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Friday, November 24, 2023

'El Mini Toy' Of CJNG Transferred To Mexico City Was Captured In Zapopan Raid: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

Román Ortega | El Occidental

Elements of the Secretary of the Navy detained a subject identified as "El Mini Toy", during an operation carried out on Wednesday evening in the exclusive Cima Park condominium, in the municipality of Zapopán.

The detainee was transferred in the midst of a heavy security operation to Mexico City, where he was handed over to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Attorney General's Office for investigation.

Sources close to the Attorney General's Office indicated that the suspect was involved in the sale and purchase of cars for the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation.

The sources consulted indicated that two apartments, cash, and several works of art, including paintings dedicated to members of the criminal group, were seized during the operation.

The sources confirmed that the operation was aimed at capturing a man named Audias Flores Silva, alias 'El Jardinero', the head of the Nayarit state plaza, who was posing as a businessman and art collector, and who managed to escape the operation.

Unofficially, it is known that the Marines also freed a person who had been deprived of his liberty.

The sources consulted indicated that "El Jardinero" is indicated as one of the intellectual authors of the attack against military personnel last Sunday in Teocaltiche, where three soldiers died and three more were wounded.

The US State Department states that "El Jardinero" is considered to be the successor of Nemesio Oceguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho".

He is also in charge of the criminal group's illicit activities in Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas.

In 2016 he was arrested for the murder of 15 elements of the Fuerza Única de Jalisco, in San Sebastián del Oeste.

He is also in charge of operating methamphetamine laboratories in Jalisco and southern Zacatecas.


W Radio GDL on X, "Navy officers headed an operation in Coto Privado Cima Park in the vicinity of the exclusive Real zone in Zapopan, Jalisco. Avoid driving around the area. Information in process. Via 



  1. Rumors on X or Twitter Joe Biden asked for NINI and Jardinero

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    3. 4:17 This generation doesn't know how to respect.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mexican marines would eventually get to you they have 24 hours 7 days a week and 36 months of the year to plan and excute captures and elimination of targets

    1. 36? But yeah that's correct, they are sitting on the Intel and act when they feel comfortable going into trial. Once again shows that if you're flashy and mocking the state they'll go after you but if you work in the shadows like MZ they somewhat forget about you.

  4. @Char it's true man. I said something yesterday here about how El Nini's capture was a joint US operations due to his involvement in fentanyl trafficking to the USA and he will be expediently expedited to face justice for his crimes and greed.

    You can see the fear on the poor pendejos eyes.

    Thanks for all the great work, too.

    1. He'll cut a sweet deal like chino. A star witness in archivaldo's trial

    2. 8:02 possibly correct

  5. Damn jardinero got push faaaar back zapopan is a fars way from zacacejas

    1. It’s a safe plaza he can command his forces from. Most high level commanders use this strategy. No need to live in a war zone.

    2. Still got pushed back

    3. 1:15 you’re a fucking clown

    4. 1221 pushed back? That man is not fighting in Zacatecas 🤣🤣

    5. 12:21 its like saying Mayo Zambada got pushed back all the way back to Cuba😂

    6. ,4:25 he the main one sending cjng hitmen to die in Zacatecas 🤦😂

    7. 8:43 Cuba kid is that you? 🧐

  6. Los q disen las calles por aka es que el goberino dijo que ya estuvo suave si no se alinean los alineamos por eso los jefes anda chicotiado apretando riendas

  7. In December and the beginning of the year they always capture big names

  8. Mini should have fought harder to stay out of prison

  9. Whats the point in working in this trade? You either get tortured to dea or worse life in prison in America

    1. Te aplaudo tu reflexión.

    2. @6:39 AM 💯%Facts! What’s crazy is those who get involved, are are currently involved, fail to understand that until their either kneeling down in their own execution video , bleeding out from a “friend” who backstabbed them out of envy, or after they realize waking up day after day , after day, in a small windowless 8x12 cell , knowing the days, years , decades (and possible their entire life ) to follow will be just as dark and lonely .
      I know there are so many who will tell themselves that they had to do this out of poverty and desperation , but once they get to the point where are no in poverty , they tell themselves another lie in order to continue the lifestyle. At some point it becomes more about the ego(the image they want the world to see them as) , then the actual money . We read and hear countless and countless stories about dealers who had acquired hundreds of thousands/millions/ multi millions and even billions , yet continued to push their luck . Why didn’t they quit while they were ahead and invest their money in a legal business, and live the rest of their life without the risk of losing it all to death or prison ? It’s the ego that got them caught or killed . Yet so many fail to realize that and wind up with the same results as 99% of drug dealers . 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    3. @10:17 let me answer this as a young dude. If you’re in the game you get it all the money the women you feel on top of the world. Yeah it doesn’t last but atleast you get to live it. Yeah you can do the legit way and not have to worry but it doesn’t come with the perks that life does? As a low level dealer let’s say in high school you got the money plus you got any girl you want. Get out the game, get into a trade or go to school for a degree get out and make good decent money afterwards and suddenly people forget about you and you’re invisible to women, of course if you’re average looking if you’re Brad Pitt looking it doesn’t matter if you have 0 dollars to your name you’ll be good but as average folks it’s a wrap. At least I can say this for the young 20s . It’s a different era.

    4. Today I feel fat, tomorrow I will feel fat, I ate too much turkey.

    5. @11:03AM Thank you for your honest reply . I wrote a response explaining things from my perspective as the person I am today , but ended up writing too long of a response for it be be accepted, so I will break it up in 2 comments. I hope you read them so we can discuss our conversation further .

      Part 1:
      It’s nice to be able to have these conversations , so others can see both sides of the coin , and so it may help someone . I imagine those who probably read these comments, and leans towards my perspective, or yours as well. I personally comment , in hopes that someone in that lifestyle, will stop and ask themselves the real question they most likely have never sat down and asked themselves “ why am I not ok? Would you agree the #1 thing everyone wants in life is happiness ? When one sits down and truly analyzes the situation, they will see that’s the root of it all . I see you had mentioned that the money and the women make you feel on top of the world . My response to that would be what’s the difference in having legal money(even loads of it ) and women (even the same amount your referring to)? So many man who make their money legally , have tons of women, yet don’t risk their life and freedom in the way a drug dealer does .There’s plenty of women who tend to flock to a man with money no matter how he got it (legally or illegally). So why must so many take the unnecessary risk for the same desired result? Money is money and having sex with women feels the same ,whether they slept with you cause you were a hustler , or whether you had a legit job or business. I personally know that sex feels the same on either side of the fence.

    6. @11:03
      Part 2:
      I had seen you said that you said that the people suddenly forget about you, and your invisible to women when you get into a trade or go to school for a degree(basically doing things legally). My response to that would be , why are you not ok with people forgetting you, especially if you know it’s not genuine? Do the women truly want/care for the man with legal wealth opposed to the man with illegal wealth ? Neither are genuine . This is what it comes down to …..It’s the mask (ego)you wear (the way you want the world to see you as), that is the driving force behind it all. The money and women can be acquired legally just as easily. So the only think left is the fact that means so much to a person to be viewed as a certain way , in order to feel loved . We all just want to be loved , but we all go about it in many different ways . That’s the main goal of why we do whatever it is we do . But our minds tell us different ways of what we need to do , in order to get/feel love . From your comments I know your mind probably tells you without being a drug dealer /outlaw / risk taker … that people won’t love /respect you / want to be around you . But the truth is everyone’s mind says completely different things as how to attain the goal of feeling loved. Who is right then? Is the man making legal money right ? Or is the guy slanging work right ? These are questions I never stopped to ask myself for the majority of my life as a drug dealer/outlaw . And so I couldn’t realize that what my mind told me I needed to be , in order to feel love , was complete bullshit . I lost friends to senseless violence , got stabbed , shot , sent to prison and almost ended up with a life sentence in federal prison because I didn’t stop to ask myself those questions much earlier in life . I remember when I finally decided to stop selling drugs, I went through a huge depression. And it wasn’t because I was broke or couldn’t get women anymore , it was because I felt like “ if I’m not needed anymore (even if just for drugs ) then what’s my purpose “. The fact that people wouldn’t be blowing up my phone anymore , desperately wanting me to help them solve their problem, made me feel unimportant. It was at that time that I realized … it was more about me feeling needed and respected , than it ever was about the women or my money . That is why most people never stop even when they make enough to invest in something legal . It’s the ego that becomes so important to people . For instance Chapo would have stopped while he was ahead , retired with his millions/billions and went to a country where not a single person knew him , then why didn’t he ? His mind most likely told him that “being a rich man living his life in another country , without being able to wear the mask(ego) of being “Chapo Guzman” was not worth it . He needed people to fear/ respect and stroke his ego . He chose ego over everything. He and thousands of others in the game , are able to quit while their ahead , and go legit , but don’t because they feel without the mask(ego) of being a narco/outlaw , that they aren’t worth of love . And the truth is that they are worthy of love, but can’t realize the trap their in , than almost always ends in misery. Once someone starts to learn than the mask they care so much about , never truly meant anything to anyone anyways , can they start learning how to free themselves from the lies that their mind told them they needed in order to feel loved .

  10. My dad who is a very well known lawyer was jardinero neighbor he told me he had no clue and that he would walk around freely without any bodyguards and my pops told me he believes mencho lives there when he needs a place to hide and he said jardinero told him he owns a ranch in nayarit that is over ten million dollars us that he lefts his commander el fresa to use when he’s in the area

    1. Are you the guy, that says he lives one block Elmo, then you live in Los Angeles and now Nayarit.😭

    2. Various vacation homes..

  11. Whenever i hear about Jardineeo i think of the video of his sicarios torturing 2 was getting his fingers clipped with garden shears..other eye took out with a spoon. It was awful and is burned in my brain.

  12. Toda esta noticia es falsa yo estuve ahí y no ubo ningún detenido fueron a buscar a los colombianos que mataron al policía en días pasados en un café


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