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Friday, November 17, 2023

Gunmen For Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada Employ A Noiseless Tool

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A suspected intermediary from the Cartel de Sinaloa quietly released a video online last night. However, its presence on social media was short lived. Soon after the films existence was quickly disappeared by algorithms that prohibit the harsh realities of their world to be seen. 

Their specific message for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel is that they should abandon the state of Zacatecas. A boastful claim of having won the war against them was mentioned. 

They were explicit in asking that cannon fodder no longer be sent towards Zacatecas. And that the captured individuals within their broadcast are the few pigs that were left. Of the utmost importance from this communique was showing how exactly those captives were leaving. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Check out our communique so that you know who exactly we are. This guy apparently drank too much water. Did you guys give him too much water to drink?

Sicario #2: He was given too much water to drink. 

Sicario #1: Go ahead and turn him over, turn him over to make it easier. 

Sicario #3: That’s how you do it!

Sicario #4: Should I remove his handcuffs?

Sicario #2: Go ahead and show on video the other corpse there. 

Zacatecas, Mexico

El De La Aldea


  1. I mean as a person that goes to Zacatecas yearly for the last 10 years . Starting at the end of 2022 beginning 2023 los flechas have been going hard after cjng . Me and other people have been saying how CJNG have been getting pushed back to Jalisco and Nayarit. About 80 percent or more of the state belongs to MZ now

    1. It saddens me, I remember as a kid we would also go every year and my mom would always say, over there its safe! And it was.. Sad to see what’s happening now

    2. Considering the cartels have never fought for these center and southern states until the last 10-20 years, do you think it’s possible none of this is actually for drug routes?

      I mean, they have and had so many ways of smuggling with air and ocean, with most coming from across the border states.. I just refuse to believe this is all for drug routes.

      I personally think it’s part of some nefarious plan to take over the country and commit class genocide… while sharing the riches with those who protect them…

    3. 1:33 MZ is guarding Zacatecas for the mines . More $$ than drug trafficking.

    4. "do you think it’s possible none of this is actually for drug routes"
      This has gone way beyond drug routes,this has nothing to do with corridors anymore,its taken on factionalism and statehood and cartel pride in this bullshit.Do we really think this is about fighting for drug routes anymore

    5. @133 you’re right it’s not all over drug routes. It’s about establishing control in certain areas where industrial operations are to take place (I.e. mining/gold/rare earth elements). Who ever controls the territory can extort the company that sets up shop. Whether it’s a foreign entity/company or a national company…they will set a price for those companies to operate. If they don’t pony up, they can start kidnapping workers, stealing equipment, sabotage etc…cartels have expanded into almost all elements and aspects of crime. It’s no longer just limited to moving people, drugs weapons…they are looking for a piece of everything, and they want to get a monopoly on it before one of the rivals do.

    6. I did notice last week on my drive back up from Zacatecas was lots of road blocks by federal and state police. Looking for undocumented people making track to the states.

    7. 1:33 It is for the drug trade. Some pretty basic research will unambiguously highlight the fact that Zacatecas is a focal waypoint/pathway for the synthetic drugs market up north, particularly meth and fentanyl. Even if you do believe there’s some kind of “class genocide” or ulterior motive, it’s still documented that (at least as of now, in the early 2020s) Zacatecas is strategic in the drug trade. I believe it may have something to do with the specific highways and roads going north but regardless, unless all these intelligence reports and data are lying, Zacatecas is certainly strategic for trafficking drugs.

    8. 4:59 It’s still important territory for moving meth and fentanyl though. At least in the reporting.

  2. Hahahha todavia no sacan al jardinero y el CJNG de zacatecas puras fallas con los mayos flechas

    1. Matter of time. People are tired of CJNG and starting to hate them like they did Zetas 10 years ago. Don't be surprised if they switch to CDS or make a peace treaty very soon.

    2. 8:51 Al jardinero y a su grupo ya los hicieron retroceder acia Nayarit. De echo hace como 2 meses atras avia un video de la operativa MZ dejando sicarios muertos del jardinero en huajacori Nayarit. Al Apa y a su gente ya los corrieron para la Jalisco . Esos Cabrera de Durango les andan exterminando alos jaliscos por todo el zacate

  3. Just gotbback from Jerez. Flechas control that área and have push CJNG to Jalisco state line.

    1. Bruh, tilin, W and batman, still operate in Jerez and their 100% CJNG.. 🤨😐

    2. 10:59 they enter do their mess and run out . About a year ago those guys would roam Jerez like nothing now all they do is hit and run .

    3. Negative, they still have safe houses and operate in Jerez, mz are in the cerros@1131

    4. 1:20 Negative! It's MZ people selling and running el centro de Jerez. All bars in town are MZ people. Desde El Carta hasta 30-30. Also what was shocking is that bars are closing down. Venadito where they killed 8 in January is going to be reopen as clothes store. Los Caporales never reopen just to name a few.

  4. I’m getting too woozy to watch this type of videos, I’m getting to old. I’d rather watch bugs bunny and friends. I’ll just read the article.

    1. Watch more and more, you will be craving for mores videos, like a drug addicted junkie.

    2. @9:16 I agree. I personally don’t click the “warning “ videos anymore . I used to , but don’t care to see people being murdered anymore . I guess I’m getting old too

    3. but yet here we are…

    4. I've never watched one before. I read the articles and I'll look at some pictures. I feel like you'd lose a tiny piece of your soul each time you watch something like that. then again someone has to be a witness to that life being callously snuffed out or what does it all mean?

  5. Remember how that one guy 2 yrs ago sliced off that chicks head with just a small pocket knife- in less than 30 secs? You'd think that these dumb fucks would learn from that, but no, dumb fucks.

  6. About a year ago CJNG was deep in Jerez Valparaiso Tepotongo and surrounding areas
    Now Los Flechas are in those towns sweeping up the few last CJNG cells left . Most of them have retreated back to Nayarit and Jalisco borders

    1. Forgot also how berly this week Los Flecha dropped 5 dead bodies in Monte Escobedo . Which about one or two years ago we would consider unlikely given how deep entrenched Fantasma and his group where entrenched in that town

  7. Mzs cheerleaders are delusional as can be holy crap!

    1. 10:59 let me guess cjng king? They ain't invincible and Zacatecas is proof

    2. 10:59 lol and if you call then a MZ fanboy they will call you a cjng fanboy. CJNG fans arent as easily trolled as the CDS fanboys. It would be in CJNG best interest to pick michoacan or zacatecas they cant win both.

    3. 12:45 calm down amigo no groupie here on my behalf. This is just my opinion . But I believe CJNG should focus on michoacan instead. That's their birth land of most of the leaders .

    4. @10:59 with that comment you’re admitting you are a cjng cheerleader

    5. It's not about what group your a fan of. It's just facts and news that CJNG no longer has plazas in Zacatecas like they did a year ago. MZ are winning this battle.

    6. 12:12 well if you want to speak facts cds since the arrest of chapo is split into 3 factions and they are killing each other so even if mz is winning in zacatecas it could flip very easily. Dont start sucking fanboy cock quite yet.

    7. 1:40 Keep wishing it flips. Mayo and Monreal are compadres. Monreal family own Zacatecas politics for the last 20 years. Golfos/Zetas screwed Monreal really bad about 5-7 years ago.

    8. 1:40 Zambadas and Monreals are business partners in the mines. Also los Cabrera from Durango ain't no push overs . That family been in the game since the beginning

    9. 1:40 facts mayo whopping mencho in 3 states

    10. yall got ya shit pushed back cjng cheer squaders jajaja

    11. The biggest fact of all is that Mario Zambada is Cuban

  8. Pues la neta ke yo soy de zacatecas y la verdad Esta 80 porciento lleno de Jalisco y los mayo Los tienen regados para Durango aki en Mi Pueblo exterminaron a todos Los de Durango ke train Los flechas ya dejense de mentir ke zacatecas es cds aki Sinaloa se Esta acabando nomas vienen a extorcionar y aser corridos de alucines Que nomas para mentir sirven

    1. Tal ves sera asi en tu rancho pero todas las partes se esta viendo que los MZ estan ganando terrenos no nomas por aqui

    2. Aver de que pueblo eres? No salgas con pendejedas que eres de un ranchito junto de Jalisco. Los que es el norte de Zacatecas es MZ por meses. Desde Río Grande a Tepetongo/Villanueva

    3. @11.31 Pendejo, deja de mentir. Zacatecas es 80% MZ. Mira dónde tienen lugar las batallas mientras el norte está tranquilo. Las batallas son en el sur de Zacatecas, cerca de Jalisco.

    4. 12:14 el norte de zacatecas y partes del centro an sido mz desde el 2020, ese wey esta inventando cosas

    5. Yo soy de durango, y conosco malandrines (sicarios) de pueblo nuevo, el salto, etc y dicen que estan perdiendo la guerra, y mas bien la mayoria son puros de durango esos del grupo flechas, puros durangos pendejos que van a morir nomas aya. Unicos terrenos de zacatecas que tienen los de sinaloa son los que estan pegados a Dgo. Y esto de que decian los malandrines que estan perdiendo ara unos dos meses, asi que almenos que en dos meses aigan recuperado terreno.

    6. 7:14 nomas porque ellos perdieron batallas no quiere decir que and perdido la guerra, si es sabido que de esos pueblos del salto y pueblo nuevo mandaron a muchos en los lugares mas cabrones de zac. donde perdieron mucha gente al principio contra gobierno y cjng pero tambien hay muchos grupos de durango dgo, cuencame, santiago, y otra partes que siguen peleando y avanzado la bandera de durango. Esos pendejos que tu dices son chavos que no tienen muchas oportunidades para mejorar y si estan consientes alo que se meten.

    7. 7:14 No te creooooooo!! Vengo de Jerez y todo por aya dice que es Zona de MZ.

    8. 9:55 ustedes nomas creen lo que quieren creer, la realidad es que los 2 grupos van a perder gente de rango bajo y nada va a pasar nomas se van a seguir matando como perros, la unica forma que un grupo gane es si el govierno agarra a los altos mandos y lla, pero entre ellos nomas se van a matar a lo pendejo, son del mismo estado y se andan matando entre ellos por unos pendejos que ni conocen ni conoceran

  9. 11:31 de donde eres compa ?

    1. De zacatecas, que no escuchaste?

    2. @12:48 que no vistes*

    3. 1:12 que no LEISTES*

    4. @8;07 para Leer se tiene que ver, con los ojos

    5. 10:55 a fijate yo pense se veia con las orejas 😂

    6. puro lloron del eqipo CJNG van perdiendo compas ya no lloren go home mijo go home lol

    7. 4:15 😂 Equipo? como va el marcador? No savia que esto era un deporte? Tu a que equipo le vas? Cual es tu jugador favorito? Cuanto pagarias por el? Quienes piensas traer para la siguiente temporada? Saldra campeon tu equipo este año?

  10. Man how thr fuck do these guys do this shit day in dsy out

    1. Do you eat breakfast every morning? If yes then thats same way they do this everyday

    2. That shit is sad. Worse then bloods and crips killing each other because of color

    3. Very sad. Literally our own people killing eachother.

  11. This might be considered part two of that other video were they behead the guy in blue shorts while he's standing up while narco music is playing in the background

  12. Have you guys seen the video that is circulating online, it was uploaded maybe last month on X where they cut off some guys ears and what seems to be a piece of tongue, They ask him “Puro que’” and he says “markitos toys” It was reuploaded to telegram

    1. Yeah I actually have that video. I thought about posing an article about it but I've been pretty busy here lately. Someone asked some time back if Markitos Toys was involved in the game. I guess this video confirms it.

    2. 2:49 I think USA or some agency marked him as a financial operator for Nini

  13. A special day awaits the cartels

  14. All that money Mayo’s sons have and they give these nimrods a dull ass knife 🔪 😆

  15. Beyond senseless, and equally disgusting the inaction of both governments. Things here may not be perfect; but damned as a nation are any whom stand idle. It goes without saying that those 💩 for brains, backwoods dwelling, cradle-robbing neanderthals, haven't a chance in hell against the weapons and technological capabilities of our armed forces; hence, how infuriating is the gusto by which this scum perpetuate their atrocities. I feel for the good ones, forced to fend and navigate through this madness. I had given up contracting for DOD a couple years back, a project where this scum is the target, would be most welcome. 𓅇.

  16. Los Zambada in Durango have the entire Political class doing their dirty work because all you see is people with indigenous blood fighting for CDS - and Culiacan has nothing but light skinned folks …. The poor are always 1st to die

    1. That has nothing to do with it! It's about putting a name for yourself.

  17. Mexico needs a strong intelligent merciless dictator like saddam hussein or Stalin.
    At the base of this mess is corruption.
    They would let a selective few eat with them.
    And suppress all opposition.
    Let them take all the power.
    At least mexico would be safe from these lowlife criminals.

    1. Layoff the crack! What you need is Uncle Sam stopping drug addiction in the U.S. supply and demand. Americans always love to point fingers at other instead of looking at its self in the mirrow.

    2. @12.17
      First of all I am Mexican not American.
      We all know Americans will not stop using drugs.
      And the war on drugs has already been lost.
      But this outlaw culture that Mexico has will not be over .
      Even if drugs will be legalized .
      These outlaws will find other avenues to terrorize their own people.
      Be it petrol ,avocado farms,kidnapping etc etc.
      A strong paranoid dicatator with carte Blanche is the only chance mexico has to banish this bandit outlaw culture.

    3. 2:10
      Mexico will always be a quagmire.
      In your theory, of a strong president in Mexico, will never happen, but very good point, the tentacles of corruption at many levels, are everly present. If a president was to be clean, he would get killed, better yet relatives would be made disappear.

    4. @9.22 he didn't say a strong president.
      He clearly said a strong dictator .
      Dictators by definition are not clean.
      In my opinion a strong dictator doesn't have to be clean.
      Let him and his inner circle be corrupt.
      As we have seen in Iraq or the soviet union.
      Even putin nowadays is the biggest crook.
      He and his people are milking russia dry.
      Yet the population is living in a safe environment.
      At least they would get rid of all the competition.
      And they would take care of the lawlessness in the country.

  18. Typical braindead response 1217. As pointed out, the scum in Mexico will remain scum, even if there weren't a single user in the states, as if Europe was not a massive market on it's own. Regardless those pieces of excrement would go on in a business as usual fashion, emboldened by the absence of anything that resembles any application true justice; such as a death penalty and or government abilities to actually incarcerate the filth for life. Bottom line, Mexico is a FAILED STATE, and the people deserve and need a functional government that is not so disgustingly and blatantly corrupt, or so utterly incompetent.

  19. Que desolador. Pinche Mayo, nada más te agarran a gente de tu familia analfabeta y ahí si se indignan las tipas de tu familia y se les hace injusto. .I.

    1. Jajajaja alguien le tiene celos al Senor del Sombrero

    2. jajajajaja se quemaron estos Jaliscochos


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