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Saturday, December 2, 2023

After Raid, Gas Station In Puerto Vallarta Secured For Not Giving Full Gallons Of Gas: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderalnd Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL

Agents of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic (FGR) in its Jalisco delegation, were the ones who secured the establishment.

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

Agents of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic (FGR) in its Jalisco delegation, secured a gas station after it was verified that it was not giving out liters of a book.

The federal agency announced this Friday afternoon the seizure of the gas station, located in Francisco I. Madero, in the Guadalupe Victoria neighborhood in this tourist municipality.

The personnel of the institution of law enforcement, went after receiving an anonymous citizen complaint, in which it was referred that in that gas station there were altered fuel dispensers and they were storing hydrocarbons.

For this reason, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) assigned to the Puerto Vallarta substation, requested a search warrant, so that elements of the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM), with the support of experts, could carry out an inspection.

Upon obtaining the warrant, the officers arrived and located six allegedly altered dispatchers and more than 14 thousand liters of fuel.

The seized items were placed at the disposal of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office of the Attorney General's Office, who continues with the investigation for the probable commission of the storage crime provided for and sanctioned in the Federal Law to Prevent and Punish Crimes Committed in the Area of Hydrocarbons.

During the inspection of the hydrocarbon station, personnel from the Secretariat of National Defense provided support in safeguarding the area.


  1. Good. A step forward against this criminals.

  2. They should be inspecting all gas stations in Mexico, how bad is it? This is probably the tip of the iceberg.

    1. You're absolutely right! Years ago I somehow got 61 gallons of diesel in a 55 gallon drum. The inspectors are in on it too...these guys probably forgot to pay off the inspectors.

  3. You put $70 in your truck , but still are on empty afterwards 🤔😄

  4. Talk about milking every cent of the public..


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