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Thursday, December 28, 2023

2023 To Close As The Year With The Most Missing Persons In Zacatecas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

From January 1st to December 27th, 1,160 people were reported missing or unaccounted for.

The federal government has not disclosed variations in Zacatecas' historical registry

2023 will end as the year with the most missing and unaccounted for persons in the history of the state of Zacatecas.

From January 1 to December 27, 1,160 people were reported missing or missing, of which only 385 have been found, leaving 775 still to be located, according to data from the National Search Commission (CNB).

This surpasses the balance of 1,125 disappearances, non-localizations and localizations of 2021, which was considered the year with the highest incidence since the beginning of the registry in 1961. Of the 2021 cases, 654 people remain unaccounted for.

Of the 62 years covered by the CNB's National Registry of Disappeared and Missing Persons (RNPDNO), the whereabouts of 3,766 people are still unknown; 2,184 are "disappeared" and 1,580 are "unaccounted for".

It should be noted that the federal government has not disclosed variations in the historical registry of Zacatecas, derived from the new updated census. According to information presented this December 27 at the conference of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, of the 110,964 missing persons nationwide, 16,681 were located and 17,843 have been searched for but not found.

Data 2023

Of the cases reported since January 2023, a total of 508 correspond to missing persons who, according to the protocols are those "whose whereabouts are unknown to their relatives and it is presumed that their absence is related to the commission of a crime".

Added to this are 267 "unaccounted for" persons from this year "whose location is unknown" with no elements to indicate that they were kidnapped or that they are related to the commission of some other crime.

According to the same data source, of the 385 persons located, 49 were found dead, representing 12.7%.

Of the 775 people who remain unaccounted for, 85.4% are men and 14.5% are women.

In addition, 91 missing and unaccounted for persons are minors, of which 60 are male and 31 are female.

The municipality with the most cases of people who have not been found this year is Fresnillo with 239 people, followed by Guadalupe with 84, Zacatecas with 57 and Jerez with 37.

This year, 25 people from other countries have been reported missing, of which 15 (60%) have not been found.

Zacatecas, Mexico

El Sol de Zacatecas


  1. Just imagine what the real numbers probably are 😞 How sad , especially for the absolutely innocent victims.

  2. Cjng took the most losses this year
    Cds kicked their ass but still hasn't got that plaza
    Cds and cjng have 1000's of replaceable drugged up dummies ready to go to the slaughter house for a hit of coke or meth 💊

    1. The likely hood of CDS winning in Zacatecas is about as likely as the Ukrainians taking back Bakhmut

    2. 5:47 if you actually go to Zacatecas CDS is winning. Not a fan but it's the truth.

    3. 5:47 don't know how long the battle for Zacatecas will be but I seen a report on YouTube yesterday where it's calculated the war in Ukraine will last at least another two years. Russia is losing billions in equipment that's being damaged or destroyed with drones. Crimea being a good example of those costly losses.

    4. 738 how bout that spring time offense!!!!

    5. CJNG is running out of sicarios in Zacatecas that they are bringing in Colombian lowlifes in now

    6. 8:46 really? Youtube is your source now? 🤣

    7. 857 LOL its pretty funny all these teenagers just butt hurt because CDS is crumbling.

    8. That is the truth .. but still sad man. Especially those who are affected and killed by the crossfire of these two.

    9. Mayos controls Zacatecas. Great example is Jerez. Look who are coming for the ferias for Easter weekend! You know who is in charge of the festival???? MAYOS!!!

    10. 11:50 right now alot of mz sicarios were sent on vacation for the holidays. They left some lower ranked tienderos and a few armed guys in most of the areas. The cjng and cdn have taken advantage of that in pinos and fresnillo. But come January the convoys will be back patrolling deep in those areas.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. 5:24 click the link it takes you to Milenio video. So might not be all that fake lol

  3. Replies
    1. El MO… EL MAS OBVIA

    2. Wouldn't the cartels be setting another record?

    3. Detroit watch out for the Chayotero..he will send you a 5 page manifesto of the goods Elmo has done, but leave out how inept he is at other things.

  4. Is there a way to see the numbers for the entire country? Thank you regardless, Sol. The world needs to be aware of these numbers, because it means there are many times that more missing!!!

    1. Not saying those numbers are horrific but i think they are plausible. Not accurate, you might see 50% more missing in reality but the real number is not many times more. If you would have 500k+ people missing each year, combined with the killed people each year, mexican population would stagnate or even shrink. Both is not happening.

    2. How do you know? LA times was keeping track of all the deaths until about 9–10 years ago.. if I remember correctly, it was just under 500,000 dead… and that’s not counting the missing.

  5. How I would love it if the USA goes into to Mexico and tears shit up. I’m Mexican born but how would I love it if the marines would get permission to go 1on1 with the cartels and any crooked as law enforcement agency in Mexico. Bet you they will start crying about how they are violating certain rights. Fuck Mexico and I’m living here illegally in the great US of A

    1. That’s not gonna happen son. There are many things you’re gonna love in life that simply aren’t going to happen. Sorry to burst your illegal bubble.

    2. I would also love that to happen. Nuke the cartels to the stone age, f**k human rights. They certainly don't give their victims that privilege.


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