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Sunday, December 24, 2023

AMLO Sends Christmas Message: "This Is Not An Evening For Confrontation Or Quarrels"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

AMLO: Today is Christmas Eve and everything reaffirms itself in the humanism that has existed since human beings have lived in this world. And of course today we remember the birth of Jesus Christ who is also a preacher of humanism and love. This is a night to wish everyone a lot of happiness. To pray that the sick get better, that those who are suffering have moments of happiness, that the poor, the dispossessed, never lose faith, or hope for a better future. That is what all Mexicans, all human beings are fighting for. Our thoughts are not only on ourselves. They’re also on our neighbors, on others. We send out to everyone many, many, many best wishes. Tonight is not a night for confrontation, for quarrels, much less for war. Christmas Eve is about peace this evening, about love. Just as well for tomorrow as we go into Christmas.

Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller: And so as the tradition goes. Today is Christmas Eve and tomorrow Christmas Day. This family from the bottom of our hearts wishes that everyone will be having a delicious meal at home today or tomorrow. Especially the children who love this season so much, the grandparents. To all the families of Mexico we wish you a very Merry Christmas. A very Merry Christmas. Because we as a family are also going to celebrate together and we hope to have a good time. As AMLO previously mentioned: in peace, with joy, remembering even those who are no longer here with us this Christmas because they’ve departed the world. On our behalf receive a warm embrace and season’s greetings.

AMLO: Much love to everyone. 

Andrés Manuel


  1. AMLO se atreve a mandarle regalos a los altos mandos de cada uno de los carteles.

    Abrazos no balazos

  2. No es por nada pero se ve claramente que el AMLO todavía le está dando sus buenos palos a la doñita. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Bad ass compa I don’t no you pero con ese comentaria I would pay the tab at the bar. Not a lot of people left from our generation from the 80’s out Que the new generation valen pura riata. This comes from somebody quien no estaba alli en Pajaro ca in the shooting at the bar en el torero. Pero alli andamos poco a poco.

    2. El don tiene mas fuerza que biden

    3. 8:00 estan pendejo los dos

    4. 309 tus has de ser muy listo. 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Mexico is averaging about 100 homicides per day. I wonder how many confrontations and homicides will occur in Mexico over the next 24 hours. I don't expect cartels to get the memo.

    1. Well well well, if it isn't the grinch who stole Christmas! Merry Christmas Detroit. 🫡✌🏽

    2. 11:26:
      While you were typing your comment one person was killed and two were wounded in a shooting in the Rizos del Saucillo neighborhood of Leon, Guanajuato. ELMO is in an ignorant bliss with dreams of sugar plums dancing through his head while the slaughter in Mexico continues unabated. For the hundreds of Mexicans who will be killed or wounded in Mexico today and their families, this won't be a very merry Christmas.

    3. I don’t when in history it happened, but somewhere along the line, the majority of Mexicans have become calloused and excepted the loss of their country to the control of the cartels. The cartels own the nights while Mexicans sleep safe and sound in their beds. Thousands die. Mothers form groups to look for the graves of their sons and daughters while the government lines its pockets with the profits from fentanyl being sold in the streets of their northern neighbors. Their consciences have long before been seared by their betrayal of the values by which their parents raised them. Mexico is a failed narco state and its failure is celebrated on social media and through narco corridos which make heroes out of sociopaths and child rapists. The original heroes of the true Mexican Revolution roll over in their graves and wait for a new wave of moral fortitude to take hold of our countries youth. Out of their graves comes the cry, Viva la Revolucion. When will the citizens rally again and take down these cartels that oppress them? When? Where are the heroes of Mexico now?

    4. 1:55 good comment 👍

    5. Es sierto lo que dice el dicho, "la zorra no se ve su propia cola ni el zorrillo su fundillo" did all murders stop while you typed your comment Detroit? While he's been in his ignorant bliss with dreams of sugar plums what have you been doing? 🙄🫡

    6. 5:28:
      ELMO has a duty to protect the citizens of Mexico. I have no such duty. I'm sitting here and watching ELMO's legacy go down in flames. Most likely Mexico had at least 100 homicides on Christmas day, yet ELMO ignores his duty and continues to live in his dreamland.

    7. Cada chango a su mecate mi Ditroy. AMLO is the conductor and everyone else is just a part of the orchestra. There are military personnel and law enforcement agencies who are responsible for addressing the violence. I get it, you think the Guardia Nacional is as "useless as a nuns uterus", but do you think the policia federal was better suited for the job? What are you gonna say next, Genaro Garcia should've been the next president after his successful approach to combating the cartels? The homicides are gonna continue regardless of who's in office. You wanna hold AMLO directly responsible for the homicides committed at the hands of criminals. AMLO is not like Chapo or Salinas de Gortari for that matter who were allegedly responsible for ordering hits.

    8. If you need to find someone to blame look at the history of PRI. Instead of eliminating the Guadalajara cartel in the 80's they used it for their own ends. Everybody got rich.
      PRI is responsible for the unchecked growth of organized crime in Mexico.

    9. 7:21:
      ELMO is the one who develops the security strategy for Mexico and we can see how well his security strategy is working. If Mexicans had elected someone willing to take on the cartels in 2018 you wouldn't be seeing 35,000+ homicides per year.

    10. Detroit, so you think that by the government killing the cartel members the number of homicides would go down? Would those killed in the confrontations, like criminals, soldiers,law enforcement or innocent by standards be accounted as part of the 35k a year? Maybe in theory, but once you put your "all out war" approach into practice, its only going to bring more death and cause more destabilization.
      I'd like to know what your security strategy would be. As a chayotero, I can pitch it to AMLO and he could put it to work for the last year. I'm sure your strategy would be more effective. 😉

  4. Tickle me Elmo told the world Mexico is safe. Hahhaahhahahahah

    1. Mexico is safe😭🤣🎄😂.
      I can't stop laughing.
      Merry Christmas to all.

    2. 8:44 Mexico is normal to you? You probably use to killings and brutality or maybe you are in the cartel game.

  5. Or any evening, for that matter.

  6. Viejo payaso. Supports a russian serial killer Putin yet he preaches “ abrazos y besos Y NO balazos “ for thugs killing his own citizens

  7. Chingantu madre amlo

  8. Que chingue a su madre Amlo

  9. Taking bribes for xmas!

  10. De que se murieron los quemados? Bola de comadres ardidas 🤣

  11. Replies
    1. Viva la 4ta, the Pri and Pan supporters are evident in the comment section lol

  12. I' m sure theres a bunch of people sitting tied up in safehouses breathing a sigh of relief sicarios are off for Christmas..😂

    1. It's just one day extra the kidnapped get to live, for those that don't pay the ransom, they get killed.

  13. It’s an evening to enjoy all the luxuries of extreme corruption…

  14. Como nativo de Tijuana El Señor Amlo hace lo correcto es honesto la droga nunca va parar la DEA,CIA and creado todo esto lo que Amlo pueder hacer es que Estados Unidos pare de permitir que las drogas las consuman y pase la fronteras haci como paran los Weapons of Mass Destruction,haci de Fácil Saludos a todos desde de Tijuana

  15. What a fucking idiot,shows the world they live in

  16. Viva la 4t viva mexico and long live el mas poderoso de todos 🇺🇸 USA

  17. el mejor presidente de los ultimos tiempos. le duela a quien le duela.

  18. Que se deje de chungaderas y que agarre A la rata del mayo Z y al mencho
    No abrazos y muchos balazos


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