Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 10, 2023

"El Chapo's" Mother Dies in Culiacan Hospital Clinic at the Age of 94

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Maria Consuelo Loera Pérez, the mother of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, died this Sunday. "Chapo's" birthplace in 1957 was in Badiraguato, in the town of La Tuna. She is the grandmother of Ovidio, Joaquín, Iván Archivaldo, and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán.

Doña Consuelo, 94 years old, had been admitted to a clinic in Culiacán around 15 days ago due to health problems. One of Consuelo Loera's last appearances was in March 2020, when she was seen on video greeting President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during one of his visits to Badiraguato. She received a US visa to visit her son, with help from AMLO.

US Visa to Visit 'Chapo'

The mother of convicted drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán said that the US Embassy in Mexico City granted her a visa so she could visit her son in prison. Sitting in a wheelchair in front of the embassy, Consuelo Loera said she and her two daughters were both approved for visas to travel to the United States.

“Thank God, the US Embassy gave me the permission,” she said. A US official declined to confirm that the visa was granted.

Jose Luis González, a lawyer for Guzmán, said Loera was given a paper after the interview stating that US officials would get in touch if they needed more information. González also said the three women were approved for travel. “Did you see how excited she was?” said González, repeating Loera’s statement that she wanted to hug her son.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador lobbied for the visa to be issued after receiving a letter in February from Loera asking for assistance. In the letter, passed to López Obrador while he was in Guzman’s home state of Sinaloa to announce a highway project, Loera described herself as “suffering and desperate” to see her son.

The president said he intervened out of empathy for the mother. When Guzmán was convicted in the US in February, López Obrador said: “Let this serve as a lesson to show that money doesn’t buy true happiness.”

Meeting AMLO

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador defended his weekend handshake with the mother of "El Chapo", calling her a "respectable old lady" and seeking to cast his critics as the principal menace to the country.

In a 30-second video posted on Twitter, Lopez Obrador could be seen approaching Maria Consuelo Loera's car, parked on a dirt road on the outskirts of Badiraguato, a mountainous municipality in the northwestern state of Sinaloa.

Surrounded by onlookers, Lopez Obrador told Loera she need not get out of the car, they shook hands and after a brief exchange he told her he had "received her letter."

Questioned about the meeting at his regular morning news conference, Lopez Obrador was unrepentant and quickly blamed "adversaries" for trying to make a "scandal" out of it.

"Sometimes, because it's my job, I have to shake hands with white collar criminals who haven't even lost their respectability, how am I not going to greet an old lady who leaves her hand outstretched?" he asked reporters. In the video, Lopez Obrador could also be seen talking to one of El Chapo's lawyers, Jose Luis Gonzalez Meza.

In 2019, it was announced that the Loera family would be funding the building of a public university in his hometown region. This information was confirmed by the lawyer José Luis González Meza, legal representative of the mother of "El Chapo" Guzmán. He and his family plan the construction of a public university in Badiraguato, Sinaloa.

In addition, González Meza explained that the family expects Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, to lay the first stone in the new university.

"What we are waiting for in the first visit of López Obrador to Sinaloa, go to Badiraguato and put down the first stone with the mother of ''El Chapo'', María Consuelo Loera Pérez, and begin the construction work of the university, " he said.

2014 Interview

According to a rare interview with Guzmán’s mother, her son dreamt of building an empire for as long as she could remember.

“Even as a little child, he had ambitions,” Loera told filmmakers PBS Frontline Angus Macqueen and Guillermo Galdos, who sat down with her on their quest to find and interview Guzmán before his 2014 arrest by Mexican authorities.

“I remember he had a lot of paper money — little notes of 50’s and 5’s,” she recalled to them. “He’d count and recount them, then tie them up in little piles. He’d say, ‘Mama, save them for me.’ It was just colored paper, but they looked real. He piled them up carefully … Ever since he was little, he always had hopes.”

Consuelo's home in La Tuna.

Hometown Attack

In June 2016, 150 heavily armed men reportedly stormed into the community of La Tuna, the home of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán's mother in Mexico's Sinaloa state, looting homes and leaving multiple people dead. At least three people from La Tuna and surrounding communities were killed, according to La Jornada en Línea. Local news site Riodoce reports that as many as eight people were killed in the raid.

The raiding party also sacked the home of Consuelo Loera, the mother of "El Chapo" Guzmán, who lives in a house built by Guzmán in the community where he was born. They took offroad RZRs, and dirtbikes, and cut telephone and internet lines.

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  1. Al rato la sigue su hijo

    1. 7:18, it’s not difficult to get a visa. My wife’s grandmother has one, and she doesn’t have shit! She abuses it by frequently overstaying and coming far more often than allowed. They let her get away with it. Most of my in-laws have one, and they’re broke as shit. You have to have literally ZERO ties to Mexico to be denied.

    2. La senora era Cristiana. No hablen mal de ella. respeto

    3. Tambien tu con tiempo perro

    4. She could get anything she wanted anywhere .... MONEY TALKS

    5. U gotta remember though she gotta family that loves her regardless of what they do so u gotta be respectful of that right now ... All u people need to think about if that was ur mother how u would want people to be

  2. The US gives her a visa yet denies countless other people who don’t have a cartel kingpin as their child.

    Clown world hypocrisy

    1. She was 95, chill.

    2. Sad truth man. Best believe money plays a huge role in this too.

    3. 7:38 sure thing....

    4. Granting an immediate family member of a drug trafficker a visa is discretionary. I was pretty pissed off that she was allowed to visit Chapo. However, I have no knowledge of went on behind the scenes. He may have given something up in exchange for the visit which should be encouraged.

    5. She got a Visa because SHE WAS NEVER INVOLVED IN CHAPOS DRUG DEALS, plus it is easier for anyone her age to get a visa to come to the USA. Stop being a cry baby and deal with it.

    6. @8:47 In 1992, President George H.W. Bush pardoned six former officials, including former Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger, who had been indicted for lying to Congress about secretly selling weapons to Iran, in what was known as the "Iran-Contra" scandal.
      Clinton also pardoned his half-brother Roger Clinton, who had been convicted of drug charges.
      But you're pissed off the U.S granted El Chapos 91 year old mother a chance to see her son as a dying wish. It's not that serious man.

  3. How about the mothers of the sons El Chapo murdered or raped or tortured or intimidated or stole from. AMLO will burn in hell. The hypocrisy is at a disgusting level. Poor lady had no fault but still how about all the others.

    1. @733 tf you mean she had no fault? That lady had him being poor know she could not give him a decent life. She also enabled all of the shit he did, same as escobars mom

    2. @918 different times, different culture. Just because you're poor with no education doesn't mean you shouldn't have kids? What type of communist china mentality are you trying g to push on us here?

    3. @7.33. You think AMLO should burn in hell for all the children who died under CALDERON? Do you even know who was in charge when Chapo was bribing the Presidents men?

  4. Descanse en paz la señora. She seemed like a sweet lady. It's not her fault her sons chose that life

    1. Hhhmm, having kids knowing you can't support them is a form of abuse.

    2. Your right about that

    3. If you want to point fingers do it to his father Emilio. He was the alcoholic and womanizer. He abused his wife and children.

    4. @811 — I do highly agree with this point..

    5. It takes two to tangle.

  5. RIP, may God bless you on your journey. As men we don’t bad mouth civilians.

  6. Serious guys think Chapo knows? Would ADX inform him? Or would a lawyer have to meet with him

    1. Oh hell yea they'll let him know ,they want him to suffer and go crazy in there

    2. His lawyer more than likely. I don't think staff is allowed to speak to him.

    3. 7:45 it would be kinda funny is one of the guards told him "your mom die" and then he would be like, mande? No entiendo ingles 😂 yea he wouldnt know, only his lawyer can talk to him in that kinda matter, now i bet he would give all his money and go back in time and not cause so much pain just to see his mom one last time, i wouldnt want to be in his shoes, it looks like karma is coming back with a vengance big time

    4. 8:26:
      They notified him as soon as they could verify her death. ADX Florence doesn't maintain the same staff at all times. Staff who have regular direct contact with inmates are rotated from other federal facilities so no staff has the opportunity to develop a relationship with inmates, assist with their escape or be intimidated by them.

    5. I Always enjoy your comments the most behind sicario 006 Detroit l. You or very and we'll be informed. Love and respect

    6. Detroit, you make my heart melt. Love and respect.
      -your secret admirer

    7. I have this image of "Detroit"holed up in an old east detroit mansion surrounded by old newspapers and commendations keeping up with nameless old sources.

    8. 3:53:
      I'm in Colombia at the moment and getting bored so decided to comment here. I will be in Venezuela for Christmas and maybe New Years.

  7. We do not talk ill of the dead as they are no longer with us and cannot defend themselves. There was little to none that she could do for the countless crimes her son or family committed, may she RIP.

    1. She benefited from a great deal of suffering caused by her sons and family.

    2. Yes but yet she took all that blood money so i dont know, there is a saying that goes "tanto peca el que mata a la vaca como el que le agarra la pata"

    3. @Detriot & @9:04 true, I can agree with that. It's just that as an impoverished, education lacking, woman in la Sierra I don't think she had much options to raise the kind of sons she brought into this world. Is it wrong? absolutely. Bad parenting? you bet, but I just don't think she could say Chapo you're grounded lol. She birthed monsters but maybe now she can finally rest.

    4. 9:37:
      There are a lot of factors at play here. Many people grew opium here and being a gomero was seen as another job and not a crime. What I disagree with is that she accepted benefits from the suffering caused by her sons criminal activities. Chapo built her a nice home (not a mansion as reported) and hired caretakers for her. Some of these caretakers were kidnapped by the cartel to care for her. Not all of her caretakers were paid as promised and they were probably all thrown out onto the streets after she died.
      She should have preached to her sons that they needed to choose a different lifestyle and careers that didn't cause endless pain and suffering. She knew better. How can she not know that the women taking care of her around the clock were not kidnapped or not being paid as promised.
      I have never been to La Tuna. This is just my view from the outside looking in. I have never met Chapo's mom, and if I did I might think that she's a sweet old lady. But I have never met her so I don't harbor any love for her. At the end of the day, except for her two daughters, she raised nothing but demons.

  8. Shaking hands with a criminal's mother was the high point of ELMO's presidency. I wonder if he supports Hamas as well.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 10:35 So then what would constitute not being a “warmonger”?. I guess we are supposed to be indifferent to maniac terrorist butchers that invade towns in organized fashion raping and slaughtering hundreds of innocent people, women, children, elderly because of their ethnicity and religion or brutal drug cartels that have killed tens of thousands of people in the last 15 years for profit and power in Mexico. If that’s “war mongering” then Id certainly rather be that, than whatever it is that you are. gross

  9. Can the editor rephrase the headline to "passed away" or "has departed"

    1. 9:14:
      Political correctness is not promoted on this site. You will see the effects of drug trafficking here in it's rawest form as it is actually happening, the beheadings, bodies hung from bridges and the rest of the gore that is the reality of life for 130 million Mexicans. Most Americans have no idea of what is actually occurring in Mexico. American media doesn't report on events in Mexico unless it is an event on a catastrophic scale. If you want political correctness, stick with MNBC or CNN.

    2. 9:14
      The headline is fine, no need to change it.👍

  10. I don't feel sorry for these guys at all! Not one bit, they are all adults prior to getting in the game. It's all fun and games when the money and luxuries start coming in, but they don't look at the other side of the coin. If you get killed , you'll be better off than living your entire days behind a cell. Not a fun lifestyle, stay in school get a career and travel and do as you please without having to watch your back!

    1. She’s not a guy. You’re referring to the wrong person here bud.

  11. Nobody’s mom should be blamed for a son or daughter’s sins.

    1. Why not??? Bad parenting at its best.
      I am happy that family will not be around during funeral

  12. No mention of El Guano.

    It is said she made the best enchiladas in Mexico. RIP.

    1. Enchiladas de perico are to die for.

    2. Everyone knows Emma makes the best Suiza..

    3. 7:28 lets not forget about Emma's Russas 😉

  13. Menchos mom is still alive! It just proves CJNG is stronger.

    1. My grandmother is alive and we her grandsons and her sons are construction workers. El cjng nos pela la verga

    2. "Her sons" are the construction workers Mencho had construct his bridge

  14. En paz descanse doña consuelo 🙏🏽🕊

  15. Grillonautas is reporting that the U.S. denied her visa to the U.S. 🤔 it conflicts with this story.

    1. She did visit Chapo in ADX Florence. This must have been a subsequent visa. Grillonautas also posted a very interesting video on Payaso who was just killed in the confrontation with civilians in Texcapilla. Everyone should watch this video to learn more about who Payaso was.

  16. Who were the 150 heavily armed men?… were they mayos people?
    What other group could enter that area?

    1. I heard Guano was beefing with BLO and they were the invaders

  17. Animo Sicarios
    Que en Paz Deacanse
    a la madre del Señoron !
    Gente Nueva Special Forces will have a 21 gun salute !

  18. She never got a visa she was denied this is misleading and has all this fools fighting hahaha hilarious

  19. In Texas, they allow you to go to a funeral if you're in inmate. The decency and respect that Texans have in these matters is something that I haven't seen elsewhere. I've personally seen shackled inmates surrounded by guards at different funerals. As far as I know, this is something that only Texans do.

    1. So it's probably a common thing everywhere and I just haven't attended enough funerals to know this

    2. You have to pay the bail amount. This guy is in ADX though and has escaped on how many occasions. I highly doubt the government would even consider him permission. Plus if his mom died yesterday afternoon chances are she's being buried as we speak.

    3. Sol:
      Inmates are escorted to funerals in most states in the U.S. Why are you attending so many funerals? Are you just popping in and saying "Hello Primo". You should crash weddings instead because the food is usually better and alcohol is more frequent.

  20. Sorry ALMO, no more driving to shake her hand, and receive envelopes full of money.

  21. QDEP Señora Consuelo😔💔

  22. My mom passed 31yrs's part of life ... Everyone is going to Go through this pain... It's that or the Kids die before mom... It's just life

  23. Lots of sorry comments here no matter how she raised her son or what she did wrong or what she received she is still a human being and has passed to face Jesus Christ he will judge her we aren’t anyone to judge her. May she rest in eternal peace.

  24. Animo Sicarios!
    Stay strong Señor de la Montaña and Chapitos.

  25. Pinche vieja mierda si hubiera sido mejor madre su hijo no hubiera salido tan caga palo. Que bueno que se la cargo la verga. Y mejor si le pasa lo mismo a todo el resto del clan de mierdas guzman loera. Y tambien los osegueras y los cuinis y treviños todos por ojetes. Que se mueran todos alv.

  26. Viva Argentina!
    Viva Perin!
    Viva Eva Peron!

  27. The thoughts running through his head right now as if being in Florence isn't enough I feel like even having the most money in the world right now would have anyone feeling true regret he can't attend his Mother's funeral that must be one of the most emotional/sad feeling anyone can feel.

    1. Really? You think so?

      Because I think one of the most the most emotional/sad feelings anyone can feel would be more like the feelings of a 13 year old girl who was brought to "visit" a powerful drug lord who proceeded to drug and rape her, and then having to come to terms with that trauma in silence, all while knowing there will be no real retribution for what he did to you because you live in a country where they justice system is deeply corrupted by drug lords.

    2. Adding to this, it's even more traumatic since it is known that in Sinaloa, specifically in the most impoverished areas, the parents sell these girls virginity for money. It is extremely sad :(

    3. She was 95, so it's not like it's some tragedy. I imagine he'd love to go just to get out prison for a while, but probably not happening and honestly who cares how he feels.

    4. 8:20 now that's what i call torture, and theres still guys out here saying other cartel bosses are evil and chapo is a saint you gotta put them all together in the same bag when you mention trash

    5. @Hearst. Yes. If there was only one girl whose life at that age was twisted off course in ways it's hard to imagine, then sympathy for him in this context is fukn obscene.

  28. @2.54. Its also known that pe


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