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Monday, December 4, 2023

Alfas, Deltas, & the Split from Chapitos: The Fracturing of Cazadores in Sonora

"HEARST", "Enojon", and "@All_Source_News" for Borderland Beat

Ever since 2021, Sinaloa Cartel group Cazadores has been fracturing, with relatives of the two previous leaders competing against each other for control over not only the larger group and the section of the US-Mexico border they control. 

This infighting has now led to Cazadores’ armed wing Deltas splitting away from the group and fighting against them.

Let’s take a closer look at how this happened, who all the new subgroups are, who is in charge, and how the battles between the two have been going.

Background on the Region

Altar and Saric, two municipalities which sit on the US border, have historically been controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel subgroup “Gente Nueva de Altar”. 

This group is sometimes referred to as “los Cazadores” or “los Chubetos”, referencing their former leader: Jesús Humberto Limón López, aliases “El Cazador” and “El Chubeto”. 

During the height of El Cazador’s rule, his right hand man was José Bibiano Cabrera, alias “El Durango”, who led an armed wing called “los Deltas”, which consisted of hitmen who reported directly under him. 

In April 2021, El Durango was arrested in Altar by federal law enforcement. The arrest of El Durango seriously hindered Cazadores operational presence in the state. 

Then, just two months after Durango’s arrest, El Cazador himself was arrested and los Cazadores was left without their two strongest leadership figures. These arrests significantly hindered the overall prominence of Cazadores within the cartel landscape of Sonora. 

Internal divisions within los Cazadores emerged due to various relatives of either El Durango or El Cazador fighting to take over control of the group.

By at least November 2022, a brother of Cazador named Salvador Limón López who goes by the aliases “El Chava” and “El 05”, had taken over leading the main Cazador group. 

The Evolution of Los Deltas

El Durango’s alleged relative, Francisco Jesús Torres Carranza, alias “El Duranguillo”, allegedly took over leading los Deltas in Durango's absence, but, in July 2022, El Duranguillo was arrested after a series of heavy fire fights and attempts at street negotiations by Sinaloa Cartel hitmen.

Los Deltas (sometimes called Grupo Delta) continued to have a visible presence after Durangillo’s arrest and their hitmen would frequently post themselves patrolling in fake MARINA (Marines) pick up trucks. 

It is believed that Erick Cabrera Cabrera, alias “El Delta 1”, became the new leader of los Deltas. Erick (sometimes spelled Erik) Cabrera is a presumed brother of El Durango.

According to a March 2021 post, El Delta 1 was already active in los Deltas and he actually used to be known by the alias “Delta 4”, which implies these aliases are indicative of a person’s rank within the group. The post also claims that Delta 4 was primarily operating in the regions of Benjamin Hill and Pitiquito in 2021. 

In March 2023, a big military operation, which involved a low flying helicopter trailing a SUV, took place in Altar. We now know that this operation was an attempt to capture El Delta 1, who evidently managed to escape.

Los Alfas (Los Fantasmas) 

When Deltas left Cazadores, the group was left without an armed wing, so El Chava called upon Saúl Francisco Hernández Tenorio, aliases “El Fantasma” and "El Ponchi", to create a new armed wing which he calls “los Alfas”. El Ponchi is a Cazadores leader who has been active in the region since at least November 2022.

El Ponchi was born in 1990 and he is approximately 33 years old as of the writing of this story. He was arrested back in March 2015 for the possession of an illegal firearm, alongside 21-year old Rodolfo Valdez Portillo. During the time of his arrest, authorities released information on Pelon, such as him living on Mision Num. 15 Street in Altar, Sonora. 

It's worth noting that El Ponchi’s group has been signing narco signs with “los Alfas”, they are also sometimes called “los Fantasmas” and “los Ponchis”, after the aliases of their leader. The “fantasma”, or in English “the ghost”, emoji is often used to represent this group on social media.

Also note: This armed wing shouldn't be confused with another group called “Alfas” which operates in southern Sonora and is led by Alfredo Olivas Valenzuela, aliases “El Chapo Alfredo” and "El Alfa 1." (More details on them here.)

Los Deltas Ally with Los Pelones 

Deltas allied with a local CDS group called “los Pelones”, which is led by Omar Felix Loayza (sometimes spelled Loaiza), aliases "El Pelón" and “El 08”. 

Now, there used to be a CDS group in the Caborca region called los Pelones (it was also called los Memos) that was led by Adelmo Niebla Gonzalez, alias “El Memo”. It's unclear if Omar Felix Loayza’s group is in any way related to this older group or not. 

Why? Well, because “El Pelon”, or in English “The Bald Guy”, is an extremely common nickname in Mexico. And “Pelones” simply means “the men working for the bald guy,” so there are always multiple unrelated “Pelones” groups active in the Mexican cartel world at any given time. 

So, until a banner or video message actually links Omar Felix Loayza’s group to Memo, there’s no particular reason to think they’re related but the simple fact that they both seem to operate in the Caborca area may suggest a connection. 

The Battles Between Cazadores and Deltas

Alright, now that we’ve established the two sides of this conflict (Deltas-Pelones vs Cazadores-Alfas), let’s review the flurry of gun battles and narco message signs we’ve seen in the last few months.

October 21, 2023

The first reported fighting between los Deltas (and their los Pelones allies) against Cazadores’s armed wing los Alfas occurred on October 21 in Altar, Sonora. 

Videos from the area show multiple cartel technicals and up-armored vehicles involved in the battle that paralyzed sections of Altar for hours. 

Some of the vehicles used in the battle were photographed the next day, such as white pickup truck which read “Fantasma” - one of Ponchis’s aliases. 

October 31, 2023

Alfas hitmen got into a gun battle with soldiers and state police officers near Altar. The skirmish killed one soldier and injured 4 more. One of Alfas abandoned pickup trucks were photographed, such as white pickup truck which read “Fantasma” - one of Ponchi’s aliases. 

More details in our previous post

November 03, 2023 

A narco banner was found in which Cazadores/Alfas blamed Deltas for the October 31 ambush which killed the soldier. This banner claim doesn’t explain why the pickup truck seized after the ambush had “Fantasma”, the alias of the Alfas leader, spray painted on it.

More details in our previous post 

November 06, 2023 

A narco banner placed at the exit to Oquitoa and the end of the banner read:

Our fight is against the group with the name los Ponchis (Cazadores). [And it's all] because they went independent and here independents end up dead. 

It's worth noting that los Ponchis is just another name for los Alfas, the armed wing of Cazadores. 

This is a very important banner as it implies that Alfas (and by extension los Cazadores) no longer work under Sinaloa Cartel - Chapitos faction and are now trying to control their section of the US border as an independent group and presumably allowing mules (drug traffickers) and coyotes (migrant smugglers) to operate in their territory in exchange for a fee.

November 19, 2023

Grupo Delta left human remains in Santa Ana, Sonora, with a narco message claiming the body parts belonged to a los Alfas member. 

This will happen to all those idiots that follow “El Ponchis” (Alfa-Cazadores). They only send people to the slaughterhouse because they are afraid to go to the front. We are already here and   are going to kill you all you bunch of scums. 

November 22, 2023

Cazadores/Alfas hitmen left a dead body wrapped in a sheet with a message directed against los Pelones  in Colonia Aviación, in Caborca municipality. Magdalena Informa claims the text seen in the photo is only part of the message but the rest of it was not visible to them.

November 25, 2023

Cazadores/Alfas left a cooler with dismembered body parts in Caborca municipality with a message for El Pelon which warned him about continuing to work under los Chapitos (the sons of Chapo, such as Ivan Archivaldo Guzman). The message read: 

Pelón Loayza El 8,

Be careful with Iván Archivaldo, because just as he handed over Nini [to the government], he will also get rid of anyone who gets in his way.

November 27, 2023 

Cazadores Alfas left a dangling corpse burning on a street in Benjamín Hill, Sonora, along with a narco message which read: 

“This is what will happen to anyone who works for the traitors los Deltas or anyone who works for El 08 Pelon from Sonoyta”

More details in our previous post

December 02, 2023

Los Deltas - Pelones allegedly destroyed multiple Cazadores/Alfas vehicles at an undisclosed location in Sonora. In addition, multiple Cazadores members are believed to have been killed in the gunbattle.

Gigios Isn’t Willing to Back Cazadores

It’s important to highlight a recent narco video in which members of los Gigios tortured a member of los Cazadores. This video is covered in full in this previous story

Why is this relevant? Well, because an independent cartel group like Cazadores usually doesn't last too long in the Mexican cartel underworld, most especially when the group operates directly adjacent to the US border. Having the backing of a major cartel group is often the best way to survive territory battles against other cartel-backed groups. 

So, when it became clear that CDS - Chapitos had decided to back Deltas-Pelones, Cazadores could have reached out to the other side of CDS, the Mayo faction, and allied with his group in the region, called "los Gigios” (sometimes called los Yiyos). Gigios has shown plenty of willingness to openly fight against CDS - Chapitos allied groups. 

But, Cazadores getting Gigios’s support in their war against Deltas was always going to be a tough sell, largely because Cazadores has been fighting against Gigios for over a decade, creating a lot of bad blood between the two groups.


So, where does this leave us? In summary, the old CDS group los Cazadores (Gente Nueva de Altar) has recently fractured and their armed wing “los Deltas” broke off to form their own group. 

Deltas, which is currently led by Erick Cabrera Cabrera, alias “El Delta 1”, allied themselves with the local group “los Pelones”, led by Omar Felix Loayza, alias "El Pelón".

Deltas-Pelones are fighting against Cazadores, which is currently led by Salvador Limón López, alias “El Chava”. And Cazadores created a new armed wing called “los Alfas”, which is led by Francisco Hernández Tenorio, alias “El Ponchi”. 

According to narco banners, Cazadores-Alfas are currently working independent from any larger cartel entity (like CDS). Meanwhile, Deltas-Pelones are currently backed by the Sinaloa Cartel - Chapitos faction and this means they likely are working with the local CDS - Chapitos crime family los Salazars and possibly Memos. 

Sources: Sonora Informativo Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Art. 7mo el Observador, Nuevo Dia, Magdalena Informa, Calvariae Locus Tweet 1, Tweet 2, Tweet 3, LAMERAVRG Tweet 1, Tweet 2, All Source Tweet 1, Tweet 2, Tweet 3, Tweet 4, Tweet 5, Eco1_LVM, Halcon1072, The Other Sonora Informativo

Update 12/5/2023: Delta 1 was changed from a "presumed relative" to "presumed brother" and El Duranguillo was changed from "brother" to "alleged relative".

Some extra profiles of those discussed, click on the image to view the full size version:


  1. I’m afraid Sonora is going to turn into another Tamaulipas witch several groups fighting each other while still staying identifying under the CDS flag. This will be interesting .. good job Chapitos 👏 y’all really know how to lead a cartel .. daddy must be really proud 👏

    1. Chapitos couldn’t keep a lid on el Nini who seemed to be just a kid on a tantrum and who was right under their noses in Culiacán .. how the fuck are they gonna control these other morons from killing each other 10hrs away

    2. I agree, ☝🏼 the new format for this is dope

  2. Alfas, Deltas are more like street gangbangers trying to act military.

    1. Lol, you do realize a lot of these guys are ex police and military right? They don't give you a dodge charger in mexico for being in the military like they do in the US. So, people resort to the money-making cartels for work. These damn Rambo- ass comments are funny af.

    2. I still doubt that’s really Durango cause that fool had an IG page and he was a slimmed athletic person he would put up videos like chino Ántrax doing exercises with weaponry and he would flash that Traka colt.That fat dude suppose to be his kid brother not the real Durango

    3. 7:25
      No ahi pedo, santanas los cuida.

    4. 9:32 you do realize there is a big difference between being ex military and being current military right especially if it's something like special forces.

  3. Na.. pronto calmamos alli también att. Los del charco

  4. Animo Sicarios!
    I remember the good old days working as a unified team. Providing security for El Patron driving shotgun in a level 7 bulletproof Ford Raptor convoys with El Fantasma ,El Teniente Bravo ,El R5 and over 100 armed to the teeth Talibanes and Gente Nueva Tier 1 Special Forces Operators! 50 Cal Barretts ,silenced and Mossad modified HK MP5's
    M249 SAW,Night vision googles,tactical kneepads and chest rig.Then we would go meet with El compadre del patron and his team .
    El Chino Antrax,El M1, El Macho Prieto ,El 20 Peña in a convoy of bulletproof Cheyenne and over 100 Antrax Ghost Recon Operators armed and dangerous with cuernos de chivos con tubos lanza papas.
    Everybody just getting along
    While El Señor did his business MZ ,Nacho,Azul .
    Attentamente Sicario 006

    1. Jokes aside, Gente Nueva was such a bad ass armed wing. I remember the video from Creel when El Cumbias led a big group of Gente Nueva sicarios and took the city of Creel they were heavy hitmen 🤠


  5. Puro alucin marruchero ahi en Sonora. Segun ellos son puro Delta y Alfas pero en realidad todos son culitos. Como olvidar como unos pocos soldados culiaron a chingo de alucines.

  6. The memos and the pelones are distinct groups, yet they collaborated to combat the Beltrans during the war to win plazas. Although separate, these groups share familial ties and originate from the same ranches that why they remain working together. Fighting in Sonora between each group has always happen as los Memos were fighting los Salazars

  7. Pa pronto llegan los jaliscos a tranquilizar todo Sonora!


    1. Asi entraron a tamaulipas, asi van a entrara a sonora, mexico tiene dueño y es Jalisco Ajuuuuaaaaa!!!! 🐓🐓🐓🐓

    2. Amen @1026

      San nemesio oseguera pretejenos!

    3. 11:10 amen hermano

    4. Dios Santo que estan leyendo mis ojos. Que morros tan pendejos. Como trai orita el ejercito al CJNG . 🏃🏃🏃

    5. From my observation Jalisco makes a presence but never dominates. What plaza can you say CJNG owns? TJ? Mexicali? Nogales? Juarez? Laredo? Chiapas? Cancun? Lazaro Cardenas? Manzanillo? Ensenada? So they have Puerto Vallarta.... and just as another commenter said, El gobierno los trae del culo.

    6. 12:30 i mean the govierno se chingo al raton y nini aka buche de pelicano en culiacan🤷🏼‍♂️

    7. Los mismos que no controlan ninguna sola plaza?… en todos lados les pelean el terreno

    8. 12:30 spot on !! Even in their main state Jalisco all of CJNG is running around scared from the confrontation with the armed forces .

    9. @sol, watch 11:32 closely he's the compulsive liar.

    10. Damn it boy I see the CJNG internet army is out in full force today . Leading the charge is 12:42 one of their main propaganda generals

    11. 1242. 😂😂 siguen llorando los porristas del CDS!

    12. El cjng le quito la frontera de chiapas a tus picadores los sinaloas 1230


    14. 1132 como los train? Como en teocaltiche a los soldados

    15. Sale al topon cocho! @428


    16. Porque borraron donde le dicen sus verdades a los alucines? Y dejan que comenten puro morro con emoji?

    17. Honestly all cartels are like that 1230 CDs is notorious for trying g to take plazas but never succeed

    18. los Jaliscos de mierda seca! puro roba chico rata mugroso no tienen ni estilo es copiado todo pura cacita 💩

    19. I make a comment on my observation and all of the alucines come out of the woodworks in defense of their favorite cartel like a bunch of brainless sports fans. You guys are clowns. Only thing I will be in favor of are the actions of the current administrations efforts to eradicate corruption and push the country forward. Bola de tontos. I can't imagine you dorks making your grandparents proud with the babosadas you post.

    20. 1019 In agreeance with you, I can see when CDS tried pushing into the CDG territory, but, other than that, the Sinaloas owned most of the plazas long before BB, reddit, Facebook or MySpace... I say this because, Carrillo's where from Sinaloa, so where the Arellanos, Quienteros, Beltrans, and whoever else you can think of that established the "plaza" system. No need to get defensive, it's just a fact of the matter.

    21. 10:24 the only system that they established is the Snitching system, there have always been cartels in Mexico, the only difference is most are low key but those sinaloas were desperate for attention

    22. 1226. LOL, you're retarded. Again, no need to get defensive, it's just a fact of the matter. As far as modern day trafficking, you can thank the Sinaloas for that. (Nothing to be proud of if you ask me) Now as far as the snitching system goes, it's always existed. Since the days of Judas and long before El Chapo. Every criminal organization you can think of, including La Eme has dealt with snitches. It is what it is. You can troll all you want but it doesn't offend me the way the facts bother you bro. I could really care less.

    23. Same goes as modern day gangbanging you can thank central west mexican descendants for that nothing to be proud started in East La the first Mexican mafia members were Jalisco Guanajuato michoacan descendants Mexican Americans.

    24. Sinaloa is Mexicos breadbasket (golden triangle) and drugs were natural back then ( heroin, weed) that's why they were the first to start selling them. Now drugs are synthetic (meth, fentanyl) coming from China and India.Cjng happen to control Colima and michoacan the top 2 ports of Mexico that synthetic precursors come thru. Mazatlan is top 3 which is important too.

    25. 706 stay on topic. We're talking about drug traffickers not the cholos you look upto.

  8. What is also weird is Chavo Felix controls Puerto Penasco and San Luis is still under Ruso vs Salazar fighting. Sonora is a mess.

    1. SLRC is primarily Gente Nueva Salazar turf they have been kicking Rusos out of San luis recently

    2. Is the border being shut down at Sonoyta a big deal?

    3. Yes, but witt help from "El Coortiis"

    4. Which is why I don’t go to Rocky’s Point anymore.

    5. Border is closed because the cartel is letting immigrants cross at that border. That will soon stop since the border got closed. Caborca, Rocky Point and Sonoyta depend on tourism yo survive.

  9. El jabali had all this on lock back in the day

    1. Back in the day half of the groups that exist today, weren’t around.

    2. Pretty much. The Villagrana family had it all under control. You ask anyone in Santa Ana or Magdalena and they really do wish they were still in charge.

  10. Nothing new same old b.s as always infighting to see who comes out the top dog

  11. Mayo will step in and take Control of All that area eventually

  12. Hearst:
    You put all of this together from multiple sources? Pretty impressive. You deserve a raise. Hopefully, you are earning more than the official BorderlandBeat ELMO chayotero.

    1. That's funny, I live in your head, rent free. 🤣

    2. Thanks. I write every word in my stories, Detroit. It took a bit of work to figure out the identities of the main 4 guys but Enojon helped me find photos and info on them.

    3. @Hearst El Duranguillo isn't El Durango's brother. Erick Cabrera, Delta 1 is El Durango's brother.

    4. "el Duranguillo (hermano del Durango)"

    5. @Hearst. They are wrong. You can't be the brother of someone who doesn't have one of your name...El Durango is Cabrera Cabrera

    6. 12:13:
      ELMO chayotero, I think about you day and night.

    7. I'm open to this idea because I noticed the surname differences last night. But Duranguillo could always be using a fake name. I'm just not sure which sources to believe when sources disagree.

      Can I ask, do you believe that Duranguillo is in anyway related to Durango?

    8. 11:53 The ELMO Chayoteros went on strike, they stopped going online spreading fake influence, they called him a cheapskate, Tortas con Jamon ye cheso and large cup of Horchanta did not cut it. The bills have to be paid, the rent. They were going to protest at his Palace where he has daily conferences, they would not let them in.

    9. Can y'all please argue about politics on a different post? This story isn't about that.

    10. Detroit obsessed with our CABEZITA DE ALGODON🥰👨🏼‍🦳

    11. Hearst:
      It had to take a lot of work to untangle all of the details. This was a job very well done and why everyone comes back to Borderland Beat for their narco news.

    12. @Hearst. From what I read back in the days, El Duranguillo is a relative of El Durango and Erick is his brother.

    13. This morning I changed Delta 1 to a "presumed brother" and Duranguillo to an "alleged relative" because I found two more sources making that claim.

  13. That video isn’t recent. It was when the war was on with Los cazadores

    1. Which one? The video with Gigios torturing Cazadores? That would make sense, if that's what you mean.

    2. @Hearst yea that one is old. The alfas been around since the deltas started

    3. I mentioned that Ponchi and his followers have been around for a while in the story. But, his group hasn't been fighting and signing messages in such a public way until now. So maybe the correct term is they shifted into acting more as an armed wing than previously.

    4. They’ve been an armed wing they participated in the war with the Gigio’s/demonios, they were just more low key than Los deltas

  14. This groups are starving to death. Chapitos ain’t funding them enough. Soon two of these groups will turn up in the caborca cartel with the caros.

  15. Maya Zambada and the Informants causing havoc for the Chapitos ??? With the CIA FBI ON YOUR SIDE you can’t be touched

  16. You can tell el mayo zambada respects and admires el mencho js

    1. No mames! Mencho was Mayo employee FACTS!

    2. Ya empezaste con tus idioteces @7:14

    3. Cubanos famosos por el mundo: christina salaregui, cesar ebora, el gordo y la flaca, willian levy, niurka marcos y el mas famoso de todos Mayo Zambada 👍

    4. 10:34 If Mayo was Cuban imagine the arsenal he would have from Cuba. Cuba would have double its GDP with Mayo

    5. 12:16 & 12:17 hey buddy give it a little rest, you could of waited till this morning to post again, BB is not going anywhere

  17. Si jalisco le manda apoyo a los independientes los chapos valieron madre afirma

    1. Jalisco no puede con sus propias peleas

  18. Damn I remember when Sonora was so peaceful and no one dared to heat up the plazas because of the major weight going through there. It’s no longer a safe place unfortunately.

  19. All I’m going to say is that I also used to hustle. And I always found it bad for business to be fighting with other people over who’s in charge or number 1. My goodness all the money spent on fighting can be saved for other things. To be richer. I have never seen such a group of people so excited to be number one to also have to be hiding and all these negative things. That they think are positives. But are not. I don’t get that shit. So you think I want to sit there making money. Having to watch my back. From not only the government, but also from others trying to kill me???

    Most of these guys become coke heads. And alcoholics from all that crazy shit that they do. It’s only a very very few that can handle all that.

    I don’t know man. But we as humans. Don’t think right.

    Rubio NYC

  20. As always Hearst,, great article and excellent journalism. You’re the main reason I’ve come back for multiple years. Informative and great reads always, you take your writing serious and it’s greatly appreciated.

    1. And comments like these are the main reason why I keep writing. Thank you. It means more to me than you know.


  22. Fantastic article. Sonora is a state I am eagar to find more about.

    Is it true that when the boss of bosses was alive, Sonora was a Beltran Leyva stronghold? I often speculate how things would be different if Arturo was still alive.

    Thanks for all you do Borderland Beat, best site on the 'net.

    1. He also had Guerrero on lock at one point,it was more peaceful and no extortions were allowed.. now its a shit show where they want to charge you for even breathing oxygen

    2. I double checked with Itzli and he says that the BLO had a strong presence in Sonora when they were a part of CDS, peaking in influence at around 2005. But their presence began to decline after that point and by the time Arturo died they only controlled a handful of municipalities. After the split, they fought to keep control of Agua Preita, Arispe, Caborca, Cajeme, Cananea and Benjamin Hill. Didn't work out for them in the end.

    3. Thanks very much HEARST, your articles are top notch

  23. Tubatama and Saric were Beltran Leyva plazas and their main guy was Dos Mil in Hermosillo

    And a few plazas bosses that were in that shootout in 2010 summer

  24. primero calló el cazador y depues el durango..


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