Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Deep Thoughts With A La Plaza Gunman

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A gunman from the La Plaza cartel has released a video online related to an article released two days ago by Borderland Beat.

Within the broadcast two kidnapped females confessed to the alleged illicit affairs committed in and around the city of Guaymas, Sonora. 

The anonymous hitman seems to think that a diatribe made against his enemies will convince them to respect their so called rules of engagement with each other. 

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to those faggots from the Los Salazares mob who demonstrated to everyone how despicable they are. After having abducted family members of citizens here in the city of Guaymas. And setting them up to say dumb shit before a camera. 

The only thing you’ve done is show us how cowardly you guys really are. You should instead focus on confronting our hitmen for that armed confrontation. Rather than kidnapping women and making them say bullshit. Come out and engage us in an armed attack you cowards. Don’t mess with family members. But if you choose not to hear our warning. 

Then it’s best that you also don’t cry foul online whenever we start killing off your own family members. You guys have that habit of starting shit and afterwards crying about the outcome. This is the reason why you guys can’t fit in anywhere. It’s gotten to the point that your own allies are consistently breaking away. 

And for the government personnel: don’t bother claiming that we’re killing off family members from the Los Salazares mob. Because they’re the ones who first initiated this conflict. They’ve done this numerous times already. And now you faggots are going to feel what it’s like once the tables are turned. 

Guaymas, Sonora



  1. Didn't la plaza kidnap alot of women in sonora to use them as sex slaves?

    1. More and more cartels are getting into prostitution, not just La Plaza. Mexico is a very dangerous country for females from 12 to 30 and males mostly below the age of 13. Males under 13 are a hot item in TJ. They have broken up several young male prostitution rings in TJ over the years but they continue to persist because they are so close to California. Child prostitution in TJ is a very serious issue.

    2. Makes sense I bet there is a lot of calis coming over to do the deed then go back

    3. @4:35 getting into?? Cartels been involved in human trafficking and prostitution for a very long time especially CDG and los Zetas

    4. 8:48:
      I'm looking back into a very long time long before the Zetas were ever around. Most of the cartels started around drug trafficking. Of course now they are almost all involved in extortion, hydrocarbon theft, prostitution, etc.

    5. One word, “Juarez.”

    6. Yea there used be a strip club right after you cross gateway international bridge the club closed at 2 but they open till 6am it was different as long as you didn't shit the stick you were fine come out of the strip joint all fucked up and enjoy some menudo at a local stand

  2. El Nini 19 is coming for La Plaza enemies of Chapitos/Salazar/Gente Nueva

    1. If you only knew how wrong your comment would become. Makes you look extremely stupid.

  3. Sounds par for the course! Never once heard about that deviant behavior in narco ballads do ya?

  4. Nice of them to mention that Los Salazares kidnaps women and forces them to say things on a video right after they kidnapped two women and forced them to give statements on a video. We haven't heard what became of the two females. They may be keeping them around for a few weeks to entertain the sicarios before they kill them.

  5. A regular Socrates over here…

  6. There only one lone gun man left for la plaza cartel? We are use to see 10 or more hooded goons sending messages.

    1. La plaza has been getting wiped out by gente nueva Salazar in Guaymas and Empalme in the last few months thats why you only see one gunman

    2. 846 you been saying that for years now

  7. Wasn't the leader of la plaza the one that got picked up in Guadalajara and left wrapped? Or is this another cartel?

    1. this la plaza is Caro Quinteros people in Sonora

    2. Nothing to do with caro

  8. Pues no dijo mentiras de los Salazar

  9. Why do these clowns come out in videos dressed like that? Who are they trying to scare? What Morons.

    1. You do know they be going dressed like that to have confrontations right??? You might want to reevaluate who the moron truly is.


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