Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Coahuila: The Police Squadron That Became An Armed Wing For The Sinaloa Cartel

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Commander Lince, director of G.R.L. and César Antonio Perales Esparza, director of Public Security in Torreón, Coahuila

Video translation is as follows:

This is a message for all citizens and for the honest authorities of the state of Coahuila. Specifically for the inhabitants within the Comarca Lagunera region. It is no longer a surprise to anyone that security in this region has been gradually diminishing over the last few months. And the security strategy of the so-called Coahuila model is becoming obsolete. 

During the political speeches on security issues, what is happening in the municipalities that border the state of Durango has been taken out of the discourse. For some time now the narco terrorists of the Sinaloa Cartel have wanted to enter our state to use it for their criminal activities and to submerge it again in the era of insecurity that we lived years ago.

Two opposing factions of this terrorist organization are trying to make inroads in the Laguna region. On the one hand Los Cabrera of the M.Z. (Mayo Zambada) faction and on the other hand the mob of El Pollo of the Los Chapitos faction. 

On this occasion we are going to talk about the Los Cabreras M.Z. faction who have tried to establish themselves the most. But as expected, they are not doing it alone. They have managed to corrupt certain commanders and elements of municipal and state corporations in the towns of Torreon, Matamoros, Francisco I. Madero, and Viesca. Today we will talk specifically about the main traitors, promoters, of the entry of these terrorists, which are the G.R.L. (Laguna Reaction Group) of the Torreon municipal police. 

They went from being a small group of small time policemen with normal salaries to corrupt delinquents who are surrounded by luxuries that not even at 100 years of public service would be enough to cover the salaries that they are now making. This special group was supposedly created to be the first line of defense of the region against organized crime. Instead it became the new armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel, M.Z. faction. In the Laguna region under the command of the corrupt traitor Zamir Alejandro Braham Reza aka Comandante Lince. 

Who serves as director of the reaction group. As well as his sub-director Ulises Cuevas Grimaldi aka El Ántrax. Both are leaders and partners of the armed wing with a badge in service for the Sinaloa Cartel. Other members of the G.R.L. include Juan Guisa, a relative of José Guadalupe Rojas García aka El Güero Miami. He is the plaza boss in the municipality of Francisco I. Madero, Coahuila for Los Cabrera. He’s a former Zeta who has a past criminal record for robbery with the special qualification of intimidation with a firearm. 

He also happens to be the owner of the Miami Vibe bars. These bars are located on the Torreón - Matamoros highway in the 21 de Marzo neighborhood in the municipality of Matamoros, Coahuila. And on the Virginias Highway in the Las Vegas neighborhood in the municipality of Francisco I. Madero. These places are frequented by corrupt state police officers from La Laguna who get drunk and high listening to narco ballads. Where even El Güero Miami holds private parties and posadas for them. 

As head of the plaza El Güero Miami manages drug sales, thefts, and other crimes in Francisco I. Madero and other areas of La Laguna. Using the G.R.L. as his armed wing. The narco director Zamir aka El Lince even gave him false credentials to pass off El Güero Miami as an element of the FGR (Agent of the Attorney General's Office). Being able to carry weapons, get into patrol cars, and have policemen as bodyguards. The direction of municipal public security in Torreon is vividly clear. 

As we can see in these photos where two luxury vehicles recently used by El Güero Miami appear. These vehicles are inside the Torreon municipal police yards. And which have the sticker of El Lince that refers to Zamir and the G.R.L. Trucks with a value of more than a million pesos. Investigate the names on the license plates and you will see that what we say is true. Or how can we forget that El Güero Miami under the effects of alcohol and drugs caused an accident in one of his trucks. 

Where instead of being arrested he was protected and released by the municipal police of Torreon despite the fact that he was well armed. All this on the orders of Zamir aka El Lince and Ulises aka El Ántrax. Along with the protection of Commander Castro of the Action and Reaction Police (PAR) unit. These are other corrupt elements from the G.R.L. at the service of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

Goyo Grimaldi aka El Pantera Ántrax or El Flaco is the brother of Ulises aka El Ántrax Braham Reza, nephew of Commander Lince. Carlos Alejandro López Hernández aka El Charly, Gerardo Sara aka El Negro or El Jeri, and Mario Flores Esquivel. This group of corrupt individuals maintain control of the G.R.L. using it to bring the Sinaloa Cartel into the state of Coahuila. They have enriched themselves by betraying the trust and integrity of the citizens. Thus tarnishing Coahuila's police corporations that have been the scandal of the state's political discourse.

And all apparently under the connivance of the director of municipal public security, Commissioner Cesar Perales, who coincidentally sees nothing and knows nothing. Or maybe the commissioner is also involved with crime. Coincidentally, Zamir aka El Lince and Cesar Perales were also accompanied by the commanders who went to Gomez Palacio, Durango for the presentation of the group of narco-policemen called GORI (Immediate Reaction Task Force). Criminal leaders Ernesto Herrera Neza aka El Guiño, appeared very close to each other. 

Ricardo Stevenson de Alba aka Commander Turino is who is in charge of coordinating the incursions of the Sinaloa Cartel hitmen in Coahuila under the guise of being PI agents of the Durango prosecutor's office. Or, since it is already the place of El Lince and Ulises aka El Ántrax and Juan Lince, they let Sinaloa hitmen from Gómez Palacio get into their patrol cars to kill and kidnap people in Torreon. Especially in the western sector.  

Everyone knows that both El Guiño and Commander Turino are even friends with the plaza chief Edgar Ortiz aka El Limones who clearly appears in Sedena intelligence files. But it seems that the special command of La Laguna pretends not to see these same characters. They are the ones who met months ago at the vip of the State fair in Torreon. Present were Commander Zamir Braham aka El Lince, Héctor Flores aka El Jaguar, and Ernesto Herrera aka El Guiño. 

Edgar Ortiz aka El Limones and his cousin Lalo are two career criminals. They believed that the next Governor to assume power, Manolo Jimenez, was going to take power away from them. All this while drinking beers and listening to narco ballads like this one dedicated to the late Jose Eduardo Bocanegra Yanez aka El Vago or Ranchero. There are too many links between them all to be just coincidence. And speaking of narco ballads, how can we miss the multiple narco ballads that Comandante Zamir aka El Lince, Ulises aka El Ántrax, and brother El Pantera Ántrax have. 

This makes it more than clear what kind of criminals they really are. And that they hide behind the badge of policemen. Like this narco ballad that is dedicated to Zamir aka El Lince and that is sung by the same narco band called Banda Callejera. Who composed the aforementioned narco ballad to the deceased criminal nicknamed El Guano. And they also have a narco ballad dedicated to Ulises Cuéllar aka El Ántrax.  And others for El Pantera. Or this other narco ballad called El Lince sung by another group of drug addicts called Masd1.

Who coincidentally sing to the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel in Gomez Palacios, Durango. Like this narco ballad dedicated to Edgar Ortiz aka El Limones. Or this one dedicated to Masael Armando aka El Muñeco. But these criminals also like to listen to all the narco ballads of their boss Ismael Zambada Garcia aka El Mayo. Whose narco ballads they ask for in all the bars and parties they go to where they like to be greeted. To show off to other people who the bad boys are in the region. 

But it’s understandable since there is solid evidence of how the G.R.L. is the new armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel MZ to make inroads in the state of Coahuila. That is why months ago they found these drug packages after a search in the south of Torreon. They were marked with the acronym MZ. And others had a cauldron with the name Coahuila on the bottom. Everyone recognized that skull immediately. The same skull used by the G.R.L. elements to identify themselves along with the drawing of El Lince. It also happens to be the exact skull that Zamir aka El Lince has tattooed on his chest. 

And the identical skull that Ulises aka El Ántrax shows off everywhere since he claims to be an Anthrax member from Sinaloa. This is a clear example of how they have stopped doing monthly confidence and control exams in the region of La Laguna. Since no decent police department in the country would accept in their ranks a daydreamer who brings narco propaganda, who spends his time listening to narco ballads, and who uses the name of a criminal group as a nickname. 

But with this you should already know where all the luxuries that the members of the G.R.L. live with come from. With salaries that don’t exceed twenty thousand pesos a month, they have enough money to buy luxurious vehicles, houses, jewelry, record narco ballads, and even plastic surgeries. In addition Ulises aka El Ántrax paid the entire gender transition operation for his other brother who calls herself Sara Cuéllar Grimaldi. He confirms it in this audio where he said he paid more than 60 thousand pesos for a breast augmentation. 

He also spends his time squandering and bragging about the money that his brother El Ántrax gives him. Another person who loves to show off the luxurious bad boy lifestyle of the G.R.L. and the Sinaloa Cartel is the sentimental partner of Ulises aka El Ántrax named Lizbeth Ramírez Fabiola Martínez. She is a worker at the ISSSTE (Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers or Civil Service Social Security and Services Institute). But who curiously lives in a luxurious neighborhood and shows off eccentricities that El Ántrax gives her. 

Or likewise the niece of Zamir aka El Lince and sister of the element Zeth Braham called Lilith Braham Hinojosa. She’s an escort who sleeps with goons. And serve as a direct link between El Lince and the criminals. Who boasts with weapons, luxuries, and trips to Durango and Culiacan in her social networks. That is why Commander Zamir has managed to sustain his life of luxury and eccentricities. To the point that it has allowed him to open the bar known as El Patrón bar located on Corregidora Street # 310.

And recently the nightclub Alana Social Room located on Morelos Avenue #73. Where they even gave away a car during its inauguration. Both bars are located in the city of Torreon. He opened them through his front man, Jesús Iván Ayala, who was a simple amateur soccer player. And from one day to the next he became a wealthy businessman in the bar business thanks to Comandante Zamir, the G.R.L. and the Sinaloa Cartel. Where they can launder money quietly. 

Their incompetence and corruption has not only cost the lives of innocent civilians. But also the lives of other policemen. As in the case of Giovani Hasiel Coronado Cortez aka El Menona. He was an element of the P.C.C. (Coahuila Civil Police) in Saltillo. He was sent as a rookie to the security filter in the town of Hidalgo after the CDN (Cartel del Noreste) attacks last June. Where, as you should know, he lost his life. But what nobody ever said is that he was not killed by the bullets of the CDN hit men. 

But due to the bullets of elements from the G.R.L. and agents from the Torreon prosecutor's office that they demonstrated according to training. They went to hinder and provoke this tragedy in Hidalgo. Instead of going to work in the region of La Laguna. Which is the one assigned to them and which as you can see has more problems than Hidalgo. At least in Hidalgo they do deal with crime. Unlike in Torreon. The G.R.L. had no business being in Hidalgo, but of course they can't touch their bosses in Durango. 

That's why they went to Hidalgo and that was all recorded in a video by Ulises Cuellar aka El Anthrax of the G.R.L. where you can see his companions shooting at El Menona. Along with irregularities after irregularities where the G.R.L. and the security strategy of La Laguna have been overturned. Everything is full of irregularities, legalities, and lies. The security of Coahuila is hanging by a thread. And now everything is in the hands of the next governor Manolo Jimenez. 

We hope he will take action on the matter. That he cleans out the police corporations of the La Laguna region. And make changes in the command structure. As well as apply more filters when it comes to accepting and appointing people within the police force. You are the last hope. Otherwise this situation will worsen until it becomes a Zacatecas 2.0. More details of these issues will be leaked. We are more the good guys. There will be no pact or corruption that we can’t see. Pay attention to this. It’s one thing if they want to do things independently. And another that they want to do it under the banner of criminals by letting these terrorists in. Remember that a world is watching us. We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

* The territory comprising the Comarca Lagunera has 1,754,142 inhabitants according to INEGI's 2020 population census figures. This represents approximately 1.39% of the country's total population (126,014,024). This region is historically and geographically integrated by 21 municipalities: 6 from the state of Coahuila, which concentrate about 61% of the population (1,064,038 inhabitants); and 15 from the state of Durango, concentrating the remaining 39% (690,104 inhabitants).

Torreón, Coahuila 

Matamoros, Coahuila 

The Virginias community and roadway just north of the town of Francisco I. Madero, Coahuila

Viesca, Coahuila 

The Las Vegas neighborhood northeast of the town of Francisco I. Madero, Coahuila 

El Patron Bar  Infobae  Factor Coahuila  Comarca Lagunera Wiki  Alana Social Room

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  1. Hay esta para el puñetas que tanto nos decía de que no había ningún cartel en Coahuila.

    1. There isn’t lol, this will be old news by next year, no cartel will ever control Coahuila like in the old days, those days are over buddy

    2. Your talking about literally one group in southern Coahuila, the state as a whole has no cartel influence and it will never have it moving forward, like I said talk keep trying to prove me wrong but it ain’t gonna happen, this small corrupt group will be over with by summer lol

    3. It’s controlled by the the state like in SLP

    4. 1:02 you know what's up . There is certain states that the police is the dominant cartel . Coahuila and SLP are prime examples

    5. Slp belongs to various cdg and zeta factions. Any police must work for one of the factions.

    6. 5:43 after mamito had that federal agent killed back in the day the state of SLP is own by the police cartel . They are other cartels in the state but not as powerful as the police one

  2. Have always said that's why CDS has outlasted the other cartels. CDS =Government. Los Cabrera send alot of drugs thought the coauhila Texas border

  3. As someone that goes to Mexico alot I would always go through Nuevo Laredo but I stoped going there because I got tired of always paying CDN piso to pass . Now I pass through Piedras Negras and now I pay piso to the state cops. At least more safe than the cartel but don't be confused the main cartel in couahila is the state Police

    1. This is why I don't go to Coahuila at all.
      In Chihuahua for the most part you don't pay piso to anyone except perhaps further south of the state through Sinaloa controlled areas.
      If not piso to them they do have checkpoints like scared little bitches.

    2. @10:08 yeah linieros don't charge piso and they smaller then cdn financially and have less soldiers. I don't know why cdn they just piece of shits I guess

    3. 10:08 it just depends on the region. I have passed through Chihuahua about 3 times and In 2 occasions I did pay piso to CDS the other time the locals (linea) as they referred to themselves just had a check point and was let go .I have also ran to CDS checkpoints in Zacatecas by los Flechas (CDS) and have been let go without paying piso once. So It just depends on the region and what the commander from the region allows. But they way I see it whats a few dollars in exchange of me and my family being let go unharmed.b

    4. Piedras negras is now cdn. Them cops work for cdn most likely

    5. The fact that linieros don’t charge a quota as much as CDN let’s you know that they’re main revenue is drug trafficking and not screwing with the common folk… therefore they’re actually more powerful than CDN .. to even fathom that CDN is on the level of La Linea is laughable .. they control a state that is 1/3 of the Golden Triangle with access into Sinaloa and Durango and just so happens to have one of the biggest and most important border crossing which is Juarez ( according to DEA more than 60% of cocaine enters through the Juarez /El Paso región) .. on top of that Juarez is smack in the middle of the border where it’s the same distance from there to LA or Houston or to Dallas or Denver, Phoenix is 5.5 hrs away and Chicago is 20hrs away .. it’s no secret why La Linea holds so much power while just controlling the state of Chihuahua therefore there is no need to screw with innocent ppl

    6. 11:06 Why did you pay piso? What where you transporting? I run from Phoenix to Jerez twice a year thru El Paso (Santa Teresa) and never paid piso. I take household stuff, bikes, clothes and small appliances and never been hassle besides of course customs at the border. For the most parts seen legal and illegal check points all over but never had no issues. Also I run in the day time and spend night in Delicias or Camargo with zero issues.

    7. 10:55 No mames 60% of cocaine crosses by El Paso. I guess you never visit borders from San Diego to Agua Prieta. Tunnels EVERYWHERE and open border around small cities.

    8. 10:55 El 38 and El poncho from la linea just got captured after a topon with authorities

    9. @7:07 quien te dijo que Juárez no tiene túneles ? Aquí también los hay no más que no somos tan lengua sueltas como en Sonora

    10. @9:18 I wonder if el 40 turned them in

  4. Tan de poca monta unos cómo otros.
    Solo cambian los nombre y apellidos, pero todos vibran igual de bajo.
    Hay torreoñeros!

  5. So sad. I remember reading an article here about how Torreon was a role model to other Mexico’s municipalities.

    1. There was comments in that article that had information similar to this story. All smoke and mirrors.

    2. 1:48 3:37 idk how old y'all are but me I remember whenever CDS and zetas where going at in Torreon back in the day . It was bad . I remember the most famous incident I can remember at the top of my head is whenever some sicarios tried to kill the chief of police outside or close by the stadium of Santos Laguna. Remember Santos was playing Morelia and you could hear the shoots fired though the TV and it was chaos

    3. 13:48 torreón a seguir ??? Jajajajaja, para NADA

    4. @ 3:45 Yup i remember that too in 2008 I went to visit family in Durango and it was not safe to go outside at certain times or even wear shorts lol

    5. 10:42 why couldn't you wear shorts ? Lol

    6. @3:45 I remember that soccer game! Yeah torreon was flaming up it was crazy it was top 5 most dangerous cities in mx during those times.

  6. Lets hope they die a very slow and painful death

  7. They are funded and helped by the right hand of the Governor and Next Torreón Mayor Xavier Herrera, and Victor Manuel Navarro Arratia. One of the Main money launderers for CDS in Torreón

  8. 2:26 would you consider that CDS is the cartel with the most influence in Torreon?

  9. Yes, the also fight some Chapitos Plaza Chief AKA pollo but he mostly just ambushes GRL then goles hiding to Culiacan or Mazatlan. The Main Problem is the Local Goverment that lets CDS MZ use the Police Force.

  10. I live in the same neighborhood as both brothers they live in el conejo neighborhood

  11. Coahuila is on lock yeah the southern area close to Durango might be a little rotten but once these news get to Saltillo they’ll Change the commanders and get those crooks off the force, PCC and Fuerza Coahuila isn’t going to let anyone control the state..

  12. Wonder what role CDJ hitter Arturo Hernández González "El Chaky" plays in Torreón as it was written that's where he settled after being released from prison 10+/- years ago.
    If I'm not mistaken BB did an article about him after his unusually short prison sentence after he was quietly released.

  13. though of flying to your hometown and back to the USA to avoid paying those clowns or don't at all just send your family money much cheaper Common sense.

  14. This report is only scarping the surface of what the real issue is here in Coahuila, more so, Torreón! I will provide a link to an article published by the International Federation for Human Rights, titled “Mexico Coahuila: ongoing crimes against humanity - Communication to the International Criminal Court”, 11 July 2017. It was sent and published from a Human Rights Commission located in Coahuila. By locals in Torreon, or any city in Coahuila for that matter, it’s no secret that the state’s security forces are the cartel, and as a local I can second everything in that 78 page read. From the politicians responsible for bringing the Zetas here to the 1st generation of GATES and how they’ve since branched off into top positions within the rest of the state’s security forces. I don’t want to summarize everything on the report but I do want to correct the CDS conspiracy as the sicarios with badges will never allow another cartel to come into Coahuila. They end up coming to terms and either charge an cartel for smuggling drugs through Coahuila or begin to sell the drugs for the cartels as long as the cartel agrees not to come into the state in caravans with all their sicarios and try to start a war with police authorities. However, they’re just the dogs of the politicians and the government, who, mind you, ARE top Zetas themselves! You didn’t think all the Zetas were actually exterminated, did you? By the time the “head” of the Zetas was captured the cartel was weak, but had gained a great leverage. The Government was theirs and a lot of sicarios and other high ranking member's were taken to state prisons across Coahuila for safe keeping. Tell me you guys have seen the series on Netflix “Somos”? You can clearly see the inmates are loading up for a massacrer. There’s other events similar to this that occurred in other cities in Coahuila but only locals know about these. Also, Los Cabreras are from Durango but they do cross into Torreón. They can distribute product and sell it, but what Torreon can’t do is cross the bridge into Durango and try to do the same. Those that dare and get caught usually don’t come back. Lastly and most importantly, those people who’s faces are shown to be a specific person are not the actual person. It’s an old tactic crooked government and media outlets do to throw people off! That Zamir guy who supposedly is working for CDS is a known Zeta, he did something that upset those higher up and now he’s being labeled as a traitor. I can’t confirm what he did exactly but what I can say is that he isn’t comandante Zamir, and that’s straight facts. I had a run in with comandante Zamir, which was very unfortunate for me given his reputation for extreme torture! Luckily I was taken in to custody after a few hours and that exact name that appears on the video is the exact name on the police report, but not the person! He isn’t the comandante Zamir Braham, in fact that isn’t even his complete name. He has a middle name and another last name as well.



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