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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Oquitoa, Sonora: Ambush On Sedena Convoy Leaves One Dead And Several Wounded

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In a hilly area in the municipality of Oquitoa in Sinaloa, criminals ambushed a convoy of military and public security personnel; so far, one SEDENA officer is reported dead, 6 wounded, and one state police officer shot and wounded.

The security forces were responding to a report from residents of Oquitoa, who from 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 31, were terrified by the thunder of the gunfire until around 6:00 a.m.

The municipality, which in 2020 had a population of 496 inhabitants, suspended all activity this day, there are no classes or businesses open.

Given the escalation of hostilities between criminal groups for control of the area, violence is intensifying in the municipalities of the Sonora desert, in the region where Altar, Oquitoa, Atil, Tubutama, Saric, Sasabe, Trincheras, Pitiquito, Caborca and Sonoyta are located.

The Secretary of Public Security informed that since yesterday, several operations have been carried out in the vicinity of Altar in collaboration between the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) and the State Police, in order to preserve the tranquility of the inhabitants of the area.

He said that five perpetrators of violence have been arrested. In addition to several vehicles and weapons of various calibers.

"In the early hours of today there was an aggression against the authorities, where some elements of Sedena and one of the State Police were injured, who were taken to receive medical attention, reporting an element of the army without vital signs," he said.

He added that coordinated operations continue in the vicinity of the zone with the presence of Sedena, Ministerial Agency for Criminal Investigation (AMIC) and State Police.

Oquitoa, Sonora


  1. Let's see there was a shootout, the Armed forces killed none of the criminals, but Armed forces lost one. But 5 criminals were captured...why not do it Brazilian style ..kill the 5 criminals. That way the Mexican curupt court system don't set them free.

    1. Actions speak louder than words. Why don't you go over there and show them how it's done tuff guy.

    2. 1:20 - Because if the soldiers were to start executing sicarios, then “human right activists” in Mexico who are on the cartels payroll would start protesting and demanding those soldiers be arrested. That’s exactly what happened not to long ago in Tamaulipas. Mexican special forces executed 5 CDN sicarios and after an outcry from “human rights activists”, 16 soldiers were arrested. Only seven of them have actually been charge with extrajudicial executions, but the “Human Rights Committee of Nuevo Laredo” has stated that they plan on getting the other nine soldiers charged with being an accomplice in murder. By the way, the head of this human rights committee has been accused several times of receiving money from CDN to file false abuse accusations against the military.

    3. 4:01 those soldiers charged did something for the town, they got rid of cockroaches killing citizens. They are Heroes. Where the F, is the Human rights organization, when lots of innocent citizens have been, kidnapped, killed? The 13 police officers, that got ambushed, oh no let's leave the Cartels alone, we violate their rights my ass.

    4. Last time they did this there was a stupid security filming and now they go to trial.

  2. Los pelones, Deltas and Durangos are responsible. All cds scum.

    CJNG IS KING!!!!!

    1. @1:23 it was Los fantasmas de Los cazadores only

    2. Los dragon ball operate in that area

    3. 9:52 mas bien las fuerzas especiales ginyu

    4. 1:23 is trolling and you clowns cant help yourselves. Ladies wipe your lips.

  3. This was chapitos ambushing Mexican special forces. CJNG ambushed some state police in Zacatecas also and in chiapas you are starting to see topones. State police went at it with a cartel most likely either CDS or CJNG

    1. Doubt Chapitos ambushed any thing. Little brats worried about theyre manicures and theyre new fag bags for blue.

  4. D.E.P. elemento militar, gracias por tu servicio a la patria. Y que se mejore el elemento estatal. Y a los malandros su vida no vale nada.

  5. I read on here Santa Ana/Caborca been hot and I could've sworn some people said not. Durango heating up too. There's been a few covered up robberies around banks, carjackings and bodies off Carretera Mazatlán. Things that haven't been seen in years.
    ATTE: The Grand Dick

  6. Caros heating up la plaza?

    1. 2:49 - No, this was an armed wing of Los Chapitos.

    2. Marmelo fuerza violenta especial.

  7. Chapitos cagando el palo

  8. Wow Mexican cartels are tough as nails. I wouldn’t screw around with them.

  9. Are the forums ever coming back

    1. The forums had some of the best content & discussions… the narco pic topic was 🔥🔥🔥… lots of great/rare narco pics… hope the forums come back in some form…

      -Holden D. Cash

  10. 2.48. Myself and 2 other guys, one with a bodyguard were highjacked by fake police on this road near Altar. Was at night. Road from Santa Ana to caborca

  11. La Chapiza runs all those areas of Sonora this was there ambushing

    1. Slowly losing money and power.

    2. Yes we were all american citizens and the young guys are pointing fully loaded machine guns at our heads. They will ask to look under the hood of your car them pulla a bag of dope from their jacket and say they found IT in your engine compartimento. Then they demanda a lot of Money

    3. Where were you when this happened ?

  12. SEDENA Mobbing Deep in Altar 😆

    1. If the puto gobierno is "mobbing deep in Altar" that means they are protecting the plaza from an outside threat, which could mean its an internal/external.

  13. Why do you not mention CDS as being the ones who did the killing ? Are you protecting them ?

    1. Mr. Jahosefits
      Who are you referring your comment to? 🤔

  14. I don’t get it.. all the animosity towards the forces only fuels the hatred and eventual betrayal towards them.

  15. how is the road from Nogales south to Mazatlan? Passing through Santa Ana but avoiding Caborca and the rest?

    1. Should be safe to hermosillo. But south of there near empalme is dangerous and you will have to buy a car permit

    2. Thanks. We spend the night in Nogales Ca. Then get our permiso the next day in Nogales Son. Drive to Navajoa and spend the night again. Then 6 hours to Mazatlán. We don’t drive at night and don’t leave the quota. Never had a problem but we stopped going through Caborca and Altar.

    3. 5:32 I think you make too many stops. Mazatlán - TJ is a 22 hour straight shot for me. Only stop to fill up. Magdalena - Santa Ana should be okay these next days with SEDENA pissed off. Navojoa - Mochis pay extra attention. I recommend taking a bus if not a full car. They've starting carjacking in south of Culiacán.

    4. My wife and I are elderly so we don't drive at night in Mexico. I've made this trip many times and have never had trouble. Thanks for the information. We are always careful and God goes with us.

    5. You got stop at san judas cocos preparados in empalme all the war and kidnappings are between la maña coco campechano with a very cold cervezita uufff

    6. Just roll the dice and make the drive. It is what it is.

    7. 10:32 so then you really didn't need to ask.

  16. If you drive a car with US plates, you will be stopped outside nogales by young masked punks that ask for identification and cash. Usually you can drive away but sometimes they take your car and leave you sitting on the roadside in your underwear


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