Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"El Nini" Wanted All The Attention Now He Has It

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from

On the hunt for El Nini


One of the most wanted targets by Mexican and US authorities is Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, nicknamed El Nini, who is currently a plaza boss in Culiacan, Sinaloa. He is also the head of a particularly violent cell, nicknamed "Los Ninis," and reports directly to Iván Archivaldo Guzmán El Chapito, although he is increasingly autonomous. 

He does not usually leave Culiacán, for fear of being detained by federal authorities or being killed by rival groups. He has three security circles and an immediate support force made up of numerous hitmen, similar to the protection that Iván Archivaldo has, independently of that provided by the Culiacán Municipal Police and officials from the three levels of government.

El Nini has been directly involved in many violent acts. He was arrested for the first time on November 23, 2013, accused of illegally carrying a firearm for the exclusive use of the Army, at a cattle fair in the city of Culiacán. He was immediately released. Three years later, on September 30, 2016, on El Chapito's orders, his cell of hitmen attacked military personnel in Culiacán, in the attack six of his hitmen were killed.

Later, on October 17, 2019 and January 5, 2023, he participated and ordered his cell to attack military installations in Culiacán, following operations for the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán López, El Ratón. The first event was the Culiacanazo, the second was the arrest of El Ratón in Jesús María.

On June 24, 2023, in the town of El Tamarindo, military forces secured six pickup trucks, two of them cloned (as National Guard and SEMAR); they also intervened three properties owned by El Nini where they found weapons and tactical equipment.

On October 24, 2023, El Nini ordered one of his hitmen, Juan Andres "N" alias El Chango, together with Culiacan Municipal Police and his criminal cell, to kidnap and murder six young people who were later left lifeless, cruelly tortured, in Tamazula, Durango, among them a minor of only 13 years of age. None of them had any connection to organized crime.

Just last November 4, El Nini, with corrupt Transit and Municipal Police agents, tried to kidnap a couple of teachers in Colinas de San Miguel de Culiacan, just because they were suspicious, only the intervention of the National Guard and the Mexican Army prevented them from being kidnapped. The couple of teachers, in fear of being kidnapped, resorted to the Federal Authorities in order to recover their vehicle, which was stolen by the same municipal authorities who stopped them to supposedly perform a routine check in the parking lot of the "Galerias San Miguel" Shopping Mall in Culiacan. The same municipal police officers, after violently stealing the vehicle from the teachers, took the car to the Municipal Transit and Traffic Department, refusing to hand it over to its owners, whom they summoned to another location in the city, in order to kidnap them with impunity. Warned by the teachers, the kidnapping was prevented by the military forces.

In fact, Isidro Perez Salas' distrust and fear of being captured by the federal authorities is so great that he has ordered the Culiacan Municipal Police, as well as his informants and hawks, to stop, search and identify any civilian vehicle they find questionable, and in case the people in it resist, to deprive them of their freedom, torture and execute them.

Nini's cell keeps a low public profile, but they are very violent and work with municipal police officers who also provide protection to Ivan Archivaldo. Among his main collaborators in the police is agent Juan Antonio "N" alias "Juanito" and Jose Luis "N" alias "H2", who provide information to the Ninis about the police officers who do their job honestly, in order to take them down, as well as transport the hitmen and weapons aboard their patrol cars to avoid being arrested.

Part of the violence in Culiacán is due to the fact that El Nini has long been at odds with Miguel Ángel Gaxiola Quintero El Ruso, a relevant operator of the Mayo Zambada faction, and they are in constant dispute for territorial control of Culiacán.

The Federal Government decided to send and deploy military troops from the Army, Air Force, National Guard and Mexican Navy to contain and minimize crime and delinquency in Sinaloa, a violence that has skyrocketed with murders, disappearances and kidnappings generated by Ivan Archivaldo and Nestor Isidro Perez Salas El Nini. For its part, the U.S. government is offering a reward of three million dollars for any information leading to the capture of El Nini, considered, along with Los Chapitos, the main drug smugglers, especially fentanyl, into the U.S. The U.S. government is offering a reward of three million dollars for any information leading to the capture of El Nini.

In the Chapitos' organization chart, El Nini is second only to Chapo's sons, and it has not even been ruled out that he could create another criminal faction of his own within the same cartel to compete with Chapitos or even Mayo Zambada. It is said that he has the support of many members of the cartel and even of people from a foreign agency. For the federal government, he is now one of its main targets.

Source: JFM

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  1. I disagree on the part that Nini could even create his own group to compete with Chapos or Mayos.

    Nini is what he is because of chapitos make no mistake. I was told last time Nini is no slouch has military training and all that but again. Ivan and Panu gave him that power and can take it away if they want too.

    Also, can someone confirm if Nini is running Culiacan plaza again ? we where told that Rey David or El Oso runs the Culiacan plaza for Chapitos along with el gavilan.

    También, ¿alguien puede confirmar si Nini es jefe de en Culiacán otra vez ? nos dijeron que Rey David o El Oso es jefe de la plaza de Culiacán para Chapitos junto con el gavilan.

    Saludos gente de Sinaloa siempre pendientes de lo que pase.

    1. Allegedly Oso didnt want that heat and it returned to Nini

    2. Oso is a real ex military the guy is three times smarter and more capable than NiNi will ever be .

    3. 748 I wonder where you stand amongst those 2.

    4. they had took the power away from nini so he ran to hide in el pozo with jiny to protect him and oso didnt want the heat he had jus came out of jail not so long ago so they pit nino again

  2. Absolutely hilarious that they can't find him or the Guzman brothers even though they are all in or no more than 15 miles away from Culiacan. I wonder what military officer is in charge of that region and how much he is being paid.

    1. If you know where they are why haven't you made an anonymous submission as to their whereabouts? Afterall it is a 5million dollar reward. That's even more hilarious.

    2. 10:16 excelente tu respuesta

    3. @6:36 it’s not that they can’t find them it’s at what cost. They can go at Iván now and have to deal with 500 guys attacking military/government family like 2019, or wait till he has 15/20 guys and not around a bunch of innocents that will get killed. The governments on both sides of the border know Mayo is old, and capturing all the brothers would only result in more violence.

    4. They don't know where they are, especially now with all of the attention they've drawn, plain and simple. These guys have access to airplanes, cars, cash, airstrips, backroads, main roads, locals, fake passports. For a while it was said they where in Colombia, nothing was confirmed. People say isidro is in Monterey, nothing is confirmed. Mexico city is a huge place, you could live there all your life and never cover the whole place, I'm saying this because there's well established capos that you would never suspect living their amongst the population and
      you would never suspect .. For you to think they hide within a 15 mile radius of Culiacan says a lot more about you than anything... the world is a lot bigger than 15 miles in all directions. Sal de tu casa mijo, te esta haciendo daño.🤣🤣🤣

  3. Char you said you disagree that Nini could create his own group because Chapitos are more powerful. I agree but remember, greed and ambition may drive people to do crazy things. We don't know ninis mindset. Of course he would be a fool to cross chapitos, but we see it so often in the cartel game so you never know what nini may do.

    1. He does not have his own source of money he lives off what is handed to him he also is afraid of everyone in Culiacán when Ivan let’s the word out the it’s either him or Nini that is being caught he is dust it’s only a matter of a federation vote

    2. 9:20 lol sure kid

    3. It's funny, "el que arriesga no avanza" it may sound stupid to us but betrayal is rampant amongst these crooks. Felix Gallardo went against Pedro Avilez, Chapo went against Arellanos, Beltranes gained more power at one point then Chapo, CJNG were an armed wing under CDS, Zetas split from the Gulf, Juarez was once ran by Carillos and is now run by people from Chihuahua. So yes, it could be very likely that El Nini could turn on Chapitos if he gets too much power and let's say Ivan is captured. Why not?

    4. 10:30 you are so correct but I feel like the local people' in culiacan wouldn't fall in formation against nini . He isn't even well liked in culiacan people just fear him cause Ivan gives him free will to do anything. Also I like how nobody talks about Joaquin the most low-key chapito. wouldn't be surprised if Joaquin out lives or simply doesn't get locked up how eventually Ivan and Alfredo are

    5. I dont know why people claim cjng was an armed wing under cds. Milenio and cds clicked up because they had a common enemy the zetas who were fucking the shit out of both.

    6. @ 10:30 , the closest one I would say is Felix Gallardo with Pedro Aviles but no one really knows how that went down. Felix Gallardo obviously was the biggest beneficiary out of that situation but we don’t know if he truly was the one behind that hit.

      All the other ones you mentioned were different cells that ended up splitting from bigger organization or different organizations going at it like how it was with CDS and CAF back in the day.

      Nini betraying Ivan would be suicide. Even though he has some pull and I’m sure he would have some lower level guys on his side, the top top guys wouldn’t allow him to get away with it. They wouldn’t allow an under boss take out the boss above to take over. Not to mention that he would have to get all brothers together in order to pull it off. With all the planning that it would require it would get leaked to Ivan or other brothers some how.

      This reminds me of David Barron plan of eliminating the AF brothers and having Logan Heights crew run the show. Don’t know how true it was but a lot of higher members mentioned that was his ultimate plan before he was accidentally killed.

    7. 12:09 there is articles out there from pages like infobae suggesting otherwise and how CJNG was under the CDS umbrella whenever Nacho was around

    8. @9:20 I’m willing to bet he sends cargo up north. He lives way too good just to be security, or a hitter. You’re not making millions as head of security, but it’s a position that does open up opportunities. Look at chino he was sending loads and doing hits. Why you think Iván had to wait to have chino hit till after prison because prior to his arrest he was making some real money.

    9. 12:09 there are multiple articles from pages like infobae that claim los Valencia where under nachos protection in Jalisco. I mean from what I understand infobae is a pretty legit page

    10. Infobae is not really known for being legit in my eyes

    11. 1:44 😂 dude come on, if by now you dont know who CJNG really came from you cant call your self a BB reader, CJNG is the new Milenio Cartel thats why the (nueva generacion) in their name

    12. Just a few articles describing how los Valencia worked under nacho coronel (cds) I mean what are the odds all those legit links are wrong and you right ? 🧐 Facts son !

    13. 1209 I don't know why you have such a hard time accepting the facts. It's not that anyone is cheering for one or the other, it just is what it is. Now get over it. 🙄

    14. 7:16 I can get a some articles claiming aliens are on the moon as well

    15. 2:48 The article clearly says that him and the Chapitos are the main ones sending work up north. Whether it's an exaggeration or not I don't know. But one thing is for certain, he's sending work up north.

    16. 7:51 denial is a hell of a drug buddy

    17. How could he possibly ''form his own group''? To do what? He'd have no source which means no money which means no protection, he wouldn't be able to kidnap, wouldn't be able to extort, and he'd be hunted. What's left?
      If he ends up with his 4 most trusted men living in the mountains like El Rico i'll eat my shoe like Werner Herzog.

    18. 8:30 actually he sounds pretty intelligent unlike yourself.

  4. Unless nini is really really tight with Ivan or Alfredo but if he just another jefe de plaza from the bunch it ain't going to be to long before he gets killed . Has always been the way cds operates

  5. Definitely he is still in charge. I’ve been told he was extremely close to being caught recently. He fled from his ranch near Tepuche and had to flee in to the mountains where he was picked up by his men.

  6. If Nini snitches on Chapitos, he can rule Culiacan. We know how snitching is in Sinaloa genetic dna. It could happen.

    1. Isn’t nini originally from tj or something?

    2. 10:14 I think la Tia Juana

    3. Tijuana-Vegas-Tijuana-Culiacan
      Thats my understanding of Nini's upbringing
      As a kid he spent time in Vegas i even think he might have gone to school over there not sure though

  7. Money and connections are the power in Mexico and the Chapenaes have a lot!!🇲🇽🇲🇽

  8. Animo sicarios!
    Nini el 19 was forced to go off the grid. CDS has initiated the Ghost Protocol. He will manage because he was trained by the best. He received Special Forces Tier 1 training by El Fantasma, El Bravo ,El Cholo and Pepe Sierra . El Nini was also highly trained by an ex CIA Special Activities Center Ground Branch Operator in evading capture and using non digital forms of communication ,He can survive in the Sinaloan mountains for many years .
    He can no longer drive the red Lamborghini Urus or have any new corridos written about him.
    Ivan is protected by El Gavillan and El Panu business as usual.

    1. Ghost protocol, what are you smoking, they are not CIA, KGB.

    2. I think sicario is ridin all you nobheads,just a thought

    3. Es lebe Siccario006

    4. It's good to hear from you Sicario 006. Is Sir living off the grid in the Sierra Madre as well or is he driving the red Lamborghini and taking care of Melania while Trump is in court. I heard that they wrote a corrido about Sir. I can't wait until it comes out.

    5. 😂😂😂 "Gavillan" is he the brother of Gavilan but more of a "villano"?

  9. the most dumb thing i ever heard nini's own faction lmao

    1. Its almost as dumb as believing in the longevity of the Chapitos

  10. If the DEA is really involved in this manhunt ,I feel like all this attention towards Nini could be a diversion tactic , to capture the Chapitos . Everyone in the worlds knows how corrupt the police/military is so for the DEA to be the only ones in the dark , makes me doubt they’d really share their true objectives with the Mexican military/police. I had read that when they got Ovidio, they didn’t let anyone know ahead of time , for fear of him being tipped off . Makes me think this is just a diversion tactic, so they can gather the intelligence they need to go for their real targets , which are the Chapitos .

    1. “Diversion tactic not Fun tactic “ 🤦‍♂️ i just noticed my typo error

    2. Reminds me of an article I read about how some agents were going after Mayo hard they knew his whole routines for a few weeks following every step i believe he was staying in El Dorado when Licenciados still had that Plaza Mayo's firsy wife is from there and he worked there as a teen. Anyways, when they went to raid his spot he wasnt there and the government started raiding a bunch of houses and while they were there they raided one pf Chapo's wife's house i believe Griselda's house (Mom of Ovidio) and from info that they found they were able to capture him in Mazatlan in 2014

  11. In that picture Nini reminds you of that wired goofy clown Jerry Lewis,they guy who was with Dean martin is it

  12. There's some aspects that are never 100% clear unless you are in the circles

    but Nini exists with Chapitos' blessing, if they pull protection then he falls. If they turn on him, he would go out like Los Damaso's, and not even sure if he was as strong as they were.

    Someone like Ruso is said to be indepedent, but I always think that's just creative branding for distance, as in he's not a direct operator for Mayo, he doesn't answer to him, but he works for him, as in he buys work from his guys, or those with his blessing, or contributes money for protection,

    Nini doesn't have the infastrcuture to go solo. He'd be like a Teo at best, and wouldn't last as long, because Culiacan is more tightly controlled than Tijuana was around 2008, with stronger leaders.

    but the fentanyl thing, like kidnapping and meth in TJ showed a lot of these cell leaders how to generate crazy amounts of income on their own, and from that comes more power and more independence. But, the strings are always there to cut them off.

    Groups like Zambada's originally around the 2008 Beltran Leyva fracture, dropped the idea of strong cell leaders in favor of distanced cells

    but somewhere in last 8 years or so, they seem to have realigned again, to very strong but distant, semi independent cells, like Los Rusos, and Los Aquiles, and the guys that just were designated by the OFAC in Nogales.

    1. Judging by his lifestyle I would have to say nini is sending loads up north. No way he has all the stuff he flashes just on handouts. Same way chino got paid with his chicken operation.

    2. He sends them through TJ with Flaco, or at least that's one visa he has, but that's with Los Chapitos blessing

      it all gets really blurry and confusing behind the scenes, imagine the way it looks to outsiders

      you can get killed for stealing loads, lying to your bosses, going outside the crew but people do it all the time

    3. May be a dumb question but are they allowed to move their own merchandise? Wouldn’t that be competing with Chapitos.

    4. @402 — for piso, yes..

    5. Well his own loads are either bought from Chapitos, or he buys their pre cursors or something like that. There's no total independence.

      but there's a lot of talk about stealing cocaine loads through Flaco's team and sending them through TJ. Chapitos don't have to get a cut of everything, no one works 100% straight in a crew like that.

    6. He might even invest in big loads with Chapitos. Or they might pay him with Merchandise like Mayo used to pay El Ondeado. Heck Chapitos probably give him the work to distribute to all the independents bulk buyers and he makes a small cut off of tbat. Its most likely all the above. To sustain a lifestyle lime his he has to be making money by varipus ways

  13. Whatever happened to Lizard boy? 🦎

    1. 1237 he's rescuing gente en Acapulco.

    2. Thank God I don't live in Acapulco, they haven't restored the water yet.
      ALMO made a trip to a State, but never bothered to visit hurricane torn victims.
      A lady of her missing son wanted to attend, ALMOs daily conferences, he was denied entry ⛔.

    3. 646 if you can do a better job then maybe you should run for president. I'm sure you're more than qualified. 😉

    4. 10:09 Well sonny boy, thank you for the request, unfortunately I don't want to be in collusion with the Cartels, nor do I want to get Plata o Plomo, furthermore I would not want, my family members killed if I go against the Cartels, yes the bribes are good, but I would not want dirty hands, back to hard is it to assign, someone in ALMOs staff to help out, if he himself don't want to be involved.

    5. 1215 stop the bullshit and just be honest with yourself. You're not qualified. Plain and simple. You think you know, but you have no clue. Now back to Acapulco, what have you done to help the situation? How many visits have you made to Acapulco since the hurricane?

  14. Tarde que temprano cae el hermano perdido de Kiko, lo voy a acusar con su mama 😂

  15. He looks mean to me.

  16. Es el yerno de la puerca, no? Ahí anda dividido su corazón entre la amante Yasira Torres y Gaby Fernández. Por cierto felicidades Nini por tu bb con la Yasi

    1. alguien mas que confirme ? parece que si tuvieron sus amorios el Nini y yasira pero mas no se puso.

    2. Escuche lo mismo. Hubieron unos audios filtrados donde la Gaby le aventaba la madre a Yasira y que su hijo/a era del Nini era un cualquiera y que no le preocupaba porque Nini nunca lo iba a reconocer como de el

  17. Chushma Chushma!!! 😂 🤣

  18. Los Ninis and los chapitos are just puppets for the Mexican government…all these people are in the same city same state..Culiacan is not that big my home city of Phoenix is almost double the size in people and area. Everyone in Sinaloa knows we’re they are just like everyone knew were ovidio was. If they have rings of protection and police protection then obvious they know we’re they are located they have to in order To provide adequate long as the money keeps flowing to everyone then all is good 👍. But when that money stops like when cholo Ivan kept asking chapo for money in that recording saying he had sick sicarios and they needed money. Then guess what happens should we ask chapo.


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