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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Los Chapitos' Abandoned 'El Nini' Due To Indiscipline; 'Panu' Appointed As New Security Chief

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Guzmán brothers opted for an equally bloodthirsty security chief, 'Panu' will be Los Chapitos' new guard.

Disloyalties, indiscipline and rearrangements. Los Chapitos have initiated a change of strategy to frustrate Mexico's objective of arresting and extraditing them to the United States before the end of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's six-year term in office. 

A military report to which MILENIO had access states that, after the arrest of Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, El Nini -- Los Chapitos' security chief -- Iván Archivaldo, Jesús Alfredo and Joaquín Guzmán have chosen to place themselves in the hands of a person they trust with links to the old guard of the Sinaloa Cartel.

The Culiacan boys have reportedly appointed as their new security chief Oscar Noe Medina Gonzalez, alias El Panu, linked to the Tapia family of the Golden Triangle, who have experience trafficking drugs for Joaquin El Chapo Guzman and watching Ismael El Mayo Zambada’s back, the 75-year-old founder of the Pacific cartel who has yet to be arrested.

U.S. insists on extradition of 'El Nini'.

El Panu meets the requirements for the delicate task of keeping Los Chapitos away from the Armed Forces' grasp: he is young, but not as young as his predecessor - he was born in 1983 - agile, bloodthirsty and has command among the Chapito troops. His family is a top-ranking member of Sinaloa's criminal clans that have stood out for operating under the radar and without attracting the attention of the national media.

In addition, Medina Gonzalez has another quality that led him to obtain the promotion that Jorge Humberto Figueroa, El 27, also wanted: he has learned to be discreet in times when Los Chapitos prefer to keep a low profile so as not to make a mistake that could land them in a cell on the other side of the Rio Bravo.

The criminal who wanted to be an influencer

"El Nini had been disobeying the instructions of his bosses, who asked him to be more cautious so as not to 'heat up the plaza'. He drove around the Sinaloa capital in luxury vehicles and threw parties in the north of Culiacan. He would shoot bullets in the air and surround himself with women who could have been adversaries or 'spies,'" says one of the authors of the military report.

Worse still: enthused by the fame and fortune of one of his closest friends, the singer of corridos tumbados Peso Pluma, he dreamed himself into two incompatible professions: criminal kingpin and influencer. Two masters that cannot be served at the same time.

In the document prepared by members of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), there is a piece of information that demonstrates Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas' desire to stand out: the day of his arrest, Wednesday, November 22.

El Nini allegedly relaxed his strict surveillance protocol - which included Culiacan transit police - because he was celebrating the release of a corrido with his criminal history that he paid to Los Tucanes de Tijuana, who have been linked to organized crime by former Tijuana Public Security Secretary Julian Leyzaola.

"El Nini asked for his own narco ballad when he learned that his compadre El Flaquito had a corrido made with Los Tucanes de Tijuana. He was very obsessive about Los Tucanes making the narco ballad, he wanted to see the lyrics, he wanted to hear the tune, he wanted to control everything. He really wanted to be famous and that's not the way to do business", says the source consulted.

The new song was premiered on YouTube last November 22, the day El Nini was arrested:

"This is how the story begins

of El Nini with El Chapo's children

his actions took him step by step

step by step until he reached the top.

The corrido El Comandante 09 -- another of Nini's aliases along with El Chicken Little because of his boyish features -- shows the overconfidence that Los Chapitos demanded of him:

"He is very brave, he doesn't know fear

the commander was born very warlike

And although the government is looking for him

09 he parties big time.

Also the certainty that, in spite of his scandals and disobedience, a troop of daydreamers - men who flaunt the riches that crime can leave behind - would back him, as he backed Ovidio Guzman in the military operations Culiacanazo 1 and 2:

"They have wanted to grab and kill him.

They have sent marines and army troops after him

09 has his point men

In the heat of the moment they report the information

By the time they arrive, they are gone

Or they run into them firing bullets".

"Cheers to the traitor!"

But it was not so. Marines and army troops, accompanied by elements of the National Guard, surrounded him without his security detail protecting him. His bodyguards, who were seen days before with high-powered weapons such as Barrett .50, R-15, AK-47 and rocket launchers, neither reported the information nor stopped the Armed Forces from firing bullets. Strangely, El Nini fell without resistance. For him there was no third Culiacanazo.

Nestor Isidro Perez Salas had a similar fate to that of another boss of gunmen who ignored the recommendations for restraint from the Sinaloa Cartel's top commanders: Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, alias El Chino Anthrax, who was betrayed by his "friends" after being fed up with his nouveau riche displays. He was arrested in 2013 by Dutch police in Amsterdam, despite having a false name, an extradition process followed that took him to the United States, from where he escaped while under house arrest, but as soon as he was located in Mexico in May 2020 he was murdered along with his sister.

The best evidence that Los Chapitos agreed with the fall of Nini is that another of his famous friends, the singer Natanael Cano, gave a concert that same Wednesday without any problems in the palenque of Culiacán, where a large part of the Chapitos attended. Instead of finding a tense or angry atmosphere due to the arrest of Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, military personnel dressed as civilians were happy to see him arrested and extradited to the United States.

"Cheers for the traitor!" shouted an attendant, according to what was noted by a Sedena element who was doing surveillance work. Immediately, applause and howls thundered. There was no need to specify who the disobedient one was: that Wednesday there was no other topic of conversation in Culiacan than El Nini surrendered in his underwear on the roof of a house in the Colinas de la Rivera neighborhood.

Another military officer, co-author of the report, affirms that El Panu personally ordered the Sinaloa Cartel troops not to impede the arrest and aerial extraction of El Nini. The instruction he gave was to save himself, if he really was as invincible as he thought he was.

"I'll sum it up in one saying: you’re not supposed to shine brighter than the sun,  that was unfortunately never understood by a guy who made millions of dollars in months," says the consulted source. "There is a saying by Mayo Zambada that says: 'ambition is not a good advisor'. That's why, I say, they’re going with a profile like El Panu."

To give up your life for Los Chapitos

El Panu became famous, without meaning to, on October 17, 2019. He was in the same house as Ovidio Guzmán, brother of his protégé Iván Archivaldo, when the Armed Forces surrounded the Tres Ríos subdivision in Culiacán to arrest El Ratón. The cameras installed in the military's uniform captured the moment that immortalized him among the Chapiza mob: Medina Gonzalez placed himself between the military and Chapo Guzman's son to protect him with his body, in case the order was to shoot him down, not arrest him.

I am El Panu, Ivan's compadre," he said.

I am also a friend of Chapo Guzmán

I am part of the team, you can trust me

For whatever is needed, I will always act.

This is how he is described in the corrido dedicated to him by the Sinaloa group Código FN. That maneuver of sacrificing himself for his boss, plus the orders he gave during the day to assassinate military personnel - if necessary - to stop the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán, have now led him to this new strategic position.

In the Mexican government, he is seen as a cruel and ruthless commander who doesn’t take risks if he suspects someone wants to harm the boys of Culiacan or ruin some business. Corruptor of municipal police and ambusher of the military, like El Nini he is guided by the principle to kill first, and investigate afterwards. 

And in the US justice system, El Panu is also an important fentanyl trafficker to the south of New York, a buyer of military weapons and explosives, as well as a financial operator in charge of laundering Los Chapitos dirty money. 

If the rewards offered by the US government serve to measure the importance and seniority of criminal leaders, then Los Chapitos have hired a more important security chief: three million dollars was offered for El Nini, while four million dollars was offered for El Panu.

A million dollars difference, in a plot of falls, promotions, betrayals and new criminal hierarchies.



  1. Pretty much Nini pissed off Ivan so Ivan turned him in. Ivans not going to last 2024 his faction is weak just like Ivans mental state weak.

    1. Let's not forget they were born into the drug world.

    2. 11:12 Ay pobrecitos!

    3. Can you make a post about that El Guerito guy that Ivan is trying to but the blame on... Seems like this anabel hernandez has been theirs since the beginning of Ivan's plan, he sure as heck humiliated Vicente by making the "Traidor" book and now wants to cry help I know who it is......

  2. All the higher ranking people kill each-other off. Can’t imagine the feeling of being betrayed by your own ppl

    1. Not as bad as finding out your girl been cheating on you

    2. That’s a woman’s nature show though. You should expect it

  3. It's hard imagining panu bloodthirsty. Foo looks like he plays fortnite

    1. 9:17 agree. These kids look like they sit around doing nothing every day but playing video games. It will be over sooner than later for the Chapizas.

    2. Well no shit stupid you dont last long with that life style

    3. ^guess it's this guy's time of the month

    4. LOL that's true

  4. El Panu también conocido como el narizón o el cuñado maestro de laboratorios de coca rebajada con corte igual alas de crystal y pastillas de chiva con fenta desde muchos años atrás como en el 2009 es el que enseña ala gente que anda en las cosinas gana bien el señor

    1. Es verdad ya no me acordaba de ese dato

  5. He did over do it with corridos …. Like 100’s

  6. I still think Nini made a deal with the DEA and turned himself in before the Chapitos could clip him.

    1. He got shot at in the video of his arrest, why wouldnt he just go to the border and give him self up like damazo? He must be stupid to turn him self in in mexico, specially cause he knows his enemies could get to him any time in jail

    2. He probably wanted to make it seem like they raided him without him knowing..maybe he didn't want to look weak and scared and be on the news about him surrendering looking weak going to the gabachos.. maybe part of the deal with feds was they would have to extradited him out mexico asap so he can start singing like a canary regarding chapiza structured and inner workings just my opinion

    3. I’m not sure he turned himself in. But I doubt Chapitos turned him in no way so he can testify against El olvdio? I just think the new be too much heat and no way of freeing him my opinion

    4. Man nini is gonna miss his watch collection it was pretty good

    5. 9:59 Perhaps he couldn't sneak out of CLN without his superior's getting suspicious of why he was leaving and also the government forces looking for him in that general region of México. His only possible safe place in México is TJ with his compadre Flaco. Given up by his bosses or turned himself in. Or both?
      He's indicted and wanted for the fentanyl etcetera, maybe even in the same jurisdiction/s as Ovidio, so he (along with Chapitos and their legal advisors) negotiates his surrender so both he and Ovidio can plead guilty to a sentence in the range of 240-300 months (20-25 years) instead of 480 months(40 years) or more. Of course they'll have to forfeit money and/or other things of value and possibly wholesale clients of theirs in the USA.

    6. El Panu was the person that gave Nini his spot TF lol

    7. 10:34 if he opened his mouth when there was a strong wind he could of glided with that pelican neck all the way to the border no problem

    8. 11:26 jajajajaja

    9. 10:40 no one cares your the only fanboy here. Grow up

    10. Sounds like 11:26 is having inappropriate thoughts with ninis pelican neck 😂🤷

    11. 6:57 you can feat a yellow bus in there 😂

  7. Looks real to me

    He’s in his boxers running around the roof like a weirdo trying to climb down likes he’s in shock or drunk or high.

    I knew someone years ago who said he kept a rope ladder on the 22nd floor of his condo and when they came for him, that’s where he was going to escape LOL

    I told him you will die or injure your self and embarrass yourself lol

    That reminds me of Nini that day

  8. "machinations, hollowness, treachery, and all ruinous disorders, follow us disquietly to our graves"
    ..King Lear

  9. Tanto que se burlaba del mini leak

  10. Milenio wouldn't let me read the article in spanish without signing up so I'll go with the excellent translation by SOL.
    If Panu was with Ovidio while both were detained by the military how could he be giving orders through the radio to attack the military?
    Do the timelines of the sequence of events matchup? Or is this another piece by a Milenio journalist making up a narrative of the events?
    Maybe Panu wasn't with Ovidio, just another person(possibly related to Panu) that looks like him?
    Clearly irrelevant now as Ovidio is pending trial in USA but perhaps not at the proper journalism standard.
    Or am I loco, 🎶insane in the membrane 🎶?

    1. Who you tryin to get crazy with, ese?

    2. Don't you know I'm loco!

  11. lol this is such bullshit everyone knows he’s always been the chief, even according to official US intel reports, no?

    They likely just used el ninney because of his viciousness and to keep people in check.

    Why let the rabid dog roam without a leash?

    1. El Nini was to El Panu like El Chapo was to Mayo.

    2. Nini was never the chief of security, guy has always been the Plaza leader of Culiacán, the corridos all say it lol… nothing about being the head of security

    3. 7:39 why complain BB putting out the best news from Mexico for the the english and probably spanish speaking community. Dont forget they doing it on theyre own time unpaid so stop being a little girl and stick to reading not complaining you sound like a fool anyways.

    4. 12:43 there is about 2 3 other websites out there that are pretty good too

    5. 5:59 Like which ones? The info would be appreciated.

    6. 12:43 The man isn't complaining. He's making a point. And a valid one. That's how things are known. You call something out if it doesn't add up. And that's how you get to truth. My respects to the people at BB, and although they're goid, it doesn't mean that they're always right. Not saying they put out incorrect narratives on purpose, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes we think we know the truth when in reality we didn't. Those things happen. But if things aren't questioned when they don't make sense, then things won't come out.

    7. 9:17 we need links 🦇🇨🇺🦇🇨🇺🦇

    8. @11:10 🤠🇲🇽

    9. 12:46 real links, not patito links 🦇🇨🇺🦇🇨🇺🦇

    10. 7:29 denial mucho im guessing DEA and United States Department are "patito" news? 🇲🇽🇲🇽🤠🤠

    11. 7:29 11:17 saquen su propia huella alucines
      Arriba las fuerzas especiales de Mexico 🇲🇽🦇🇲🇽🦇

    12. 1:23 callate guey el primero que uso el murcielago fue chars no tu 😂 solito te ensartas

  12. How secure can El Panu feel about avoiding the same fate as El Nini, who was betrayed?

    If I were in El Panu's position, I would prioritize finding the fastest and most beneficial way out.

    1. Nini was betrayed because of the popularity he was craving and getting, Panu wants very little of that. Guy has been in the game for a while, always by the Guzman’s side, and he has like 2 or 3 corridos only.

    2. Nini wasn’t betrayed dude got caught lacking. They were already on his tail and dude wasn’t fast enough for this one

    3. Panu will get thrown out like a used condom if he doesn't move against Ivan the little spoiled brat. Chapitos are going to fall very soon they are weak.

    4. @9:21 PM: So where were HIS MEN,2Los Ninis"..? They were suddenly not on his side. All His corridos say how they are his personal army.. Don't be ridiculous. They gave Him up before his Corrido even dropped.

  13. No question probably richly rewarded when following orders, but used as a token to lower heat. One has to ask why ever be loyal in this game when lifespan is probably 3 to 5 years at a high level before killed, imprisoned, or made irrelevant.

    1. No period get some sleep, BB will be here in the morning.🌞

    2. I rather be irrelevant if it means able to have $$$. Let’s be real 75% of the working citizens are irrelevant

    3. @6:45 The working citizens are irrelevant in your eyes only . But that’s your reality. I have a feeling you haven’t felt what years inside a prison feels like , otherwise you might understand the true reality of what it’s like to be irrelevant. So let me get this straight…… You gladly pick being the guy having money and respect( not genuine)from people because his wallet is fat and he has a nice clothes/car/house etc… and you think that makes you relevant ?😄 I think you missed a couple things in that . 1.your the hooker and the government is your pimp . They let you “ball” and “stack up”and acquire all these things you think are yours , but soon realize they legally took everything you single thing you went out on the streets and sold your ass for, then washed their hands clean of you , and said , I’ll give you the chance again to make us some more money in 10-20 years 😄 So you they take everything you worked for , and then take your freedom on top of that … and that’s what you call a being relevant? If the people really respected this lifestyle, then why don’t they have so many visitors and people holding it down for them when they go away ? The only one who comes week after week , is a mother . To the rest of the world you will be the picture in the dictionary, when they look up the word “irrelevant “😄
      Meanwhile the working citizens, who own everyone they legally worked for , are slanging chorizo to your wife/baby mama on the regular . Does that really sound like your the most relevant in this scenario that’s happens 99% of time ?😄

  14. This is a lie , Panu is smarter he does not take this position because he is smarter .He likes to work behind the scenes, he works more like the person that gives advice of what should happen.You guys have no clue who still there security , it wasn’t even El Nini he was just the face.

    1. Source? Or trust me my cousin is in Culiacan.

    2. 1:29 got any links to what you are saying? 🦇🦇🦇

  15. Goodbye panu cemetery or prison in 3 years max

  16. Panu has always been the head of security he was with ovido when they got him the first time all nini was was head of plaza in cln he was just another sicario who was able to start generating his own money thru his own connections

  17. El Señor Sicario 006 is very low profile

  18. Why would Sinaloa reveal that Panu is in charge. Thats why they get caught, unable to keep secrets, or they are just stupid.

    1. i dont think its them putting it out, its these ppl that live out it. making assumptions, interviews, they want the latest headline first. like i said in the bottom comment, que casualidad que ya dicen que el panu es el bueno, si panu siempre a sido arriba del nini, gavilan, 27 y otros

    2. En Culiacan no hay secretos, todo se sabe. Gente dentro o fuera del negocio, claro los de afuera le hechas crema a los tacos pero y suena el río, trae agua. La estructura alta criminal de los cárteles se la conozen todos en cierta plaza. El nombre del Panu a sonado por mucho tiempo y siempre ha sido muy allegado de Ivan. Otra cosa, que yo no entiendo pero diferentes personas an confirmado, es que sicarios y jefes de sicarios, plazas etc. saben que tienen un término de 4-6 años de mando pero, eventualmente van a ser puestos por el Patrón. Ellos todos los saben; su trabajo es trabajar entre ese plazo y en su tiempo o los ponen y si no se dejan, los matan. En cinco años van a ser un grupo nuevo de sicarios, jefes de plaza, etc.

    3. Esta obvio el porqué todo se sabe todo en Sinaloa. Es la mera pinche mata de las chivas.

    4. 1:46 😂😂😂 maldita sea! ni mas ni menos es lo que es, y luego dicen que son hombres de palabra, pero parecen viejas verduleras

  19. Soooo, the chapitos ratted on him. Copy that

  20. If they legit gave him up, why let him live in hands of the gringos?… he knows way too much, and if he’s smart enough to realize they gave him up, he has to 100% rat on all of them. Killing him would’ve been the smartest thing to do.

  21. So what happens with the historic Tijuana deal Chapitos had with Flaquito and his CAF, a CAG & Chapos deal seemed unthinkable before, but it occurred…. We have always been lead to believe that this occurred almost in its entirety, because of Flaquito’s and Nini’s relationship from their younger days. We back to Guzman vs Arellano being a thing?

    1. First time I ever such bullshit!

    2. “Historic deal” lmao

  22. my guy, panu has always been first before nini o anyone else.. cmon! “por ahi se dice que al senor panu se los presentó a los muchachos”

  23. lo que mal empieza mal termina estos chapitos pronto estaran del otro lado del rio......

  24. Chapitos fans enjoy anything said about CDS so as long as it makes these Chapitos look good.

    1. Chapitos using bots they are probably the worst for it. You will notice if you comment negatively towards Chapitos the rescue squad is there pretty quick. The either have troll farms or deploying bots.

    2. 1:22 don't forget the alucines and groupies

    3. A cartel using bots to clear up their name sounds very far fetched @ 1:22

    4. 4:20 how is that far fetched? Do you know what a bot is

    5. 7:45 Really doubt an international drug trafficking organization could give two shits of how their viewed. Especially on social media

    6. Maybe not here, but Los Chapitos, es. Ivan and Alfredo are very very online and invested in being online, as personality's and their personal brand, La Chapiza. Mini Lic detailed this in some of his disclosures.

    7. @ J ... And that's why Ivan and Alfredo are eventually going down and people like Joaquin and M Flaco are going to outlast them . You can't be a narco and trying to be a social media influencer lol

    8. Ivan 100% reads the comment section of BB.

  25. Me queda claro que a Iván no le gusta que nadie brille más que el. Por eso su furia contra el chino. Y también que ahora Panu tendrá más mujeres e infidelidades hacia su esposa con su ascenso. Córrele Debra Susan Rico Zazueta,'Okar' ya tiene más dinero

    1. 10:05 This person cannot leave that Debra name out his mouth. I never post comments like this. Just random.

  26. El Panu lo van aventar como Carne De Canon Los Chapitos.

  27. Dicen que se peleó con el piyi,también según

  28. You’re welcome sol ☀️

  29. "Pride comes before a fall" a story as old as time

  30. Puro alucin y huevones y narco platicantes ahi aqui . Ponganse a jalar mejor .

  31. You would have to be a complete moron to continue to work with los chappillos!!!

  32. Panu is favored by el del 🤠. Old school type of dude who knows when to play hard and work harder. Hate all you want, but he gets paid very well and has several high scale businesses going for him and his family. He’s loyal to the game, not just the players.

    1. Blah Blah Blah.. Look at chino antrax, guero bastidas, el nini.. They will off Panu when they are done with his services.. haven’t you learned anything yet? Its the way Sinaloas run this business.. They all have an expiration date

    2. 10:09 shut up! Ivan will be dead soon.

  33. CJNG chismosas all in the cut 🐸☕️

    1. When i see a 🐸 all i can think of is CDS, why? Im not sure, but thta the first thing that comes to mind

  34. That happens for goitback to Culiacán when he was told not to because there was Marines hiding in houses because they were after him but he didn't listen when back to have a party for his new song and the next day he got raided and had no help because when the call came in for backup the sicarios were ready to go help him but they didn't go because chapitos and panu said he can save himself if he's as untouchable as he says he is we told him not to comeback because the government was after him he got himself in this mess he can get himself out if hes really that tough,plus had been disobeying orders and not following exact orders and just heating up The plaza so they told him to leave and lay low cause he Marines were after him he left for a little came back to culichi again disobeying orders he was told not to go back but homie really wanted to have that party for his New corrido LoL


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