Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, November 13, 2023

San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí: Corpse Of Nude Male Hangs From Bridge

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The body of a man was found hanging naked on a bridge on the outskirts of San Luis Potosi.

This morning a macabre discovery surprised the inhabitants of the capital city of Potosi who were traveling to the outskirts of the city towards Ciudad Satelite and the manufacturing zone that is concentrated in this area, as the body of a naked man caused great commotion.

Shortly before 7:00 a.m. this Monday morning, the workers who started their shift gave notice of the bloody body hanging on the edge of the main bridge that leads to Ciudad Satélite and the Colinas industrial park, on the Rioverde and San Nicolás de los Jassos highway.

Body unidentified

The incident was immediately reported to the emergency numbers; agents of the Investigation Methods Police (PMI) arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area. While the personnel of the Forensic Medical Service (SEMELE) of the Scientific Deputy Prosecutor's Office proceeded to remove the body and collect evidence for the investigation of what happened.

Colinas de San Luis industrial park
San Luis Potosí

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  1. What cartels own SLP? Golfos and Zetas?

    1. Golfos, Old School Zetas, CDN zetas, CJNG, Los Alemanes, Grupo Sombra, and apparently CDS is in the western areas of the state bordering Zacatecas

  2. Like they say in rock and roll and the beat goes on.

  3. Never a comment from los.pinos.?next What's the point of having regular press conferences? They don't care they are leaving next year with suitcases full of money like el.negro.durazo. probably related to the guy working with obrador. Let's see what the new president does Year.

    1. Why? Is this the first time that naked people hang from bridges?

  4. What's the difference who is in charge they are all the same butchers high on coke every day they must take pointers from Hamas.

    1. Hamas were very clever at getting, hydroplanes and killing citizens of the country they hate, concert people getting wiped out, nothing to defend themselves, like citizens of Mexico.
      But low and behold, they activated Middle East war.

    2. 6:29 It seems like the majority of them concert goers you speak og were killed by the idf. Look into it.

  5. Porke desnudo?
    Porke son putos los narcos se les dice y se aclara.

  6. And of course, ELMO says nothing. His silence on the suffering of the Mexican populace is deafening.

    1. 1:28
      People of Alcapolco, that survived hurricane Otis, are still waiting for aid in the form of food, clothes, tents, medical supplies, body bags. The only promise he made was, that water will be restored at the end of November.
      I Guess like they say in here, he cares a rats ass on his citizens.

    2. ELMO lives in opulence and arrogance smoking meth while getting rimmed.

    3. Bastard politicians are the same shit world wide.High ideals in the beginning go out the window as soon as power and influence is accumulated,they then betray the very mass who put them into that power,sadly its human nature,thats why we are fucked

    4. "ELMO lives in opulence and arrogance"
      They live in a vacuum of rarefied air not having to deal with everyday life.CJNG has grown to new heights under his watch,does his brother still collect envelopes full of cash?

    5. No Elmo influencers?
      I can see why the cheap bastard, would only give them Tortas del Jamon with a glass of Horchanta, hell that did not pay the bills.
      Bribes come in . Oh yes the brother loves receiving the envelopes. Once a reporter took video, at a restaurant of the brother getting envelopes . Elmo got enraged, he bad mouthed the media, on his daily conferences. The journalist knew he can be made disappeared.

    6. In the US we have one of these guys too. Senor Biden

    7. 6:28
      Why you going off track you know they are talking about ALMO.

    8. Andres Obrador when to Sonora.
      Looks like he really does not car about Alcapulco, he could have made a short trip.
      I quess it is true that he can care less, about people suffering, in his lovely Mexico.

  7. Not nice to take his chones.

  8. Stop dogging my boy Almo. If you keep it up I punch you in the nose.

    1. "Stop dogging my boy Almo"
      Sniff that dogs butt

  9. Why do Cartels constantly label captives as "Faggots" or "Queers" yet they seem to enjoy stripping their captives not just here and there but very regularly?? I guess it's a psychological thing but come on man!! If someone, anyone, is not intimated by be-headings, being burned alive, tortured , and any other of 100's of disgusting demises that these animals use to "scare" their enemies, stripping 'em nude is the one they choose?? Seriously??? Wow.

    1. It's a form of humiliation, even in death.

  10. Los alemanes vs CJNG operative Belica


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