Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Three Military Killed After Attack In Teocaltiche; Two Blockades And Security Reinforced: Tensions In Jalisco Keep Rising

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

An attack against members of the Mexican Army left three soldiers dead.

  • Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

An attack against members of the Mexican Army left three soldiers dead and at least three others wounded in the municipality of Teocaltiche. Subsequently, there were road blockades and a monster vehicle was seized. As a result of these events, security was reinforced, despite the fact that federal and state authorities have maintained a permanent presence in the municipality since September.

The personnel of the Secretariat of National Defense were conducting a surveillance tour of the Nochistlán crossroads when the attack by members of organized crime, who were traveling aboard three vehicles with handmade armor, took place.

Federal sources confirmed to this newspaper that the investigation mentions that three members of the Secretariat of National Defense were killed during the aggression.

Ricardo Sánchez Beruben, Strategic Coordinator of Security in the entity, assured that the situation was controlled in a short time and that it is the Attorney General's Office that will carry out the investigations.

"What is confirmed is an aggression early now. Unfortunately, at one of the junctions known as Perchero de Nochistlan, which is one of the junctions that goes towards the exit to Zacatecas, military personnel suffered an aggression.

He also confirmed two blockades at different points in the municipality of Teocaltiche, whose vehicles were removed before noon.

"There was also talk of two blockades, which were also removed immediately. In one of the blockades, it was one of the vehicles that we presume could have been used by members of organized crime, since it had these adaptations - it was a pickup truck - with these adaptations that are given in the box to have holes or loopholes to carry out the detonations. The situation is reported to be completely normalized".

This monster type vehicle was secured by the state authorities and placed at the disposal of the federal authorities.

He said that in this case, as well as in some others, the blockades are carried out to prevent the arrival of the troops and the escape of the perpetrators.

For its part, the Secretary of State Security reported that it secured a vehicle with handmade armor.


In order to flee, members of a criminal group set up a blockade on the San Juan de los Lagos-Jalostotitlán highway at kilometer 55, in San Juan de los Lagos, where a RAM type pickup truck with armor was left blocking the traffic, which was set on fire.

Another blockade was set up on the Jalostotitlán-Teocaltiche highway, at kilometer 30, in the municipality of Teocaltiche, where a green Kenwort Torton truck with Aguascalientes license plates, carrying bananas, was abandoned in the area.

This is the second time this week that criminals have blocked highways after confrontations. On Thursday, criminals also crossed vehicles on the highway to escape.


Following these events, the State Security Secretariat (SSE) deployed operative personnel to the municipality of Teocaltiche to reinforce security and assist personnel from the National Defense Secretariat stationed at the Ninth Infantry Battalion Control Post, which is located at the entrance to the town.

The state helicopter was also sent to provide aerial surveillance in the area.


Since September 29, the Secretary of State Security and the Secretary of National Defense took control of security in Teocaltiche and intervened in the Public Security Police Station. Since then, there had only been one confrontation, on October 20, in which a 3-year-old girl was killed.

In addition, in the days following the takeover of the municipality's security, the police located four clandestine monitoring centers used by criminal groups to monitor their movements and an explosives factory in the shape of a medieval castle.

This is one of the municipalities that, due to its geography, is in dispute between the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation and the Sinaloa Cartel.


Image credit to HEARST 

On X Juan Carlos Mungía shared the following video"This is how they attacked the elements of the SEDENAmx (Mexican Army) in the limits of Nochistlán and TEOCALTICHE, which left the balance of 3 elements of the army dead." 
⛔️⚠️⚠️⛔️Click To Watch Video

⛔️⛔️ ⛔️

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  1. Se dice que El gobierno anda buscando Al geras o El apa en Los limites de Jalisco y Zacatecas

    1. afirma segun capturaron 4 de sus escoltas

    2. 7:02 Simon mi char los agarraron en Zacatecas. Segun lo avian rodeado. Pero ya te la sabes como es el rollo en Mexico

    3. El apa has been making alot of noise and this event with the death of 3 soldiers isn’t going to help get the heat off him but he’s been assigned to kick MG out of Teo and he’s not letting up

  2. Gente de teocaltiche account is run by CDS.

    1. You guys really getting your pantys in a knot because according to you he or she made a small mistake.

  3. Mexico has the mini gun choppers and tanks plus a armor vehículs why the f are they sending military on back of fucking pick up trucks what a joke it's obvious they don't want to capture the criminals or else they would use all the power they have

    1. 7:14 gas is really expensive and the ones incharge rather save that money and pocket it

    2. I agree, if the Mexican army can't handle the criminals imagine what would happen if any other country attacked/invaded Mexico. Pathetic !

    3. AnonymousNovember 19, 2023 at 7:14 PM
      no estoy seguro pero me pparece que el gobierno no puede usar armas mas poderosas contra la poblacion civil asi sea criminal. como que hay una ley o regla de lo que se puede utilizar.. ahora lo del helicoptero con el H2 y el ovidio ahi si no se por que usaron ese tipo de fuerza.

  4. El chapo isidro anda escondido en esas tierrras se les escapo con ayuda del CJNG

  5. To be honest i think this was more of a CDS (military) trying to get back what CJNG took from them, but CJNG already knew they were going in, the bad thing is the guys killed thaught they were doing a good thing but were sent by the real criminals who are getting payed by CDS, the CDS is now acting like Abuelo, they cant take on CJNG so now they are sending the military to fight their battle

    1. If thats true hope they kick cjng ass since cjng uses state police to win that town. Cds is smarter with a bigger bank roll if they can get the army

    2. 8:02 its to late, you can keep hoping but CJNG is winning that battle big time, they pretty much got Teocaltiche now

    3. 8:02 yeah sure kid.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. 9:04 MG's bitch ass crying seems to be working

    6. 9:53 haha cjng cheerleaders is angry his piggies got hunted by mexicos saviors

    7. I can’t believe people still think cds has more money compared to CJNG x Quinis 😂

    8. CJNG IS KING!!!

    9. CJNG is hiding in zacatecas who is suppost to be a cds plaza

    10. 10:11 you admit your piggies are cowards then, they are hiding like rats in a small region of Zacatecas in the middle of nowhere. After parading in valparaiso 3 years ago claiming that they were going to take over the state and have been chased back to a secluded area that borders jalisco. Keep cheering for those clowns

    11. 12:50 all cartels are piggies bud, all the CDS guys when the military is looking for them hide like rats, no matter the cartel they are all poggies

    12. Acting like Cjng?
      It was CDs that used the government to wipe out its enemies first

  6. 7:45 no seas mamon . Si El chapo isidro trai pacto con todo El CDS orita y aparte CJNG le quito Nayarit Al BLO

    1. El chapo isidro tiene pacto con las 4 tambien mi buen no se acuerda una celula del gato y chapo isidro los capturaron en chapala junto gente del 03

  7. CJNG will never take Teocaltiche. They’ve been trying to take it for nearly a decade with no luck. CDS has taken back Zacatecas and will start pushing back into Jalisco.

    1. Who gives a shit

    2. 8:36 "CDS has taken back Zacatecas" 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. 9:55 what's the humor behind that ?

    4. They recently started to take it they haven’t been trying for a decade maybe 3-5 years at most I can tell you’re not from Los altos

    5. No falta el- "I'm from that area" guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    6. 11:01 no falta la llorona 😂

  8. Lol cds cheerleaders in the comments probably don't even live in jalisco or Sinaloa or even in mexico and just say the dumbest shit.

    1. People can be just anti cjng for ruining jalisco and other states they plague

    2. Tonto you can be in China and still root for CDS! Doesn't give a mad where you live.

    3. "don't even live in jalisco or Sinaloa or even in mexico and just say the dumbest shit"
      Bro you dont have to live in mexico to have an idea or opinion,stop talkin shit

  9. 9:20 most of the people In BB comments fall under that . Probably even including you lol

  10. You can tell that the government is involved in all of this Teocaltiche just had its annual fiesta without any violence as soon as that’s over the shootings started again.

    1. Why is that town so disputed? Does it have mines or agave fields that have yet to be harvested

    2. Almost all of Los Altos has always been under control of Los Valencia’s and before it was Javier Barbas when he worked for Caro Quintero & Cochiloco. But Teocal has a history of families working for CDS when CDS CJNG were together until they split and CJNG kicked cds out of almost all of Jalisco except that area which is why it’s still disputed. Due to Aguila Coronel El Pilo (La Corona / Resistencia / Nueva Plaza) all using it to war with CJNG

    3. Because of the roads that lead to the north. Opens a getaway to every road.

    4. 1:26
      Dude, all information I read in the comment section seems to be outdated. EL PILO REALLY? Dude been cooperating with the 🇺🇸 government for sometime now no mames, he's supposedly going to testify against menchito! also there's no indication (el Aguila) is still in 'dispute' for that area? all of CJNG recent videos/narcomantas(addressing their battle in that area) only mention Mario, Ramon and their people.
      Teocaltiche the only plaza in jalisco cjng doesn't have full control of YET, however with the recent authority changes in that area CJNG should have full control of it in no time.

    5. 1:26 7:04 yes i already know all that. still doesnt answer my question. Why do they both want it so bad why does cds mg not give up easy if the have state police and cjng against them for years, its just one town, theirs have to be something of value for them to keep fighting over

    6. 1253 pride. That's why

    7. @12:53 your absolutely right 💯 I know that’s why Mencho was trying to take over Abuelos territory so bad. It was pride . We all hear about men who throw their lives away for pride everyday, in every country. This situation is no different

    8. I was just saying in general that’s who was in that area since back in the day Pilo / Aguila / MG etc

    9. 6:08 Abuelo, Poncho La Quiringua and his cuñado Güicho R5 stole a shipment of cocaine and the bank accounts his sister Eulogia Chávez Barragán, wife of La Quiringua, managed for CJNG. That's the reason Tepalcatepec was attacked, Abuelo was the main CJNG lieutenant in Michoacán.

  11. There is a longer version of the video out there. Was this mexican army or nation guard. They looked pretty confused and not very well organized for being trained soldiers.

    1. I will post it once I get the full video

    2. I lost the x link, otherwise i would have posted it, sry and no offense, love your work and dedication!!!!

    3. 22:37 pues vete a darles clases. Lo iluminado e ilustre que eres ayudaría a la nación.

    4. Here you go:

  12. I’ll be honest Mario G. And his brother both live in Puebla Mexico and the funny thing is in the neighborhood over in Puebla Iván Alfredo and Joaquin also have homes located throughout the entire state Puebla is where the big capos are at but they are protected by Mexican government this is comin from a homeland security agent

    1. They are being protected by something high up because you and i both know the mexican gob knows where they are and can touch them if need arises.I dont believe they just happened on Lazcano,he pushed it too far and killed a politicos son and was shown who is in charge

  13. The people living in Chapala and Poncitlan have been told not to be outside after 11 PM or they risk being shot. Not many of us are listening.

    1. 🤣 @ many of "us" are not listening.

      There's always that one "I live here" person

    2. If he is from there and resides there, then where is he supposed to live?

    3. @8:55
      Why are you not listening Cabeson you want your ass sliced up, stop going out past 11pm.🤔

    4. Many of us are not listening? Obviously by that statement alone you can tell he's not a local. No one's going to be playing with their wellbeing like that if you really live in that environment. @1259

  14. Does anyone know if el Apa runs Jalpa Zacatecas?


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