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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Fentanyl War is Worse Than You Think

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Members of the US congress are calling the influx of chinese fentanyl an act of asymmetric war against the United States. 

The Drug Enforcement Agency estimates 90% of fentanyl comes from Chinese companies that not only operate legally inside China but are also subsidized and paid for by the Chinese communist Party. 

In 2022 over 107,000 Americans died from overdoses in the United States, and fentanyl poisoning became the leading cause of death of Americans 18-45 years of age.

On the other hand China frames the fentanyl crisis as a domestic American issue, blaming the United States big-pharma’s opioid corruption, weak U.S. laws, and a culture of American overindulgence and drug-glorification.

In asymmetric warfare one nation seeks to exploit the other's relative weakness. In this case China is accused of exploiting America’s appetite for illicit drugs and weaponizing fentanyl.

Task & Purpose


  1. China is using the Mexicans to poison Americans and profiting from it. Fentanyl not a drug, its poison when over 300 Americans die per day.

    1. More die of gun violence and I see ZERO talk about fix it. Gringos are just upset they don't get a cut of the Fentanyl trade. Just remember cocaine was brought into the states by CIA and didn't give a shit how many died of it.

    2. There's been 600 mass shootings thus far this year in the US, and that's without a drug war.

    3. Americans can stop this epidemic immediately if they wanted to. Just Say No!

    4. Your absolutely wrong about GRINGOS not making $$$$…

    5. 1047 that’s fake not true.
      2021 133 gun deaths that year and it was the worst recent. HALF of those were by suicide that also includes justified police shootings and accidental.
      2022 203 OD deaths per day with fent.
      Stop posting if your just spreading lies.

    6. 3:19 where did you get those numbers, from the NRA but not from the government.

    7. 3:19
      Your numbers are way off. There was 15,000 guns deaths that year.

    8. Funny how US Government can profit off addiction and misery but once someone else making money off Americans it’s a criminal act. If they could tax China every thing would be fine

    9. 3:19 😂 what 133 deaths by gun in a year? I think you are talking about just one city, your math is waaaayyy off, you dont have to post numbers if you are not sure, google it and you will get a much clearer picture

    10. 4:42 lol 😂 I just can't stop laughing at your comment 🤣.
      USA is profiting off are way off's the Mexican cartels that are profiting off the addicts, son you are one funny guy .

    11. It’s amazing how people just make shit up based on speculation and random thoughts… According to the pew institute

      Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2021, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were accidental (549), involved law enforcement (537) or had undetermined circumstances (458).

    12. @829, not to mention, the overwhelming majority of gun deaths are from handguns and not the boogie monster AR style rifles that make the left unhinged.

    13. @8:29 facts don't care about those leftards' feelings...pew pew.

  2. There's new episode of The Shawn Ryan Show with Luis Chaparro, where they discuss this and other stuff.
    No matter what you think of either one, it's still intersesting.

  3. Fentanyl is not a drug. It’s my religion

  4. China isn't communist. It's hyper capitalistic

    1. 914 without personal property rights and freedom. Notice how Chinese always want to leave China if they have the opportunity. If your a China d rider you should go live there.

    2. Economically they're de facto capitalist but on paper they claim something else.

    3. 107 China is a capitalist country. Far more so than the USA.

    4. Nobody ever said $uck this I'm going to China

    5. 8:03 I overheard 7 people say that just this morning!

  5. Many of those chemical companies are owned by Chinese Communist Party members. And any company over 10 employees has to have Party oversight and structure so really, the CCP is complicate.

    1. Wow you must have a deep knowledge of China. Keep on blaming china. I can hear em laughing.

    2. Wow, sounds like they educate themselves, 812. Give it a try some day.

  6. Gringos bitching again but not working on the problem. The only country in the world with that bodycount but blame it on china.

    1. Its difficult for Americans to reflect. But without all this drug wars chaos alot folks would be out of job.

  7. China don't have to kill us just go to Texas and Florida they shoot and kill eachother when they have a bad day

    1. As anywhere else on this planet genius

    2. We are talking about first world and not about a bunch of tents in the middle east.

  8. Well, America is either really dumb or really complicit. They shoulda just let the Big Pharma and Pill Mills taper down but not stop cold Turkey. A junkie is forever going to be a junkie. So if Team USA woulda left the real Oxycodone on the streets in a slow drip method, then Fetty wouldn’t have exploded on the scene so rapidly. America didn’t have a plan of action when they pulled the plug on the over prescribed perks/oxy/roxy. Instead, They let 20 deaths become 20,000. The Devil you know is sometimes better than the Devil you don’t.

    1. Love how this guy generalizes America as all in one. I am in North America and me and my family don't use drugs.

    2. 122. Well bud, he is correct.


    3. Yep, he is 100% correct

  9. Well since USA is such a bad place and we’re so screwed up. Then tell your family to stay across the fence. Quit swimming , smuggling , and risking your pathetic lives to cross the border to get here Tonto. We don’t want you here anyways. Your drugs is all we want. Go clean your own houses and gardens out and remember tall fences make good neighbors !!!!!

    1. @959 why didn’t you and your family just stay in Europe instead of coming to America and killing the people that were here before you you seem hypocritical to say the least and that would be a massive understatement I am Caucasian, and was born in Texas and have lived here all my life. I would never tell any race, ethnicity or person what you espouse you are the type of person whose attitude has ruined America take a deep long look in the mirror because I’m pretty sure that Native Americans would like to tell you the exact same thing and I’ll say it for them go the hell back to Europe wherever you came from England, Germany, Wales, Scotland, etc because real Americans don’t want you here

  10. Task & Purpose is a decent channel


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