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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Capo 'El Lobo' Valencia, Witness Against Garcia Luna, Could Get Out Of Prison Early

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Oscar Nava Valencia, leader of the Milenio Cartel, had pleaded guilty to cocaine trafficking in 2012.

Óscar Nava Valencia, El Lobo, a witness presented by US prosecutors to testify in the trial against Genaro García Luna, a former official of Felipe Calderón's six-year term, could be released from prison before serving his sentence in the United States.

The former leader of the Milenio cartel is looking for his active collaboration with U.S. authorities in cases such as that of former Public Security Secretary and one of the leaders of Los Cuinis, Gerardo González Valencia, to pay off.

Garcia Luna received millions of dollars from the two most powerful Mexican cartels.

Genaro Garcia Luna

According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons, Nava Valencia would be released from prison in April 2024, that is, in less than 5 months, after having received in 2014 a 25-year prison sentence after reaching a collaboration agreement which was reduced to 200 months, just over 16 years, in 2019. In addition, the year he spent in prison in Mexico was taken into account.

However, this November 15, a motion for a sentence reduction was filed, which although it is not known if it was filed by the prosecution or Nava's defense, would imply reducing his sentence again so that he could be released as soon as possible.

Gerardo Gonzalez Valencia

El Lobo Nava had pleaded guilty to cocaine trafficking in 2012. As the leader of the Milenio Cartel, in addition to running a multi-million dollar drug trafficking business, he had contact with the most recognized Mexican drug lords, such as the Beltran Leyva brothers and Joaquin El Chapo Guzman. He was arrested in Mexico at the end of 2009 and shortly after a year, extradited to the United States.

At the beginning of 2023, he reappeared on the national scene when he was part of the group of witnesses that the US prosecution used against Genaro García Luna, for conspiracy to traffic cocaine.

He said he witnessed at least three meetings between García Luna and criminal leaders. First in 2006 to receive 2.5 million dollars, collected by Arturo Beltrán Leyva, El Barbas, while the Sinaloa Federation existed, to maintain greater control of the territories: "the first time was in 2006, we had to collaborate, to make an agreement between all of us".

Arturo Beltrán Leyva

Then in 2007, in Cuernavaca, when he was summoned by El Barbas to explain why drugs belonging to the Beltrán Leyva family had been seized.

"We met in Cuernavaca with Arturo Beltrán and Genaro García Luna to find out what happened (...) I gave him cash. More than 10 million pesos," said El Lobo, in order to receive the report of the seizure and thus not have problems with his Colombian partners who were claiming for the loss of their cocaine.

And finally in 2008, in a car wash in Guadalajara, when El Lobo personally claims to have paid 3 million pesos to García Luna and his right-hand man, Luis Cárdenas Palomino, head of the Police Intelligence Division of the now defunct Federal Police, for protection.

Luis Cárdenas Palomino.

He also saw how the Gonzalez Valencia brothers, who would later lead Los Cuinis, the financial arm of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), operated the trafficking of tons of cocaine, as he testified in the trial against Gerardo Gonzalez Valencia.

Nava Valencia could be deported after his release, however, having been a cooperating witness for the US government, he could also enjoy protection benefits, his family could also benefit from this, in US territory. In the end, it will be up to a federal judge to determine if El Lobo will be released from his incarceration sooner.



  1. Make no mistake El Lobo Valencia was Mencho's boss. Then El Pilo is also an informant according to an article published by Milenio.

    I am thinking that El Lobo Valencia and El Pilo will testify againts Menchito and other CJNG leaders.


    1. Valencias in general are his boss…

    2. He wasn’t Mencho boss! The cuinis worked with that dude,together! He’s a rat! He’s gonna testify against chepa and cuini when he gets extradited!

    3. 8:50 El lobo Valencia and maradona Valencia and all them are the real Valencias the real bosses. Cuinis 85 and especially mencho would report to Lobo

    4. AVC was the Boss of Milenio. Then it was Luis Valencia if I'm not mistaken. His brother Ventura was also a pesado until he was killed. Something along the lines of him(Luis) retiring is when Lobo took over as the Boss of Milenio.
      Milenio was El Cartel de Los Valencia. Damn near everyone in that group had the last name. And practically all of them are from Tierra Caliente, Uruapan or some other place in Michoacán.
      Something that also brought the fracture between Maradona and Tisico was the theft of cocaine by a Valencia that AVC never handled after several times being made aware of it by Tisico. I'll try to find where I read or heard that.
      There are also older articles on BB about Milenio that have good information from Spanish articles and comments.

    5. 11:10 char do you remember whenever cholo was telling mencho through videos to open up his eyes and realized what was going on around him . How 03 ( Valencia milenio) was making moves to put a real Valencia on the throne once they started getting out. See any possibility of it being true or do you think cholo was just causing disent?

    6. @949 hell no u don’t know what I talking about! Lobo didn’t give these guys orders,yeah they worked together! Cuinis and Mencho did what they wanted to do,they didn’t take or ask for for orders from anyone,let’s just say I know! 😉

    7. So lobo and 85 is related to cuinis? Or is it just a coincidence.

    8. Lobo came after AVC. 11:43 is correct and CJNG is essentially milenio. Why would AVC son be a high level CJNG? It looks like a blood and marriage thing.

    9. @Char: I agree Pilo and Lobo (and possibly Tigre) are some of the best witnesses the DEA can get against Mencho at the moment. Yes, they can only testify to Mencho’s activities up to about 2010/2012, but everyone who has worked under Mencho since then and was slated for extradition gets murdered (Piolin, El 20, etc) or is close family that won’t turn on Mencho.

    10. 6:48 just give it up my dude there is a bunch of evidence suggesting Lobo Maradona and other Valencias ran Milenio . Cuinis 85 are Valencia too but lesser level . Cuinis and 85 where under Lobo and mencho was under cuinis and 85

    11. 10:27 Armando and his primo Luis were the top jefes of Los Valencia/Milenio. After Maradona was arrested in 2003 Luis solely became the jefe, his carnal Ventura being number 2 until his death. What made them(Armando and Luis) the jefes is they had the connection to the coca and feria. Everyone that was a part of Milenio had to buy from them. Lobo didn't become the Boss after AVC. He wasn't really talked about. Armando and Luis were.

    12. El de la primera foto es el tigre

  2. I though cjng didn’t snitch or something like that.

    1. El lobo valencia is not CJNG. El Lobo is Milenio Cartel-Char BB

    2. They all snitch! Lol unless you’re the one getting snitched on then the government won’t give you the luxury to snitch

    3. 4:20 cjng is milenio

    4. 6:15 😂 i thaught CJNG was created by CDS, make up your mind

    5. 6:41 los Valencia where milenio cartel they worked under the CDS umbrella under and alongside nacho. Lobo and a few other big Valencia bosses get captured nacho gets killed . Milenio cartel goes to shit . You have two sides fighting for it. Los torcidos against la resistencia. Los torcidos win then they morph into basically what CJNG is now

    6. 7:12 buddy i know, and Milenio was a (partner) of CDS not working under nachos humbrela, back then Jalisco was a neutral state and nacho and Milenio had a common enemy, Golfos (Z's), and since LFM was partners with Golfos (Z's) Milenio was partners with Nacho, milenio was a cartel before Nacho, but once Nacho was killed that partner ship split, Mencho was actually cool with CDS but again our good old chapo tryed to back stab him when he tryed to killed him in Colima and the CJNG vs CDS war started, they could of been at peace but Chapo been who he is wanted all the marbles, pero se la pelo

    7. There's no such thing as Milenio mencho won and took over milenio

    8. 7:36 some links saying how los Valencia worked under nacho coronel (CDS)

    9. 8:04 thats how Milenio wanted to be seen, shit Molcas talked about it, he said they were sending merca to europe, selling meth to nacho and nacho sent it to the USA that was the partner ship, look here i dont want to say those sources are wrong but they are, if you lived around that area you knew exactly what was going on, all cartels were working there with out making noise, the wars were in TJ, Nuevo Laredo and Juarez, thanks to who? We go back to our one and only Chaputo, again after nachos death Mencho and CDS were still cool but chapo again tryed killing Mencho and all hell broke loose, so all this violence is thanks to your beloved Chapo, he would start the fights and run back to Sinaloa, punk ass, good thing karma got him

    10. 8:51 stop making excuses bro . It is what it is . Valencias worked for nacho coronel

    11. 9:30 sure bud if that helps you sleep at night, chapo fucked up Jalisco, Nacho was a true capo, Nacho and Mencho would of kept it cool but chapo had to back stab Nacho and tryed on Mencho but it back fired, Chapo snitched 😂

    12. 9:53 you seemed triggered 😂 facts can do that to you .

    13. 9:53 it was mencho that betrayed nacho not chapo dummy

    14. 11:06Pm

      mencho did not betray Nacho. Mencho did not have that type of power back in 2010 to turn over a big boss.

    15. 11:12 exactly, this guys seem to forget the one throwing enemies and foes under the bus left and right was Chapo and mayo reporting to Garcia Luna, Nacho was getting to big with his partner ship with Cartel del Milenio so he had to go just like Mochomo

    16. 8:51 you know your shit! 💯

    17. Char November 15, 2023 at 11:12 PM
      el chapo y nacho se distanciaonr n poco. en el tiempo que mataron a el hijo de nacho el que tenia la plaza de vallarta era barbarino. el problema fue que barbarino supo del convoy penso que era de la misma gente y no radio. y matan al hijo de nacho. esto enojo a nacho y quizo matar a barbarino. el chapo dio la cara po r barbarino y hablo con nacho que fue un error ahi nacho le contesto mal a chapo y se dijeron de cosas ambos. y salieron mal. ya despues muere nacho mas no se si el chapo tuvo que ver en su muerte.

    18. 8:51 7:05 CJNG groupies in denial !

    19. For all the groupies in denial according to a lot of information from that time frame the 4 main capos from CDS was Azul chapo mayo nacho . Nacho was the good one in Jalisco. With nachos blessing los Valencia set up shop in Jalisco after they left michoacan. Los Valencia where the Milenio Cartel. They worked underneath nachos umbrella. Lobo Maradona and their brothers ran the cartel and cuinis and 85 reported to them and mencho reported to 85 and had the cuinis as brothers in law. There is a lot of links detailing this not just hear say

    20. 11:16 facts dont mean you are a groupie and the fact is Mayo is Cuban

    21. Valencia’s been in Jalisco longer than Nahco. Reason nacho had power was before of Los Valencia’s backing him. Even nacho was going to leave cds and work with Valencia’s reason why he was killed by chapo and Mayo snitching. Same happened to Polo Ochoa when he was working with Los Quinis

    22. ,2:16 hear say bro . There is actual links from multiple sources of how los Valencia (milenio) had their base of operation in Michoacan where all the Valencias are born in . Whenever El Tisco ran them off michoacan with the help of the CDG under Osiel and the original zetas they fleed to Jalisco. Under nachos CDS umbrella they bring all their infrastructure to Jalisco. Maradona Lobo and the main Valencia guys report to Nacho.los torcidos eventually win the split and CJNG is born. But the fact of the matter is that whenever milenio was around in Jalisco Maradona Lobo where cunis 85 and especially menchos boss. Facts are there

    23. 3:16 i can tell you dont really know how ot worked, Milenio was low key and those sources only scratched the surface, its like right now you might think Cuinis report to mencho, but the fact is they are their own cartel and they call theor own shots, they are only partners with CJNG, do you now get the picture how CDM and CDS worked? You guys simplify a matter that its way more complicated

    24. AnonymousNovember 16, 2023 at 2:16 PM
      Valencia’s been in Jalisco longer than Nahco. Reason nacho had power was before of Los Valencia’s backing him. Even nacho was going to leave cds and work with Valencia’s reason why he was killed by chapo and Mayo snitching. Same happened to Polo Ochoa when he was working with Los Quinis

      a polo ochoa lo mataron por hocicon fanfarron y lengua suelta.

    25. 6:53 it's going to be fine bro just cope with it

    26. 9:29 CJNG IS KING!!!

    27. Chapo's aint at war with CJNG. Tell me one place where they are figbting at??
      Mayos and CJNG are at war with eachother they are the ones figjting im Zacatecas, Tijuana, Chapas. Colima, GDL and anywhere else they are fighting at

  3. Let's say Lobo Valencia gets out and returns to Mexico . Would mencho just hand over the reigns of CJNG since Lobo was his boss . Doubt Lobo would take orders from mencho . Maybe Lobo seeking alliance with CDS ? Or just straight up stay in USA enjoying his millions like de zambadas and damasos

    1. Dude he snitching in court who in their right mind will want to work with him

    2. 4:19 Lobo testified and ruined the deal Gerardo and his lawyer/lawyers? had negotiated with USA and instead got him(Lalo) a Federal life sentence. While they aren't family and Lobo doesn't owe him any loyalty, he(Lobo) is a killer and has ordered people killed, sometimes unjustly or through error. That's the drug game. Sooner or later drug dealers will be faced with the decision to kill someone over drugs/money, it's a litmus test if you will, on that persons ability(physical, emotional or morally/spiritually)to handle his business and be given more confidence by his superiors. In the USA there are many ways to raise yourself out of poverty and become rich, realistically not a billionaire, but much better than one can in his home country.
      He(Lobo) would suffer the same or worse than El Cholo of CNP. He will remain in the USA as a protected witness for testifying against many individuals.

  4. And further more. What the he'll does america want all these guys for????? To prove their political clout. Omg. How exhausting. Rather be a surfer living I Hawaii smoking weed all day. Then having to suit up and be an asshole puppet for different governments

    1. I feel u on that u rather be at the beach with a blunt playing rolitas belicas

    2. I know right? The USA should never enforce laws because it doesn't sit well with you 👌

    3. Those asshole puppets have perverse desires and needs to be met… hence Epstein

    4. @4:29pm The surfer potheads don't get to seduce in swank hotel lounges the career girls in short black cocktail dresses.

  5. I hope he does get out early. I’m not a hater

  6. If he goes to mexico he will be killed

  7. Don't complain why drugs don't stop. It's a Natural resource with profits as much or more as Gold without the Goverment having to do anything to receive such profits.

    1. “Natural resource” lmao…

    2. @6.13. Teenage girls are a ''Natural Resource'' if you want to ignore the damage the trade in sexual slavery causes. You are right about the profit the state can take though. The focus is always on the phantom ''Cartels'', and the more they get fractured the more ridiculous the narrative becomes.

  8. El Lobo will stay in the state. Witness protection. Im sure they will let him keep some money like they did with Mamito, and Flores bros.

  9. I guess these TIPOS didn't learn a damn thing growing up never be a RATA and never steal or mess around with your neighbor's wife come on now DON'T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CANT DO THE TIME

  10. Cooperation with Uncle Sam pays.

  11. Valencia's are snitches

    1. Lobo is the rat. Don't know yet if his carnal Tigre also snitched.
      Cuinis (Chepa and Lalo) and Menchito still firmes.



  12. I’m sure he’ll set up shop in atherton with that other guy

    1. You mean the one who tried suing this site…

    2. That ass hole that sued the site messed everything up! I miss having the forum in addition to the main page.

  13. Look a rat no he told on some corrupt government official who couldn't keep up he's end of the bargain or set him up is what is told in Jalisco so Mencho could take over. But he tells on a narco not some 2 face crooked official than he's a snitch

    1. Stop bro he’s a rat he’s cooperating just like the sinaloenses do

    2. 9:44 lol that’s not how it works bud

    3. 10:38
      Everyone that is a human being snitches, stop being a 22 year old crybaby.

    4. 745 Speak for yourself. Since the the early days of our lives, nobody likes or respects the tattletale.

  14. Snitchoacan jajaja.

  15. I thought CJNG Don't talk to the Authorities???
    Every Man has their Price


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