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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Military Personnel Were Attacked In Tapalpa With Anti-Aircraft Weapons During The Operation That Led To The Capture Of 'El CR'.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The proximity of the military triggered a confrontation

"EL CR" 

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

The military that participated in the operation to capture Juan Carlos Pizano Ornelas, alias "El CR," was attacked with high-powered weapons considered anti-aircraft. The criminals tried to prevent the arrest of the regional leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, and even set up roadblocks, but they were unable to stop him.

He was arrested this Saturday morning in an operation deployed by land and air, in the Magical Town of Tapalpa, by elements of the Mexican Army who arrived from Mexico City.

The officers went to the intersection of Violeta and Tulipán, in the Lomas del Poleo neighborhood, as there were reports that "El CR" was at that location.

The proximity of the military unleashed a confrontation in which presumed members of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation fired at the helicopter gunships with anti-aircraft weapons.


The reaction of the military forces was immediate and they repelled the attack. A video posted on social networks shows the moment when the officers fired from one of the helicopter gunships, while residents took refuge in the surrounding area.

Three vehicles were left with gunshots, a Razer, a red pick-up truck, and a black pick-up truck, which had a Barret-type anti-aircraft firearm.

The subjects escaped. Up to now, only the National Registry of Arrests has information about the capture of "El CR", who was accused by the Mexican Army of being the alleged responsible for the disappearance of Colonel José Isidro Grimaldo Muñoz.

Juan Carlos is also the alleged regional leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation in Tapalpa, who is already at the disposal of the Special Prosecutor's Office for the Investigation of Organized Crime for the crime of organized crime and those that may result, according to what was informed by sources from the Attorney General's Office.




  1. Fuerza Especial De Reaccion in action 🦇

    Let's see if the military keeps on targeting CJNG, Jardinero is being thrown around as the next target

    1. I think either jardinero or apa are next

    2. Aren't they FEC now

  2. Aplausos para los 🦇

  3. 💯 para los 🦇 🍻

  4. Valio queso CJNG! El gobierno van por ellos

  5. When will they get double RR

  6. Got pretty wild around here this weekend. Roadblocks all over the place. Today in Sayula, they tossed Molotov cocktails at Sedena in response to what happened. The big dogs in Zacoalco took off and I’m sure went into hiding as there are rumors of more pressure coming into the area. Saw about 150 dudes in pickups in Techaluta early this morning chilling in the cemetery. I’m sure someone big was around and probably was leaving the area. Very bad hombres. Saludos from Zacoalco de Torres.

    1. sr mencho in the area what ever happened to los muñecos de usmajac they used to be menchitos escolta?

  7. Awesome 👏. Cool videos but I can only imagine how terrifying would it be for innocent people near by.

  8. All these years after Kiki these big capos still fuck up by going for high profile targets and get themselves into this mess do they never learn? Is it just an ego thing?

    1. No it will never end, because...Machismo.

    2. @5:12AM 🎯 Yes you’re absolutely right, ego is exactly what it is . At some point it’s not even about the money , like a lot narcos use as an excuse for getting into the game. It’s the Ego/Machismo that’s actually driving of all this . I’m sure they are probably some narcos out there , making tons of money , at the same time , not making a peep , so that no one notices them and they don’t end up on the most wanted list . Both of them are wrong , while only one is stupid . The saying “ the pride comes before the fall “ could not be more accurate in most of what’s happening today

  9. EARGASM. What a sound. The sound of an electrically-operated gatling gun mounted on a helicopter. Whether it be the M134, GAU-2/A, or the GAU-17/A that's real music to the ears. Not those misleading Narco Corridos that swivel the vulnerable into misery and destruction. Still don't believe the lies? Listen to Damaso by Gerardo Ortiz. Now that's loyalty. Sense of sarcasm by the way.

    Char, THANK YOU and all those at BB for all that you do. Blessings sent your way.

  10. The difference between 🐥 and triple chin from CJNG is that in the first one nobody moved a finger and In the second one they tried to rescue their boss but failed . Arriba 🇲🇽 🦇

  11. What did they shoot at them with? 50 cals? RPGs? We always hear the rumors of mini guns down there but they been arresting some big people and they haven’t been brought out

    1. I missed that part in the article. My b

    2. No problem next time you get the paddle.

  12. No period..the article says AAW Barrett, I am sure you should know what Caliber that is, no sorry no RPGs were used.

  13. Cartels have no RPG's or mini's they use Barretts , The Barrett M107 is a .50 caliber, shoulder-fired, semi-automatic sniper rifle most likely given to them by Obama and Holder during operation Fast and Furious to arm certain cartels with heavy weapons. I have heard they have a Browning Ma Deuce 50 cal machine gun or two or M1919 Browning .30 caliber medium machine guns but not heard of them being used or captured. There are others here on BB that are more well informed of weaponry used by cartels. Every once in a while you see one of these bullet magnets clomping around in those pointed toe elf boots toting a gold plated AK or Model 1911 45.

    1. RPGs have been found in caches since the Calderon era I used to see them pop up in Michoacán when the Federal Police was going after La Familia.

    2. 10:16 the guns during the Obama era where never given away, the serial numbers were written, from the gun shops criminals were buying them to ship to Mexico.

    3. It's called gun walking same as bush jr's operation linebacker. Whatever their alleged intentions, many of the guns are still missing today. If i'm not mistaken a 50 cal barrett from one of the operations was recovered the last time el chapo was caught.

    4. Cdg member was photographed with an M136 AT4 recently.

    5. For political context we now need to step back to April 16, 2009 -- four or five months before we think Fast and Furious began. On this day President Barack Obama was visiting Mexico. While there he said, "This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States ... more than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border."
      This 90% statistic was, to be kind, math so shoddy a third grader should know better.
      The figure was based only on guns the Mexican government sent to the ATF for tracing. On April 2, 2009, according to statistics from the Mexican government, only about a third of the guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico are submitted to the ATF. The Mexicans, as it turns out, only send guns to the ATF they think came from the U.S. Also, many guns submitted to the ATF by the Mexicans cannot be traced. As a result, determined that only 17% of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced by the ATF to the U.S.
      Now, because President Obama used the made-up 90% figure to push political positions -- he was using the statistic to argue that the U.S. needs more gun-control laws. Gun walking ! Pictures of RPG's in Michoacan ? @11:13, @ 8:43 I saw a picture of the supposed M136 AT4. Where have these been used , how many do they have ? One guy walking around with one ? If this is a war and not just savages kidnapping , chopping people up and talking shit all the time heavy weapons would be used , captured, or displayed in my humble opinion. To this point helicopters have been fired upon by Barretts nothing more heavy. I know there are many experts here on BB that know much more than I do.

    6. 10:25
      Well explained, you did your research, many in here jump the gun when they don't know the whole story, they start adding their own fantasy story.

    7. How a factory city in Wisconsin fed military-grade weapons to a Mexican cartel (Reuters Dec 9, 2023 "...Weighing 30 pounds, Barrett .50 calibers are used by militaries around the world for their ability to rip through armored vehicles from over a mile away. They are among the most powerful weapons civilians can buy in the United States through licensed dealers and sell for around $9,000.

      In Mexico, they are popular with organized criminal groups. CJNG uses .50 calibers to defend routes through which the U.S. Justice Department says thousands of tons of fentanyl and methamphetamine are shipped to U.S. consumers."
      Photo: "Members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) pose for a photo at an undisclosed location in Michoacan state Mexico. One of the men bears the insignia of the Delta hit squad that reports to cartel leader Nemesio Oseguera and that U.S. federal investigators say received a gun that came from the Racine gun store."

  14. Well at least they fought for fat guy, nini got caught in his boxers and no one moved a finger

    1. That was the point to not move a finger dummy

    2. 10:21 💯 La diferiencia: estan a los que le cantan los corridos y los agarran tratando correr como ratas y los vatos que no tienen corridos pero que real mente viven lo que los corridos dicen, estos compas si se les pusieron a los vergazos al govierno y no secuestraron personas inocentes para que soltaran al lider, eso es tener guevos

  15. Así como cayó nini ahora sigue el jardinero, RR, o el apa. Uno de ellos va caer, ya es final del año y el gobierno ocupa dar resultados 🤑


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