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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Change Of Guard In The National Guard In Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from INFORMADOR.MX

By: Jaime Barrera

December 20, 2023 - 03:05 am

In the last two months the National Guard (NG) in Jalisco has given a lot to talk about.

Yesterday they were in the news again when they were patrolling the municipality of Zapotlanejo in search of members of organized crime cells, they were attacked in the community of San Jose de las Flores by a commando of hired killers traveling in five pickup trucks with embedded weapons at 15:40 hours. 

The elements of the GN, which since October has been led in Jalisco by General Armando Gómez Mendoza, managed to repel the aggression of this heavily armed criminal convoy, who in their flight towards the town of Tocomatlán, as usual, ordered narco-blockades to prevent the arrival of reinforcements, but neither elements of this federal corporation, nor municipal and state police were able to detain those responsible.

Just last Thursday, the GN led another operation in Guadalajara's El Hormiguero neighborhood, where they killed two and arrested another criminal who shot at them after they were caught with a woman who had been deprived of her freedom. Days before, they patrolled in Poncitlán, and as a result, the Attorney General's Office seized a large arsenal yesterday. In November, they deployed operations in Ocotlán, where an NG officer lost an arm due to a wound from a large caliber weapon, and dealt a strong blow to the New Generation cartel in Tapalpa, where they arrested "CR", who is accused of kidnapping Colonel Grimaldo in December of last year.

Thus, with operations in the Metropolitan Zone and in the most conflictive municipalities of the state, the GN has become very uncomfortable for the organized crime cells that felt they owned the state territory to turn it into a battlefield and carry out their vendettas.

In a certain sense, this change of guard of the NG, which is opening new facilities in the vicinity of the former maximum security federal prison in Puente Grande, has also been uncomfortable for the heads of municipal police, and even of the State Police, as they deploy operations on their own without asking for their support, and suggest in security meetings, greater enforcement and police effectiveness in their respective areas.


  1. Another case of Sinaloa paying the military to hunt down their enemies. Same could be said of all the recent clashes in Sinaloa between cds and the military. I think they’re going to go hard at both cds and cjng in prelude to the US presidential election just like they did with Chapo. Mencho and most likely alfredo will be the next to go

    1. 3:21 - What ? Your comment doesn’t make any sense. Sinaloa is paying the military to hunt down their enemies and is also clashing with the military ? Since the start of this year, CDS has been getting hit repeatedly by the military. How many of their fentanyl labs have been busted this year alone in their own state of Sinaloa and yet you want to talk about the military being on the CDS payroll ? If you’re going to bribe the military, how about you bribe the ones in your own state first.

    2. Or maybe just maybe someone high ip in the mexicam government has had enough or the jaliscos shit.

  2. CJNG was bragging about how they didn't fear the military and started killing soldiers. This is just the military reminding the scum who really boss . Let's see you get to repel an army raid and get away . The military just going to keep coming more prepared. Take Ovidio and his dad as examples.

    1. 3:42 - Yep. Already, there’s been more arrests and operations targeting CJNG members during this past month than practically the first six months of this year. The marines went after El Jardinero in Zapopan, but unfortunately he did get away. They did however capture a CJNG financial operator, who went by the name El Mini Toy. The army captured El CR and recently captured a plaza boss in Zacatecas. 5 members of GEDDRI were captured in Jalisco, 4 members of Fuerzas Especiales Lemones were captured in Michoacán ( 1 sicario was killed during the operation ), and 7 members of Operativa Barredora were just captured in Puebla. A regional leader of CJNG in the state of Edomex was also captured like a couple days ago. There’s more, but these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. All this within a span of like a month.

    2. 7:37 - Not to mention all the CJNG sicarios that were killed during the operation to capture El CR. There were multiple videos shared online of different military choppers using miniguns to open fire on cartel members.

    3. That's not including the "close" calls . 03 was running around las huertas jalisco avoiding the military. Jardinero is holed up close by in la sierra by Nayarit after the sacred the military gave him. Primito had to pay the townspeople to boycott the army from the region because they where getting to close and apa is town hoping between the Zacatecas jalisco border hiding not to get killed

    4. 7:47 - I don’t understand why the Mexican government always minimizes or hides the number of cartel sicarios they kill during these high profile operations. I remember shortly after Ovidio was captured, I read a Spanish news article that had gotten the chance to interview one of the sicarios that had participated in the second Culiacánazo. The CDS sicario himself said that the government was lying about the number of cartel sicarios that were killed and that the actual number was much higher. I think Borderlandbeat had translated the article, but I think it’s since been deleted. I can’t find it anymore. But I remember the article mentioned how the CDS sicario had walked pass the bodies of at least 60 dead sicarios or something like that.

  3. It's very unfortunate that some people come on here and downplay or downright disrespect the national guard and say they are about as useless as a uterus on a nun. These brave men and women are at times making the ultimate sacrifice in hopes of a better Mexico. Show them some respect.

    1. And show Nuns respect as they make a sacrifice that neither you or me are willing to make.

    2. 536 absolutely. The person who originally made the nun reference knows who they are.

    Topon en el zacate between cjng and MZ . Operativa MZ sicarios filming 4 burned CJNG trucks.

    1. CJNG is running out of sicarios in Zacatecas that they are bringing in now Colombian criminals in their ranks on Zacatecas

  5. Can it be that alfaro put one of his friends into power to prevent further actions by GN?

    1. Alfaro has openly refused to cooperate with AMLO. Alfaro has no say as to who the federal government decides to assign to certain regions. As a matter of fact, the article states that state and local police officers are uncomfortable with GN because they are conducting operations without informing them. In other words, the feds dont trust local and state government.


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