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Monday, December 18, 2023

Four Killed by Motorcycle Gunmen At a Barber Shop in Salamanca, Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat
Image: AM Noticias

Four were killed and another two were wounded after gunmen opened fire at a barber shop in Salamanca, Guanajuato on Saturday, December 16.

Authors warning: there are uncensored photos of the attack below.

According to AM Noticias, around 8:20 p.m. several gunmen arrived on motorcycles to the barber shop located on Abasolo street in the center of Salamanca. The gunmen were gone by the time Municipal Police arrived after receiving 911 calls. 

Attacks like these are common in Guanajuato state, the most violent region in Mexico for the last several years. Businesses are often targeted by organized crime groups in this manner for failing to pay extorsion rents or allowing rival drugs to be sold on premises. According to think tank Causa en Común, with 44 so far this year, Guanajuato leads the nation in massacres, which are defined as events with three or more deaths.

Sources: AM Noticias 12/16/23, Periódico Correo 12/18/23, Causa en Común


  1. For fuck sake.What u have overthere is civil war def..
    .i fell sorry for this small people who are always biggest loosers of war and pay the biggest price 99,99% because just oo,o1 is top nudge in game.that is satans army

    1. I don't think you know what a civil war is.

    2. 1:24 - A civil war is a war fought between different groups of people living in the same country with the goal being to take control of the country, to achieve independence for a region, or to change government policies. The cartels are not interested in taking control over the country, if they were they would be going after the president himself. The cartels are not interested in achieving independence for a region and they are not interested in changing political policies. So this is not a civil war. And if it was a civil war, then that’s just more of a reason for America to stay out. It’s none of their business.

    3. 1:24 - So, then is America in a civil war as well because of gang on gang violence ? According to the official website of the United States Department Of Justice, there are currently 1 million gang members in America. That’s a big portion of America’s population that are at war with one another.

    4. 1 million gang members out of 330 million people living in the USA.

    5. 246 Thanks for that Info. I’m going to look that up.

      Rubio NYC

    6. Gangbangers aint shit in usa or abroad.

    7. @2.41. Thankyou dude, well put. I'm sick of this US wordplay- first it's Terrorism (which just means REALLY bad, regardless of what the word means), then Narco-Insurgency even though no cartel is opposing state sovereignty, now it's a Civil War. This language comes from the top, and it's designed to confuse, mislead, and ultimately shut down any real understanding.

  2. Let Mexico burn babyyyyyyyyy

    1. Found the unhappy person.

    2. 1:41/1:42 Chayotero explain to us how safe México is notwithstanding just a few mass killings, non targeted or otherwise.

    3. 2:06 Who said it was safe?

    4. 134. What a clown.

    5. 134 don’t worry not only Mexico is burning, US is also burning and will explode if trump or his puppets gets in the office again. Let the world burnssssssss

    6. 11:51 you honestly think he's going to beat all 91 felony counts? Hell fuck no son. 😀

    7. Sol, got that playboy

  3. Was the town named after "Hector"?

    1. lol 859. Why HECTOR

      Rubio NYC

    2. Pedro was already taken.

    3. 9:24 Hector Salamanca, the bell ringer, and i dont mean Salvation Army, either! Lol

  4. The barber was cutting lightning bolts on this customer's sideburns when he sneezed and messed it all up. The customer's wife laughed at him when he got home so he came back and got his refund in a big way.

  5. Marros extorting barbers

    1. Cjng does the same to small businesses. Both are scum

  6. This is just sad and fked up. People can’t even go get a haircut without being scared of being shot and killed. Government not caring and innocent people unable to do something.

  7. There’s not another word to describe this but terroism. What ever happened to narcos working lowkey? What ever happened to moving marca and just that? Now it seems Terrorism is part of the game.


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