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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

CDG Metros vs Police: Gunbattle in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

Gulf Cartel - Metros hitmen recently got into a gun battle with state police officers in the border region of Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas. 

Police may have been attempting to arrest Metros leadership figures when they chased after them, causing one of their vehicles to flip over. 

Warning: Some graphic content below this point. 

What Happened

On December 9, 2023, a group of State Police officers entered into a gun battle with cartel hitmen in the town of Miguel Aleman, in the state of Tamaulipas.

This town lies right near the US-Mexico border in territory that has been fought over by cartel groups for decades. 

Los Bloqueados de Miguel Alemán writes that the police convoy was driving up Miguel Aleman Boulevard when hitmen from Cártel del Golfo - Metros faction ambushed them, with the hitmen shooting first.  

Other sources, such as the cartel news Twitter account El Guzman, allege the officers were attempting to capture and arrest the local leaders of los Metros, which led to a shootout with the leaders’ bodyguards. 

According to El Guzman, the police were looking for the local leaders of the Metros, including: 

  • José Guadalupe “N”, alias “La Paleta” or, in English, the lollipop

  • Ricky Segura, alias “R 57”

  • Álvaro Noé Morfín Morfín, alias  “R8”

Regardless of how the fight started, the battle led to a car chase in which members of los Metros tried to flee while being pursued by State Police. 

One of the Metros vehicles, a Dodge Durango SR5 SUV, ended up flipping over on its side and the hitmen the vehicle tried to shoot their way out, firing at officers. In the end, “El Grande”, a Metros hitman, was killed and another hitman, known as “La Changa”, was injured but managed to flee. 

According to Valor por Tamaulipeco, La Changa reportedly fled deeper into Metros territory and he is currently hiding out in Reynosa. 

The seized Metros vehicle has a group logo emblazoned on the side. A photo of the logo is shown below. 

More on Who They Were Looking For

So, what do we know about these Metros figures that police were possibly trying to capture? 

Well, Ricky Segura, who is referred to as “Metro 57” or “Delta 57” or “R 57” (or even “R 53”), is the current plaza boss of Miguel Aleman. He controls the trafficking in Miguel Aleman and presumably manages the plaza’s cartel operations.

Metro 57 took over the position after the April 2023 arrest of the previous plaza boss, Hugo Armando Salinas Cortinas, code “Metro 7”, alias “La Cabra” or, in English, the goat. 

Álvaro Noé Morfín Morfín, alias “R8”, is R57’s boss. R8 is the brother of the overall leader of Metros - a man named Cesar Morfin Morfin, alias “El Primito”. 

Now, El Primito is believed to live in Jalisco, which is many states away from the territories where Metros actually operate, namely Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon. Because Primito is commanding his forces from so far away, he needs an on-the-ground emissary to communicate his orders to his men. This is where R8 comes in.

R8 actually lives and operates in areas where Metros are operating and by nature of them being brothers, Primito seems to trust R8 to faithfully act as his proxy. R8 has grown to be Primito’s right-hand-man and he’s widely considered to be the second-in-command of los Metros.

Lastly, we have José Guadalupe “N”, alias “La Paleta”, who is the lowest ranking of those listed and very little information is available on him.

What little we know comes primarily from a narco message his hitmen left a few months ago. The bulk of the message is the usual claims about “not hurting innocents” and accusations that the local government is protecting the rival cartel group.

He signs the message with “Paleta de Metal”, which means either metal lollipop or metal palette (like an artist’s paint palette). 

Some people online speculate that Paleta’s group of hitmen call themselves “Operativa Metal”. (Metal is code for Miguel Aleman.)

At the end of the narco message, Paleta goes on to refer to himself as “under the orders of Commander R-8, R-57”, so he is evidently a subordinate of R-8 and R57. 

Analyzing the Logo on the Vehicle

The artwork for the logo seen on the vehicle is not original, nor custom made for the group. 

The logo was originally created by Maroyen Design, an Indonesian graphic designer. He posted his logo on the website as an EPS vector file. The logo can be downloaded by anyone online who chooses to pay for Freepik premium. 

Other people, such as a “crypto-specialist”, have also bought the design and created their own version of the logo. 

The logo design was titled “Baphomet Goat Head Logo” by the artist, which confirms the image shows a goat, for the Metros figure La Cabra, and not a bull, for the Metros’ Operativa Toro. 

And, in regards to the symbolism of the goat being Baphomet and the pentagram drawn on his forehead, it all seems pretty standard fare, as far as cartel mascots go. 

If you were to stick a bunch of young hitmen (all of whom come from a deeply Catholic culture) in a room and ask them to come up with the most intimidating symbol they can think of, some form of the devil or devil-adjacent figures is going to be their answer. 

And, case in point, Cártel del Noreste groups have various mascots that are some variation of the devil or a demon, as seen below.


  1. Why would you want to place a logo outside of your truck? To attract attention? Not a smart move.

    1. I dunno if it's wise to do but it's not exactly uncommon:

      CDN Tropa del Infierno

      CJNG FEM

      CJNG Grupo Elite

    2. At anonymous….if you’ve ever been to this part of Mexico, you’d see that these guys only come out at night and control the plaza with truck with logos. The police don’t challenge them at night

    3. This is your articles hearst..I'm particular_peak_1961 on reddit narco footage and I post frequently there about CDG and ZVE

    4. I'll check out your posts. I started out writing about cartels on Reddit. :)

    5. @HEARST: FunPaleontologist813 from r/Narcofootage here. I have some in depth posts on BLO/Los H, ZVE, etc. Working on a piece about La Resistencia I’d like to post here. I’ve got 50+ members identities and their stories, working on making it into a narrative. How should we submit articles?

    6. No way! We'd love to publish a story like that. Email me at .

      I can help you publish it here.

    7. There’s several people selling CDG merchandise in and around the market area in Matamoros,

    8. Luke, I tried to look for you on reddit but couldn’t find you.

  2. Escorpiones have the #1 cop in Tamaulipas in compromised phone calls & cries for help in the battlefield

    1. Parecen a carteles unidos en michoacan cuando el CJNG los traia del culo

    2. And where did you see/hear that?

  3. Man not gonna lie it'll be bad ass if they record a shoot out playing Brujeria or Asesino instead of corridos or rap.

    1. Lmfao u nawt wrong lol

    2. La feria o la vida, me da lo mismo!

  4. Once again, great work Hearst. If you would be able to do an article of the Metros/ZVE/Panteras vs. Escorpiones current standing/situation/etc. I thank you in advance. Thank you for your excellent work!

    1. I'll try to write about the Matamoros and ZVE divorce. But I'm worried that I can't make a good map of who controls what right now, unless you guys have any suggestions.

    2. Hearst, just a suggestion. All you have to do is put assumed, or contested. That should solve that until further notice.

  5. Seems like the authorities in western Tamaulipas over cdg metros they also appear to be going after primito if the brothers fall would that pave the way for cdn to take full control of Miguel aleman and the frontera chica

    1. Wouldnt matamoros just take over miguem aleman if metros fell?

    2. No cdn is basically surrounding Miguel aleman and control Camaro which is further east than Miguel aleman although matamoros and cdn have a peace agreement anyway

    3. They should go after the youngest/weakest primito brother....

      El Rayo hes their secretary
      Find Rayo you find both brothers

      Even I could lead the FGR better then them lol

    4. 1144 wasn't you the first one to say primito was in Pihuamo?

    5. Are you sure CDN control Camargo??? That’s new to me. And where did you get that Matamoros and CDN have a peace treaty. They killed each other about a month ago in central/southern Tamaulipas.

    6. El Rayo is actually the oldest of all the brothers and is second in command.. Primito goes be 01, Ray is 02, R8 is 03 and after that Remy and R9

  6. Cdn having local and state backing over metros in tamps now

  7. They attract attention to themselves by taking and posting selfies. They probably have a low IQ, and are low level gofers trying to make a name for themselves.

  8. El cherry who was described as a jefe de plaza for primito got dropped in Reynosa recently

    1. Yes. Char was working on that story earlier.

    2. @ hearts towns people in Pihuamo are in the streets trying to boycott the military presence there.

    3. Did they arrest somebody in Pihuamo? Or are they trying to arrest somebody?

    4. @hearts . Primito is in the area

    5. Wasn't this a story 3 days ago? In Naranjas?

    6. Who dropped him?

  9. The pobladores from Pihuamo are marching out against the military so they can leave the area . Primito is hiding out there . El miedo no anda en burro

    1. Hmmm so primito is still there huh???

      Maybe FGR needs more marina and Fuerzas Especiales de Reaccion to catch his ass lol

    2. 11:13 it can also be the military has raided the wrong houses and caused unnecessary damage. When and if the military get close to an important person the sicarios will appear.

    3. 11:45 anda culiado el Primito. Mando sacar al pueblo para que lo defendiera

    4. 12:38 Las armas son las que lo van a defender si el lo ordena. Todos los operativos en Jalisco dónde andan "persiguiendo" a un objetivo, menos el del CR, no han sacado las armas.

    5. Ahi que ser honestos aunque sus sicarios salgan a defenderlo tu cres que si puedan contra el ejercito? Ahi que ser realistas. Si el gobierno o ejercito Mexicano en verdad quiere a alguien o lo agarrar o lo matan asi de facil amigo

    6. Ain't no cartel sicarios of any group match for the real Mexican soldiers..think of any high profile narco in Mexico. Once the military goes for one just know he either going to get arrested or killed simple as that

    7. 2:32 mexican armed forces are a fucking joke. They cant stop some gangbangers with assault rifles and ghetto home made armored vehicles. Gtfoh

    8. 2:30/2:32 Ningun grupo puedo confrontar y ganarle una guerra a SEDENA o SEMAR. Ese no sería el objetivo de los narcos poderosos. Si el terreno está sitiado es mejor esconderse o abrirse de ahí. Solo si ya los localizaron y rodearon se usan las armas.

    9. 5:00 CDG
      Osiel 🔐
      Tormeta 🪦
      Coss 🔐

      Benjamin 🔐
      Inge 🔐
      Teo Muletas 🔐

      Chapo 🔐
      Nacho 🪦

      Lazcano 🔐
      Z40 Z42 🔐

      Maradona 🔐
      Lobo 🔐
      Tigre 🔐

      Arturo 🪦
      Alfredo 🔐
      Hector 🔐

      Chango 🔐
      Cheyo 🪦
      Tuta 🔐
      Kike 🪦

      Just to name a few not bad for a joke of armed forces lol

    10. 5:00 Especially against your COD army huh killer?

    11. 5:53 Even though I totally disagree with 5:00 and think he’s an idiot for his assumption, we got to remember that Tormenta got away a few times due to the Escorpiones attacking the army/navy and springing him free. The day he got killed his people sprung him free twice. And remember that day they had running gunning battles with them throughout Matamoros for about 5 hours. They’re the only ones to have ever went toe to toe with them and had any form of success. Tormenta could have gotten away if he would have hid after any of the times he got away. He could have went to another part of Tamaulipas, but I guess he had a death wish. Hiding wasn’t really his thing.

  10. good work and thx for taking time to search for unblurred logo.

  11. Great article HEARST, thank you. Thanks to everyone who makes BB the best site on the 'net. I love for an evening choosing a year and month from the library and reading all the articles. There is so much amazing info, both in the articles and the comments. I am addicted!


  12. Off topic panchito arredondo sang in the funeral of chapos mom . Hear say is that los chapitos and guano came down to pay respects

    1. Off Topic can anyone buy me a Taco de carne asada con Jamaica, my paycheck went to rent.

    2. Off topic wear can I get a Gold plated 45.?

  13. Emma is a baddie total smoke show 🥵

    1. Yes Emma just started following me on Instagram 🙌😎 little by little I will conquer her since poor lil chapo is rotting in colorado

    2. Saludos Sol appreciate u 🤝

    3. Make your move when the time is right. Don't worry about her being married. It's not like Chapo is ever coming out again. Plus marriages nowadays don't mean shit. Good luck playboy.

    4. Thanks for the encouraging words Sol .. appreciate it . I will keep everyone updated on my mission to conquer Emma .

    5. @2:45 secure the bag, king

    6. Cálmate Connor alucinas more than sicario 006 😂

    7. Oh pues 333pm en vez de que me apolle aqui la raza de BB haha

    8. Sin miedo al exito Connor.

    9. @Connor reminds me of Borat’s search for Pamela Anderson’s anoos hahaha

    10. 4:19 el culon del 3:33 nomas da pa bajo, imajinate que te la conquistes y te diga todos los secretos del chapo 😂

    11. 836 brgsss hahahah gracias por el animo camarada

    12. I’m following you on instagram? What! Estas loco. Conquistarme en tus sueños talvez. Yo ni instgram tengo desde que sali. Para que andas con cuentos! Si quieres atencion mejor hablale a tu mama para que te la de. Ya tengo como cinco caballeros que son mis amigos cercanos, no necesito mas. Especialmente uno que no conoce la descrecion.

  14. Tamps is Morena so will JAL in next years elections looks like government turning on 4 letras

  15. @ hearts . Here is an alleged leaked phone call from la kena 19 and a special forces state cop . 2 interesting points I got from the video is that
    1 . La kena 19 admits to the cop how la marina had him on the back foot. Seemed to admit his group ain't match for the Marines
    2 the cop tells kena that he (cop) knows how kena just got sent a group of hitmen from Sinaloa. Maybe Matamoros and Sinaloa already reached a truce to combat the CJNG metros ZVE alliance?

    1. There’s a corrido about Kena sang by legado 7 and in the song he shouts out the Menores which I’m assuming is Los Chapitos.

    2. 954 heared it too but I was underneath the impression it was for osiels kids but might be wrong

    3. That would be retarded. Shoutout to chapitos guzman in a kena 19 song

  16. There is a short video of escorpiones shooting up a vehicle with one of the metros sector bosses in reynosa. They enter reynosa and easily kill the mid level guys. Easy kill. There was message to jaliscas and mz found with some bodies warning their ppl to not enter tamaulipas to help el chuy that theyre not welcome. Why wld cdg warn mz to not enter tamaulipas or help ppl that work with jaliscas?

    1. 505 ese chuy que mencionan es chuy Gonzalez de los Beltran Gente de Guasave. Ya que tienen pacto de no pelear con CJNG ni MZ

  17. Any thoughts on them being actual satanists?

    1. There actually was a santeria group in this area led by a Cuban. I have the book that was written about this guy. It's a very interesting book. I wonder if there are santeria people still in the area.

    2. Every cartel gas them bro, have you seen how many CDS guys praise to Santa muerte? They have a bunch of altares in Culiacan for her

    3. You mean that sick mofo Adolfo Constanzo. He practised Palo Mayombe, which essentially involved the more pain you inflict on someone before they die, the more powerful and successful your magic would be. They killed many in this manner, but it was only when they kidnapped and despicably murdered a US citizen, that there was sufficient impetus to do something about it.


    4. My fam is from matamoros and my grandfather was commander in the police when they located the ranch they used to do the rituals at. My uncle used tell stories when I was a kid about this ranch. I’m 27 now. Crazy to learn how deep the Cubans have been in Mexico.

    5. 7:51 o yea CDS is led by a cuban, you are right

    6. 7:22 jajaja 💯🎯

    7. 2:54:
      Events occurred at Rancho Santa Elena. Are you familiar with this ranch.

    8. @2:54 please tell us a few storys sir

  18. Is that a Durango or a Toyota 4Runner SR5?

  19. Los sinaloas oficialmente le mandaron ayuda al chuy 7 y ya se los mataron. Ni con la ayuda de los metros ni jaliscos y ahora sinaloa pueden tumbar al cdg matamoros. Los zetas vieja escuela tan desesperados estan. Y los sinaloas no se dejen alucinar. En tamaulipas no es de andar tirando de las lomas. Tienen que pelear en los pueblos y en las brechas monstros contra monstros y cada quien con un chingo de trocas blindadas y artilladas y a cincuentasos haber quien dura mas. Mejor quedense en sus tierras. Disfruten su navidad.

    1. O si claro, Los sinaloas ayudandole a un grupo que esta con el CJNG, claro eso no suena a mentira para nada

    2. Matamoros tiene alianza con MF

    3. Las mantas con las siglas MZ puede significad Metros/Zetas

    4. 8:31 si puede ser.

  20. The second in command is actually El Rayo aka 02. He is the oldest brother. R8 is 03 and is in charge of La Riberña. The younger brother is El Remy and he is Primitos secretary if you will. Primito also has another pariente who leads a troop with little information about him known as R9 aka Comandante 9 all info known about him is in corridos


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