Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 9, 2023

‘Silverio” Escaped Wednesday At Dawn From The Culiacán Penitentiary: His Escape And Death Same-Day

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 

Silverio, the dead inmate, tried to kill the mother of his 4 children with a bullet in the face, in Badiraguato.

Culiacán, Sin.- Silverio, the inmate who escaped from the Aguaruto penitentiary and was found badly wounded with a gunshot wound to the head early this Wednesday morning, November 8, at the Segundo Publica State Prison Complex, attempted to murder his wife and mother of his four children with a bullet to the face.

On May 3 of this year, Silverio Flores Valenzuela, 39 years old, shot Yendi Nallely, 32 years old, mother of his children, in the face, in events that occurred at her mother's house in El Huejote, Badiraguato, where the woman had gone to live after separating from him.

The victim was taken to a hospital in the city of Culiacán where she fortunately recovered her health and was miraculously saved.

Days later, on May 25, he was arrested and later indicted for the crime of aggravated femicide for attempted cohabitation and domestic violence against his partner. He had only been in prison for five months.

From the investigation file for criminal case 544/2023 it is indicated that Silverio and Yendi Nallely, had a relationship of 16 years in free union in which they procreated four children, currently 15, 13, 11 and 7 years old; but 4 months ago they separated precisely because of the violence that he exercised towards her.

His escape and death

Silverio escaped early Wednesday morning from prison and was found shot in the temple lying in one of the parking lots outside the Regional Criminal Accusatory and Oral Justice Center, between the Semefo and the facilities of the Attorney General's Office (FGR). Allegedly next to him was a pistol.

When he was found seriously wounded, he was taken by the Red Cross to the General Hospital of Culiacán where he died.

The State Attorney General's Office will be in charge of the investigations to clarify the situation, i.e. how he escaped and how he died. If it was a homicide and who did it.

The State Public Security Secretariat reported the escape of the inmate, but has not confirmed his death. They report that they are looking for him.


  1. Silveranio is the tipical Sinaloan who lets him self get killed so he can get a fake ass corrido

  2. He didnt escape, they let him walk to shoot him a fee blocks away.

    1. I agree with you, only high level members of the Sinaloa Cartel are allowed to escaped from the Peni in Culiacan.

      long list Pancho Chimal, El azulito, Poncho Limon, Changuito antrax, el dorian, Memo or g3 .

      Clearly to me the guy was allowed to escape but so he would be killed which got my attention

    2. Lol it’s Culiacán. They could’ve easily wacked him in there no need to release him at all

    3. I mean! Isn't it justice tho! For the family!

    4. 10:39 char he got wacked as propaganda. Chapitos trying to clean up their image

    5. Its better to kill him while on the run than having an accident in prison. The gob wants Tranquilidad in his state. Chapitos makeing to much noise.

  3. And immediately the world's a better place.

    1. You never know. That guy could've been the one who triggered ww3.

  4. They killed him inside the prison and dumped his body outside. Guaran fukn teed!

  5. The only ones allowed to kill women are the very "brave" cds elite, ivan guzman ,el omega and their goons heating up plazas by picking random unarmed women in the cities that they dispute, sick mfrs

  6. "The only ones allowed to kill women are the very "brave" cds"
    Didnt that soft twat ivan kill a canadian girl cause she didnt wanna know him?Ivan acted like an hysterical bitch,what dude hasnt had the brush off,let your balls hang and go on to the next

    1. He killed the guys they were with

  7. Por mi que la fiscalía le de carpetazo al asunto de este wey

  8. I read his ex wife was going to move in with a prison guard or a cop….or at least they were in an ongoing relationship and this tarnished Silerio’s hide!


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