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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Fentanyl Seizures Due To Crusade By 'Los Chapitos' Fell More Than 50%

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Seizures went from 1,445 kilos to 598 from April to October, according to the Customs Office; Guzmán Loera's heirs understood that they had to make concessions to the US government.

Seizures increased from 1,445 kilos to 598 from April to October of this year.

Fentanyl seizures at the southern border of the United States have plummeted steadily since last April when Joe Biden's administration brought charges against 28 members of the Sinaloa Cartel, including the three sons of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, for flooding the country's streets with the drug.

According to figures from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), fentanyl seizures at border crossings dropped 58.6 percent in just half a year, from 1,445.5 kilograms seized in April to only 598 kilograms last October.

Just last April 14, the U.S. Department of Justice announced efforts to capture brothers Ivan Archivaldo and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, as well as the now extradited Ovidio Guzman Lopez "for flooding the United States with fentanyl to supply addicts on the streets".

Since the announcement of the U.S. authorities, the quantities of fentanyl seized by CBP have decreased unabated, and in the last six months there have been consecutive monthly drops in the number of seizures made at the southern border of the United States.

Official statistics report that in April of this year Border Patrol agents achieved the largest seizure so far in the fight against fentanyl with 1,445 kilograms of the drug; by May, security efforts resulted in the arrest of 1,202 kilograms and a reduction of only 243 kilograms from month to month.

For organized crime specialist David Saucedo, the reduction in seizures by CBP and the criminal group's denial of its involvement in trafficking are part of a strategy in which "Los Chapitos understood that they had to make some concessions to the US government.

However, US pressures became more notorious in June when Anne Milgram, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), claimed that US law enforcement had infiltrated the Sinaloa Cartel and specifically the Chapitos' operational network with access to the highest levels of the organization.

The Wall Street Journal even reported that in June, El Chapo Guzman's sons decided to leave the fentanyl market for the United States. At that time, CBP figures reported a total of 971.5 kilograms seized from criminal groups, a 20 percent reduction from May.

The steady decline continued in July when the Border Patrol totaled just 796.5 kilograms in its effort to eradicate fentanyl trafficking and the first and only plateau came in August when CBP authorities totaled 804 kilograms.

September saw the biggest blow so far in the fight against fentanyl with the extradition of Ovidio Guzman Lopez to the United States to stand trial in US court for heading up the production and sale of the fentanyl that has killed 100,000 people every year since 2021.

The media coup of the extradition was accompanied by another reduction in the number of fentanyl crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, as CBP authorities only reported the monthly seizure of 636.8 kilograms.

After Ovidio was sent to a US prison, Los Chapitos began a public strategy with messages hung with banners prohibiting the fentanyl business in Sinaloa:

"The sale, manufacture, transport or any type of business involving the substance known as fentanyl is strictly prohibited."

Following this warning, seizures in US territory were at their lowest level in the last 15 months, with only 598 kilograms of fentanyl seized from criminal groups. For David Saucedo, this notable reduction represents a clear sign of an attempt by Los Chapitos to withdraw from the fentanyl market.

"The Sinaloa cartel forced its franchises to stop selling, transporting and marketing fentanyl. I am not sure that they have completely eliminated the transfer of this drug, but we can perceive that there is a deliberate decrease in fentanyl shipments to the United States," explained the specialist.

El Chapo Guzman's sons have tried in various ways to create a narrative so that they are not blamed for the health crisis in the United States due to the death of almost 300,000 people since 2021 from fentanyl overdoses.

"It seems that Los Chapitos have several strategies: a public narrative that they are not responsible for the production of fentanyl; the concession of not fighting against the capture of Ovidio; the abandonment of El Nini so that he could be captured; and finally, reducing fentanyl shipments, I am not sure if it is an elimination, but I am certain that it is a unilateral reduction on the part of Los Chapitos," said David Saucedo.



  1. Yeah they probably just slowed down for a bit but didn't stop making it when nini was caught they found fentanyl with him and here in AZ CDS is still bringing it in therlley probably may have just changed there ways of bringing it in maybe less but bigger loads at once or something

    1. The Chapitos bitched up. Thats what happened. They had no other choice but to bend over for the US. Let's see who wants to be the plug now.

    2. Also if we were to believe that the Chapitos had totally stopped, then they provided solid evidence that they were trafficking at least 1,000 kilos of fentanyl per year. Also, demonstrating they have the power to stop fentanyl trafficking from Sinaloa proves that they are bosses of the cartel (which they claim is really just a bunch of people working independently). Idiots. Once you have trafficked large amounts of fentanyl, the government won’t leave you alone just because you stop.

    3. U never know Biden loves a good deal

    4. @2:13 your absolutely right .

    5. The Chapitos bitched up? WTF does that even mean? When the US is after you it’s very strategic & smart to make concessions. They did what they needed to do.

    6. They bitched out 543 fent was revenge for they're father and they clearly bitched out

    7. I got $100 that said Nini was using fent and he was withdrawing when the govt showed him

    8. Bitched out = wised up

    9. Didn't mini leak specifically said chapitos heard about fentanyl from the michoacanos they were calling it chiva sintetica. These synthetic drugs come from China. Two biggest ports from Mexico are Colima and michoacan. Dea also confirms meth was first trafficked from Colima cartel the qmezcua Contreras brothers.

  2. Good job boys! Puro Sinaloa!

    1. We poisoned 300,000+ Americans and are now trying to avoid the consequences! Puro Sinaloa! Yeah right, you moron.

  3. Beltran Levya lieutentant/boss El Musico indicted in San Diego today

    OFAC sanctioned them also

    tied to Caro's faction that was passing work through Sonora and into TJ, through San Diego and Calexcio

    1. Would bet caborca and blo are essentially the same organization

    2. Char has been working on the story since the morning. Us writers have been talking about the BLO guys named and the Caborca cartel connections all day. Very, very exciting sanctions this month.

    3. In addition to trafficking cocaine and heroin, the organization also traffics methamphetamine and fentanyl to the United States. In 2021, Juan Pablo Bastidas Erenas (Bastidas Erenas) and Jose de Jesus Estrada Gutierrez (a.k.a. Josue de Jesus Estrada Gutierrez) (Estrada Gutierrez) co-invested in a load of drugs that resulted in record-breaking methamphetamine and fentanyl seizure conducted by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. Due to its size, the seizure was dubbed “Methzilla” by law enforcement. In addition to trafficking on behalf of Gastelum Iribe, Bastidas Erenas and Estrada Gutierrez, both of whom are indicted on U.S. federal drug trafficking charges in the U.S. District Court for the SDCA, have also worked for drug traffickers Alfonso Arzate Garcia (a.k.a. “El Aquiles”) and Rene Arzate Garcia (a.k.a. “La Rana”). In August 2023, the Arzate Garcia brothers were designated pursuant to E.O. 14059 and are also charged in the SDCA.

      excerpt from OFAC

  4. They cut a deal with the CIA to stop fentanyl from entering the country. In exchange they will let off the pressure

    1. 253 show receipts. You're just talking our of your ass, tonto.

    2. 253 lol man grow up

  5. Here is something to think about in the mountain regions of Mexico they have reported that the price for raw heroin is in the dirt but in New Mexico and Colorado east coast and everywhere else’s the price for pure brown heroin is still 800 dollars an ounce while the yield of a kilo of raw “goma” is 6 ounces they are still only paying the farmers the bare minimum there is a huge profit for the Person that is sharking all the tar in the Mountain areas of Durango and Sinaloa the main route for all that chiva is chihuahua bleeding into New Mexico and Texas borders

    1. Because it has to be produced shipped and smugled accross. Heroing market in usa has gone fentanyl.

    2. It would all go back to Oxys/Roxys if they were able to produce the legit version.

    3. 81,600 pesos is the dollar amount converted into pesos after the sales of 6 ounces subtract the airplane ride 100 dollars per ounce

    4. @6:30 the majority of the seizures are pills with just a fraction of fent. Math is a lot more complicated. Especially, considering the govt weighs the packaging too.

    5. The price for Goma is 9,000 pesos now it use to be 40k-50k a few years back.The price drop as now they use chemicals instead.The farmers have stop producing it as there no money it and takes a lot of work .It usually takes 6 months for the whole process

    6. There still producing goma idk who told
      You there not but it’s still a thing in the sierra madre

  6. I have disagreed with Saucedo many times and disagree with his statements here. There is no evidence that the Chapitos reduced fentanyl production or smuggling. Their efforts were concentrated on the competition. Their efforts involving their own people seems to be to streamline distribution and reward more profitable factions while punishing less profitable or unfavorable factions. The reduction is attributed to seizures on the part of Mexican law enforcement, SEDENA and SEMAR and U.S. pressure on Mexico.

    1. There’s dead bodies all over Sinaloa with narco mantas and pills, among countless other things. What you say just ain’t true.

    2. @7:18 independent operators that didn’t pay the fee. Prices in the US would skyrocket if this was true. No real rise in street prices since “ban on fent” tells the truth.

  7. Damm they turning up the heat on chapo isidro and his clan ... maybe nini and ovidio gonna spill the beans and try and get him snatched up by the gabachos.. election year is coming up in the US I predict a big fish will fall soon

    1. What info wld any chapito ppl wld have on chapo izidro that the mexican law enforcement wldnt know? You think izidro lets chapos ppl know his whereabouts or operations?

    2. 4:32 Right, he’s just talking out of his ass

    3. True, these youngsters aren’t built like the old school. Nini y Raton look shook. Let’s not forget the Mayitos testifying against Chapo while looking him in the eye saying “Mi Compadre”

  8. How hard is it for them to get the real deal Oxycodone/ Hydrocodone/ Roxycodone powder in bulk. They’d make a fortune with the real thing and less bodies which in turn means less police presence. These guys are short sighted AF

    1. They would be in jail by tomorrow if they started producing real pills today. Pharmaceutical companies would not allow that and we all know they are in bed with the US gov so that would be a very bad idea.

    2. Real opiate medications actually rely on real poppy/opium production.. A LOT of it.. so it’s not so simple.

  9. The margins aren’t there

  10. Fentanyl was the dreams of short sighted greedy idiots that wanted all the money from its commercialization. After loosing the weed money the people in the sierra also lost the revenue from opium gum. Not everyone wants to be a sicario or leave their rancho because of fighting, poverty or threats. The money needs to be spread out.
    These new school idiot traffickers from México now look like rappers. If you sleeved up with tats and aren't a cholo you're a retarded wannabe. Your Father, Grandfather's, uncles and primos weren't about shit.

  11. Yet, they’re going to say that the capture of El Raton was the sole reason for the drop.

  12. This is really good news. However, is it ok for the fentanyl users to go cold turkey just like that? Didn't this crap decimate the gomeros? Pretty sure they can't ramp up production of Black Tar just like that.

    1. There’s still heavy gomero production going what are you talking about ?

  13. Could this be the fall of the CDS?

  14. A close associate with 8 digit cash account amongst other 7 and 8 dig investments that was part a large trust c. Happens to be addicted to many illegal substances “blues” is her drug of choice

    .I usually comment make comments that inc. links to US Gov pages example Dept of Justice Congressional committees and it subcommittee which anyone can view public information . The comment on the topic of The capture of Nestor Isidor Perez Salas, included the link to the indictment which shows shows there are deep the cracks in Chapitios organization .
    This associate of buys from different sources for personal use only. She have engaged in discussion threats of death And how it’s effected her supply. We are on the North side of Maricopa I would believe is Mayo territory but Arizona borders have three DTOs besides the two factions of the Sinaloa Dto controlling border crossing .The Indian Reservation in Az runs border with no debate or guards DTOs can move migrants and products their thriough
    . Some her sources told her about the Chapitos penalty. Of death and I thought most of Phx was Mayo allied COs and gangs . So desperate that asked to search and I found lost 9 bags this past week. She’s completely out.
    She’s buying 20 at time… different colors of blue pills some closer to to pastel blue. She never searched for bags she remembered or bought more .
    Today I have to to VA hospital and. The last time I counted a dozen homeless people doing the fetanyl dance. 101 E to I17 to Indian school . Wretched area… I’ll update. Right now there’s definitely less on the street.

    1. I didn’t see anyone doing the dance… I did see a dude talking to himself and loop 202.. every time I go down town there are hundreds of homeless and all about the Blues


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