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Monday, December 18, 2023

Alleged Clashes Reported In The Mountains Of Badiraguato: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted by NOROESTE 

Armed individuals reportedly clashed with Army and National Guard elements in the mountainous area of the municipality, where operations were observed on December 17, 2023. 

CULIACAN _ Alleged gun battles in the mountainous area of Badiraguato were reported this Sunday and military authorities are maintaining several operations in the area.

The report was made during the morning, in which it was indicated that there was a confrontation between armed people and elements of the Army and the National Guard in the highlands of the municipality.
In addition, the authorities are supported by several helicopters in the operation.

At the moment, no further information has been provided regarding these actions.

Unofficially, it was reported that vehicles have been seized and have been handed over to the competent authorities.

On X LaMaskr3 states the following, " 📸 # #Badiraguato, #Sinaloa

Via Luz Noticias 

Armed civilians and military clashed with gunfire this morning in the mountains of Badiraguato, at the point known as Los Sitios. Authorities have not reported anything but there is talk of two burned pickup trucks after the scuffle."

Noticias on X states the following, " Operations and clashes in Badiraguato, Sinaloa 
Reported seizure of vehicles and weaponry #News #Mexico." 



  1. Guano

    things will be tense around the family parties and gathering after Nini and Ovidio were caught relaxing around the holidays

    1. No era para el guano, el no se la lleva en esas áreas de Badiraguato.

    2. Guanos area of influence is durango.....

    3. My thinking was he'd be down there for holidays or parties, plus the death of his Mom a week ago

    4. Ye him and Ivan have never liked each other

    5. En Las 3s (los 3 sitios) se la lleva un brazo armado de los chapitos, el enfrentamiento fue chico en el sitio de arriba. Los guachos quemaron la camioneta que miran porque no se la pudieron llevar.

    6. La gente de nayarit andan con todo segun un appellido tapia el chavalo tal e uno

  2. clashes occurred on Sunday December 17, 2023

  3. Animo Sicarios ! Animo Char!
    This is a simple training operation. Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators are participating on a joint training with Guano Special Mission Unit.
    A new sicario known as Ghost has arrived. He is highly trained ex E Squadron and SAS operative.

    1. No te acabes 006

    2. Mejor aún, no empieces.
      Better yet, don't start.

    3. Y’all nikkas hiring? It’s more important than ever to make sure the almighty Sinaloa cartel takes charge again.

    4. @629 — Get a job, kid.

    5. 828. Got one. Pays 6 figures too. Problem is it’s boring as hell and meaningless.

    6. Best troll ever if I ever need to extort the neighborhood lemonade stand your hired

    7. I sun y'all boys y'all all Kevin Johnsons

    8. 8:28 he’s obviously being sarcastic

    9. Animo Sicario! Thanks for the intel 006

  4. Sounds like someone heavy. They only bring in the helicopter in for the big fish.

    1. Looks like there's only two roads in and out of Badriguato, the only way they could have any element of surprise is to arrive by helicopter.

  5. Guano Ivan Alfredo Joaquin all of them came down to pay respects. All the bosses had left whenever the shout out started .

    1. I really doubt Ivan would do that lol

    2. I live in Badiraguato my pops drove the limo with the body everyone was there he’s right but us here in Badiraguato love the Guzmáns Ivan and alfredo hide out here during the holidays all the time here abs navolato

    3. 7:46 but last week you said, you live one block from ALMO Palace, the other week in Niyarit and today?

    4. 812 CDs bots be string in here

    5. I live near ALMO. Homey is into caviar and trance music😳

    6. Ivan is in Guatemala

    7. Guatemala hahahaha are you dumb? He would stick out like a sore thumb there

  6. Another chaputo going down.

    1. Sooo... do you fell better now.

    2. No one’s down . Chapos still running the show

    3. Chapos never ran the show

  7. So, who got caught?

    1. No one, the military just embarrassed itself

  8. It sounds like someone made a serious mistake and paid their respects to Chapo's mom or maybe even attended her funeral. These guys know these funerals are monitored. Someone most likely exposed themselves.
    Thanks Char. Badiraguato is one of the towns that it's almost impossible to get accurate information out of. Anything that you or anyone posts here is greatly appreciated.

    1. Yes guano Ivan joaquin alfredo panu miguel were there and words were exchanged so the plaza boss told guano to leave but guano flexed his power causing marubtf cd

    2. 3:29:
      That's pretty interesting. In the U.S. the police are all over funerals and weddings of members of organized crime and their families. The police loves to know who attends these events. If cartel leaders can walk around freely in Badiraguato or any other town then Mexico has a serious problem.
      If you can post something here safely, especially pictures or videos, it would be greatly appreciated.

    3. Ye I heard the plaza boss arranged the funeral and told the brothers and guano that the army would be coming but they felt disrespected that the boss would do that who are you? Only the ppl of Badiraguato know this so you must be someone I know and be careful if someone finds out u could get some tablasos

    4. 432 lmao. You can't make this shit up. You just asked dude who he is and then you tell him to be careful cause if gets found out he could get some tablasos. 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Jajaj la mama del chapo no tuvo su velorio en los sitios, la tuna esta como a dos horas de los sitios. Puras mentiras 🤥

  9. Se les escapo el lemo nuñez el 01

    1. Connor is El Mencho still hanging out in Redwood City CA?

    2. 645 am he never was lol .... a lot of family members and valencias all over bay area.. redwood city , hayward. Oakland

    3. 2-3 hrs south also got some of them living I went to hs with a family member he always has new trucks and they frequently go to valley to race horses and cock fighting

    4. 130pm yes u are correct they run the central valley highway 99 corridor from Fresno , madera thru modesto Stockton up to Sacramento then up the 5 to Oregon and Washington.

    5. Connor, is that the reason qué hay tanto lacra in Oakland? Seen a lot of videos on TikTok of nice rides left on bricks. Probably just a bunch of morros mecos wannabe hood rats 🐀. Damn place needs a limpia if you ask me para exterminar a esa gente lacra.

    6. Los Sinaloa’s también están en the bay area

    7. 3:26 le ardio el nudo de glovo pq su papi los chapos no pasan de los angeles haha

    8. @7:52 todos saben que el sur de california es el mejor en el norte

    9. Mencho ain't got shit in cali he's dead dead

  10. I love the naked chick in the windshield along with the crucifix! Lol

    1. I don’t see naked pics, I usually spot naked chick pretty well but I don’t see it. Lol

  11. Just like destructive little children who cannot stand it when others have things too.

  12. Los sitios es terreno de H. Caro. Ese señor está forrado de billetes. Es el jefe de los chapos!!

  13. Replies
    1. Your kings are getting slaughterd by MZs in Zacatecas Baja and Chiapas. By Scorpiones in Tamaulipas. By Chapos and Caf in Baja . By R5 and CU in Michoacan. And they can't fully take out either Marros and Flama in GTO and Jalisco .

    2. You might have ruined a lot of groupies day with that comment 🤣🤣🤣

    3. 11:14
      I commend your honesty man you deserve a 🍻

  14. El Guano controls most of Badiraguato. He has beefed there with Chapitos and the BLO, but remains in control. He isn't so stupid as to show up at a funeral full of government agents. He and Mayo get drunk together every Sunday night.

    1. Mr. Mayo at his age still drinks tequila? Hehehe


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