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Monday, December 4, 2023

For Selling Vapes! Naked And With An 'Executioner' Behind Them, Young Men Are Exhibited In Downtown Guasave: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 


Guasave, Sin.- In broad daylight and in downtown Guasave, two young men were forced to walk naked through the city.

It was through a video where two young men can be seen walking in the center of the city carrying posters with messages accusing them of being "turncoats" and selling electric vapes 

The two men are escorted by a hooded man, who is also carrying a wooden paddle in his hands and shouting accusations at those affected.

The incident caused the astonishment of citizens and merchants on Zaragoza Street and minutes later on Juan Carrasco Street.

During this, no Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana unit was seen in the area.

This is the second case registered in the northern part of the state, as this same case happened a few weeks ago in the city of Los Mochis.


Luis Alberto Díaz Y Los Noticieristas on X, "For selling vapes! 😱With an executioner behind and in the middle of downtown #Guasave, they exhibit two young people hit with wooden paddles for selling "vapes."

They launch threats against those who also engage in that "without permission."


Luis Alberto Díaz Y Los Noticieristas on X "They went to school for them! 😱 The young people beaten with wooden paddles in #Guasave are students from the #UAdeO." 



They went to school for them! "UAdeO" Guasave students are the young people accused of selling vapes.

Guasave, Sin.- Students of the afternoon shift of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Guasave unit, were beaten and exhibited naked in the streets of downtown for selling vapes without a permit.

According to videos already circulating on the internet, hooded men entered the school and from there began punitive actions against the merchants.
The event caused terror among the university community, although the attack was direct and directed towards the target, some went into a nervous breakdown when they saw what was happening.

It should be noted that so far the university authorities have not made any statement on the matter, it was also confirmed that after the incident things returned "to normal" in the unit.

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Unidad Campus: Guasave, SINALOA📍


  1. I did cover the last incident on Los Mochis but we got some comments from supposedly family wanting me to delete the post and not to share the incident on OCTOBER 18,2023. I will keep a close eye on this incident. But like many of you BB readers said Guasave and los mochis is controlled by an iron fist by Guasave Cartel and they will trip on you for anything.

    1. fuck them not your problem they live in cartel communism, keep reporting or truth will never be out or people will keep ass kissing cartels.

    2. Mochis is chapitos thanks to cholo vago

    3. I thought Los Mochis was BLO?

    4. 6:47 I believe at a one point it was.

    5. I thought Gustave was Chapo Isidoro

    6. I agree fuck them, any proof they’re actually the “family” life once again a chingar su madre

  2. Keep behaving like savages.

  3. Cubrí el último incidente en Los Mochis pero recibimos algunos comentarios de supuestos familiares que querían que borrara el post y que no compartiera el incidente del 18 de OCTUBRE de 2023. Seguiré de cerca este incidente. Pero como muchos de ustedes lectores BB dijeron Guasave y los mochis es controlado por un puño de hierro por el Cartel de Guasave y por cualquier cosa se meten contigo si no pides permiso.

  4. Kids trying to be entrepreneurs- but Isidro doesn’t allow any entrepreneurs unless they pay piso. Piche puto Isidro!

    1. If you are caught smoking in public, you may be fined. The advisory also notes that electronic or vaping devices and solutions are illegal in Mexico. People who are caught with these items may have them confiscated and may also be fined or detained

  5. Posting your comment in both eng&esp seems like a win-win situation on so many levels,

  6. Illusions of being on moral high ground.

    1. Just keeping order . Nothing different than what the state does with littering traffic tickets (corruption ), but then turns around and does the same thing .

    2. It’s a big economic difference why this is being done I’m sure. They probably micro manage all the little vices in that area and someone is trying to sell where they aren’t allowed because the local cartel already has everything on lock.

    3. Y ni siquiera eso. Solo parámetros de malandros violentos

  7. Great article Mr Char. Woooooow.

    I don’t know what to say. How one sided this is. It’s ridiculous.

    Big shout to my homeboy Sol.

    Rubio NYC

  8. Where were Law enforcement while this was happening, they walked through the city and the police didn't respond. Mexico is messed up.

    1. Where have you been Willis? Mehico is helpless. Shimut the border down and let them kil each other.

  9. That’s a great way to promote your bong business by being naked. Get it? Bong?

    1. lol you’re stupid. It is funny. But still man. This bullshit is so one sided. I think alot of time times those cartel “ enforcers” are fucked up “ literally “. Probably super coked up or drunk. And decide to do things like this. And in their head they are “justifying “ what they are doing. Although they have their “tienditas” and other bullshit set up right around the same place or area. Sometimes they might just not want the competition. But I mean come on. A fucking cartel coming down on two people just cause they are doing some little hustle. Is a bit sad.

      I hope and wish the people of Mexico and most us all Hispanics can one day be like the Jews where we help each other. “ I don’t care what anyone says about the Jews. They look after their own. And that’s why they are where they are. And we just “hate”. Cause we are jealous deep down inside.

      Rubio NYC

    2. I’m only down for mexicans

    3. Rubio - Mexico is beyond help man. It’s been 15 yrs since Calderon declared war on them forcefully but the killings are getting brutal. So let Mexico burn babyyyyyy

    4. @5:42am Perhaps you could ask the Jewish Chilanga mayor Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo for her recipes on kosher molcajete mixto.

    5. 9:31 rubio is Dominican lol

  10. Is this Cholo or Chapo Isidro enforcement?

  11. Chapo Isidros plaza bosses be wildin

  12. Guasave is Chapo Isidro territory, ain’t it?… at least they didn’t kill these dudes

  13. USA needs to invade Culican

    1. The Bosses and lugartenientes will just flee to Sonora and Baja California.

    2. 9:19 you forgetting CDS safe heaven Durango.

    3. 847 Many of the soldiers will succumb to drugs, girls and money. Soft, PTSD induced, mentally fragile, vulnerable soldiers... Just like previous presidents secret service when they go to Colombia. If that made headlines, imagine what the people do not know about...

  14. Once again narcos showing their homosexual tendencies.
    Fuckers raped these two dudes before letting them go for sure.

    1. You’re projecting yourself

    2. 9:40 to 10:10 nah. I'm simply telling the truth about all those cowboy, boot kicking allegedly HE men that young people like yourself worship.
      Clothing doesn't make the man.

    3. 9:40 to 10:10 who knows. You might admire them more.

  15. Its not like these kids selling vapes is going to affect the cartels business, so why would they care about it? Seems really silly to me

    1. seems insane to me too - another comment says vapes are illegal in mexico so maybe that's the deal, cos all criminal activity is supposed to be monopolised

    2. 7:42 Mexico banned the use of vapers and e-cigarettes from Tuesday for the damage they cause to health, through a decree signed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

    3. 7:42 "It is harmful to health, very harmful and, since there is not enough information, it is thought that it is something that does affect but not so much and it turns out that vaping is more harmful than tobacco, than cigarettes," he stressed. Said president obrador.

  16. Maybe a new boss trying to show his boss how tight he runs his shit?Happens in business all the time.Look at me!I am rocking this shit promote me!

  17. If you look back at who started “the wooden paddle” it’s quite interesting..

    Hint: Scorcese’s latest film

  18. Es una congoja. Igual que la ocasión pasada. Por favor NO le den difusión a esto. Veo más negocio que malandreria de estos jóvenes. El que los tableo dudo que terminó la secundaria.

  19. Los snitchloas andan de hamrosos

  20. The fuck now you can't even sell vapes? Fuckin cds are straight fn thieves

  21. Pueden torturar, cercenar, desaparecer, colgar de puentes, matar, violar, extorsionar,etc. Pero vapeadores NO.

  22. Come to Cali strictly for the weed, sticky green, no seeds, all natural.

  23. Estas ya son chingaderas cálmense qué les importa si me quiero echar un vape Pero eso sí pinches nalgas las venden


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