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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Clash Between 'La Familia Michoacana Cartel' And Civilians Left 14 Dead In Texcalitlán-State Of Mexico

"Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat 

This video was reposted from UNIVISION 


As of right now, lots of rumors and information about a plaza boss, or a regional leader for La Familia Michoacana with the alias 'El Payaso' being killed by the civilians at the clash. If the news is confirmed, I will share that on a different post, but once it is confirmed. I will share the pictures and videos, of the clash that took place this past Friday.


At least 14 dead, 4 received gun shoot wounds, and 2 are reported as missing in the state of Mexico. Presumedly, members of La Familia Michoacana Cartel announced that they would increase the tax extortion quota to the inhabitants of Texcalitlán-State of Mexico. The practice of extortion is habitual among organized crime groups in Mexico that obligates business owners to pay an ilegal tax to organized crime groups in exchange for business owners, or agricultural owners to be allowed to operate as usual. 


Civilians attended a soccer field on Friday December 8, 2023, to meet with the criminal cell belonging to the La Familia Michoacana who were armed with long arms weapons. The local media outlets reported that the shooting occurred after a failed agreement between the organized crime group and the civilians. Moreover, of the 11 dead they belonged to the La Familia Michoacana cartel members and the other 3 dead were locals community civilians. 





  1. Replies
    1. Finally. A millionaire needs to step up and give civilians more powerful firearms. This can be the start of Mexico version of the Arab spring. A change has been needed in Mexico, a coup is needed.

    2. el valiente vive hasta que el pueblo diga

  2. Beautiful… Fuck all extortionist fkn with the common folk

    1. Shameful. Regular citizens stepping up to do the job elmo and company are paid to do. We returned to Jalisco yesterday from Texas. Got stopped 3 times in Tamaulipas to check the import papers for our vehicle. Pussies wasting their time on law abiding citizens rather than seeking out criminals. They all should be ashamed.

    2. How do they know you are law abiding? Next year fly to your destination and quit being cheap or don't go at all you know what you and the other paisanos are getting into by driving to visit relatives.

    3. 10:48 get a job,baboso! Leave civilians alone!!

  3. LFM done fell off. How the hell you let a bunch of farmers with shotguns, hunting rifles, and farm tools take you out when you have decent firepower with you.

    1. The sicarios where outnumbered. Shit even the military has retreated couple of times whenever all the towns people come out. If all the honest Mexican people would rise up shit would change . Son mas buenos que malos

    2. There’s strength in numbers

    3. Payaso was also the first to be attacked by the civilians. In the video he is taken to the ground just before the shooting started. Once that happened, his sicarios scattered and were picked off one at a time.

    4. LFM have no training they just grab a gun and think they are sharp shooters it's why they dress up as the army to go into town and unarmed the civilians with guns they are really scared of them farmers in reality because they know they hunted since kids to survive hunting iguanas and doves deer and they

    5. Al payaso lo mataron a machetazos. All the local pages are posting that

    6. 10:12 if I'm not mistaken they tried that already and then they went from honest to corrupt in record time.

    7. @6:21 Correct, in the video Payaso is the guy in the white shirt that was initially attacked by the civilians near the front of the red sedan. The shooting starts as soon as he is surrounded and hit. Some reports are claiming Payaso was killed by a woman, which if true would likely be the female in a white top. I think the sicario in fatigues between the red sedan and red SUV is killed by friendly fire—he rushes towards Payaso on the ground and is hit by a shot from behind. The sicario in the red shirt with dyed hair then runs away (having either dropped or had his rifle taken from him) and runs towards the green truck. A civilian chases him from behind the driver’s side of the truck and red shirt sicario is overwhelmed by the civilians. At the same time, a civilian with a rifle approaches the other sicario in fatigues (sitting in the driver’s seat of the truck). The camera pans away from the truck, but we hear two shots after that (likely the civilian with a rifle shooting the sicario in fatigues). The camera pans to the red shirted sicario being hacked at by several civilians, who then falls to the ground while the civilians continue to hack at him with machetes. Long story short, the estakas panicked, separated, and were killed one by one.

    8. 1232 the locals pages are also reporting the towns people burned payaso body after he was killed 👏

    9. 22:12 tienes razón, hasta los militares se han retirado y me da gusto leer tu reflexión, ellos (los militares) SI tienen entrenamiento para eso. Gracias.

    10. @12:32pm thank you for the play-by-play as I didn't know what I was seeing. If it were a fashion show with models duking it out on the runway I could tell you who was who.

      Canadian girl 💋

    11. @10.58. Payaso wasn't burnt. Clap for your own fantasy, and jerk off when you imagine the flame catching. Damn, these comments are so weird. Cartel kids in training, who think they are on the side of the angels.

    12. @716: Yes He was.. In the pictures and videos you can clearly see both his and his Mens bodies are all partly charred.. Some more than the others.. Good work Townspeople.! Viva Mexico..!

  4. Good for that town more towns should so this to all those maggots

  5. These people have fucking dignity and lots of balls ! Esto si es orgullo mexicano

  6. Sinaloas and jaliscos dont have this nutts to do the cartels what this chilangos did, i give them props, yea 3 civilians died but if they hadnt killed those scumbags way more people would of gotten killed, RIP the 3 heros 🫡

    1. Es el esta do de Mexico aka edomex no es Mexico City no son chilangos

    2. Afrima sinaloas en especial los culichilangos son pura osikones.

    3. You guys are talking all this Pom Pom shit from the confort of your homes you know what comes next right those poor people bout to start getting slaughtered by the government and the FM 🤦‍♂️

    4. I think amlo sent or is sending the army in case there is backlash 335

    5. @3:35 I was thinking the same lfm going to want to retaliate. I wish they could take this L but we already know that they some mierdas

    6. 9:14 chilangos are from Mexico City

    7. 10:59 yep chilangos are all talk

    8. 6:45 nope, people from mexico city are capitalinos 😉

    9. 10:56 explicame que es un chilango?

      Natural de Ciudad de México, en México.

    11. chilango adjetivo y sustantivo (coloquial). Que es originario de la Ciudad de México, que pertenece a esta ciudad o se relaciona con ella; capitalino.

    12. ¿Qué significa la palabra chilanga?
      Porquería, cosa sin valor.

    13. Chilango is a Mexican slang demonym for natives of Mexico City.

    14. 645 i think hes talking about the chilangos from Northern mex osea culichis 😆 🤣

    15. Just say you obsessed with them 645

    16. Son "defeño" o "capitalino" de el Distrito Federal que a ahora es Cuidad de Mexico. El "chilango" es de provincia que se va a vivid en la capital.

    17. Sinaloa por lo general viven y aplauden el crimen organizado. Los chilangos del EdoMex están acostumbrados hacer bola y son primitivos violentos, que ni siquiera hacen un alto correctamente, así que no les costó trabajo.

    18. Mira ser chilango es ser de la ciudad de México, pero ellos son los únicos en toooda la república que dicen que los chilangos son de provincia. Les cala mucho su apodo nacional así como su salario bajo :)

    19. 3:11

      No es cierto porque la Academia Royal de España y Academia Mexicana de languajes estan de acuerdo que "chilango" son personas que se van a vivir en la capital.

    20. 3:11 mira se ve que no saves de lo que hablas, parece que el compa 12:02 es el unico que si save

    21. De guanatos pa abajo ,todos son chilangos.

    22. Ok pues de Michoacán pa abajo.7:25.

    23. Al chile mis chavos les hecho de menos, un saludo para todos

    24. 9:49 De Tijuana para bajo.

  7. Too bad they weren't caged n fed to the dogs first. Way to go gente, take back ALL of Mexico lindo

  8. Bravo por los campesinos. Aver porque no hacen corridos a los campesinos que muriero en la raya defendiendo lo suyo 🇲🇽🇲🇽

    1. No son campesinos. Solo tienen un salario bajísimo y un estado que se le nota lo tercer mundista. No es campo.

    2. 3:12 perdon, se kota que tu con tu intelectuo primer mundista uvieras savido que hacer contra esas lacras de la FM

  9. Good for them. Sorry to the families of the people in the community who died.

  10. Goverment of ALMO cant and wont do anything, that hometown citizens are starting to fight the low life criminals.

    1. 9:51 - I mean AMLO did send members of the military and the national guard to the area when the residents themselves requested their presence due to fear that La Familia Michoacána might retaliate for what happened. So, clearly the government hasn’t abandoned them.

    2. 11:12:
      The National Guard and SEDENA arrived AFTER the confrontation. Mexico abandoned them when the military was needed the most. They were sent at the request of the governor of the State of Mexico. Mexico needs to get rid of this left wing government and elect a president with huevos.

    3. What a sheep mentality 🙄

    4. 11:12 Calderon was more right wing. He just started cartel wars supporting Sinaloa and became El Chapo’s partner. They killed so many cartel people in every plaza and created a military cartel that was huge. So many innocent people died. He was the biggest failure of all. Totally crooked.

    5. Detroit always the poor victim. You sound like a communist, gov should do this, gov should do that….bitching all the time.

    6. 11:08 He just advocated for the removal of a left wing government, you think a communist would want that?

  11. Payaso is dead

  12. God bless the heroes of Texcapilla. I hope they make a movie out of this to encourage all Mexicans to stand up and fight against these low life losers who rob, rape and steal.

    1. Me too Mr. Detroit. The movie title is gonna be, Los Juan Rambos, to show the ALMO nutthuggers that not anybody is going to miss with the people of Texacopilla. Furthermore the AMLO nuthugger has not came out of his cave this morning to spill his love for ALMO.

    2. The ELMO chayotero won't come out when he knows he is dead wrong and only will make a fool out of himself.

    3. And then the follow up documentary in 5 yrs that the townspeople basically filled the cartel they killeds place.

    4. 10:05 Detroit
      I read when that Chayotero tried to bring you down, by copy and pasting with 10 paragraphs in one comment, lol he thought you would break down, others pointed Elmo's weaknesses, to the Cartels. Yet this Chayotero did not want to hear the negative. On this article, I bet Elmo will send some Military to Michoacan, but like 10 days later, only for them to hang around and pick their noses.

    5. 5:45 exactly 💯

    6. 5:45 The amlover is very complicated:

      ▪️ He has never left his town but he defends an airport and a train.

      ▪️He doesn't have a car but he defends a refinery.

      ▪️ He has never read a book but he "sends" you to do it.

      ▪️ It tells you sold, but it depends on social aid

    7. 5:45 El amlover es muy complicado:

      ▪️Nunca ha salido de su pueblo pero defiende un aeropuerto y un tren.
      ▪️No tiene auto pero defiende una refinería.
      ▪️Nunca ha leído un libro pero te “manda” a hacerlo.
      ▪️Te dice vendido, pero depende de las ayudas sociales.

  13. Good work Char. This shows what happens when cartels are confronted by real men.

  14. Coverage from the Guardian UK

  15. LFM love going around Guerrero, Mexico state and Michoacan terrorizing, kidnapping and killing random civilians. Hope this starts a trend

  16. Excellent article. The most factual and accurate on this out there.

    These local people have courage.
    Maybe AMLO could pick up some pointers.

    Viva Mexico!

  17. DEAD GUY in Grey sweat pants is el COMANDANTE PAYASO

  18. Any one spot the FM sicario dressed in military gear get shot in the head and instantly dropped?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  19. This needs to happen more

  20. Its very unfortunate that 3 honest people died but even more of an outrage that 11 criminals were just added to the 35k deaths a year under AMLOs watch. The criminals should've survived to keep the death count down! Now I know what Detroit is talking about when AMLO fails to do something before it occurs given that AMLO knows where all the criminals are hidden.

    1. Like his PRI/PAN predecessors did any better. They just took the plata.

  21. unrelated but Reuters has a story about guns going from US to MX

    1. And? The US makes guns and the people have the right to bare arms . Deal with it. Mexico should follow suit. The government isn’t going to be there for you when 💩 fan. Abrazos don’t work against these scum bags.

  22. This shit was beautiful af, broke ass LFM gotta extortionate to make bread

  23. Members of the left are always too afraid to fight. However, Mexico has no shortage of heroes. I'm sure everyone here remembers Alejo Garza. Don Alejo took on the Zetas single-handedly. He lost his life but he proved that the Zetas weren't invincible.
    This generation may not know who Silvestre S. Herrera is, but everyone should take the time to learn who he is. He is a hero of the Second World War and the first person to win both the U.S. Medal of Honor and Mexico's Premier Merito Militar. He was a man that any narco would fear because he wouldn't fear them.
    Now we have the heroes of Texcapilla. Mexico must throw off these left wingers and show them what Mexicans are really made of. Mexicans have the courage and will to fight. What they lack is the leadership. Viva todos los valientes Mexicanos.

    1. 1:28 mexico will always be the underdogs

    2. @amlo is a leftist

    3. 640 explain how.

    4. If they lack "leadership" then they also lack heroes.

    5. 8:34 In 2018, a left-wing government led by the assertive, often divisive President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) arrived to power, inflaming partisan debates in Mexico.

    6. 8:34 Doest want to fight crime he wants the population to be dumb down, Mexican students felt down on mathematics, reading and science he wants people to depend on the government for handouts

    7. 8:34 Keeping the new generations under the yoke of ignorance and biased education and in dribs of drop, condemns them to remain in poverty and marginalization, as López Obrador conceives the Mexico of the future, made up of sectors of the population subject to the welfare-electoral policy programs granted by the government.

    8. This generation may not know who Silvestre S. Stallone aka John Rambo is, but everyone should take the time to learn who he is. He is a hero of the Vietnam War and the main character of a very popular trilogy from the 80s. Rambo as he was commonly referred won both several academy awards along with MTV's first ever teens choice award. He was a man that any T.V series narco would fear because they drew first blood and he wouldn't fear them. THE END

    9. 9:11 Tu Tampoco sabes pedendejo: Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez (August 5, 1935 – November 29, 1998) was a United States Army soldier who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions in combat near Lộc Ninh, South Vietnam on May 2, 1968, while serving as a member of the United States Army Special Forces during the Vietnam War.

    10. 9:09 right on the nail 🔨

    11. 9:11:
      If you took the time to educate yourself and learn who Silvestre S. Herrera is, you wouldn't make fun of him. Mexico can and has produced real world heroes.

    12. 9:11 thinks he's funny making fun of a war hero by making a comment that only the ELMO chayotero would make. He is just another fool who thinks that all Mexicans are sheep.

      Ahi les dejo una leyenda militar Mexicana.

    14. 9:11 In real life, Americans indeed had a Rambo. He was Master Sergeant Raul Perez “Roy” Benevidez, aka Tango Mike Mike. A member of the Green Berets and a Veteran who fought in the Vietnam War, not once, but twice. His gallantry seemed second to none when he sacrificed himself, went on a one-man rampage to save his comrades, and ensure classified information won’t get into the hands of the communists.

    15. @Detroit: Im pretty sure some Vietnamese rice farmers tired of colonialism took on the greatest army ever assembled at the time and won. That took balls. Trying to generalize one side is incredibly ignorant because you can find examples on both sides. I feel sorry for people who have fallen for the divide and conquer strategy and don’t realize those at the top are two sides of the same coin. I don’t forget it was a right wing president who started a drug war that can’t be won and it is a leftist today that is in power and not doing enough to help the citizens of Mexico.

    16. 3:26:
      ELMO chayotero. You never made sense in any of your previous comments and you make no sense here. Your statement is totally unrelated to anything I said in my comments. You need to put that pipe down.

    17. pinche bola de challotes secos pongan se a cuidar su familia en lugar de ablar mireda en un blog!!!

    18. 7:39 TU CULO ! Mantener a las nuevas generaciones bajo el yugo de la ignorancia y la educación sesgada y a regañadadas, las condena a permanecer en la pobreza y la marginación, ya que López Obrador concibe el México del futuro, hecho de sectores de la población sujetos a los programas de política electoral de bienestar otorgados por el gobierno.

    19. 7:39 El amlover es muy complicado:

      ▪️Nunca ha salido de su pueblo pero defiende un aeropuerto y un tren.
      ▪️No tiene auto pero defiende una refinería.
      ▪️Nunca ha leído un libro pero te “manda” a hacerlo.
      ▪️Te dice vendido, pero depende de las ayudas sociales.

    20. @3:26 You probably think the Taliban actually took on the US military and won when in reality they got destroyed in every engagement then hid in caves until the US left lol.

    21. 957 not much different than what the U.S did 60-70 years ago and continues to do today. 🙄 so you're telling me social programs are a bad thing? Maybe you should ask the countless number of Americans who genuinely depend on those social programs to survive. I'm grateful I don't depend on the government but I don't mind my taxes going to those who truly benefit.

    22. 1013 war vets at the vet hospitals.

  24. Take note raza, the people have the power in numbers to get rid of this scum and those vultures in government ✊🏼

  25. Great to see criminals get killed by god guys with sticks. I’m drinking tequila tonight

  26. Opgeruimd staat netjes

  27. Dunno why but seeing that little girl walking around that gruesome scene and seemingly un fazed by it and then pointing out the body off El Payaso, fills me with a warm and fuzzy felling inside. I guess I feel proud and happy for her of been so strong at such a young age....

  28. I really hope that the government sends some military help cuz the scumbag narcos are going to want revenge.

  29. I'm guessing that's a no on the extortion fee raise. Seriously, what idiot thought it was a good idea to do this before Christmas?

  30. ..and where does a small rural town in Mexico get the arms to fight a cartel incursion?

    1. Did you watch the video? One, most of the criminals were attacked with machetes and reapers. The few townspeople that were carrying rifles were definitely not armed by the cartel.

    2. 'and where does a small rural town in Mexico get the arms to fight a cartel incursion'
      Is this all you take out of this story? We get your whining drift but these villagers were using shotguns, bolt rifles, machetes, not AKs/ARs thats why they have balls and were fed up with these rats

    3. 7:39 they fought with machetes and 22 hunting riffles

    4. 7:39 For example, ejidatarios, cumuneros and day laborers can possess and carry, with the sole manifestation, a weapon of the aforementioned, a rifle of caliber. 22 or a shotgun of any caliber, except those with a barrel of less than 635 mm.

    5. 7:39 article 9, section II, second paragraph, of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives, allows firearms to be carried by ejidatarios, comuneros or rural day laborers outside urban areas.


    6. @8.21am, 8.54am, 8.59am. That commenter at 7.39 is kind of right. These villagers representatives have long standing ties, Fresa and Pez are vulnerable, and this meeting was not the first. It isn't about having access to guns, it's about a community having permission to use them. US comments about Mexican crime are so confusing, because they all buy in to the myth that gets the stories circulated.
      I will happily eat my shoe like Werner Herzog if BB reports back in detail on the dead.

    7. 8:21 They have some pistols, AKs and ARs now!!!!!!

    8. @10.57. Yes. And the men they talked to before Payaso returned, who promised to protect them if they did what they had to do will be very grateful. Their farms will run the same as before. This wasn't a spontanious uprising. These men were corralled from all sides. It was an ambush. They might have deserved it, but it was no vigilante justice.

  31. ¡Haz patria mata un narcotraficante! En paz descansen los 3 héroes de la patria. Al resto échenle cal para que no se apesten

  32. Jesus Christ the one guy in fatigues wearing a Hermes belt ….wtf is going on with some of these idiots there straight cannon fodder. Comical

  33. I wonder how many of you could machete a cunt

    1. I saw that too. This crew didn’t mind a bit. That shows their hate doesn’t it???

  34. From what i read i think these rats were telling the townspeople they wanted one peso per planted acre, something like that

    1. One peso per acre? Doesn’t make sense

    2. It was per sqr meter or about a sqr yard

    3. @7.05. That's what has been reported, but
      there's no way Fresas lieutenants would ask vegetable farmers that much knowing they can't afford it. It's way off.

  35. Dude in red shirt got the machete treatment to the face! Danny Trejo style!

  36. That lady in the white T-shirt took care of business.

  37. This is one sign of failed state when criminal tax its own people, not the government. Government is the only entity that tax its citizen, not criminals.
    Hey tickle me Elmo, do something.

    1. The elite in the US tax is by inflation and bribe the politicians to support it, and the courts to ignore it. So we work 40 hours, go home and watch the new divide us so we stay stupid and dumbed down. Tell me what the real difference is cuz I don’t see it?

    2. 11:05 at least we don’t get killed in the us side.

    3. Hey buddy this happens in the United States too. You can still see extortion in USA. From Al Capone to Daniel Leo and other USA crime bosses from different mafias.

    4. Hey buddy 10:14 that was in the 1940s to 80s when Italian mafia rules and extorts people. And even Chinese gang in china town, but Mexico is at different crap level of criminals controlling its people. Get real buddy!

    5. @12.50. This wasn't ''tax'' the way Americans understand it. Even if it was you are way off.

  38. LFM - ladies and gents, tax is going to increase next year by 50%.
    Townpeople: say hello to my machete to your face!

  39. I think sicarios just killed a lider of the community. He is seen in the video above white shirt and a white cowboy hat holding a rifle

  40. Speaking of townspeople, was DR. Mireles corrupt or belong to other cartel when fought against knights Templar? I thought dr. Mireles was straight up legit honest guy.

    1. People forget CJNG were the ones financing the AD in the beginning and Mireles was the main face of the AD so he’d have to be an idiot to not see where his support was coming from.

    2. He was, thats why they put him in jail.

    3. I didn’t see any AKs and ARs laying by the bodies. The farmers upgraded. They can attach their machetes to the barrels now.

    4. Dr. Mireles was legit in the beginning, the cartel that bankrolled the curupt government, got the Military to go into town and take away the guns and arrest Mireles of the Autodefensas, for weapons charges, he was brainwashed in prison for two years. When out he never spoke against the government and did not get involved in any issues.

    5. 925 there's plenty of people who say Mireles was involved in drug trafficking before he was a "autodefensa".

    6. 10:36, saying or even implicating that the doc was dirty is wrong. Get some education, lots of plenty info on BB.

    7. 9:47
      He was a teacher, not a drug trafficker.

    8. Mireles was a doctor. The Teacher is La Tuta.

    9. I still believe DR. Meriles was a good man who did everything he could to help saved his people from KT. But he went against the Knights Templar and corrupt officials. Too bad!

  41. Damm I had a hot dream last night involving my self and Emma wow to say the least and then I woke up .. Emma is a hot smokeshow with that new blonde look she is sporting .. can u guys at BB run a story on her please

    1. Dude you have the absolute worst taste in women.

    2. Connor:
      This isn't a fashion blog. You need to submit your request to Vogue Magazine. And don't do that. You'll go blind.

    3. Are you the guy that says Mencho is alive in Redwood City or is that just a fantasy dream of yours.

    4. Unbelievable no one else thinks Emma is a smokeshow on this blog fackkkkk .. 533 that's a negative chief

    5. Pay attention cinnor, you will become attracted to men if you see her naked.
      But you might buy some old fish to remember the smell of her fleshy legs.

    6. Her boobs not real boob enhancement surgical implants.

    7. Even in your dream touching Emma will get you killed by chapos people. Be careful what you dream friend!

    8. @Connor. 3 dead civilians and you're talking about a wet fucking dream? You're a fool man.

  42. Me da gusto que se den entre sureños. Defiendase chilangos del estado de México!!!! Bravo


  44. Chapos mom’s just passed away

  45. Off topic but FYI, is BB covering this story?

    1. They will cover it if you send them the link to their website email.

  46. Pinche cartel de muertos de hambre ahora estan agarrando vergazos hasta de civiles por pasarse de vergas. Michoacan es un desvergue desde que encerraron a carlos rosales.

  47. LONG LIVE AMLO!!!!!!

    1. 5:52:
      ELMO chayotero: What does ELMO have to do with this story?

    2. they got plenty of hugs with the machete but no bullets

  48. Replies
    1. Bienvenido de nuevo Barak Caguama. Es usted candidato a presidente de Mexico en 2024?

    2. Gracias ,pero no creo postularme este próximo ciclo electoral. seguiré trabajando y aparte los izquierdistas parecen que van a seguir con el control.

    3. 9:47 so tu lema en tu candidatura es "una caguama por voto" te aseguro que arrasas, te llevas de corbata a Claudia Chainman

  49. This real good news.

  50. In the 1:27 second video, watch from the :42 second mark. The lady walks up like a pro. He must have killed her son, husband or daughter. She has her machete hidden. She walks straight up to El Payoso, stabs him in the gut and the gunshots start. You can see her seconds later chopping him up more with the machete. She is the backbone hero.

    1. How would you behave if you were constantly extorted, by a criminal group?

  51. Great job by the farmers, good riddance to the scumbags.

  52. I wonder if LFM will retaliate against the townspeople who defied them?

  53. Of course you horse. To bad the soldiers to protect civilians, will arrive 5 days later.

    1. You obviously don't keep up with mexican news. Guardia Nacional is there.

    2. Watch out for retaliation from the bad guys getting their ass kicked another Allende might be looming.

  54. Good don't bow down to em take em out .... Somebody should of pulled down the pants and shi- on em afterward

  55. El fresa and his brother won’t ever be caught

  56. Audio going around that says to kill everyone in that town

  57. I highly doubt those were the LFM.
    Seemed like they were just common thugs in cheap cars wanting to get free money using LFM name as a backup.


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