I wanted to see one of those scumbags stop mid sprint , turn around to the helicopter , throw his arms up and say “ hey timeout … you guys are not playing fair “😂

  11. If there is anything I learn reading about cartels for 25 years is, Mexico does not care what you do, but when military personal get ambushed/killed, the government will go after to you. Does not apply to police officers.

    1. I live in Guadalajara and that is true.

    2. Tienes razón. No debería ser desigual

    3. Yeah . Even in the US once you fuck with the troops or police it’s no holds bard

    4. I agree 100%. After reading about what these narcos are responsible for on a daily basis , how can we not all rejoice when we see Karma finally makes it way around . And for those who don’t feel the same , let one the guy you root for… rape/ kidnap/torture/kill your loved ones , and tell us if you’ll still feel the same way about them after that . It shouldn’t be ok make people live under any of these circumstances just because their not related to you personally. They just had unfortunate luck of being born in a place with a horrible reality.

    5. Very true, military is a representation of the heart of the state; that’s why I was surprised in 2015 when the chopper was here why the Staten didn’t respond so aggressively…..

    6. 5:16 you referring to the capture or kill operation on May 1, 2015? The gobierno did respond but in Tanhuato Michoacán where dozens of "sicarios" were killed in many different ways, in the videos of that operation you can hear the use of the mini gun. That was their "get back" against CJNG.

  12. Mexican cartels going to start ordering up some anti air munitions. It’s almost impossible to hit a moving chopper with a RPG. When the guys repel from the chop you got a chance but that’s it.

    1. I bet there's some Ukrainians willing to sell some stingers lol

    2. Ukrainians will sale it 100%

    3. Ukranians can't even hold off the Russians lol

  13. Alli en zacoalco de torres es bastion de las 4 letras gente del gringo Villarreal que mato la militar.. que Pueblo tan Bonito los mejores tacos de canasta y unas barbies pero chulas en ese pueblo

    1. Correction ..gente del gringo Acevedo cercano del mencho antes que lo aniquilaran los wachos en el 2015

    2. Where do you tend to find them? I was in zacoalco a couple of months ago and only saw a couple baddies at the plaza.



  15. Yeah arrested where is the Cjng is King nino.😂👍😭

  16. 3:39 probably jamming to CJNG corridos and consuming CJNG propaganda for them to maintain their king status in his head 🗣️

  17. I live in tapalpa. El cr was turned in.

    CJNG remains KING!!!!!

    1. 4:37 haha all your kings are running around scared all over Jalisco running scared to get into it with the armed forces. Thought that cjng had unlimited money soldiers . The best weapons and tactical equipment.. even Colombian guerrilleros but yet they don't want that Mexican armed forces smoke 😂😂 dont sound to king-ish to me 🧐

    2. ¿Blackhawk vs foot soldiers?

      @6:06 you do the math smart guy.

    3. The definition of "bravery" for dumb borderlandbeat kids is getting killed like a dumbass. Idc how good my aim is and how well equipped I might be, I'm running for my life if I'm being shot at by a minigun. @437

      @606 use your judgment bro. It's free.

    4. 6:49 where are the elite sicarios or the ex deltas or ex farcs the cjng love to brag about . What about all the rpgs and anti aircraft artillery. No cartel hitmen are a real match for the rea thing not even your heroes 😭

    5. 6:53 don't brag about it if you ain't about it and above all else don't get in that life if you don't want to end up six feet under . Use your judgment bro . It's free.

    6. @737 I do use my judgment and always have. Like I stated if I'm being shot at by a minigun from a fucken helicopter I'm using my brains instead of my might and getting the fuck to safety? Survival instinct.

      How stupid would one be to use your fucken logic; I'm brave and about that life let me just get shredded by a minigun? WTF!🤣

      No one ever brags about them being able to take on attack helicopters? Not one group. That CJNG and CDS have taken choppers down in the past, that mightve just been luck or they had the right equipment to do so at the time.

      @736 bingo! You're smarter than a 5th grader bro. Sicarios aren't a real match against military personnel. Did you really need for me to 2nd that? 🤣🤣

      Lol @ my heroes.

    7. @7:37 PM I 2nd your statement 🤙
      That’s exactly the truth of the matter. To say your about something , means you should be about , even when the odds aren’t in your favor . You make the decision to terrorize and exploit innocent people , we’ll then you should be 100% ok when you got a minigun shooting at you . I’m sure those people laugh to see good people live in fear , so why can’t we laugh to see them run in fear for their lives as well? 🤔🤷‍♂️

    8. 736

      50 rounds per second?🤔
      Fuck yeah let's fight and get murdered! 😂

    9. 9:15 9:16 9:22 alot of cartel have hit squads with names like special forces delta elite and have military mentality with nothing but unharmed innocent people. Only In their ranches they believe their special forces bs. Once the real Mexican special forces show up all they do is run and surrender. I mean if you tough enough to terrorize innocent unarmed civilians be brave enough to face that chopper in the sky coming at you with that mini gun.

    10. 1006
      Yeah, and they're just that. Names. Attractive propagandistic names. You didn't really think cartel groups have special forces did you?

      The comparisons on here are fucken stupid, If your brave enough to mess with innocent people? be brave enough to be fight the minigun! What?! Wtf does being an asshole have to do with having survival instincts? Hey! Im a bully! So its only right i get taken out by heavy artillery. JAAAAjaaaJaaaa!😂😂

      You guys literally have no brain and probably never have been in a life threatening situation.

      Sicarios better have some RPG-32s on hand if they think they have a chance against MURCIELAGOS ARTILLADOS🦇.

    11. @916 lol @ you should be 100% ok with a minigun shooting at you. 🤣

      Kids these days.

    12. Im ex gang member from East Los been shot at atleast 8 times throughout my years i was hit 2 times but according to you youngsters since im about that life i should have let myself get shot the other 6 times because im about that life anyone who ever been shot at is dodging bullets and the last thing that crosses our mind is staying in the way of the bullets with that mentality you youngsters would not last long gangbanging or working for cartels palabra

    13. 11:10 11:14 puro sicario de Internet ustedes morros.

    14. 11:10 11:25 ustedes son de agua como todos los mugrosos con pistola. Sin pistola corren y asta con pistola igual. Puro sicario de Internet ustedes morros

    15. 11:25 PM “we wouldn’t last long gangbanging or working for the cartels” … your absolutely right , that’s why we don’t get involved in dumb shit like that

      For anyone to feel any type of sympathy for people who prey on others , regardless if their being shot at by a minigun , in a finally deserved karmic assault, is just crazy . For me, when I see people willingly sign up to play stupid games , I get a great sense of enjoyment to see when they finally win a stupid prize . They know exactly what they signed up for . No one’s cries when the guy who robs people at gunpoint , as a hustle ,finally gets his head blown off , because he knew what he signed up for when he decided to take that lifestyle path . If anything, people will all agree that “ that muthafucka had it coming “ . Same applies here . To see this video, knowing that the guys running like girls are the same guys who prey on innocent people , with their chests puffed out cause they only are tough in numbers , day in day out …. Makes me sad I didn’t get to see the bullets from the minigun , tear through their bodies 🚑 🪦
      Palabra 🥸

    16. 11:10 11:25 you two guys would be the typical guys the military pulls over and questions them and would just a answer 'si jefe " "no jefe" 😭 . Son de agua

    17. 11:25 maybe you should of joined a different organization. There is some organization out there that try to teach principles. Like someone already told you most American gang members that end up getting deported are usually the first one desde. Son de agua en 🇲🇽

    18. 1223 WTF!? makes you sad? Bruh your testosterone levels must be low being sensitive over some bs like that.

      Ahy si me pongo triste! 😂

  18. The sound of that mini gun raining down on all the narcos/bad guys, who make the good people of Mexico live in fear , was like music to my ears 🙌🏼 “Ain’t no fun when the rabbit has the gun “ is it ? 😄🤙

  19. Any connections with el 85 didn't he get caught in the same are?

  20. Looks like the Baphomet tattooed on his neck...

  21. Homie has a triple chin

    1. @5:11PM I know the tattoo artist that did that neck tattoo , must have had to have charged triple the price😄 That’s like a whole back piece(size wise ) in a neck 😄

    2. 9:19 oh yeah bro I got tattoos myself and trust ol boy had to go to multiple sessions for that triple neck piece

    3. Maybe he got it young before the fat neck, or some 2 year old scribbled on it when he passed out after eating too much chorizo one night.

    helicopters and miniguns, they were really at him

  23. Let’s Gooo!!!!! For a better Mexico. Organized crime has only made politicians even dirtier and screwed of the civilians even more. The Mexican people deserve a country free of scumbags

    1. @6:37PM I couldn’t agree with you more 🙌🏼

  24. Alias el Mantecas o el Marrano, CR(Carnitas Rancheras)

  25. y cuantos helicoptero tumbaron esta vez.??

  26. My guess is Jardinero will fall next

    1. 8:16 Or apa . . Hopefully the military hits the CJNG with a couple of leaders

  27. SCREAMmm...where's the red Warning for his gruesome pic?

    Canadian girl💋

  28. He will live like a king in Mexican prison and most likely still call shots from the inside.
    He will be let out the front door once the smoke clears unless he has warrants 8n the US.

    1. One can hope. Or maybe don't be a piece of shit and do something halfway useful with your life.

  29. More chins than a Chinese phone book.

    1. yea guey like one of those wallerass in antartika

  30. They cld spot them tattoos a mile away. Stupid idiot.

  31. Talking about triple chin, nini is abot 1/3 of this guys weight but he has a bigger triple chin, not making it up, look at his pics 😂 boys head and chin dont match up to his teen body 🤣🤣🤣

    1. 2:28 ahi si le dijieron feo a mi novio entonces le voy a decir feo Al novio de otras. Calmate mi Reina

    2. His nickname wasn't "chicken little" for nothing genius.

  32. I live here in Tapalpa. The actual death toll was around 30-40, but the local government did not want to disclose that information. Reason being Tapalpa is in position to be a huge tourist spot "Pueblo Magico", so they don't want that kind of attention.


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