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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Brenda, 12 Years Old Found Lifeless, She Had Disappeared In February In La Cruz De Elota: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE

Brenda Saavedra Mendoza, who had been missing since February 26 in La Cruz de Elota, was found dead.

The Sinaloa State Attorney General's Office informed that last March a skeleton was found in a mangrove area in the Elota River, and after several expert examinations, it was determined that it was the minor.

Brenda was last seen on February 26 when she left her home in La Cruz de Elota and on March 1 her relatives filed a missing person's report, for which the Prosecutor's Office issued an Amber Alert.

So far, the Attorney General's Office has not established the cause of death of the teenager.

Source: RIODOCE 




  1. ELMO Chayotero:
    Here's another of the "40,000-45,000" killed that you write off so nonchalantly. Tell her family about all of the good things that ELMO is doing.

    1. Y sigue la burra al maiz. This issue is to be resolved by local or state authorities but you want AMLO to come to the rescue like El Chapulin Colorado. No mames Detroit. Tumbate ese rollo.

    2. This is the song, La-La-La, El Jefe’s song…

    3. 12 year old girl goes missing and parents waited a few days to file report with the police. Thats looks more like male family member fucked the girl and had to get rid of her but keep on blaming amlo.

    4. Detroit AMLO has nothing to do with her murder. Déjate de mamadas. If he has fail on bringing down violence it will not be his fault for the violence behavior of people. AMLO is a great president in my book.

    5. 6:53 You have not been following the points Detroit has been trying to convey to a hardcore influencer of ALMO, who copy and pasted the few good things that ALMO has done , but of course the influencer never mentions the weakest ALMO has in combating crime, he is not saying for Almo himself, put on a gun and stop crime, the local governing branches of the municipalities don't do much mostly curupt, along with governors that are in collusion with criminals, thereby that's where it falls on the presidents responsibility, by assigning his cabinet members.

    6. 808, "never mentions the weakest ALMO has in combating crime" the "copy and pasted list" includes a list of major cartel heads who have been captured. You read BB also, you're so hung up on bashing the government that you don't process the confrontations occurring between the government and criminals. Nobody is denying that extreme violence occurs in Mexico, but the fact that you are trying to overshadow the progress with your claims of ineptitude is where I step in and show you where that's not the case. Mexico is moving forward thanks to this administration. Maybe someday something negative will come to light and you can rub it in my face and say, "nanananana, see i told you so" but only until then.

  2. Who runs this area? Does el mayo still have his ranch here

  3. El mayo back to his old ways

    1. I remember a comment on here while back that said RCQ would have young girls picked up (to rape) and then they would be strangled, followed by an ultimate dissolving by acid..

    2. Don't put the blame on someone else 9:02

    3. 9:02 i mean he is from Sinaloa 🤷🏼‍♂️ Amado carrillo, chapo, mayo and all of them are and were a bunch of rapist, most likely would get high and do all kinds of dirty shit thinking they wouldnt get touched

    4. 630 all narcos and politicians are pedophiles . Remember Escobar would pay for virgins in the slums of Medellin

  4. Para cambiar un estado como Sinaloa primero uno tiene que quitar esa idoligia pendeja que tienen ahi sobre el narcotrafico.

    1. Palabra 100 porciento. Se creen todos y orgullosos por la basura que son. Con su musica ASQUEROZA. Glorifican el narcotrafico y el pueblo vive aterrorarizados.

    2. 4:26 También el rap, así que quieres eliminar la libre expresión? De seguro quieres un dictador o peor, un estado como Alemania en 1945 con los Nazis y su propaganda controlada por el estado.

    3. Los morrillos prefieren tener un corrido que un diploma. Ahi que cambiar la mentalidad antes que nada

    4. Para empezar no hay que generalizar.. hay muchos sinaloenses que les vale madre el negocio de las drogas .. me atrevería a decir que un 80% de la población sinaloense se dedica a un trabajo honrado y le importa un comino el narcotrafico y las mafias si es cierto que abunda la narco cultura pero igual lo he visto en otras ciudades como Cd.Juárez, Nogales , Tijuana no no más en Sinaloa . La mera neta compa el país nos da muy pocos personajes de los cuales nos puédanos sentir orgullosos, ya son más 100 años que no sale un Mexicano de huevos que quiera hacer algo por el pueblo .. es por eso que ves una generación entera homenajeando y alabando a narcotraficantes pendejos.. pero lo repito esto no es un problema no más de Sinaloa .. es todo el país .. porque hasta en Mérida he visto pendejos con las gorras del JGL

    5. 700 correcto Sinaloa es uno de varios estados que ahi donde la narco cultura ya tiene decadas presente. Otros incluyen Tamaulipas Michoacan Jalisco. Pero el problema del narco no se va acabar pronto lo que necesita son varios años que los propios Mexicanos cambien su mentalidad

  5. First let me say death to whoever kills children but are we going to assume everything that happens is cartel related let’s say a man gets drunk and goes home and beats his wife are we going to blame the local cartel? If these guys are for the people like they claim then they should find the POS and publicly execute him/her

    1. Do you think the ghosts of these victims eventually haunt the offspring of said murderers?

    2. 9:02 that is if you believe in the afterlife

  6. Lla podemos estar de acuerdo con que el CDS y el CJNG son la misma mierda?

    1. Todos los carteles son una mierda carnal

    2. 8:37 eso que ni que, pero nomas lo decia para aclararle a todos esos que creen que uno de estos dos carteles en particular es mejor que el otro, que los 2 son la misma mierda, igual que los Z's, golfos, CAF, juarez, beltranes, FM, toditos son la misma burra pero rasurada

    3. 8:52 afirma amigo . Primero ahi que cambiar la mentalidad pendeja de mucha gente antes que en realidad puda aver cambio

  7. Lil rapey violent motherfuckers. All the horny women in mexico and they have to rape and young girls at that to make it even more sickening.

    1. "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," Drump said. “They're not sending you…They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

    2. 9:04 Trump doesn't know what day it is. He lost count of all his lies, he still thinks México is paying for the wall.

    3. What make all you think it's Cartel related? I guarantee you guys it's not. It's going to be a boyfriend, crazy horny fuck or someone she knew that took advantage. You would have found 60 more bodies if cartel related with hers.

    4. Trump, the sad POS who said he would bang Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter. Who even has those thoughts?

    5. A lot more than you think

    6. 12:44 i agree with you, most likely nothing to do cds, but i bet you if this had happened in any other state you would blame it on the local cartels 😂

  8. Cds can't cover its tracks anymore

  9. Este crimen va resultar ser un vato de 40 o de 50 y algo años que es pederasta, y rapto ala niña y la mato. No todo es automáticamente Narco, ay un puño de abusadores sexuales por todos lados en México

    1. 7:21 tienes mucha razon ay un puño de abusadores sexuales por todos lados en mexico, y un chingo de ellos son lideres del CDS

    2. 740 Se te olvido los politicos y los demas narcos

    3. 7:58 si lla avias dicho eso algunos comentarios arriba (7:38) no tenias que repetirlo

  10. What if that was your daughter?

  11. RIP little one, I'm sorry you were born into a world where there's just so many human shitbags among us that children like yourself can't go outside without having an armed guard watching over you. Well, at least this child can no longer be victimized, we are such a vile species.

  12. Fue el cuate de tirimacuaro Michoacán


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