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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Man Sentenced In California's First Fentanyl-Homicide Case Gets Called A 'Piece Of Shit' By Victim's Dad

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A man who was convicted in California's first fentanyl-related homicide case was sentenced to 15 years to life behind bars. This comes as Vicente David Romero, 34, was found guilty of second-degree murder in the fentanyl-poisoning death of Kelsey King.

King's death may have happened back in June 2020, but the pain appeared to have not subsided one bit for the victim's father, who spoke in court Friday.

"How do I tell her children that, ‘Your mother is dead because a worthless piece of shit wanted to have sex with her and slipped her poison that killed her within three minutes,'" said Tim King, Kelsey's father.

During the hearings prior to sentencing, Romero, who is from Temecula, had told authorities at the time of the investigations that he gave King a pill known as M30. Romero also admitted during the investigation that he knew the pill contained fentanyl.

Temecula, California

Fox 11  Fox 11 Los Angeles


  1. Someone will reach out and touch him in the big house. His life is gonna be hell.

    1. 7:33 buddy it's murder not rape,get ur head out ur as

    2. 7:33 you’ve obviously never been in jail or have any idea how it goes they won’t do this to him

    3. Buddy... It's the lame dudes on them same streets.. selling that poison to Everyone. Bunch of Bums don't even know what they are selling

    4. @ 7:56 am Hey dumb ass did you not read the guy gave her the pill to have sex with her? Sounds like youre the ine that needs to get his head out his ass dumb F.

    5. 11:14 in the fathers words.. read again

    6. 11:14 it happened to a wonan, not a kid, so yea nothing is gonna happen to this fool

    7. Yeah, in the fathers wordshe slipped it to her. But the investigation says he gave it to her. So she took it knowingly. This huy tried to be honest with the cops and it backfired on his ass. If one takes something knowingly, how is it another person's fault. If I see a car coming down the freeway at 75 and for what ever reason I want to run across that freeway thinking everything will be alright and I get hit by that car and killed how would that be the drivers fault??? He'll have action in appeal unless there are more points in the case we aren't privy to. I could see manslaughter, not even that. But second degree murder. It might take a little bit, but he should get it overturned.

    8. It says he gave it to her because he confessed to it. Sometimes people confess to take the heat. At least some hardcore people have. Many reasons to take the heat. I agree taking drugs as an adult is play at your own risk.

    9. OP is right... It would be "good publicity" to take him out.

    10. 12:40 pm on the money. She took the shit...thats on her. This charging dealers for "killing" customers aka just selling them dope is ridiculous. You are responsible for what you put in your body

    11. Riverside County DA has made ANY fentynal associated death case an enhanced prosecution proceding.

    12. Where does it ever say he gave it to her willingly? I never saw or read that. So if this guy gave her some drug to lower her inhibitions then yeah he’s a piece of shit and deserves everything he gets.

  2. @733 he didn’t molest a kid. You sound like that other guy from the other day. “This room is for men to discuss and solve problems” LMAO bro is a common criminal they’re not gonna do anything to him

    1. Probably recruit him so they can get some more drugs on the inside

    2. 7:54 some Reddit kids only read the title and skip reading the article.
      Best to read the article and then post a comment. Some admit they skip to the comments.

  3. In Cali you can kill a chick on the outside and the guys inside are OK with it? In Canada that wouldn't slide dead man walking.

    1. omg Canada is so tuff

    2. Tough and cold. Try it.

    3. 8:38 couldn’t handle the cold up here

    4. I'm pretty sure the girls in Cali and the ones in Canada have are way different. Cali famales can be skanless and grimy ass hell, alot of them. I think Canadian women aren't as rotten and corrupt on the inside.

    5. Just saying Canadian prisons have better politics we don't let messing with women slide.

    6. Canada lets it slide even more.

    7. Because we all know CAnada not CAlifornia is know for the toughness of their prison inmates

    8. If this happened in Canada he would get probation at the most. Justice system is a joke in Canada

    9. Canadian women are all white

  4. The Latinos have the numbers and the power in the cdc !!

    1. 11:51 I agree with you dude should shut up. Having bigger numbers inside, just means more of us messed up and dumb enough to get caught lol nothing to be proud of

  5. Parents need to raise their kids better stop blaming other people for your mistakes

  6. The father should have been more in her life he raised her and she caused her own death knowing the consequences even while having a daughter

  7. Did he confess to knowing about the fent... so as to not let the investigation dig deeper. As part of a plea? I assume he didnt give up where he got it from? That might be more dangerous for him than the fact the girl died.

    1. Yes, read the article.

    2. The part about the "confession" .. most times they take that route unwillingly. If you dont say this, we will do this to you type of shenanigans

  8. There has been dozens of women killed in Canada from fentanyl and nothing gets done about it.
    You sound like another keyboard warrior.

  9. I’m sorry to say it, but of course the dad is gonna say he slipped his daughter the pill. How do we know the daughter
    Didn’t take them intentionally. A blue M30 is Fetty. Everyone knows that. Maybe in 2015-2016, they were not knowing but these junkies today know that there isn’t any real blues left.

  10. There's some guys all jocked-up in rescue gear walking around Acapulco, their orange vests say:
    U.H.R Honduras
    They came a long way to help..

  11. Bullshit, I knew a con from Canada and he said they love child rapists and women rapist killers in Canada. They even get out

    1. You knew a con from Canada who liked child molesters? You sound like your on a good path pal.

  12. Wouldn't she be the piece of shit for doing the drug?

  13. Drug dealers selling for cartels, now liable if the user does.
    We should also hold amlo accountable for cartels illegally sending drugs to USA.

    1. Amlo too busy using mexican goverment money like for the victims of that storm that hit acapulco to fund his allies to get elected.

    2. 2:51 at least in California it's been that way for some decades. If in the commission of a crime someone dies they can be charged with a felony murder e.g criminal in stolen car fleeing from police runs a light and crashes into a vehicle that causes a death will be be charged through PC 189.

    3. Its new people are dying of Fentenyl overdose. Hold the seller accountable.

    4. No its not new that you can die from drugs. M

    5. You knowingly know your selling a deathly drug, fent and someone died...
      prison time.

  14. People need to stop acting like everyday in prison some guy is getting "inmate justice" for his crimes on the street. I see this on every story on the local news. Murders in prison aren't as frequent as every seems to think they are.

  15. Here's what my search turned up about the pill. Just fyi.
    Kelsey King, 26, died June 2020 after she ingested half a pill that was laced with fentanyl. The drug was provided by 34-year-old Vicente David Romero, who took the other half of the pill. According to prosecutors, Romero passed out but survived after ingesting it; King, however, died.1 day ago

  16. Check out the movie Pain Hustlers on Netflix and see how much time those fentanyl pushers got in the US for the overdoses. The main one got 4 years and a few months. All good as long as they get their taxes. USA are hypocrites


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