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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Narco Message Left For Omar Félix Loaiza AKA El 8 or Pelón de Sonoyta

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Omar Félix Loaiza AKA El 8 or Pelón de Sonoyta

A cooler was left on the 6 de Abril road, presumably with human remains; on top of the cooler a cardboard with a message to El 08 was left.

The message tells El Pelón to watch himself around Iván Archivaldo, because just as he handed over El Nini, he will also remove anyone who gets in his way.

According to local media, the cooler was lifted by armed civilians and not by the police or forensic experts.

Avenida 6 de Abril
Caborca, Sonora


  1. Lol @ Ivan el traidor.

    The organization knows nini was turned in.

    1. I still think it makes no sense turning in Nini with all he knows but it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not that’s what his enemies are going to go with that Ivan turned him in to cause doubt and internal conflict

    2. It makes sense if he is out the loop. Dude was driving around town in some cars only narcos own. Not a g-wagon, or bmw, but a damn bright red lambo. Since olvidio was captured they started to change up, and I’m willing nini best play is to not fight extradition and make a deal to keep a few million. He can give valuable info on the brothers for the last few years activities. I think he gets 15-20 and out in 10 after some good testimony that results in olvidio hanging with chapo. I was surprised his own hitters didn’t come to support, and that says this was worked out. Some1 told his security team to stand down.

    3. 123 your clearly delusional

    4. Yeah, Nini posting on social media on his whereabouts, too busy chasing fame, meanwhile el gob lo tenía bien monitoreado, pndjo wannabe Chino antrax

    5. Seas quien seas, Los niños no tienen la culpa. Por eso valio berga el nini, muy berga matando a gente trabajadora cuando apenas empezaba.

    6. 923 GRACIAS exactamente ese vato es un cobarde lo único que quería hacer desde el principio era matar nada de respeto por la vida de otros a ver cómo le va yeah this guy's a psychopath narcissist this guy needs to be locked up forever in a straight jacket coward

  2. We are close to the death of capture of Ivan and the end of the Chapitos.

    1. I agree . The U.S doesn’t just say “ Ok after the 70,000 U.S fentanyl deaths last year , now that Nini’s captured , we’ve avenged all those deaths and can all go home as winners “😄

    2. You are delusional as hell if u think they r the bad guys and u think the government is the super hero taking action for those deaths. You must still believe in Santa Claus. Nmms. This all starts and ends with the US government, they are the biggest cartel Nd teach these dudes how to fight guerilla warfare, make the stuff they r pushing and keep the main hitters from getting caught. The blood of the 70,000 fetty deaths is thanks to the US government. The cartels r just patsies, puppets and scapegoats that take the bait of the wealthy lifestyle but the piper always comes to collect sooner or later

  3. It was obvious, had everyone stand down sucks if el piyi was forced to do nothing and still hear el nini call for help on the radios.

    1. Lmao why does that suck? Fuck both of them fools

  4. If another Chapito falls to ALMO, I think the chapitos support will melt and jump to Mayonesa o Chapo Isidro.

  5. Wonder who put that out, was it Caro's crew or someone trying to flip him over like Mayo's or Isidros crew

    1. Los cazadores put this up

    2. Cazadores are Chapitos, can't be them.

    3. Cazadores are independent now

    4. 11:08 there is rumors of CDS chaputos having internal issues in Sonora

    5. Make sense, Penasco is Mayo people and they talk like Sonoyta and Caborca is chill for them.

  6. Soldiers get replaced, some dont listen or start thinking they bigger than the boss!! You'll reaching!! What did mencho do to his right hand when tried to compete against him.. take him out before he gets stronger

    1. 1:04 if you look up molca interview when he gets caught he says how cuinis and mencho gave up Lobo Valencias location to they could keep CDM . Hence why menchos and cuinis organization was known as CJNG it was known as Los Torcidos.

    2. 1:04 Yup Cholo got brainwashed by those who used him. Should have remained a loyal lieutenant to his Boss.
      10:03 Lobo and Tigre got turned in by Nacho. Not long after Lobo socked up Nacho over some millions owed to Milenio he was arrested. Tigre and his sister were also arrested in Jalisco before SEDENA killed Nacho. No coincidence huh?
      El 85 was next in line to be the Boss of Milenio as he, just like his primos Lobo and Tigre, was also a nephew of Juanito Valencia. Milenio Cartel was Los Valencia. That BS Molca talks is to put themselves (Pilo, Fuski, Papirrín/La Resistencia)in a favorable light but those fools wanted to pull a fast one on 85. Not a single one of them are Valencia.
      MFG. Remember them? Fools(La Resistencia) were so desperate for power they allied themselves to enemies.
      Los Torcidos? No one but Molca and his losers allies called them that. Can't call them Milenio if you're also calling yourself that right.
      It's laughable how until this day people (you're one of them) haven't grasped who, where and why CJNG was created.

  7. 1.04, yes and you can understand the Way they roll by looking at other criminal Groups who operate in much same way. Nothing original here

  8. Be careful of the policía in Sonoyta.

    1. Drive speed limit when leaving town. Speed trap going to Puerto Peñasco

  9. Nini already knew Ivan wanted to kill him that’s why he went into hiding alone that’s why he was captured

  10. Nini will most likely rot in prison until he starts to 🐀 and telling on his boss Ivan. It’s in his best interest to take that deal and go ghost or he will rot in jail and his girl will get doggystyled by Piyi

  11. The chapitos cheerleaders praying to malverde right now hoping NINIS extradition doesn't go through..... 🤣

    1. HAHA I bet nini pushing for extradition!

  12. This is going to lead into another War between people loyal to the guy that just got turned in vs the people loyal to the Guzman, isn’t it? Another Mochomo situation

    1. Lmaooooo oh buddy. Nini was just a glorified gunman/pistolero within Cln a single city being the head of security is not a presidential job.... mochomo was a big fish a big businessman with influence in many states. Gunmen can be replaced
      but men with government contacts and international customer contacts relationships with mountain and city people for production /transport in many states is no easy feat no matter how hard one tries. Thats why when true jefes get busted and pistoleros run their own show nothing but havoc . Look at tamaulipas bunch of idiot pistoleros in charge killing each other for no reason than pride instead of keeping things hush hush and not attracting the gringos attention.. nini and mochomo should never ever be mentioned together they were not equals. Jesus christ man ,corridos make yall think someone is important because of alot of songs when in reality having corridos just brings attention to your existence. Do you know what mexican minimum wage is?? Its 200 pesos 250 pesos a day thats like 12 dollars for a whole day a whole day! Of real backbreaking slave labor working like a negro .Having a corrido made is the dumbest thing ever but to broke peasants who used to wash cars or cut lawns or clean horse kaka or take care of tied up people or being a piss ant in general having a corrido made means you made it gonna make you a corrido and shift attention onto you. Do you understand at least half of this? ....nobody is bigger than the program,the show must go on

      Some of yall dudes are a trip ....

  13. No doubt Nini was turned in but that's because he had to be a dumbass and kill those young kids. Nine was known for being a psychopath and was respected for that among the chapitos but killing those kids brought too much attention.


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