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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Consuelo Loera, Mother of 'El Chapo' Guzmán: A Life Between God And Drug Trafficking

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

She taught the women of her time and younger how to hold a Bible with one hand and take bills with the left. She kept silent in the face of sudden wealth and let herself be pampered on a birthday with a private Juan Gabriel concert.

Consuelo Loera will be returned to her ranch in La Tuna: 

In La Tuna, Badiraguato, when one of the 30,000 inhabitants who still live in the municipality that some call "the cradle of drug trafficking" passed away, all the families knew who to ask to lead the prayers: an elderly woman who knew by heart the most important passages of the Bible and who was known in town as Doña Consuelo, although the country and the world knew her as "El Chapo Guzmán's mother".

There is no one in town who doesn't know the way to the "Casa Rosa" of María Consuelo Loera Pérez, who died this Sunday at the age of 94. So as soon as death struck someone in that corner of the Sierra Madre Occidental, everyone went to the home her son gave her in 1989 and knocked on her door, the same one that has been opened for local politicians, criminals, priests, journalists and even enemies of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Then she, taking short, patient steps, would cross the bougainvillea gardens to receive the news, agree to do the prayers and ask for time to prepare herself spiritually, which meant spending several hours in the chapel built behind her bedroom.

No one seemed to care that Joaquin, her most famous son - in addition to Armida, Bernarda, Miguel Angel, Aureliano, Arturo and Emilio - was a ruthless drug trafficker with a record of thousands of deaths whose families were denied even a body to mourn. Or that she was the beneficiary of the fortune her family amassed on drugs and weapons. Doña Consuelo was loved for the help she gave to the people and admired for her religious knowledge.

Consuelo Loera, 'Chapo's' mother

If her son Joaquin Guzman Loera was a bad example for thousands of young people, Maria Consuelo Loera Perez was a bad example for the mothers of drug traffickers born in the narco-region known as the Golden Triangle. She, without knowing it or wanting it, defined a generation of women who had to live with a contradiction as public as the call to mass: love God and love drug trafficking.

Doña Consuelo taught the women of her time and younger how to hold a Bible in her right hand and take bills in her left. How to keep silent about the origin of sudden wealth and only announce it if it is to be shared with the people. How to resist the temptation of luxury and settle for a comfortable life so as not to attract the attention of the government, national and foreign. How to defend the honor of a criminal son and maintain, until death, that he is a harmless farmer. Even how to behave in front of the cameras and even in front of a head of state, as in 2020, when she shook hands with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his visit to Sinaloa to supervise the construction of the Badiraguato-Guadalupe y Calvo highway.

Consuelo Loera, 'Chapo's' mother 

She never denied that her son was the bloodthirsty founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, but neither did she confirm it. She never publicly condemned the violence unleashed by the son she procreated with Emilio Guzmán Bustillos in 1957, but privately condemned it when El Chapo showed up at her house to eat her famous enchiladas. She never confirmed that her armed escorts were a product of her family's illegal business, but against his wishes she had not gone out on the street without them since 2016, when her house was ransacked by hitmen from the Beltran Leyva Cartel.

On the other hand, she did like to boast that her most famous son pampered her like a queen. And in private she would tell how splendid El Chapo was with her, especially on her birthdays, like the one she celebrated with a private concert by Juan Gabriel, whom the cartel flew in a private jet from California, United States, just so he could sing Las Mañanitas to the matriarch of Mexico's most famous criminal family.

Consuelo Loera corresponded with the Pope

Stories like that are told in La Tuna about the town's most famous neighbor: that she had millions stored in her backyard, that all the red roses in town were sold on her birthday, that she was a mystic because her home remedies relieved even the deepest pains and that she sent letters to Pope John Paul II and that the religious leader answered them in his own handwriting, grateful for her works.

Perhaps the most told anecdote is the supposed scolding that Doña Consuelo gave to her son Joaquín when Mexican authorities initially pointed him out as the author of the murder of Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo in May 1993. She was so outraged by the assassination that she ordered a brief truce with the Tijuana Cartel to be established in honor of the cardinal and that weapons would never again be directed against a priest. El Chapo, obediently, agreed with her.

Consuelo Loera, Chapo's mother (EFE)

Her values shaped, in a way, the cartel and, by extension, Mexico. She didn't get involved in her children's dirty business, and she despised drugs for seeming ungodly, but she did give general recommendations: the family is sacred, children are not to be touched, priests and teachers in the villages should be able to do their work without fear and money should be distributed among the poorest people. Advice that the Guzmán Loera family followed or disregarded, depending on the convenience of the moment.

That 1993 was the year he left anonymity. A month later, in June, El Chapo was arrested in Guatemala and his photograph in the courtyard of the maximum security prison formerly known as Almoloya, with his light brown coat and cap, went around the world. The interest in the life of this shy-looking drug trafficker who murmured "I am a farmer" in front of his captors was extrapolated to his family circle and his mother stopped being just the daughter of Ovidio Loera Cobret and Pomposa Perez Uriarte and became a celebrity to whom journalists begged for an exclusive interview.

Consuelo Loera, 'Chapo's' mother

To those who dared to drive up to seven hours by car and cross checkpoints and spies to get to the "Casa Rosa", Doña Consuelo used to return them back the way they arrived, but first she would offer them a taco of some of the stews that gave her so much praise, such as the rabbit asado, machaca, tamales and pozole that she gives away during the patriotic month. "If I offer you something, don't despise me," she used to say with a smile.

The decline of her health began in 2021, when she caught covid-19. They say in La Tuna that she acquired the virus after attending a religious ceremony in Badiraguato; others say she caught it while praying next to a sick person who would die irremediably of a respiratory disease. The virus did not scare her as much as being away from God and the people who depended on her to listen to the Holy Scriptures.

She tolerated the quarantine well - despite her age - thanks to her complete vaccination schedule, but the virus left her with sequelae, such as the inability to breathe normally when walking and a hoarseness that accompanied her until the end of her days.

At the end of November, the consequences of the coronavirus weakened her body so much that she could no longer continue with medical treatment at home and was transferred to the Culiacan Hospital Clinic, where she died on December 10 of natural causes.

Her body, announced Governor Rubén Rocha Moya, will return to La Tuna, as was her wish. Masses and rosaries will be organized and red roses will be sold out again. Only one wish will remain unfulfilled: as she requested in writing in a letter to the president, she did not want to die without traveling to the United States to embrace one last time her son Joaquin, whose life is running out in the maximum security prison ADX Florence in Colorado.

When the people gather to say goodbye to María Consuelo Loera Pérez, they will have to find someone to lead the rosary. Chapo's mom" now rests in peace.

Funeral procession for María Consuelo Loera Pérez

Milenio  ECO 1 LVM


  1. This narco page is reporting that through information pass on to them that convoy that is seen on the video belongs to a faction of Guano.

    1. I was leaving Los mochis by bus one time and only had my cologne gift bag with my s.s and birth certificate, I get off at a checkpoint and a military commander asks if I was from el carrizo? To which I answered, I'm from Phoenix bro and kept walking to a fruit stand where I tipped the guy 200$pesos for a monster. El carrizo had just seen a crazy MF battle and I couldn't believe it when I got home, in obregon Son the chapitos have really gotten that city off their feet. Everyone is happy over there
      happy holidays to chivis and the other lady whose house almost burned those one years of the crazy northern California fires, she moved her donkey with her as well. Love you e1

  2. Does anyone have photos of funeral wreaths sent in by her family members? I already saw the one sent by Guano, did Ivan, Alfredo or Joaquin send any?

  3. Again, this article is claiming she never had the opportunity to visit her son in ADX.

    1. Chapo has received a series of visits from family members since being in the U.S. His younger sister Bernarda visited him in the New York metropolitan facility during August of 2017. This was reported in reliable news sources. On June 1, 2019, Chapo's mom and his two younger sisters Armida and Bernarda received their visas at the U.S. consolute in D.F. It was widely reported when they received their visas so there is no need for a link.
      Chapo received visits from his mother and both younger sisters while at ADX Florence. I'm not aware of any reliable news source reporting on the visits, however, these visits were reported on on different social media sites which are less reliable. I believe that Chapo received visits at ADX Florence even though I have no solid proof of this. Of course I could be wrong and would welcome anyone who has any information that contradicts my belief. If you have have any proof that these visits did not occur it would be greatly appreciated if you post that proof here.

  4. Animo Sicarios!
    The funeral ceremony was attended by all the bosses.
    The Fifth Month , Guano ,the Young ones, even Mr Blue made a special appearance to show his respect.
    The security detail was on point .
    Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier One Operators ,Antrax Ghost Recon, Guanos Special Mission Unit . Every one with silenced high power HK MP5 and tactical pen knives .
    May she Rest in Peace.The town of Badiraguato will miss you. El Señor was present too, his double is in USA .

    1. Lol “Mr blue” 😂 VIP seating for him too

    2. But yeah, it’s going to be interesting to know who is going to attend her funeral. I’m sure she’ll have a private one as well.

    3. Sic#006 talking in code names. This guy has military/Intelligence training.

    4. Sic006 is one funny dude. I’ll vote for him for president, the hell with Biden or trump. Sic006 2024!!!!!

    5. Panchito arredondo sang and rumours are that guano come down from the sierra

    6. Sicario006 you are my favorite with Mr Detroit if you find yourself in Belize one day I will share my pillow. Love and respect
      -Mr Detroit secret admirer

    7. Is that you Rubio NYC?

  5. Hasta donde yo tengo entendido Doña Consuelo no tenía conexión alguna ni con el papa, ni con sacerdotes o rosarios ya que ella era miembro de la Iglesia apostólica de la fe en Cristo Jesús.

  6. 1:53
    yet some sites are still reporting that the pope bought up all the red roses in Rome to give the old bird a heartfelt sendoff..

    1. Son mentiras, la hermana Consuelo era de la fe apostólica, es de conocimiento público que el Chapo construyó la iglesia donde su madre asistía fielmente.

  7. Arriva la chapizaaaaaaaaa alv ajuahhhh

    1. Get back to work. Those chicken nuggets aren’t gonna make themselves

    2. 8:50
      How can you be so cruel this close to Christmas?

  8. Detroit must be foaming out the mouth with all the support Chapos mother and AMLO get.


    1. It's good to hear from you ELMO chayotero.

    2. Don't talk about Señor Detroit he is my secret crush and I defend him with my heart. Love and respect Mr Detroit.
      -Your secret admirer

    3. ELMO isn't getting much support these days due to his security failures, especially from the families of the more than 180,000 Mexicans murdered on his watch.

    4. Brother, I feel you but ALMO inherited a spitting, boiling cauldron of violence and insecurity from FECAL and EPN. As we move into the next administration and the sexenio plays out, only then will we see if ALMO laid the foundation for the end of this horrific era of instabilty and brutality.


  9. She has an 8 foot fence surrounding her house. No one can knock on her door. She always had two female caretakers in the home who would have answered the door anyway. There is a word for those who preach the Bible but don't live by it's values.

    1. Didn’t she attend the church regularly though?

    2. 6:15:
      I'm not sure if she attended church. I do know that she didn't live by the values in the Bible.

    3. No one live by bible values no more it’s not the B.C sinners is everywhere can’t help that

  10. Sol and gang:
    I will be in Venezuela for Christmas. The internet is iffy there. I think Maduro is messing with it. If you don't hear from me, Feliz Navidad. I might be back in Colombia for New Years.

    1. Mr Detroit, thanks for the update. I wish I could be there too. I am in Belize for I can share my pillow if you want to visit one day. Love and respect. Happy holidays
      -your secret admirer

    2. Detroit be careful with Tren de Aragua and Cartel De Soles in Venezuela

    3. 1:41:
      Sicario 006 is my personal bodyguard. I have nothing to fear.

    4. I had to reboot my computer. Sicario 006 is my bodyguard so I have nothing to fear.

  11. Very nice article, congratulations. Que Descanse En Paz

  12. I once heard a story of her and Chapo visiting the Vatican. Supposedly she was angered by the suffering of Catholics worldwide yet the Pope was surrounded by opulence. She renounced Catholicism and converted to Christianity immediately.

    1. 8:15:
      And then you woke up.
      Catholicism is one branch of Christianity.

    2. 8:15 😂 the irony "she wad angered by the suffering of catjolics workdwide" but yet in mexico his son was causing a lot of that catholic suffering, and she traveled to the vatican with the money that cause all that suffering 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 you cant make this shit up 😭😭😭😭

  13. On an old wiretap of Eme guys plotting to hit Chapo (for the Arellanos) they talk about how Chapo worships Satan..

    @10:00 is the part of the transcript*

  14. She should have spent more of her time trying to teach her son how not to be such a bitch ass nigga


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