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Saturday, November 25, 2023

US Seeks 'Swift' Extradition Of 'El Nini,' Sinaloa Cartel's Alleged Security Boss

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted from REUTERS 


WASHINGTON, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The United States is seeking a "swift" extradition from Mexico of Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, or "El Nini," who is accused of heading security for the faction of the Sinaloa Cartel headed by the sons of founder Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said on Thursday.

The Mexican National Guard on Wednesday captured Perez Salas. Viewed by U.S. anti-narcotics agents as one of the most ruthless Mexican drug figures, Perez Salas was detained in Culiacan, the Sinaloa Cartel's heartland, and was taken to Mexico City, according to government detention records.

"Shortly after the apprehension of El Nini, I spoke with Mexican Attorney General Gertz to thank him for the extraordinary efforts of the Mexican authorities who made the arrest," Garland said in a statement.

"We are now seeking El Nini's swift extradition from Mexico to face justice here in the United States."

The capture came less than a week after U.S. President Joe Biden met with Mexican counterpart Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Perez Salas is accused by the U.S. State Department of working under Ivan Archivaldo Guzman to lead the "Ninis," a violent group of security personnel for the Guzman brothers, also known as "Los Chapitos."

U.S. courts have indicted Perez Salas on a slew of charges in relation to his alleged role at the helm of the Chapitos' security apparatus, including cocaine and methamphetamine trafficking conspiracy, possession of machine guns and witness retaliation.

"EL NINI" "EL 19"

The State Department had offered up to $3 million for information leading to his arrest.

In January, Mexican authorities captured Ovidio Guzman in Sinaloa and extradited him to the United States in September. The three other Guzman brothers who suspected of being leaders of Los Chapitos - including the figurehead, Ivan - remain free.

Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Washington; Editing by Josie Kao and Jonathan Oatis

Source: REUTERS 


  1. Tiene una barba tontita.

    1. Y tu que fijon??

    2. 7:52 Tambien andas de fijon con el comentario. Tonto.

    3. @Char @Sol and all the other great writers of BB. Thanks as always for the great work here.

      I had a quick question - why might Nino’s mugshot have been released uncensored pretty much the day of his capture, while the only photos released of Ovidio after his second capture were blurry and censored until he entered the custody of the United States?

  2. I bet they want him to be extradited swiftly , so that all the intel he gives on the Chapitos inner workings, will still be current and credible

    1. They always want criminals extradited swiftly. What country wouldn’t, if they’re trying to prosecute them

    2. Yeah he's going to get a deal it looks like. I woul guess he wouldn't talk but maybe he set it up before his capture and its all for show. Finding out the guy you served wants you dead may push him over the edge.

    3. This is exactly why I don't buy the whole, "chapitos turned him in". The government isnt talking to these guys at all. The Government announced they had almost caught nini twice, which means they had been on his ass for weeks if not months. They new his whereabouts, he was being tracked. If chapitos were smart, they should've put him away or shipped his ass out of state to another front. With all of the recent captures and drug lab bust in Sinaloa, all of these guys are spilling the beans. The government found a loose thread in the Chapitos operation and now they're just pulling it apart. For those of you who claim chapitos are still strong, I gaurantee you it's otherwise. They've been significantly weakened. They're paranoid and know that they could be caught any day.

    4. @7:48 if he wanted to turn himself in should have went to the border like Mini

  3. Biden just trying to plug up his son

    1. Yeah, because nini is innocent.

  4. Nini Doesnt really know much since the indicaments where announce about the informats the chapitos have change everything and i mean everything plus nini family is in Culiacan only reason they turned Him in instead of killing him

    1. Are you serious he doesn't know much lol ok INDICAMENTS 🤔


    2. 129 dont worry kid it will be ok.

    3. 8:43
      Remember, some BB readers live in a fantasy world where they have close intimate relationships with narcos and it would be traumatic if you tell them it's only make believe.

  5. Lol no more urus and corridors for this one

  6. Enough with the placating bullshit and hand over that scumbag Ivan.

    1. They gotta capture him first lol

    2. 2:02 I think we are going to see that. Ivan purposely flooded the US with cheap fentanyl. I wonder if the NSA located theyre servers and dropped a zero day or maybe Chapitos were dumb enough to use Anom or something similar to communicate with international criminals abroad.

    3. Ivan will go out banging he has said numerous times he won't see a cell in USA.

    4. @1:03 Yeah his punk father said the same thing and look what happened.

    5. 1:03
      Why didn't he go out banging when he first got arrested in 2005? You seriously think a guy who cried almost daily because he couldn't handle prison is going to go out guns blazing?

    6. Maybe he thought he had influence enough to buy some time in Mexico.
      So he could plot yet another escape.
      I wish marina didn't arrest these scumbags.
      They should have killed them on the spot.
      Saved us taxpayers alot of money.

    7. 9:57 that would make too much sense, and then the novela would end.

  7. Why tho was he trafficking to the US?

    1. 2:09
      Take a wild guess, where do Mexican cartels traffic drugs to?

    2. Nini is part of an organization that traffics drugs into the US and that's enough to indicted him. Is that difficult to understand?

  8. New leader markitos toys

    1. Hope he gets popped too. Markitos and vitolias both involved in tbe drug game on the money laundering side

    2. Markito is a piece of 💩

  9. Heads will roll in Culiacan

  10. So he can testify on Ovidios trial

  11. He might as well take a deal as soon as he lands and live new life in Europe or Dubai. Nini is about to rot in there with Chapo!!🤣

    1. Maybe but I doubt it. He's cutting a deal to testify against Ovidio or/and giving up more info on Ivan and Alfredos whereabouts. Don't be surprised if we start seeing more operations in Chapitos border town territories.

    2. @ 8:56AM I don’t know how great of a deal he will get , compared to the deals we see a lot of narcos get for cooperating. I only say that because the fact that this fentanyl is roughly 100,000 Americans per year , opposed to other drugs . I feel like the fact that it’s fentanyl , the American justice system is going to need to make it look like they took out the bad guys responsible for the fentanyl. I could be wrong but I feel like since it’s fentanyl, they have to make it seem like they punished those responsible to the fullest extent of the law . I don’t see them getting less than 30yrs (even with cooperating ) , though I could be wrong . The majority of the Chapitos organization seem to be on the younger side , so I feel like a 30yr sentence (with cooperation) means they’ll still get a second chance at life in their 60’s. That’s still way better than a life sentence in ADX . Those are just my thoughts though

    3. What if he's not offered a deal?

    4. @6:22 guaranteed life sentence if he’s not offered a plea deal, which actually is very likely to happen . With so many people affected from the fentanyl epidemic, there has to be someone/someones to throw the book at , so society feels like someone is paying for all this fentanyl killing everyone.

  12. 1144 I thought the same thing.

    Rubio NYC

    1. @6:06AM Same here . Plus I know Nini would feel 100 times more safe , snitching from the safety of a U.S detention center. America keeps their cooperating witnesses protected. In Mexico….anything can happen . So it’s benefits him and the U.S by getting him out of Mexico as quickly as possible. I definitely am intrigued to see how this plays out for the Chapitos in the coming months. My guess is that Ivan will be in cuffs himself, in the next 6 months or less

  13. Hes the only one than can take chapitos down smart

    1. I find it kinda hard to believe that nini was aware of Ivan's movements. It sounds like they had a big rift

  14. all big dawgs here in US no one safe

  15. Why extradite him to US he’s not a criminal in Us he does crime in Mexico

    1. Shut up fanboy this scumbag is a DRUG PUSHER not a hero like you think. Stop whining about people you don't know

    2. @11:42 listen up numb nuts he’s got a point. If he’s head of security that means all his crime is done in Mexico. How would the US feel if Mexico wanted to extradite some random us citizen to face trial in Mexico over things that happened in the US? The governments never been fair, look how hard they went after Gotti because he humiliated and kept beating them at their own game.

    3. 2:00PM

      No. He does not have a point because that's not how the law works. It's a US crime if you're part of an organization that traffics drugs into the country regardless if you're in a different country. Learn the law. The law does not follow your assumptions.

    4. 6:26 good 👉 points youngsters, learn from your elders, we don't like reddit kids, that think they know it all.
      Hell yes USA will get involved, when cartel members have drugs brought in to USA, hell Obrador, won't do nothing about it.

    5. If he committed crimes to traffic drugs to the United States, did it doesn’t matter he’s still involved in the conspiracy and can’t be prosecuted under the RICO act, even if all his crimes occurred while he was in Mexico

    6. I’m sure the U.S has to have him on tape . He was way too sloppy for them to not have him in atleast 1 damning phone call(conspiracy ). And at a minimum , thats all it takes , regardless if he never stepped foot on U.S soil.

  16. If Nini did kill Chino will get no deal. Prosecuting Attorneys do not like wasting their time, and they de briefed Chino for months. Chino was the star witness to go against Sinaloa Cartel members.

    1. Look up Sammy the bull Gravano. Mr nina will be free is less than 10 years. Grab the Buchanan and shed your tears the chapitos are going out of business

    2. 1121 I have a special bottle that I am going crack when Ivan is captured or killed. hoping for the later.

    3. Don’t worry @11:21 with how the economy is going, there’s a new generation of Mexican Americans ready to take over the game.

    4. Nini didnt kill chino. Think more a sauce you put on ur chips.

    5. 6:57 maybe he did but Ivan gave him the green light, kind of scummy how they had to kidnapp Chinos sister so he gave himself up and still killed her, those sinaloas have no fucking codes


    1. Everyone in l.a. specifically in paramount ca puro alucin hayi

    2. That was wild 😝

  18. Nini look like a frog 🐸 wtf lmao look at the foos neck what he storing in their? Water?? Pelican neck ass nini 😭🥺😵

    1. 12:43 😂😂😂 exactly like a pelican's neck 🤣🤣🤣

  19. He's not going to make it to the u.s hes gonna get wacked in a Mexican prison watch

  20. Adios nano scum , evil filth is history.

  21. Lol not so tough now maybe if he'd been a bit more humble/less bloodthirsty he mightve had a longer run one way or the other these are the fruits of their internal war because other than the fentanyl issue could it also be the Zambada faction of Cds is using the Mex Gov through contacts/snitching to dismantle the Chapitos side rather than a head on confrontation on home turf which would most likely lead to the capture of one of the main heads from either this scenario it would probably b Ivan that would go down 1st (most likely killed in the process)..what was 1st fentanyl production-loss of Gov support or the other way round..mayos side seems to keep a safe distance from all the showy acts of violence by using proxies n Mex Gov/ snitching n just generally keeping a low profile.. there is no way a 70+ Yr old man/rat is still evading capture after all these years do they think we are stupid...P.S all the cheerleaders ..cringey bastards..go back and look at what the Mex army/navy did to the almighty Zetas from 2012-2015..your heroes pay piso to a higher power like hores to their pimp..don't be so gullible we all know who's getting F'd over in that arrangement figuratively and literally

  22. I’m not very familiar with his United States indictment but I assume it’s drug trafficking and maybe fentanyl but this guys responsible for killing hundreds of people in Mexico including kids, police and military. He literally went to war with the govt and took over a major city to get a drug kingpin released. Maybe mexicos punishment is extraditing him but they’d have a strong case if they chose not to.

  23. Markitos anda llore y llore… Ya le dije que se tumbe ese rollo

  24. Markitos and conejo are the new armed wing of the 🍕

  25. Chapitos can't stop the extradition, but they could get to him inside. That could be their play. Embarrassing for Mexico, sure, but not an escape. And he's dead, so, there's some justice. That's how CJNG did a few of their plaza bosses, like whats his name...El JP from TJ, and some other chicken el pollo or something like that. Both killed in Puente Grande pending extradition.

    but, no headlines or press release for the White House, or Justice Department, in an election year, but they have Ovidio.

    1. @J I thought this. I watched Markitos Toys’ video of him crying for Nini. He shouted him out and thanked him for everything. And said “at least he’s still alive”… I was thinking, is that what is going to happen? Are they gonna wack him inside and call it all off on the Mexican side before he gets a chance to hit American soil? Anyway. Just a thought. Why else would he cry so much for a friend that sponsored his fake influencer lifestyle?? Because he might be looking at his friends grave right?

  26. That would probably be pretty smart of Ivan

  27. That scumbag when he gets to his new home Federal PENITENTIARY some youngster is going to remove that puto by orders of LA EME no stompin a wind takin ADIOS PENDEJO if he did that 13 year old dumped in Durango

  28. Foos stupid he was set hes married to a heavy hitters daughter there no need for him to play sapitos sicario


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