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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

AMLO Blasts Judge Who Halted Extradition Of 'El Nini': "If This Is Not Corruption, What Is?" November 28, 2023.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from INFOBAE

Mexico's President López Obrador accused the judge of offering an injunction to the former head of security of Los Chapitos, to prevent his extradition to the US.


AMLO exposed the judge who granted a stay to El Nini against his extradition to the U.S. Credit:cuartoscuro

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador exploded against the judge who granted a stay to Néstor Isidro "N", alias El Nini, former head of security for Los Chapitos, against his extradition to the United States, where he is wanted for crimes such as conspiracy to traffic fentanyl, possession of weapons, among others.

During this Tuesday morning's Cero Impunidad section, Judge María del Carmen Sánchez Cisneros, of the Fourth District Court of Amparo with residence in Mexico City, who granted protection of justice to the alleged drug trafficker, was shown.

However, it was minutes later in the same conference that President López Obrador criticized the Judicial Power and accused the judge of "offering a warrant" to 'El Nini' to avoid extradition.

"Néstor Isidro is arrested in this case, and a judge almost at the moment of the arrest offers him amparo so that he will not be extradited. What is that? If this is not corruption, let the ministers of the Court and the Judiciary Council tell me what this is about. Is this law? This is crooked," said the president.

López Obrador questioned that for this type of case "it is not necessary to have a doctorate in Law" or belong to large institutions of lawyers such as the Institute of Legal Sciences of the UNAM or bar associations, whom he accused of "remaining silent" in the face of this type of situation.

Judges look for any pretext to benefit criminals: AMLO

However, the president did not stop there and continued with his criticism of judges, whom he also accused of looking for any argument to grant suspensions to alleged criminals.

"It is purely a matter of law, that the law is the law. What arguments do they use in this case, that he was tortured, and beaten and it is shown that he was not. But anything, that they did not show him the arrest warrant, that the authority that carried out the arrest, how is it that he says he was not the first responder, that it was not at 5:35 in the morning, but at 6:40, anything," accused the federal president.

That is why he reiterated the need for judges, magistrates, and ministers to be elected by popular vote so that they are at the service of the citizens and not of "white collar or organized crime".

President López Obrador proposed that the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches, as well as bar associations and law schools, propose lists of lawyers who meet the requirements and that the people decide with full knowledge of who they are.

During this morning's Zero Impunity section, the judge who ordered the restitution of a property to Emilio Lozoya, ex-director of Pemex, was also shown, considering the non-application of the Extinction of Ownership Law.

Source: INFOBAE 


  1. This is not the first time AMLO calls out corrupt judges.

    1. 9:38 - I remember when Ovidio was recaptured, AMLO called out a judge during one of his press conferences for stopping Ovidio’s extradition the same day Ovidio was captured. He also mentioned how a judge had been trying to liberate Ovidio because the time that Ovidio had arrived to the prison to be booked and the time written down for when Ovidio was brought into booking was off by a couple of minutes or some bullshit. Like seriously ? 10 soldiers gave their lives during this operation to recapture Ovidio, and you’re going to release a famous drug lord that hundreds of sicarios just tried to rescue because the time was off by a couple of minutes. Get the fuck out of here.

    2. I am an American. My knowledge and info base is limited. AMLO strikes me as honest

    3. @10:18 the country is largely lawless, yet oddly meticulous with details and documents. It’s an amazing paradox if you live here.

    4. 9:23:
      ELMO is honest. He is just the wrong man for the job. Mexico needs a president willing to take on the cartels not give them hugs. His security strategy is an absolute failure. He's going to have 200,000+ homicides on his watch by the time he leaves office on December 1, 2024. These homicide figures are absolutely staggering. ELMO could have been a great president in another time and in different circumstances, but these aren't the times or circumstances for a left wing president.

  2. That is very good of the president to say and call out. I guess people in here that just dislike him for his methods. Can maybe rethink their thoughts???

    Rubio NYC

    1. 10:06:
      People dislike ELMO because 35,000 Mexicans are being murdered every year because his hugs strategy is not working and he refuses to change his strategy. Mexico needs a president that will go in and kick the cartels asses. Mexico needs a Bukele, not an ELMO.

    2. 408 your bukele strategy wouldn't work in Mexico. The criminals in el salvador are contained to an area the size of Colima. Also your strategy would more than likely increase the death toll instead of bringing it down. Now, of those 35k homicides a year, how many of those victims were innocent or associated to crime?

    3. Detroit thank you for the input. I really appreciate knowing this. I mean I still think it’s something to point out what he said. Honestly when you think about it. That also doesn’t make him look good. But I understand what you mean. People need to adapt to situations. And not doing so most times leads to failure.

      Rubio NYC

    4. 10:07 You should be happy he is offering mature ideas, rather than Reddit kid dreams..hey let's send a Cruise missile to bomb the cartels.
      Detroit offers damn good points.
      In others words a President that has balls, it's true approximately 35,000 homicides happen every year on Obradors watch. Tackling crime was his weakness.

    5. 4:08 hugs and kisses doesn’t work, let’s do the math here.
      If you have strong 2 millions good soldiers vs 30,000 cartel members .i guarantee you 1 millions good honest law enforcements will take down any criminal org.

  3. How come he doesnt talk about Cienfuegos and protecting him lol classic ELMO

    1. Uh he did. He made the paperwork the U.S provided public. The U.S was very upset because they didn't have enough evidence to prosecute and they were made to look incompetent. In your favor, he was probably corrupt, but if you don't have the evidence there is nothing you can do.

    2. 11:22 That's why criminals cases are tried in a court of law. FGR didn't see enough evidence to try the case against Cienfuegos, ship him back to be tried where he was originally accused.
      Doesn't México have any criminal accusations against Nini? Rather odd that USA can develop evidence to charge him for crimes in another country he isn't present in but México simply can't or won't. Shouldn't he first be held accountable for the hundreds if not thousands of felony crimes he committed in México? A pura conveniencia.

    3. The decision to not prosecute was definetly politically driven. But again, based on the evidence the U.S provided to Mexico and was made public, there wasn't enough. Now Mexico could've allowed the U.S to take Cienfuegos to trial for drug trafficking just as the U.S could've allowed Eric Holder to be tried in Mexico for fast and furious, but the U.S wasn't going to allow that. AMLO's sinister little laugh after telling the U.S their evidence against Cienfuegos was basically trash was in my opinion his way of getting back at the U.S and letting them know that Mexico would no longer bow down to the gringos.

    4. You guys are going off track.
      Cienpedos was arrested by the DEA, at the LAX Airport, Old School Generals, were upset that Mexico was not informed, that they were not tipped, that they were going to arrest him, Foreign Minister Ebrand was used to convince the Trump administration that they will try Cienpedos at a Mexican court, they said fine, only after 3 days at the Court of Mexico, it was said no evidence. It would take days to review the DEA evidence, DEA don't go arresting criminals with little evidence, a file is developed. Of course at the end, ALMO and his entourage felt butt hurt and allowed less DEA to work in Mexico.

    5. 11:28 is correct, there was way enough evidence but trump was promised a deal where he could save tax money on trial and incarceration. As smart as Donald is, he took the bait and the fucker got send to mx and later released. Too much pressure from the mexican military on amlo and his supporters and an easy minded US president are to blame.

  4. Mr.president sent all to USA prisons for real time.

  5. If ALMO thinks Mexican judges should be elected, why is he coming up with this now? He's had over 5 years to change the law and has done nothing but hug the damn thugs and oversee the social destruction of the entire country. He's a hypocritical clown.

    1. He will come down as the Clown of the Year award, Cienpedos will be doing the honors.

    2. AnonymousDecember 5, 2023 at 11:55 PM
      no seas ignorante. el puede hacer la iniciativa pero el senado no lo aprueba PRI y PAN..

    3. @1249 Mexican president intends to send judicial reform proposal to Congress | Reuters

      Good article. I looked up Arturo Saldivar and AMLO endorsed a judicial reform back in February of 2020. Unfortunately these topics don't make the headlines the way the hit pieces and anti AMLO rhetoric does.

    4. 12:49 tu enlace no sirve para tu argumento. Simplemente mira la fecha de su publicación: 2021/03/18.
      Desde el 2006 tiene AMLO queriendo ser presidente de México. Tanto que ladro que el en un solo día hiba a solucionar el desmadre. Porque no hizo la propuesta en los primeros meses o año de su gestión cuando tenía el control efectivo del congreso? Puro hablador a conveniencia el peje. Cuántos muertos y desaparecidos por su inacción, otro sexenio de corrupción.

    5. 153 LoL. Nunca estan conforme. De seguro ustedes han hecho mas...

      Checate, captures under AMLO include, El Nini, RCQ, his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa...

      6 national dam projects
      12 national road projects
      4 wind farms
      1 solar energy farm
      6 Iberdola power plants
      Built 1 new oil refinery modernized 6 and bought one in Texas
      Nationalized the Lithium deposits
      Building the Tehuantepec Isthmus railway that will create an import/export route which equals more jobs.
      Construction of the Tren Maya which has created direct and indirect jobs and will attract tourism to that region.
      Built 3 new airports along the tren Maya route and remodeled 2
      AMLO scrapped the retarded idea of building an airport on top of Lake Texcoco and instead turned the lake into a national park.
      Rather than a flooded airport on top of a lake, AMLO opted to build the Felipe Angeles Airport for half the cost. All because he made use of his resources and used the military to build it. The construction of the Felipe Angeles Airport also includes an added museum and a new highway to get there.
      AMLO finally sold the presidential aircraft that cost over 200 million dollars and is using the funds to build 2 new state of the art hospitals in Oaxaca and Guerrero.
      Under AMLO the corrupt Polica federal was disbanded and absorbed by the Guardia Nacional. The 30k personnel were absorbed by the Guardia and an additional 90k GN personnel were hired. By the end of his term there should be close to 600 military stations throughout the country to house the 120k Guardia Nacional personnel.
      Under AMLO SeDeNa took charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry and not just moved the aduanas headquarters to Nuevo Laredo but is building a new state of the art facility to match the U.S border crossing technology.

      Now unlike his predecessors, AMLO has reclaimed Mexico's national sovereignty. He's limited the DEA's power on Mexican soil, he renegotiated the Merida Initiative with the Bicentennial agreement along with nationalizing and subsidizing Mexicos energy and natural resources. This still doesn't include his contributions to the health sector, the education sector and all of the social programs that the elderly, indigenous and disadvantaged youth have benefitted from. But according to Detroit and a handful of other commenters AMLO hasn't done enough. LOL, it's hilarious.

    6. 5:49:
      Welcome back ELMO chayotero. Nationalizing industry has consistently proven to destroy economies, i.e., the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. Every country that has adopted socialism in it's strictest form or communism has failed. Look at Cuba and Venezuela. Doctors in Venezuela are earning $10 per month and doctors in Cuba aren't making much more. The average doctor in the Soviet Union was earning $50 per month when the Soviet Union collapsed. Now the average doctor in Russia is earning $2,000 to $3,000 per month because Russia adopted a free enterprise system. The average maid in Cuba earns as much as the average doctor in Cuba. There is no economic incentive for doctors to go through 8-10 years of schooling in order to make a wage equal to someone flipping burgers. Flipping burgers is a low paying job filled with teens, ex-cons and losers. Communism has and never will work. You need an economic incentive in order to get people to advance their education and job skills.
      His cancelling the DEA's airport contract and other steps he is taking to help cartels is absolutely asinine in the face of the extraordinary violence that Mexico is suffering from.
      And yes, the Bicentennial Agreement has been an absolutely stunning success. ELMO made sure that it didn't include illegal immigration which has been a great benefit to human traffickers and cartels that engage in human trafficking. ELMO made sure that it reduced the Merida Initiative funds that went towards fighting corruption and strengthening Mexico's judicial and law enforcement institutions. This has forced him to rely on the military that he said he was going to take off the streets after he was elected and his National Guard that he put under military control that are worthless as a uterus on a nun. He made sure the Bicentennial Agreement didn't address transparency and human rights. ELMO has fought transparency in the Mexican government at every turn. These policies have led to greater impunity, strengthened the cartels, increased the violence and allows him to harass what free press exists in Mexico. If you feel that the Bicentennial Agreement is a great success, you have proven my point.
      I never said that ELMO wasn't doing enough. I have repeatedly stressed that he is absolutely incompetent.
      You repeatedly copy and paste the exact same thing over again and again straight from ELMO's campaign talking points. You have not written a single original comment. All of your comments are worded exactly the same with the points in the same order right straight from ELMO's literature. We all know your (ELMO'S) spiel by heart thanks to your comments. You need to put down your ELMO campaign brochure and try to make an original comment that came from own brain if you have that ability.
      You are either the blindest ELMO chayotero or you need to remove your nostrils from ELMO's rectum so you can see what is really going on in this world.
      You also need to get a job if you have the time to post the exact same lengthy comment over and over again.

    7. Detroit, he brings facts and you just your personal opinions. And your data about back in the days in russia and cuba, that is ridiculous. Have you ever been there or maybe just close. And your todays picture of russia is weird, they did not change but half of the gringos go woke and the other half seems to be way of the road to be proud patriots.

    8. Lol 5:49
      Forgot to mention the approximate 35,000 that die to homicides yearly.
      Mexico has a record as the Homicide Capital of the World.

    9. Detroit, you're funny. For one, Mexico is not Cuba and if the U.S imposed a blockade on Mexico for being communist I gaurantee you Mexico would be just as poor as Cuba. In theory, nationalizing it's resources puts the money back into Mexicos infrastructure and keeps the profits out of gringo investors. Emphasis on "in theory" because we all know some gringo company will corrupt a mexican politician and convince them that selling out is the better option. Look at all of the previous administrations as proof.
      The Bicentennial agreement is a framework that keeps both countries goals in check. It's a success because if you look at it, Mexico has been hitting every target. When these targets are met it benefits Mexico because it minimizes the U.S from meddling in Mexico's politics, and we all know based on history when the U.S gets involved in other countries politics. WAR. Mexico doesn't need that, and by that logic, I think it's best for Mexico to have 40k- 45k narco related deaths a year than 100k war related deaths a year because Mexico decided to go with an approach similar to the one you keep suggesting.
      As far as the list I compiled, I take offense to you saying I copied it from AMLO's campaign brochure. LOL. Do you understand how painstakingly long it took me to research and cross reference all of the information I provide. I will admit, I do copy and paste that response but in my defense, I add to it as more captures occurr or projects are completed. My reason for copying and pasting is, it's time consuming and I have a job, so I'm not gonna waste my time trying to come up with a list every time you come one here pushing your anti Mexico rhetoric. Now I know it bothers you that I continue to post the same lengthy list of AMLO's achievements but it's necessary. You come on here spreading misinformation and it's not cool. You say AMLOis incompetent but the list I provide proves otherwise. AMLO's achievements may not be to your standards but I gaurantee he's done more good for México in 6 years than you have in a whole life time. With that being said, I'd like to thank Sol, Hearst, Char, Jay and all of the administrations that continue bringing us content. THE END.

    10. 11:03:
      Tell the families of the 200,000 people killed under ELMO's watch that their murdered loved ones are not facts and only my opinion. If you think that Russia hasn't changed since the fall of communism you are living in another world. You need to put that pipe down and get back to the real world if you ever lived in the real world in the first place.

    11. 5:49 you should also copy and paste the negative pitfalls too, your just one sided, and you can't hide the daily murders that happen in Mexico, and you can't hide, that no Aid was given to victims of hurricane in Alcapulco
      You got to be on the pay for each positive word you make for Obrador.

    12. Detroit, what would you like me to tell them? Sorry your kids died, they were criminals who died at the hands of other criminals? You say 200k like every single one of the "victims" was an angel when in fact, a large portion of those killed were involved in a life of crime. 1242, I leave the negative stuff to Detroit and his minions.

  6. Just free nini he ain't hurt Noone that did not deserve it. And provided such a good service.

    1. No, seriously, Nini done more harm to cds than any authorities, let him out to finish the job.

    2. Lol Nini is like a pumped up Pfizer or Eli Lily stock
      Hes not worth what hes praised at all
      But he looks/sounds good on paper

      Think of him like those stocks
      Valued @ $350/share butvreally worth $35/share

      You get me?

  7. Keep living in lala land kid. Nini was a POS . He has a special place in hell waiting for him among with all the other scumbag narcos

  8. AMLO must be on Menchos payroll or someshit. Because this foo has a hard on for foos in Sinaloa.

    1. Menchos wife, menchos brother, his son was extradited, and all of the operations that have been going on against his operatives. No te sieges, everyone is getting hit.

    2. What about CAF ? where are the captures there

  9. Judges in Mexico are offered "Plata o plomo" to help criminals.
    Let's see the judge wccept extradition of El Nini and wait six months.
    If CDS hasn't killed him then this probably means he was only taking bribes. If the cartel killed him that means the cartel corrupted the judge for their own benefit.

  10. Yeah, only judges are corrupt, how about all of Mex. government corrupt.

  11. They should just let nini go I’m sure CDS will get to him anyways.

  12. Amlo. Is a US dick sucker. Wtf does it matter if he goes to he US. So Amlo ca continue to suck money out of the US and make it look like he's making progress

  13. The Judge is on Cartel payroll, he is going to do everything possible, to delay extradition.

  14. What a Stupid speech from AMLO... He's the most corrupt person of all of them

  15. How about the fact the Trevino brothers have been sitting in Mx for 10 years now?

  16. The judges are wild they tried to let menchito out twice lol

  17. He’s scared to mention Z40 also …. WTF

  18. AMLO bit his tongue on this one

  19. Nobody wants him to snitch that’s why the immediate stop was put he will get killed In jail before he gets to rat on all the crooked politics and narco empresarios all over mexico that invest in drugs and violence while posing as normal business families

  20. Nini looks like he has a scarf but its his pelican neck 😂

  21. Talk about corruption? Look at USA

  22. I don't care how you Dice it or slice it I'll tell you what the country is corrupt from every corner every angle shit even falls out of the sky El Nini is a psychopath that guy don't need to be scared of the Chapitos shit they all need to be afraid of him for the cat that says that Nini
    Didn't kill anybody that didn't deserve it hahahah what about the guy that was on his way to work in the early morning and the jogger now let's not forget about the girl he fixed up with samples of fentanyl also the kids dumped in Durango MEXICO needs the death penalty period do away with all that BULLSHIT si la gente de los estados unidos no fueran tan puercos con las drogas no tuviéramos este problema que mamadas son esas las drogas no discremenan pinche corte parejo al NIVEL MUNDIAL aber que sale de nuevo una pinche pastilla de mierda de pollo para ponerte bien HIGH I just can't wait SALUDOS A TODOS

  23. Out of the captures during his presidency, how many have been thanks to Uncle Sam? Why deny it and instead try to pass them off as "due to our intelligence work" we were able to capture X, Y and Z. Why extradite someone and after paying his dues in USA he is arrested as he is being deported and taken before a judge to be tried? Why wasn't he judged and sentenced before being extradited? There are a few well known people locked up in MX waiting to be released after serving their time in US FBOP.

  24. It's called "Due Process" if I'm not mistaken. Go back and watch the September video after the extradition.

    Why can an "amparo" sit you well? Gives the accused and his council enough time to see the options available and start negotiating before stepping on American soil.

    Ex... my client is willing to stop the "amparo" if you can guarantee him a sentence of no more than 10 years

    sometimes it works and sometimes it won't, in the meantime you can make it easy or play hard to get (your time counts since your apprehension )

    1. 🤔 it'd be interesting to see why the Trevino Brothers have not been extradited. Good insight.

    2. I'd guess only those who cooperate with USA government get credit for the time incarcerated in México.


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